de.sciss.mellite.Mellite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Mellite.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
import javax.swing.UIManager
import de.sciss.desktop.impl.{SwingApplicationImpl, WindowHandlerImpl}
import de.sciss.desktop.{OptionPane, WindowHandler}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.TxnLike
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.requireEDT
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.{Server, Txn}
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.document.DocumentHandlerImpl
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.{DocumentViewHandler, LogFrame, MainFrame, MenuBar}
import de.sciss.nuages.Wolkenpumpe
import de.sciss.{mellite, osc}
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{AuralSystem, Code, SensorSystem}
import scala.collection.immutable.{Seq => ISeq}
import scala.concurrent.stm.{TxnExecutor, atomic}
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.swing.Label
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object Mellite extends SwingApplicationImpl("Mellite") with Application {
import de.sciss.synth.proc
// // lucre.event .showLog = true
// // lucre.confluent.showLog = true
// proc.showLog = true
// proc.showAuralLog = true
// proc.showTransportLog = true
// showLog = true
// showTimelineLog = true
// de.sciss.lucre.bitemp.impl.BiGroupImpl.showLog = true
// // gui.impl.timeline.TimelineViewImpl.DEBUG = true
// de.sciss.lucre.event.showLog = true
def version : String = buildInfString("version")
def license : String = buildInfString("license")
def homepage: String = buildInfString("homepage")
private def buildInfString(key: String): String = try {
val clazz = Class.forName("de.sciss.mellite.BuildInfo")
val m = clazz.getMethod(key)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => "?"
lazy val isDarkSkin: Boolean = UIManager.getBoolean("dark-skin")
override lazy val windowHandler: WindowHandler = new WindowHandlerImpl(this, menuFactory) {
override lazy val usesInternalFrames = {
false // XXX TODO: eventually a preferences entry
override lazy val usesNativeDecoration = Prefs.nativeWindowDecoration.getOrElse(true)
protected def menuFactory = MenuBar.instance
private lazy val _aural = AuralSystem ()
private lazy val _sensor = SensorSystem()
private lazy val _compiler = proc.Compiler()
implicit def auralSystem : AuralSystem = _aural
implicit def sensorSystem: SensorSystem = _sensor
implicit def compiler : Code.Compiler = _compiler
def clearLog (): Unit = LogFrame.instance.log.clear()
def logToFront(): Unit = LogFrame.instance.front() // XXX TODO - should avoid focus transfer
/** Tries to start the aural system by booting SuperCollider.
* This reads the relevant preferences entries such as
* path, audio device, number of output channels, etc.
* Transport is hard-coded to TCP at the moment, and port
* is randomly picked.
* If the program path does not denote an existing file,
* an error dialog is shown, and the method simply returns `false`.
* ''Note:'' This method must run on the EDT.
* @return `true` if the attempt to boot was made, `false` if the program was not found
def startAuralSystem(): Boolean = {
val config = Server.Config()
applyAudioPrefs(config, useDevice = true, pickPort = true)
import de.sciss.file._
val f = file(config.program)
if (!f.isFile && (f.parentOption.nonEmpty || {
sys.env.getOrElse("PATH", "").split(File.pathSep).forall(p => !(file(p) / config.program).isFile)
})) {
val msg = new Label(
s"""The SuperCollider server program 'scsynth'
|is not found at this location:
|Please adjust the path in the preferences.""".stripMargin
val opt = OptionPane.message(msg, OptionPane.Message.Error) = "Starting Aural System")
return false
TxnExecutor.defaultAtomic { implicit itx =>
implicit val tx = Txn.wrap(itx)
def applyAudioPrefs(config: Server.ConfigBuilder, useDevice: Boolean, pickPort: Boolean): Unit = {
import de.sciss.file._
val programPath = Prefs.superCollider.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultSuperCollider)
if (programPath != Prefs.defaultSuperCollider) config.program = programPath.path
if (useDevice) {
val audioDevice = Prefs.audioDevice .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioDevice)
if (audioDevice != Prefs.defaultAudioDevice) config.deviceName = Some(audioDevice)
val numOutputs = Prefs.audioNumOutputs .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioNumOutputs)
config.outputBusChannels = numOutputs
val numInputs = Prefs.audioNumInputs .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioNumInputs)
config.inputBusChannels = numInputs
val numPrivate = Prefs.audioNumPrivate .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioNumPrivate)
config.audioBusChannels = numInputs + numOutputs + numPrivate
config.wireBuffers = Prefs.audioNumWireBufs.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioNumWireBufs)
config.sampleRate = Prefs.audioSampleRate .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioSampleRate)
config.blockSize = Prefs.audioBlockSize .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioBlockSize)
config.memorySize = Prefs.audioMemorySize .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioMemorySize) * 1024
if (pickPort) {
config.transport = osc.TCP
def startSensorSystem(): Unit = {
val config = SensorSystem.Config()
config.osc = Prefs.defaultSensorProtocol match {
case osc.UDP => osc.UDP.Config()
case osc.TCP => osc.TCP.Config()
config.osc.localPort = Prefs.sensorPort .getOrElse(Prefs.defaultSensorPort )
config.command = Prefs.sensorCommand.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultSensorCommand)
atomic { implicit itx =>
implicit val tx = TxnLike.wrap(itx)
override protected def init(): Unit = {
// ---- type extensions ----
// ---- look and feel
try {
val lafInfo = Prefs.lookAndFeel.getOrElse {
val res = Prefs.LookAndFeel.default
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => e.printStackTrace()
UIManager.getDefaults.remove("SplitPane.ancestorInputMap") // I don't remember -- what was this about?
// if (isDarkSkin) {
// UIManager.put("Table.background", new ColorUIResource( 29, 32, 36))
// UIManager.put("Table.foreground", new ColorUIResource(220, 220, 220))
// }
if (Prefs.useLogFrame) LogFrame.instance // init
DocumentViewHandler.instance // init
new MainFrame
/** We are bridging between the transactional and non-EDT `mellite.DocumentHandler` and
* the GUI-based `de.sciss.desktop.DocumentHandler`. This is a bit ugly. In theory it
* should be fine to call into either, as this bridge is backed up by the peer
* `mellite.DocumentHandler.instance`.
override lazy val documentHandler: DocumentHandler = new DocumentHandlerImpl
// ---- Application trait ----
lazy val topLevelObjects: ISeq[String] =
List("Folder", "AudioGrapheme", "Proc", "Timeline")
/** All objects included */
lazy val objectFilter: String => Boolean = _ => true