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de.sciss.mellite.impl.proc.ProcObjTimelineViewImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ProcObjTimelineViewImpl.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite.impl.proc
import java.awt.RenderingHints
import de.sciss.asyncfile.Ops.URIOps
import de.sciss.file._
import de.sciss.lucre.{Folder, Ident, Obj, Source, SpanLikeObj, TxnLike}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.CellView
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.LucreSwing.deferTx
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.Txn
import de.sciss.lucre.Txn.peer
import de.sciss.mellite.Mellite.???!
import de.sciss.mellite.impl.ObjTimelineViewImpl
import de.sciss.mellite.impl.proc.ProcObjView.LinkTarget
import de.sciss.mellite.{ObjTimelineView, ObjView, SonogramManager, TimelineRendering, TimelineView}
import de.sciss.sonogram.{Overview => SonoOverview}
import de.sciss.span.Span
import de.sciss.proc
import de.sciss.proc.{AudioCue, Proc, TimeRef}
import scala.concurrent.stm.{Ref, TSet}
import scala.swing.Graphics2D
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
// XXX TODO remove IGNORE in major version
final class ProcObjTimelineViewImpl[T <: Txn[T]](val objH: Source[T, Proc[T]],
IGNORE: Option[Int], val context: ObjTimelineView.Context[T])
extends ProcObjViewImpl[T]
with ObjTimelineViewImpl.HasGainImpl[T]
with ObjTimelineViewImpl.HasMuteImpl[T]
with ObjTimelineViewImpl.HasFadeImpl[T]
with ObjTimelineViewImpl.HasBusImpl [T]
with ProcObjView.Timeline[T] { self =>
override def toString = s"ProcView($name, $spanValue, $audio)"
private[this] var audio = Option.empty[AudioCue]
private[this] var failedAcquire = false
private[this] var sonogram = Option.empty[SonoOverview]
private[this] val _targets = TSet.empty[LinkTarget[T]]
def addTarget (tgt: LinkTarget[T])(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = _targets.add (tgt)(tx.peer)
def removeTarget(tgt: LinkTarget[T])(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit = _targets.remove(tgt)(tx.peer)
def targets(implicit tx: TxnLike): Set[LinkTarget[T]] = {
def debugString: String = {
val basic1S = s"span = $spanValue, trackIndex = $trackIndex, nameOption = $nameOption"
val basic2S = s"muted = $muted, audio = $audio"
val basic3S = s"fadeIn = $fadeIn, fadeOut = $fadeOut, gain = $gain, busOption = $busOption"
val procS = s"ProcView($basic1S, $basic2S, $basic3S)"
// val inputS = inputs.mkString(" inputs = [", ", ", "]\n")
// val outputS = outputs.mkString(" outputs = [", ", ", "]\n")
// s"$procC\n$inputS$outputS"
def fireRepaint()(implicit tx: T): Unit = fire(ObjView.Repaint(this))
def init(id: Ident[T], span: SpanLikeObj[T], obj: Proc[T])(implicit tx: T): this.type = {
initAttrs(id, span, obj)
val attr = obj.attr
val cueView = CellView.attr[T, AudioCue, AudioCue.Obj](attr, Proc.graphAudio)
addDisposable(cueView.react { implicit tx =>newAudio =>
deferAndRepaint {
val newSonogram = !=
audio = newAudio
if (newSonogram) releaseSonogram()
audio = cueView()
// attr.iterator.foreach { case (key, value) => addAttr(key, value) }
import Proc.mainIn
attr.get(mainIn).foreach(v => addAttrIn(key = mainIn, value = v, fire = false))
addDisposable(attr.changed.react { implicit tx =>upd => upd.changes.foreach {
case Obj.AttrAdded (`mainIn`, value) => addAttrIn (key = mainIn, value = value)
case Obj.AttrRemoved (`mainIn`, value) => removeAttrIn(value)
case Obj.AttrReplaced(`mainIn`, before, now) =>
addAttrIn(key = mainIn, value = now)
case _ =>
addDisposable(obj.changed.react { implicit tx =>upd =>
upd.changes.foreach {
case proc.Proc.OutputAdded (out) => outputAdded (out)
case proc.Proc.OutputRemoved(out) => outputRemoved(out)
case _ =>
private[this] def outputAdded(out: Proc.Output[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit =
context.putAux[ProcObjView.Timeline[T]](, this)
private[this] def outputRemoved(out: Proc.Output[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit =
private[this] val attrInRef = Ref(Option.empty[InputAttrImpl[T]])
private[this] var attrInEDT = Option.empty[InputAttrImpl[T]]
private[this] def removeAttrIn(value: Obj[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
attrInRef.swap(None).foreach { view =>
deferAndRepaint {
attrInEDT = None
private[this] def addAttrIn(key: String, value: Obj[T], fire: Boolean = true)(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val viewOpt: Option[InputAttrImpl[T]] = value match {
case tl: proc.Timeline[T] =>
val tlView = new InputAttrTimeline(this, key, tl, tx)
case _: proc.Grapheme[T] =>
println("addAttrIn: Grapheme")
case f: Folder[T] =>
val tlView = new InputAttrFolder(this, key, f, tx)
case out: Proc.Output[T] =>
val tlView = new InputAttrOutput(this, key, out, tx)
case _ => None
val old = attrInRef.swap(viewOpt)
import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
if (viewOpt !== old) {
deferTx {
attrInEDT = viewOpt
if (fire)
override def paintFront(g: Graphics2D, tlv: TimelineView[T], r: TimelineRendering): Unit =
if (pStart > Long.MinValue) attrInEDT.foreach { attrInView =>
attrInView.paintInputAttr(g, tlv = tlv, r = r, px1c = px1c, px2c = px2c)
// paint sonogram
override protected def paintInner(g: Graphics2D, tlv: TimelineView[T], r: TimelineRendering,
selected: Boolean): Unit =
audio.foreach { audioVal =>
val sonogramOpt = sonogram.orElse(acquireSonogram())
sonogramOpt.foreach { sonogram =>
val srRatio = sonogram.inputSpec.sampleRate / TimeRef.SampleRate
// dStart is the frame inside the audio-file corresponding
// to the region's left margin. That is, if the grapheme segment
// starts early than the region (its start is less than zero),
// the frame accordingly increases.
val dStart = (audioVal.offset /* - segm.span.start */ +
(if (selected) r.ttResizeState.deltaStart else 0L)) * srRatio
// a factor to convert from pixel space to audio-file frames
val canvas = tlv.canvas
val s2f = canvas.screenToFrames(1) * srRatio
val lenC = (px2c - px1c) * s2f
val visualBoost = canvas.timelineTools.visualBoost
val boost = if (selected) r.ttGainState.factor * visualBoost else visualBoost
r.sonogramBoost = (audioVal.gain * gain).toFloat * boost
val startP = (px1c - px) * s2f + dStart
val stopP = startP + lenC
val w1 = px2c - px1c
// println(s"${}; audio.offset = ${audio.offset}, segm.span.start = ${segm.span.start}, dStart = $dStart, px1C = $px1C, startC = $startC, startP = $startP")
// println(f"spanStart = $startP%1.2f, spanStop = $stopP%1.2f, tx = $px1c, ty = $pyi, width = $w1, height = $phi, boost = ${r.sonogramBoost}%1.2f")
val hintOld0 = g.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION)
val hintOld = if (hintOld0 == null) RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR else hintOld0
try {
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC)
sonogram.paint(spanStart = startP, spanStop = stopP, g2 = g,
tx = px1c, ty = pyi, width = w1, height = phi, ctrl = r)
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => // XXX TODO
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, hintOld)
private[this] def releaseSonogram(): Unit =
sonogram.foreach { ovr =>
sonogram = None
override def name: String = nameOption.getOrElse {
audio.fold(ObjView.Unnamed)(_./* value. */artifact.base)
private[this] def acquireSonogram(): Option[SonoOverview] = {
if (failedAcquire) return None
sonogram = audio.flatMap { audioVal =>
try {
val f = new File(audioVal.artifact)
val ovr = SonogramManager.acquire(f)
failedAcquire = false
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) =>
failedAcquire = true
override def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val proc = obj
private[this] def disposeGUI(): Unit = releaseSonogram()
def isGlobal: Boolean = {
import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
spanValue === Span.All