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de.sciss.mellite.edit.Edits.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *  Edits.scala
 *  (Mellite)
 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
 *  This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
 *  For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
 *  [email protected]

package de.sciss.mellite.edit

import de.sciss.lucre.edit.{EditAttrMap, EditFolder, EditGrapheme, EditTimeline, UndoManager}
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.edit.EditVar
import de.sciss.lucre.{BooleanObj, DoubleObj, DoubleVector, Expr, Folder, IntObj, LongObj, Obj, SpanLikeObj, StringObj, Txn, expr}
import de.sciss.mellite.Log.log
import de.sciss.mellite.TimelineTool.{EmptyFade, Fade, Gain, Move, Mute, Resize}
import de.sciss.mellite.{GraphemeTool, ObjTimelineView, ProcActions, TimelineView}
import de.sciss.proc.{AudioCue, CurveObj, EnvSegment, FadeSpec, Grapheme, ObjKeys, Proc, Timeline}
import de.sciss.span.{Span, SpanLike}
import de.sciss.synth.Curve

import scala.collection.immutable.{Seq => ISeq}
import scala.math.{max, min}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object Edits {
  def setBus[T <: Txn[T]](objects: Iterable[Obj[T]], intExpr: IntObj[T])
                         (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Unit = {
    val name = "Set Bus"
    undo.capture(name) { { obj =>
        EditAttrMapExpr[T, Int, IntObj](name, obj, ObjKeys.attrBus, Some(intExpr))

//  def setSynthGraph[T <: Txn[T]](processes: Iterable[Proc[T]], codeElem: Code.Obj[T])
//                                (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T],
//                                 compiler: Code.Compiler): Unit = {
//    val code = codeElem.value
//    code match {
//      case csg: Code.Proc =>
//        val sg = try {
//          csg.execute {}  // XXX TODO: compilation blocks, not good!
//        } catch {
//          case NonFatal(e) =>
//            e.printStackTrace()
//            return None
//        }
//        var scanInKeys  = Set.empty[String]
//        var scanOutKeys = Set.empty[String]
//        sg.sources.foreach {
//          case synth.proc.graph.ScanIn   (key)    => scanInKeys  += key
//          case synth.proc.graph.ScanOut  (key, _) => scanOutKeys += key
//          case synth.proc.graph.ScanInFix(key, _) => scanInKeys  += key
//          case _ =>
//        }
//        // sg.sources.foreach(println)
//        if (scanInKeys .nonEmpty) log.debug(s"SynthDef has the following scan in  keys: ${scanInKeys .mkString(", ")}")
//        if (scanOutKeys.nonEmpty) log.debug(s"SynthDef has the following scan out keys: ${scanOutKeys.mkString(", ")}")
//        val editName    = "Set Synth Graph"
//        val attrNameOpt = codeElem.attr.get(ObjKeys.attrName)
//        val edits       = List.newBuilder[UndoableEdit]
//        processes.foreach { p =>
//          val graphEx = Proc.GraphObj.newConst[T](sg)  // XXX TODO: ideally would link to code updates
//          val edit1   = EditVar.Expr[T, SynthGraph, Proc.GraphObj](editName, p.graph, graphEx)
//          edits += edit1
//          if (attrNameOpt.nonEmpty) {
//            val edit2 = EditAttrMap("Set Object Name", p, ObjKeys.attrName, attrNameOpt)
//            edits += edit2
//          }
//          ???! // SCAN
////          def check(scans: Scans[T], keys: Set[String], isInput: Boolean): Unit = {
////            val toRemove = scans.iterator.collect {
////              case (key, scan) if !keys.contains(key) && scan.isEmpty => key
////            }
////            if (toRemove.nonEmpty) toRemove.foreach { key =>
////              edits += EditRemoveScan(p, key = key, isInput = isInput)
////            }
////            val existing = scans.iterator.collect {
////              case (key, _) if keys contains key => key
////            }
////            val toAdd = keys -- existing.toSet
////            if (toAdd.nonEmpty) toAdd.foreach { key =>
////              edits += EditAddScan(p, key = key, isInput = isInput)
////            }
////          }
////          val proc = p
////          check(proc.inputs , scanInKeys , isInput = true )
////          check(proc.outputs, scanOutKeys, isInput = false)
//        }
//        CompoundEdit(edits.result(), editName)
//      case _ => None
//    }
//  }

  def setName[T <: Txn[T]](obj: Obj[T], nameOpt: Option[StringObj[T]])
                          (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Unit =
    EditAttrMapExpr[T, String, StringObj]("Rename Object", obj, ObjKeys.attrName, nameOpt)

  def addLink[T <: Txn[T]](source: Proc.Output[T], sink: Proc[T], key: String = Proc.mainIn)
                          (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Unit = {
    log.debug(s"Link $source to $sink / $key")
    // source.addSink(Scan.Link.Scan(sink))
//    EditAddScanLink(source = source /* , sourceKey */ , sink = sink /* , sinkKey */)
    val aSink = sink.attr
    aSink.get(key) match {
      case Some(f: Folder[T]) =>
        EditFolder.appendUndo(parent = f, child = source)
      case Some(other) =>
        val f = Folder[T]()
        EditAttrMap.putUndo(/*"Add Link",*/ aSink, key = key, value = f)

      case None =>
        EditAttrMap.putUndo(/*"Add Link",*/ aSink, key = key, value = source)

  def removeLink[T <: Txn[T]](link: Link[T])
                             (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Unit = {
    log.debug(s"Unlink $link")
    link.sinkType match {
      case SinkDirect() =>
        EditAttrMap.removeUndo(/*"Remove Link",*/ link.sink.attr, key = link.key)
      case SinkFolder(f, index) =>
        EditFolder.removeAtUndo(/*"Link",*/ parent = f, index = index /*, child = link.source*/)

  sealed trait SinkType[T <: Txn[T]]
  final case class SinkDirect[T <: Txn[T]]() extends SinkType[T]
  final case class SinkFolder[T <: Txn[T]](f: Folder[T], index: Int) extends SinkType[T]

  final case class Link[T <: Txn[T]](source: Proc.Output[T], sink: Proc[T], key: String, sinkType: SinkType[T])

  def findLink[T <: Txn[T]](out: Proc[T], in: Proc[T], keys: ISeq[String] = Proc.mainIn :: Nil)
                           (implicit tx: T): Option[Link[T]] = {
    val attr = in.attr
    val it = out.outputs.iterator.flatMap { out =>
      keys.iterator.flatMap { key =>
        val sinkTypeOpt = attr.get(key).flatMap {
          case `out` => Some(SinkDirect[T]())
          case f: Folder[T] =>
            val idx = f.indexOf(out)
            if (idx < 0) None else Some(SinkFolder[T](f, index = idx))
          case _ => None
        } => Link(source = out, sink = in, key = key, sinkType = tpe))
      } // .headOption

    if (it.isEmpty) None else Some( // XXX TODO -- why no `headOption` on iterator?

  def linkOrUnlink[T <: Txn[T]](out: Proc[T], in: Proc[T])
                               (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    findLink(out = out, in = in).fold[Boolean] {
      out.outputs.get(Proc.mainOut).exists { out =>
        val key = Proc.mainIn
        addLink(source = out, sink = in, key = key)
    } { link =>

//  def unlinkAndRemove[T <: Txn[T]](timeline: proc.Timeline.Modifiable[T], span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T])
//                                  (implicit tx: T, cursor: Cursor[T]): UndoableEdit = {
//    val scanEdits = obj match {
//      case _: Proc[T] =>
//        //        val proc  = objT
//        //        // val scans = proc.scans
//        //        val edits1 = proc.inputs.iterator.toList.flatMap { case (key, scan) =>
//        //          scan.iterator.collect {
//        //            case Scan.Link.Scan(source) =>
//        //              removeLink(source, scan)
//        //          }.toList
//        //        }
//        //        val edits2 = proc.outputs.iterator.toList.flatMap { case (key, scan) =>
//        //          scan.iterator.collect {
//        //            case Scan.Link.Scan(sink) =>
//        //              removeLink(scan, sink)
//        //          } .toList
//        //        }
//        //        edits1 ++ edits2
//        ???! // SCAN
//      case _ => Nil
//    }
//    val name    = "Remove Object"
//    val objEdit = EditTimelineRemoveObj(name, timeline, span, obj)
//    CompoundEdit(scanEdits :+ objEdit, name).get // XXX TODO - not nice, `get`
//  }

//  private def any2stringadd: Any = ()

  def adjustAttr[T <: Txn[T], A, Repr[~ <: Txn[~]] <: Expr[~, A]](obj: Obj[T], key: String, arg: A, editName: String,
                                                                  default: A)(combine: (A, A) => A)
                             (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T], tpe: Expr.Type[A, Repr],
                              ct: ClassTag[Repr[T]]): Boolean =
    obj.attr.$[Repr](key) match {
      case Some(tpe.Var(vr)) =>
        // XXX TODO could be more elaborate; for now preserve just one level of variables
        EditVar.exprUndo[T, A, Repr](editName, vr, tpe.newConst(combine(vr().value, arg)))
      case other =>
        import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
        val v = combine(other.fold(default)(_.value), arg)
        val valueOpt = if (v === default) None else Some(tpe.newVar[T](tpe.newConst(v)))
        if (other.isEmpty && valueOpt.isEmpty) false else {
          EditAttrMapExpr[T, A, Repr](editName, obj, key, valueOpt)

  def gain[T <: Txn[T]](obj: Obj[T], amount: Gain)
                       (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    import amount.factor
    if (factor == 1f) false else {
      adjustAttr[T, Double, DoubleObj](obj, key = ObjKeys.attrGain, arg = factor.toDouble, editName = "Adjust Gain",
        default = 1.0)(_ * _)

  def mute[T <: Txn[T]](obj: Obj[T], state: Mute)
                       (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    import state.engaged
    adjustAttr[T, Boolean, BooleanObj](obj, key = ObjKeys.attrMute, arg = engaged, editName = "Adjust Mute",
      default = false)((_, now) => now)

  def resize[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T], amount: Resize, minStart: Long)
                         (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
    val nameResize = "Resize"
    var edited = false
    undo.capture(nameResize) {
      // time
      span match {
        case SpanLikeObj.Var(vr) =>
          import amount.{deltaStart, deltaStop}
          val oldSpan   = span.value
          // val minStart  = timelineModel.bounds.start
          val dStartC   = if (deltaStart >= 0) deltaStart else oldSpan match {
            case Span.HasStart(oldStart) => math.max(-(oldStart - minStart) , deltaStart)
            case _ => 0L
          val dStopC   = if (deltaStop >= 0) deltaStop else oldSpan match {
            case Span.HasStop (oldStop)   => math.max(-(oldStop  - minStart + 32 /* MinDur */), deltaStop)
            case _ => 0L

          if (dStartC != 0L || dStopC != 0L) {
            // val imp = ExprImplicits[T]

            // XXX TODO -- the variable contents should ideally be looked at
            // during the edit performance

            val oldSpan = vr()
            val newSpan = oldSpan.value match {
              case Span.From (start)  => Span.From (start + dStartC)
              case Span.Until(stop )  => Span.Until(stop  + dStopC )
              case Span(start, stop)  =>
                val newStart = start + dStartC
                Span(newStart, math.max(newStart + 32 /* MinDur */, stop + dStopC))
              case other => other

            val newSpanEx = SpanLikeObj.newConst[T](newSpan)
            if (newSpanEx !== oldSpan) {
              EditVar.exprUndo[T, SpanLike, SpanLikeObj](nameResize, vr, newSpanEx)
              edited = true
              if (dStartC != 0L) obj match {
                case objT: Proc[T] =>
                  ProcActions.getAudioRegion(objT).foreach { audioCue =>
                    // Crazy heuristics
                    audioCue match {
                      case AudioCue.Obj.Shift(peer, amt) =>
                        import expr.Ops._
                        amt match {
                          case LongObj.Var(amtVr) =>
                            // XXX TODO why we use EditVar.Expr here and EditAttrMap elsewhere?
                            // I think we should always edit the variable and not copy the contents
                            // of the variable to a new variable?
                            EditVar.exprUndo[T, Long, LongObj](nameResize, amtVr, amtVr() + dStartC)
                            edited = true
                          case _ =>
                            val newCue = AudioCue.Obj.Shift(peer, LongObj.newVar[T](amt + dStartC))
                            EditAttrMap.putUndo(/*nameResize,*/ objT.attr, Proc.graphAudio, value = newCue)
                            edited = true
                      case other =>
                        val newCue = AudioCue.Obj.Shift(other, LongObj.newVar[T](dStartC))
                        EditAttrMap.putUndo(/*nameResize,*/ objT.attr, Proc.graphAudio, value = newCue)
                        edited = true
                case _ =>

        case _ =>

      val nameTrack = "Adjust Track Placement"

      // track
      val deltaTrack = amount.deltaTrackStart
      if (deltaTrack != 0) {
        edited |= adjustAttr[T, Int, IntObj](obj, key = ObjTimelineView.attrTrackIndex, arg = deltaTrack,
          editName = nameTrack, default = 0)(_ + _)
      val deltaTrackH = amount.deltaTrackStop - amount.deltaTrackStart
      if (deltaTrackH != 0) {
        edited |= adjustAttr[T, Int, IntObj](obj, key = ObjTimelineView.attrTrackHeight, arg = deltaTrackH,
          editName = "Adjust Track Height", default = TimelineView.DefaultTrackHeight)(_ + _)

  def fade[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T], amount: Fade)
                       (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    import amount._

    val attr    = obj.attr
    val exprIn  = attr.$[FadeSpec.Obj](ObjKeys.attrFadeIn )
    val exprOut = attr.$[FadeSpec.Obj](ObjKeys.attrFadeOut)
    val valIn   = exprIn .fold(EmptyFade)(_.value)
    val valOut  = exprOut.fold(EmptyFade)(_.value)
    val total   = span.value match {
      case Span(start, stop)  => stop - start
      case _                  => Long.MaxValue

    val dIn     = max(-valIn.numFrames, min(total - (valIn.numFrames + valOut.numFrames), deltaFadeIn))
    val valInC  = valIn.curve match {
      case Curve.linear                 => 0f
      case Curve.parametric(curvature)  => curvature
      case _                            => Float.NaN
    val dInC    = if (valInC.isNaN) 0f else max(-20, min(20, deltaFadeInCurve + valInC)) - valInC

    var edited  = false
    undo.capture("Adjust Fade") {
      val newValIn = if (dIn != 0L || dInC != 0f) {
        val curve   = if (valInC.isNaN) valIn.curve else {
          val newInC  = valInC + dInC
          if (newInC == 0f) Curve.linear else Curve.parametric(newInC)
        val numFr   = valIn.numFrames + dIn
        val arg     = FadeSpec(numFr, curve, valIn.floor)
        edited |= adjustAttr[T, FadeSpec, FadeSpec.Obj](obj, key = ObjKeys.attrFadeIn, arg = arg,
          editName = "Adjust Fade-In", default = FadeSpec(0L))((_, now) => now)

      } else valIn

      // XXX TODO: DRY
      val dOut    = max(-valOut.numFrames, min(total - newValIn.numFrames, deltaFadeOut))
      val valOutC = valOut.curve match {
        case Curve.linear                 => 0f
        case Curve.parametric(curvature)  => curvature
        case _                            => Float.NaN
      val dOutC    = if (valOutC.isNaN) 0f else max(-20, min(20, deltaFadeOutCurve + valOutC)) - valOutC

      if (dOut != 0L || dOutC != 0f) {
        val curve   = if (valOutC.isNaN) valOut.curve else {
          val newOutC = valOutC + dOutC
          if (newOutC == 0f) Curve.linear else Curve.parametric(newOutC)
        val numFr   = valOut.numFrames + dOut
        val arg     = FadeSpec(numFr, curve, valOut.floor)
        edited |= adjustAttr[T, FadeSpec, FadeSpec.Obj](obj, key = ObjKeys.attrFadeOut, arg = arg,
          editName = "Adjust Fade-Out", default = FadeSpec(0L))((_, now) => now)

  def timelineMoveOrCopy[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T], timeline: Timeline[T], amount: Move, minStart: Long)
                                     (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean =
    if (amount.copy) timelineCopyImpl(span, obj, timeline, amount, minStart = minStart)
    else             timelineMoveImpl(span, obj, timeline, amount, minStart = minStart)

  def graphemeMoveOrCopy[T <: Txn[T]](time: LongObj[T], obj: Obj[T], grapheme: Grapheme[T],
                                      amount: GraphemeTool.Move, minStart: Long)
                                     (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean =
    if (amount.copy) ??? // graphemeCopyImpl(time, obj, grapheme, amount, minStart = minStart)
    else             graphemeMoveImpl(time, obj, grapheme, amount, minStart = minStart)

  // ---- private ----

  private def timelineCopyImpl[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T], timeline: Timeline[T], amount: Move, minStart: Long)
                                           (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean =
    timeline.modifiableOption.exists { tlMod =>
      val objCopy = ProcActions.copy[T](obj, connectInput = true)
      import amount._
      if (deltaTrack != 0) {
        val newTrack: IntObj[T] = IntObj.newVar[T](
          obj.attr.$[IntObj](ObjTimelineView.attrTrackIndex).map(_.value).getOrElse(0) + deltaTrack
        objCopy.attr.put(ObjTimelineView.attrTrackIndex, newTrack)

      val deltaC  = calcSpanDeltaClipped(span, amount, minStart = minStart)
      val newSpan: SpanLikeObj[T] = SpanLikeObj.newVar[T](
      EditTimeline.addUndo(/*"Insert Region",*/ tlMod, newSpan, elem = objCopy)

  private def calcSpanDeltaClipped[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], amount: Move, minStart: Long)
                                               (implicit tx: T): Long = {
    import amount.deltaTime
    if (deltaTime >= 0) deltaTime else span.value match {
      case Span.HasStart(oldStart) => math.max(-(oldStart - minStart      ), deltaTime)
      case Span.HasStop (oldStop ) => math.max(-(oldStop  - minStart + 32), deltaTime)
      case _ => 0 // e.g., Span.All

  private def calcPosDeltaClipped[T <: Txn[T]](time: LongObj[T], amount: GraphemeTool.Move, minStart: Long)
                                               (implicit tx: T): Long = {
    import amount.deltaTime
    if (deltaTime >= 0) deltaTime else {
      val oldTime = time.value
      math.max(-(oldTime - minStart), deltaTime)

  private def timelineMoveImpl[T <: Txn[T]](span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Obj[T], timeline: Timeline[T], amount: Move,
                                            minStart: Long)
                                           (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    val name = "Move"
    var edited = false
    undo.capture(name) {
      import amount._
      if (deltaTrack != 0) {
        edited |= adjustAttr[T, Int, IntObj](obj, key = ObjTimelineView.attrTrackIndex, arg = deltaTrack,
          editName = "Adjust Track Placement", default = 0)(_ + _)

      val deltaC  = calcSpanDeltaClipped(span, amount, minStart = minStart)
      if (deltaC != 0L) {
        // val imp = ExprImplicits[T]
        span match {
          case SpanLikeObj.Var(vr) =>
            // s.transform(_ shift deltaC)
            import expr.Ops._
            val newSpan = vr() shift deltaC
            EditVar.exprUndo[T, SpanLike, SpanLikeObj](name, vr, newSpan)
            edited = true
          case _ =>

  private def graphemeMoveImpl[T <: Txn[T]](time: LongObj[T], value: Obj[T], grapheme: Grapheme[T],
                                            amount: GraphemeTool.Move, minStart: Long)
                         (implicit tx: T, undo: UndoManager[T]): Boolean = {
    val name        = "Move"
    var wasRemoved  = false
    var edited      = false

    undo.capture(name) {
      def removeOld(grMod: Grapheme.Modifiable[T]): Unit = {
        require (!wasRemoved)
        EditGrapheme.removeUndo(/*name,*/ grMod, time, value)
        edited      = true
        wasRemoved  = true

      import amount._
      val newValueOpt: Option[Obj[T]] = if (deltaModelY == 0) None else {
        // in the case of const, just overwrite, in the case of
        // var, check the value stored in the var, and update the var
        // instead (recursion). otherwise, it will be some combinatorial
        // expression, and we could decide to construct a binary op instead!
        // XXX TODO -- do not hard code supported cases; should be handled by GraphemeObjView ?

        def checkDouble(objT: DoubleObj[T]): Option[DoubleObj[T]] = {
          import expr.Ops._
          objT match {
            case DoubleObj.Var(vr) =>
              val newValue = vr() + deltaModelY
              EditVar.applyUndo(name, vr, newValue)
              edited = true
            case _ =>
     { grMod =>
                val v = objT.value + deltaModelY
                DoubleObj.newVar[T](v)  // "upgrade" to var

        def checkDoubleVector(objT: DoubleVector[T]): Option[DoubleVector[T]] =
          objT match {
            case DoubleVector.Var(vr) =>
              val v = vr() + deltaModelY)
              // val newValue = DoubleVector.newConst[T](v)
              EditVar.applyUndo[T, DoubleVector[T], DoubleVector.Var[T]](name, vr, v)
              edited = true
            case _ =>
     { grMod =>
                val v = + deltaModelY)
                DoubleVector.newVar[T](v)  // "upgrade" to var

        // XXX TODO --- gosh what a horrible matching orgy
        value match {
          case objT: DoubleObj    [T] => checkDouble      (objT)
          case objT: DoubleVector [T] => checkDoubleVector(objT)

          case objT: EnvSegment.Obj[T] =>
            objT match {
              case EnvSegment.Obj.ApplySingle(start, curve) =>
                val newStartOpt = checkDouble(start)
       { newStart =>
                  EnvSegment.Obj.ApplySingle(newStart, curve)

              case EnvSegment.Obj.ApplyMulti(start, curve) =>
                val newStartOpt = checkDoubleVector(start)
       { newStart =>
                  EnvSegment.Obj.ApplyMulti(newStart, curve)

              case EnvSegment.Obj.Var(vr) =>
                val seg = vr().value
                val v = seg.startLevels match {
                  case Seq(single) =>
                    EnvSegment.Single (single      + deltaModelY , seg.curve)
                  case multi =>
                    EnvSegment.Multi  ( + deltaModelY), seg.curve)
                EditVar.applyUndo[T, EnvSegment.Obj[T], EnvSegment.Obj.Var[T]](name, vr, v)
                edited = true

              case _ =>
       { grMod =>
                  val seg       = objT.value
                  val curve     = CurveObj.newVar[T](seg.curve)
                  seg.startLevels match {
                    case Seq(single) =>
                      val singleVar = DoubleObj.newVar[T](single)
                      EnvSegment.Obj.ApplySingle(singleVar, curve)
                    case multi =>
                      val multiVar = DoubleVector.newVar[T](multi)
                      EnvSegment.Obj.ApplyMulti(multiVar, curve)

          case _ =>

      val deltaC  = calcPosDeltaClipped(time, amount, minStart = minStart)
      val hasDeltaTime = deltaC != 0L
      if (hasDeltaTime || newValueOpt.isDefined) {
        val newTimeOpt: Option[LongObj[T]] = time match {
          case LongObj.Var(vr) =>
            import expr.Ops._
            val newTime = vr() + deltaC
            EditVar.exprUndo[T, Long, LongObj](name, vr, newTime)
            edited = true

          case _ if hasDeltaTime =>
   { grMod =>
              if (newValueOpt.isEmpty) {  // wasn't removed yet
              val v = time.value + deltaC
              LongObj.newConst[T](v)  // "upgrade" to var

          case _ =>

        if (newTimeOpt.isDefined || newValueOpt.isDefined) {
          val newTime   = newTimeOpt  .getOrElse(time)
          val newValue  = newValueOpt .getOrElse(value)
          grapheme.modifiableOption.foreach { grMod =>
            EditGrapheme.add(/*name,*/ grMod, newTime, newValue)
            edited = true

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