de.sciss.mellite.ImportJSON.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ImportJSON.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
import de.sciss.file._
import de.sciss.lucre.artifact.{Artifact, ArtifactLocation}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.{DoubleObj, IntObj, LongObj, SpanLikeObj}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.Sys
import de.sciss.span.Span
import de.sciss.synth.Curve
import de.sciss.synth.proc.Implicits._
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{AudioCue, Code, CurveObj, FadeSpec, Folder, ObjKeys, Proc, TimeRef, Timeline}
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsBoolean, JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsUndefined, Json}
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
/** Hackish import for .json files written with Mellite v0.3.x */
object ImportJSON {
def apply[S <: Sys[S]](folder: Folder[S], jsonFile: File)(implicit tx: S#Tx): Timeline[S] = {
val fi = new FileInputStream(jsonFile)
val json = try {
val arr = new Array[Byte](fi.available())
} finally {
val JsArray(locsJSON ) = json \ "locations"
val JsArray(audioJSON ) = json \ "audio"
val JsArray(regionsJSON ) = json \ "regions"
val sampleRateIn = 44100.0 // XXX TODO --- hardcoded in Mellite v0.3.x
val srFactor = TimeRef.SampleRate / sampleRateIn
val locsIDs: Map[Int, ArtifactLocation[S]] = { locJSON =>
val JsNumber(idB ) = locJSON \ "id"
val id = idB.toInt
val JsString(dirS ) = locJSON \ "directory"
val dir = file(dirS)
val loc = ArtifactLocation.newVar[S](dir) =
(id, loc)
} (breakOut)
val audioIDs: Map[Int, AudioCue.Obj[S]] = { a =>
val JsNumber(idB ) = a \ "id"
val id = idB.toInt
val JsNumber(locRef ) = a \ "locRef"
val loc = locsIDs(locRef.toInt)
val JsString(child ) = a \ "file"
val offset = a \ "offset" match {
case JsNumber(offsetB) => offsetB.toLong
case JsUndefined() => 0L
val gain = a \ "gain" match {
case JsNumber(gainB) => gainB.toDouble
case JsUndefined() => 1.0
val artifact = Artifact(loc, Artifact.Child(child))
val f = artifact.value
val spec = AudioFile.readSpec(f)
val audio = AudioCue.Obj[S](artifact, spec,
offset = LongObj.newVar(offset), gain = DoubleObj.newVar(gain)) = f.base
(id, audio)
} (breakOut)
if (audioIDs.nonEmpty) {
val aFolder = Folder[S] = "audio-files"
val elems = audioIDs.valuesIterator.toIndexedSeq.sortBy(
val tl = Timeline[S] = "timeline"
val regionIDs: Map[Int, Proc[S]] = { r =>
val proc = Proc[S]
val attr = proc.attr
val JsNumber(idB) = r \ "id"
val id = idB.toInt
r \ "name" match {
case JsString(name) => = name
case JsUndefined() =>
def frameIn(b: BigDecimal): Long = (b.toLong * srFactor + 0.5).toLong
val span = (r \ "start", r \ "stop") match {
case (JsNumber(startB), JsNumber(stopB)) => Span(frameIn(startB), frameIn(stopB))
case (JsNumber(startB), JsUndefined() ) => Span.From (frameIn(startB))
case (JsUndefined() , JsNumber(stopB)) => Span.Until(frameIn(stopB ))
case (JsUndefined() , JsUndefined() ) => Span.All
r \ "bus" match {
case JsNumber(busB) => ProcActions.setBus(proc :: Nil, IntObj.newVar[S](busB.toInt))
case JsUndefined() =>
r \ "gain" match {
case JsNumber(gainB) => ProcActions.setGain(proc, gainB.toDouble)
case JsUndefined() =>
r \ "muted" match {
case JsBoolean(b) => if (b) ProcActions.toggleMute(proc)
case JsUndefined() =>
r \ "track" match {
case JsNumber(trackB) => attr.put("track-index", IntObj.newVar[S](trackB.toInt * 2)) // greater spacing
case JsUndefined() =>
def mkFade(keyIn: String, keyOut: String): Unit = r \ keyIn match {
case fd @ JsObject(_) =>
val JsNumber(lenB) = fd \ "length"
val len = frameIn(lenB)
val curve = fd \ "curve" match {
case JsNumber(cB) => Curve.parametric(cB.toFloat)
case JsUndefined() => Curve.linear
// val fade = FadeSpec(numFrames = len, curve = curve)
// .newVar[S](fade))
attr.put(keyOut, FadeSpec.Obj[S](LongObj.newVar(len), CurveObj.newVar(curve), DoubleObj.newVar(0.0)))
case JsUndefined() =>
mkFade("fadeIn" , ObjKeys.attrFadeIn )
mkFade("fadeOut", ObjKeys.attrFadeOut)
r \ "audio" match {
case a @ JsObject(_) =>
val gOffset = a \ "offset" match {
case JsNumber(offB) => frameIn(offB)
case JsUndefined() => 0L
val JsNumber(idRefB) = a \ "idRef"
val grapheme = audioIDs(idRefB.toInt)
???! // SCAN
// val scanIn = proc.inputs .add(Proc.graphAudio )
// /*val sOut=*/ proc.outputs.add(Proc.mainOut)
// val grIn = Grapheme[S](grapheme.value.spec.numChannels)
// val gStart = LongObj.newVar[S](-gOffset)
// grIn.add(gStart, grapheme)
// scanIn add Scan.Link.Grapheme(grIn)
// proc.graph() = SynthGraphObj.tape
case JsUndefined() =>
// XXX TODO --- try to read source code
val graphFile = jsonFile.parent / "graphs" / s"${}.scala"
if (graphFile.isFile) {
val fin = new FileInputStream(graphFile)
try {
val arr = new Array[Byte](fin.available())
val text = new String(arr, "UTF-8")
val code = Code.SynthGraph(text)
attr.put(Proc.attrSource, Code.Obj.newVar[S](code))
implicit val compiler = Mellite.compiler
val graphT = Try(code.execute(()))
graphT match {
case Success(graph) => proc.graph() = graph
case Failure(ex) =>
println(s"Failed to compile ${}")
} finally {
tl.add(SpanLikeObj.newVar(span), proc)
(id, proc)
} (breakOut)
regionsJSON.foreach { r =>
val JsNumber(idB) = r \ "id"
val id = idB.toInt
val proc = regionIDs(id)
???! // SCAN
// def mkLinks(field: String)(thisScans: Proc[S] => Scans.Modifiable[S])
// (thatScans: Proc[S] => Scans.Modifiable[S]): Unit =
// r \ field match {
// case JsObject(pairs) =>
// pairs.foreach { tup =>
// val (thisKey, JsArray(targets)) = tup
// targets.foreach { targetJSON =>
// val JsNumber(thatIDB) = targetJSON \ "idRef"
// val that = regionIDs(thatIDB.toInt)
// val JsString(thatKey) = targetJSON \ "key"
// val thisScan = thisScans(proc).add(thisKey)
// val thatScan = thatScans(that).add(thatKey)
// thisScan.add(Scan.Link.Scan(thatScan))
// }
// }
// case JsUndefined() =>
// }
// mkLinks("inputs" )(_.inputs )(_.outputs)
// N.B. --- actually NOT! link addition is bi-directional,
// so if we have established all the inputs, then all
// corresponding outputs are set as well.
// mkLinks("outputs")(_.outputs)(_.inputs )
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