de.sciss.mellite.gui.ActionBounceTimeline.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ActionBounceTimeline.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
import{EOFException, File}
import java.text.ParseException
import javax.swing.{JFormattedTextField, SpinnerNumberModel, SwingUtilities}
import de.sciss.audiowidgets.{AxisFormat, TimelineModel}
import de.sciss.desktop
import de.sciss.desktop.{Desktop, DialogSource, FileDialog, OptionPane, UndoManager, Window}
import de.sciss.equal
import de.sciss.file._
import de.sciss.lucre.artifact.{Artifact, ArtifactLocation}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.{DoubleObj, LongObj}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.Obj
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.defer
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.{Buffer, Server, Synth, Sys}
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.edit.EditFolderInsertObj
import de.sciss.numbers
import de.sciss.processor.impl.ProcessorImpl
import de.sciss.processor.{Processor, ProcessorLike}
import de.sciss.span.Span.SpanOrVoid
import de.sciss.span.{Span, SpanLike}
import de.sciss.swingplus.{ComboBox, Labeled, Spinner, SpinnerComboBox}
import{AudioFile, AudioFileSpec, AudioFileType, SampleFormat}
import de.sciss.synth.proc.Implicits._
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{AudioCue, Bounce, Code, Folder, TimeRef, Timeline}
import de.sciss.synth
import de.sciss.synth.{SynthGraph, addToTail}
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec}
import scala.concurrent.blocking
import scala.swing.Swing._
import scala.swing.event.{ButtonClicked, SelectionChanged}
import scala.swing.{Alignment, BoxPanel, Button, ButtonGroup, CheckBox, Component, Dialog, FlowPanel, GridPanel, Label, Orientation, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Swing, TextField}
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object ActionBounceTimeline {
private val DEBUG = false
final case class QuerySettings[S <: Sys[S]](
file : Option[File] = None,
spec : AudioFileSpec = AudioFileSpec(AudioFileType.AIFF, SampleFormat.Int24, numChannels = 2, sampleRate = 44100.0),
gain : Gain = Gain.normalized(-0.2f),
span : SpanOrVoid = Span.Void,
channels : Vec[Range.Inclusive] = Vector(0 to 0 /* 1 */),
realtime : Boolean = false,
fineControl : Boolean = false,
importFile : Boolean = false,
location : Option[stm.Source[S#Tx, ArtifactLocation[S]]] = None,
transform : Option[stm.Source[S#Tx, Code.Obj[S]]] = None
) {
def prepare(group: stm.Source[S#Tx, Timeline[S]], f: File): PerformSettings[S] = {
val server = Server.Config()
Mellite.applyAudioPrefs(server, useDevice = realtime, pickPort = realtime)
if (fineControl) server.blockSize = 1
specToServerConfig(f, spec, server)
realtime = realtime, group = group, server = server, gain = gain, span = span, channels = channels
final case class PerformSettings[S <: Sys[S]](
realtime: Boolean,
group: stm.Source[S#Tx, Timeline[S]],
server: Server.Config,
gain: Gain = Gain.normalized(-0.2f),
span: SpanLike, channels: Vec[Range.Inclusive]
def specToServerConfig(file: File, spec: AudioFileSpec, config: Server.ConfigBuilder): Unit = {
config.nrtOutputPath = file.path
config.nrtHeaderFormat = spec.fileType
config.nrtSampleFormat = spec.sampleFormat
config.sampleRate = spec.sampleRate.toInt
config.outputBusChannels = spec.numChannels
val numPrivate = Prefs.audioNumPrivate.getOrElse(Prefs.defaultAudioNumPrivate)
config.audioBusChannels = config.outputBusChannels + numPrivate
type CodeSource[S <: Sys[S]] = stm.Source[S#Tx, Code.Obj[S]]
def findTransforms[S <: Sys[S]](document: Workspace[S])(implicit tx: S#Tx): Vec[Labeled[CodeSource[S]]] = {
type Res = Vec[Labeled[CodeSource[S]]]
def loop(xs: List[Obj[S]], res: Res): Res =
xs match {
case (objT: Code.Obj[S]) :: tail =>
val res1 = objT.value match {
case ft: Code.FileTransform => res :+ Labeled(tx.newHandle(objT))(
case _ => res
loop(tail, res1)
case (objT: Folder[S]) :: tail =>
val res1 = loop(objT.iterator.toList, res)
loop(tail, res1)
case _ :: tail => loop(tail, res)
case Nil => res
loop(document.rootH().iterator.toList, Vector.empty)
sealed trait Selection
case object SpanSelection extends Selection
case object DurationSelection extends Selection
case object NoSelection extends Selection
def query[S <: Sys[S]](init: QuerySettings[S], document: Workspace[S], timelineModel: TimelineModel,
window: Option[Window])
(implicit cursor: stm.Cursor[S], undoManager: UndoManager) : (QuerySettings[S], Boolean) =
query1(init, document, timelineModel, window, showSelection = SpanSelection, showTransform = true, showImport = true)
def query1[S <: Sys[S]](init: QuerySettings[S], document: Workspace[S], timelineModel: TimelineModel,
window: Option[Window], showSelection: Selection, showTransform: Boolean,
showImport: Boolean)
(implicit cursor: stm.Cursor[S], undoManager: UndoManager) : (QuerySettings[S], Boolean) = {
val ggFileType = new ComboBox[AudioFileType](AudioFileType.writable)
ggFileType.selection.item = init.spec.fileType // AudioFileType.AIFF
val ggSampleFormat = new ComboBox[SampleFormat](SampleFormat.fromInt16)
// ggSampleFormat.items = fuck you scala no method here
ggSampleFormat.selection.item = init.spec.sampleFormat
val ggSampleRate = new SpinnerComboBox(value0 = 44100.0, minimum = 1.0, maximum = TimeRef.SampleRate,
step = 100.0, items = Seq(44100.0, 48000.0, 88200.0, 96000.0))
val ggPathText = new TextField(32)
def setPathText(file: File): Unit =
ggPathText.text = file.replaceExt(ggFileType.selection.item.extension).path
ggFileType.reactions += {
case SelectionChanged(_) =>
val s = ggPathText.text
if (!s.isEmpty) setPathText(new File(s))
init.file.foreach(f => ggPathText.text = f.path)
val ggPathDialog = Button("...") {
val initT = ggPathText.text
val init = if (initT.isEmpty) None else Some(new File(initT))
val dlg = = init, title = "Bounce Audio Output File")
ggPathDialog.peer.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "gradient")
val gainModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(init.gain.decibels, -160.0, 160.0, 0.1)
val ggGainAmt = new Spinner(gainModel)
val ggGainType = new ComboBox(Seq("Normalized", "Immediate"))
ggGainType.selection.index = if (init.gain.normalized) 0 else 1
ggGainType.reactions += {
case SelectionChanged(_) =>
ggGainType.selection.index match {
case 0 => gainModel.setValue(-0.2)
case 1 => gainModel.setValue( 0.0)
val ggSpanAll = new RadioButton("Automatic")
val tlSel = init.span match {
case sp: Span => sp
case _ => timelineModel.selection
val selectionText = tlSel match {
case Span(start, stop) =>
val sampleRate = timelineModel.sampleRate
val fmt = AxisFormat.Time()
s"(${fmt.format(start/sampleRate)} ... ${fmt.format(stop/sampleRate)})"
case _ =>
lazy val ggSpanUser = new RadioButton(s"Current Selection $selectionText")
lazy val ggSpanGroup = new ButtonGroup(ggSpanAll, ggSpanUser)
lazy val mDuration = new SpinnerNumberModel(tlSel.length / TimeRef.SampleRate, 0.0, 10000.0, 0.1)
var transformItemsCollected = false
val ggRealtime = new CheckBox()
ggRealtime.selected = init.realtime
val ggFineControl = new CheckBox()
ggFineControl.selected = init.fineControl
def updateTransformEnabled(): Unit = {
val enabled = ggImport.selected
checkTransform.enabled = enabled
ggTransform .enabled = enabled && checkTransform.selected
if (ggTransform.enabled && !transformItemsCollected) {
val transform = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
transformItemsCollected = true
ggTransform.items = transform
import equal.Implicits._
for (t <- init.transform; lb <- transform.find(_.value === t)) {
ggTransform.selection.item = lb
lazy val ggImport = new CheckBox() {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => updateTransformEnabled()
if (showTransform) updateTransformEnabled()
lazy val checkTransform = new CheckBox() {
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => updateTransformEnabled()
lazy val ggTransform = new ComboBox[Labeled[stm.Source[S#Tx, Code.Obj[S]]]](Nil) // lazy filling
val pTransform = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
contents ++= Seq(checkTransform, HStrut(4), ggTransform)
// cf. stackoverflow #4310439 - with added spaces after comma
// val regRanges = """^(\d+(-\d+)?)(,\s*(\d+(-\d+)?))*$""".r
// cf. stackoverflow #16532768
val regRanges = """(\d+(-\d+)?)""".r
val fmtRanges = new JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter {
def stringToValue(text: String): Vec[Range.Inclusive] = try {
regRanges.findAllIn(text).toIndexedSeq match {
case list if list.nonEmpty => { s =>
val i = s.indexOf('-')
if (i < 0) {
val a = s.toInt - 1
a to a
} else {
val a = s.substring(0, i).toInt - 1
val b = s.substring(i +1).toInt - 1
a to b
} catch {
case e @ NonFatal(_) =>
throw new ParseException(text, 0)
def valueToString(value: Any): String = try {
value match {
case sq: Vec[_] => {
case r: Range if r.start < r.end => s"${r.start + 1}-${r.end + 1}"
case r: Range => s"${r.start + 1}"
} .mkString(", ")
} catch {
case NonFatal(_) => throw new ParseException(Option(value).fold("null")(_.toString), 0)
val ggChannelsJ = new JFormattedTextField(fmtRanges)
val ggChannels = Component.wrap(ggChannelsJ)
ggChannels.tooltip = "Ranges of channels to bounce, such as 1-4 or 1,3,5"
import Alignment.Trailing
import Swing.EmptyIcon
val pPath = new FlowPanel(ggPathText, ggPathDialog)
val pFormat = new FlowPanel(ggFileType, ggSampleFormat, ggSampleRate, ggGainAmt, new Label("dB"), ggGainType)
val pSpan = new GridPanel(0, 2)
pSpan.hGap = 4
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(new Label("Channels:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggChannels)
import equal.Implicits._
if (showSelection === SpanSelection) { (init.span.isEmpty) ggSpanAll else ggSpanUser)
ggSpanUser.enabled = tlSel.nonEmpty
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(new Label("Timeline Span:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggSpanAll,
HStrut(1), ggSpanUser)
} else if (showSelection === DurationSelection) {
val ggDuration = new Spinner(mDuration)
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(new Label("Duration [sec]:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggDuration)
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(
HStrut(1), VStrut(32),
new Label("Run in Real-Time:" , EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggRealtime,
new Label("Fine Control Rate:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggFineControl
if (showImport) {
ggImport.selected = init.importFile
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(new Label("Import Output File Into Workspace:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), ggImport)
if (showTransform) {
pSpan.contents ++= Seq(new Label("Apply Transformation:", EmptyIcon, Trailing), pTransform)
val box = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
contents ++= Seq(pPath, pFormat, pSpan)
val opt = OptionPane.confirmation(message = box, optionType = OptionPane.Options.OkCancel,
messageType = OptionPane.Message.Plain)
val title = "Bounce to Disk"
opt.title = title
val ok = === OptionPane.Result.Ok
val file = if (ggPathText.text === "") None else Some(new File(ggPathText.text))
val channels: Vec[Range.Inclusive] = try {
} catch {
case _: ParseException => init.channels
val importFile = if (showImport) ggImport.selected else init.importFile
val numChannels =
val spanOut = showSelection match {
case SpanSelection => if (ggSpanUser.selected) tlSel else Span.Void
case DurationSelection => Span(0L, (mDuration.getNumber.doubleValue() * TimeRef.SampleRate + 0.5).toLong)
case NoSelection => init.span
var settings = QuerySettings(
realtime = ggRealtime .selected,
fineControl = ggFineControl.selected,
file = file,
spec = AudioFileSpec(ggFileType.selection.item, ggSampleFormat.selection.item,
numChannels = numChannels, sampleRate = ggSampleRate.value),
gain = Gain(gainModel.getNumber.floatValue(), if (ggGainType.selection.index == 0) true else false),
span = spanOut,
channels = channels,
importFile = importFile,
location = init.location,
transform = if (checkTransform.selected) Option(ggTransform.selection.item).map(_.value) else None
file match {
case Some(f) if importFile =>
init.location match {
case Some(source) if cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val parent = source().directory
Try(Artifact.relativize(parent, f)).isSuccess
} => // ok, keep previous location
case _ => // either no location was set, or it's not parent of the file
ActionArtifactLocation.query[S](document.rootH, f) match {
case Some(either) =>
either match {
case Left(source) =>
settings = settings.copy(location = Some(source))
case Right((name, directory)) =>
val (edit, source) = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val locObj = ActionArtifactLocation.create(name = name, directory = directory)
val folder = document.rootH()
val index = folder.size
val _edit = EditFolderInsertObj("Location", folder, index, locObj)
(_edit, tx.newHandle(locObj))
settings = settings.copy(location = Some(source))
case _ => return (settings, false)
case _ =>
file match {
case Some(f) if ok && f.exists() =>
val ok1 = Dialog.showConfirmation(
message = s"File
already exists.Are you sure you want to overwrite it?",
title = title,
optionType = Dialog.Options.OkCancel,
messageType = Dialog.Message.Warning
) === Dialog.Result.Ok
(settings, ok1)
case None if ok =>
query(settings, document, timelineModel, window)
case _ =>
(settings, ok)
// final case class QuerySettings[S <: Sys[S]](
// file: Option[File] = None,
// spec: AudioFileSpec = AudioFileSpec(AudioFileType.AIFF, SampleFormat.Int24, numChannels = 2, sampleRate = 44100.0),
// gainAmount: Double = -0.2, gainType: Gain = Normalized,
// span: SpanOrVoid = Span.Void, channels: Vec[Range.Inclusive] = Vector(0 to 1),
// importFile: Boolean = true, location: Option[stm.Source[S#Tx, ArtifactLocation[S]]] = None
// )
def performGUI[S <: Sys[S]](document: Workspace[S],
settings: QuerySettings[S],
group: stm.Source[S#Tx, Timeline[S]], file: File,
window: Option[Window] = None)
(implicit cursor: stm.Cursor[S], compiler: Code.Compiler): Unit = {
val hasTransform= settings.importFile && settings.transform.isDefined
val bounceFile = if (hasTransform) {
File.createTempFile("bounce", s".${settings.spec.fileType.extension}")
} else {
val pSet = settings.prepare(group, bounceFile)
var process: ProcessorLike[Any, Any] = perform(document, pSet)
var processCompleted = false
val ggProgress = new ProgressBar()
lazy val ggCancel = Button("Abort") {
// currently process doesn't seem to abort under certain errors
// (e.g. buffer allocator exhausted). XXX TODO
val run = new Runnable { def run() = { Thread.sleep(1000); defer(fDispose()) }}
new Thread(run).start()
ggCancel.focusable = false
lazy val op = OptionPane(message = ggProgress, messageType = OptionPane.Message.Plain, entries = Seq(ggCancel))
lazy val title = s"Bouncing to ${} ..."
op.title = title
def fDispose(): Unit = {
val w = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(op.peer); if (w != null) w.dispose()
processCompleted = true
val progDiv = if (hasTransform) 2 else 1
process.addListener {
case prog @ Processor.Progress(_, _) => defer(ggProgress.value = prog.toInt / progDiv)
val onFailure: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case Processor.Aborted() =>
case ex =>
defer {
DialogSource.Exception(ex -> title).show(window)
def bounceDone(): Unit = {
if (DEBUG) println(s"bounceDone(). hasTransform? $hasTransform")
if (hasTransform) {
val ftOpt = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
settings.transform.flatMap(_.apply().value match {
case ft: Code.FileTransform => Some(ft)
case _ => None
if (DEBUG) println(s"file transform option = ${ftOpt.isDefined}")
ftOpt match {
case Some(ft) =>
ft.execute((bounceFile, file, { codeProc =>
if (DEBUG) println("code code processor")
process = codeProc
codeProc.addListener {
case prog @ Processor.Progress(_, _) => defer(ggProgress.value = prog.toInt / progDiv + 50)
codeProc.onSuccess { case _ => allDone() }
case _ =>
println("WARNING: Code does not denote a file transform")
} else {
def allDone(): Unit = {
if (DEBUG) println("allDone")
(settings.importFile, settings.location) match {
case (true, Some(locSource)) =>
// val elemName = file.base
val spec = AudioFile.readSpec(file)
cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val loc = locSource()
// loc.modifiableOption.foreach { locM =>
// val fileR = Artifact.relativize(, file)
// val artifact = locM.add(file)
// val depArtif = Artifact.Modifiable(artifact)
val depArtif = Artifact(loc, file) // locM.add(file)
val depOffset = LongObj .newVar[S](0L)
val depGain = DoubleObj.newVar[S](1.0)
val deployed = AudioCue.Obj[S](depArtif, spec, depOffset, depGain)
val depElem = deployed // Grapheme.Expr.Audio(deployed)
val depObj = depElem // Obj(depElem) = file.base
// val transformOpt =
// val recursion = Recursion(group(), settings.span, depObj, settings.gain, settings.channels, transformOpt)
// val recElem = Recursion.Elem(recursion)
// val recObj = Obj(recElem)
// = elemName
// document.rootH().addLast(recObj)
// }
case _ =>
process.onSuccess { case _ => bounceDone() }
desktop.Util.delay(500) {
if (!processCompleted)
def perform[S <: Sys[S]](document: Workspace[S], settings: PerformSettings[S])
(implicit cursor: stm.Cursor[S]): Processor[File] = {
import document.inMemoryBridge
implicit val workspace = document
// for real-time, we generally have to overshoot because in SC 3.6, DiskOut's
// buffer is not flushed after synth is stopped.
val realtime = settings.realtime
val normalized = settings.gain.normalized
val needsTemp = realtime || normalized
val numChannels = settings.server.outputBusChannels
val span = settings.span match {
case sp: Span => sp
case _ =>
cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val tl =
val start = settings.span match {
case hs: Span.HasStart => hs.start
case _ => tl.firstEvent.getOrElse(0L)
val stop = settings.span match {
case hs: Span.HasStop => hs.stop
case _ => tl.lastEvent.getOrElse(start)
Span(start, stop)
val fileOut = file(settings.server.nrtOutputPath)
val fileType = settings.server.nrtHeaderFormat
val sampleFormat = settings.server.nrtSampleFormat
val sampleRate = settings.server.sampleRate
val fileFrames0 = (span.length * sampleRate / TimeRef.SampleRate + 0.5).toLong
val fileFrames = fileFrames0 // - (fileFrames0 % settings.server.blockSize)
val settings1: PerformSettings[S] = if (!needsTemp) settings else {
val fTmp = File.createTempFile("bounce", ".w64")
val sConfig = Server.ConfigBuilder(settings.server)
sConfig.nrtOutputPath = fTmp.path
sConfig.nrtHeaderFormat = AudioFileType.Wave64
sConfig.nrtSampleFormat = SampleFormat.Float
// if (realtime) sConfig.outputBusChannels = 0
settings.copy(server = sConfig)
val bounce = Bounce[S, document.I]
val bnc = Bounce.Config[S] = :: Nil
bnc.realtime = realtime
val bncGainFactor = if (settings1.gain.normalized) 1f else settings1.gain.linear
val inChans = settings1.channels.flatten
val numInChans = if (inChans.isEmpty) 0 else inChans.max + 1
assert(numInChans >= numChannels)
val span1 = if (!realtime) span else {
val bufDur = Buffer.defaultRecBufferSize.toDouble / bnc.server.sampleRate
// apart from DiskOut buffer, add a bit of head-room (100ms) to account for jitter
val bufFrames = ((bufDur + 0.1) * TimeRef.SampleRate + 0.5).toLong
val numFrames = span.length + bufFrames // (span.length + bufFrames - 1) / bufFrames * bufFrames
Span(span.start, span.start + numFrames)
bnc.span = span1
bnc.beforePrepare = { (_tx, s) =>
implicit val tx = _tx
// make sure no private bus overlaps with the virutal output
if (numInChans > numChannels) {
s.allocAudioBus(numInChans - numChannels)
val graph = SynthGraph {
import synth._
import ugen._
val sigIn =, numInChans)
val sigOut: GE = { in =>
val chIn = sigIn \ in
chIn * bncGainFactor
}, sigOut)
}, addAction = addToTail)
val bProcess = bounce.apply(bnc)
// bProcess.addListener {
// case u => println(s"UPDATE: $u")
// }
val process = if (!needsTemp) bProcess else {
val nProcess = new Normalizer(bounce = bProcess,
fileOut = fileOut, fileType = fileType, sampleFormat = sampleFormat,
gain = if (normalized) settings1.gain else Gain.immediate(0f), numFrames = fileFrames)
// XXX TODO --- could use filtered console output via Poll to
// measure max gain already during bounce
private final class Normalizer[S <: Sys[S]](bounce: Processor[File],
fileOut: File, fileType: AudioFileType, sampleFormat: SampleFormat,
gain: Gain, numFrames: Long)
extends ProcessorImpl[File, Processor[File]] with Processor[File] {
override def toString = s"Normalize bounce $fileOut"
def body(): File = blocking {
val fileIn = await(bounce, weight = if (gain.normalized) 0.8 else 0.9) // arbitrary weight
// tricky --- scsynth flush might not yet be seen
// thus wait a few seconds until header becomes available
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (AudioFile.readSpec(fileIn).numFrames == 0L && System.currentTimeMillis() - t0 < 4000) {
val afIn = AudioFile.openRead(fileIn)
import numbers.Implicits._
try {
val bufSz = 8192
val buf = afIn.buffer(bufSz)
val numFrames0 = math.min(afIn.numFrames, numFrames) // whatever...
var rem = numFrames0
// if (rem >= afIn.numFrames)
// throw new EOFException(s"Bounced file is too short (${afIn.numFrames} -- expected at least $rem)")
if (afIn.numFrames == 0)
throw new EOFException("Bounced file is empty")
val mul = if (!gain.normalized) gain.linear else {
var max = 0f
while (rem > 0) {
val chunk = math.min(bufSz, rem).toInt, 0, chunk)
var ch = 0; while (ch < buf.length) {
val cBuf = buf(ch)
var i = 0; while (i < chunk) {
val f = math.abs(cBuf(i))
if (f > max) max = f
i += 1
ch += 1
rem -= chunk
progress = (rem.toDouble / numFrames0).linlin(0, 1, 0.9, 0.8)
if (max == 0) 1f else gain.linear / max
val afOut = AudioFile.openWrite(fileOut,
afIn.spec.copy(fileType = fileType, sampleFormat = sampleFormat, byteOrder = None))
try {
rem = numFrames0
while (rem > 0) {
val chunk = math.min(bufSz, rem).toInt, 0, chunk)
if (mul != 1) {
var ch = 0; while (ch < buf.length) {
val cBuf = buf(ch)
var i = 0; while (i < chunk) {
cBuf(i) *= mul
i += 1
ch += 1
afOut.write(buf, 0, chunk)
rem -= chunk
progress = (rem.toDouble / numFrames0).linlin(0, 1, 1.0, 0.9)
afIn .close()
} finally {
if (afOut.isOpen) afOut.cleanUp()
} finally {
if (afIn.isOpen) afIn.cleanUp()