de.sciss.mellite.gui.GUI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* GUI.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
import java.awt.event.{ActionEvent, ActionListener}
import java.awt.geom.{AffineTransform, Area, Path2D}
import java.awt.{BasicStroke, Graphics, Graphics2D, RenderingHints, Shape}
import javax.swing.{Icon, JComponent, KeyStroke, SwingUtilities}
import de.sciss.audiowidgets.Transport
import de.sciss.desktop
import de.sciss.desktop.{KeyStrokes, OptionPane}
import de.sciss.equal
import de.sciss.icons.raphael
import de.sciss.lucre.stm
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.Sys
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.{defer, requireEDT}
import de.sciss.swingplus.{DoClickAction, GroupPanel}
import de.sciss.synth.proc.SoundProcesses
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.swing.Swing._
import scala.swing.event.Key
import scala.swing.{AbstractButton, Action, Alignment, Button, Component, Dialog, Label, TextField}
// XXX TODO: this stuff should go somewhere for re-use.
object GUI {
private def wordWrap(s: String, margin: Int = 80): String = {
if (s == null) return "" // fuck java
val sz = s.length
if (sz <= margin) return s
var i = 0
val sb = new StringBuilder
while (i < sz) {
val j = s.lastIndexOf(" ", i + margin)
val found = j > i
val k = if (found) j else i + margin
sb.append(s.substring(i, math.min(sz, k)))
i = if (found) k + 1 else k
if (i < sz) sb.append('\n')
def formatException(e: Throwable): String = {
e.getClass.toString + " :\n" + wordWrap(e.getMessage) + "\n" +
e.getStackTrace.take(10).map(" at " + _).mkString("\n")
def round(b: AbstractButton*): Unit =
b.foreach(_.peer.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "roundRect"))
def keyValueDialog(value: Component, title: String = "New Entry", defaultName: String = "Name",
window: Option[desktop.Window] = None): Option[String] = {
val ggName = new TextField(10)
ggName.text = defaultName
val lbName = new Label( "Name:", EmptyIcon, Alignment.Right)
val lbValue = new Label("Value:", EmptyIcon, Alignment.Right)
val box = new GroupPanel {
horizontal = Seq(Par(Trailing)(lbName, lbValue), Par (ggName , value))
vertical = Seq(Par(Baseline)(lbName, ggName ), Par(Baseline)(lbValue, value))
val pane = desktop.OptionPane.confirmation(box, optionType = Dialog.Options.OkCancel,
messageType = Dialog.Message.Question, focus = Some(value))
pane.title = title
val res =
import equal.Implicits._
if (res === Dialog.Result.Ok) {
val name = ggName.text
} else {
def iconNormal (fun: Path2D => Unit): Icon = raphael.TexturedIcon (20)(fun)
def iconDisabled(fun: Path2D => Unit): Icon = raphael.TexturedDisabledIcon(20)(fun)
private val sharpStrk = new BasicStroke(1f)
private val sharpShadowYOff = 1f
private final class SharpIcon(extent: Int, scheme: Transport.ColorScheme, outShape: Shape,
inShape: Shape) extends Icon {
def getIconWidth : Int = extent
def getIconHeight: Int = extent
def paintIcon(c: java.awt.Component, g: Graphics, x: Int, y: Int): Unit = {
val g2 = g.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING , RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE )
val atOrig = g2.getTransform
g2.translate(x + 1, y + 1 + sharpShadowYOff)
g2.translate(0, -sharpShadowYOff)
g2.setPaint(scheme.fillPaint(extent.toFloat / 20))
/** No texture, for more finely drawn icons. */
def sharpIcon(fun: Path2D => Unit): Icon = {
val in0 = new Path2D.Float()
val scale = 19.0 / 32
val in = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale).createTransformedShape(in0)
val out = new Area(sharpStrk.createStrokedShape(in))
out.add(new Area(in))
val scheme = if (Mellite.isDarkSkin) Transport.LightScheme else Transport.DarkScheme
new SharpIcon(extent = 20, scheme = scheme, out, in)
def toolButton(action: Action, iconFun: Path2D => Unit, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = new Button(action)
res.peer.putClientProperty("styleId", "icon-space")
res.icon = iconNormal (iconFun)
res.disabledIcon = iconDisabled(iconFun)
// res.peer.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "textured")
if (!tooltip.isEmpty) res.tooltip = tooltip
/** Adds a global key-triggered click action to a button. The key
* is active if the action appears in the focused window. The added action
* simulates a button click.
def addGlobalKey(b: AbstractButton, keyStroke: KeyStroke): Unit = {
val click = DoClickAction(b)
b.peer.getActionMap.put("click", click.peer)
b.peer.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(keyStroke, "click")
def viewButton(action: Action, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = toolButton(action, raphael.Shapes.View, tooltip)
addGlobalKey(res, KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.Enter)
def attrButton(action: Action, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = toolButton(action, raphael.Shapes.Wrench, tooltip)
addGlobalKey(res, KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.Semicolon)
def addButton(action: Action, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = toolButton(action, raphael.Shapes.Plus, tooltip)
addGlobalKey(res, KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.N)
def removeButton(action: Action, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = toolButton(action, raphael.Shapes.Minus, tooltip)
addGlobalKey(res, KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.BackSpace)
def duplicateButton(action: Action, tooltip: String = ""): Button = {
val res = toolButton(action, raphael.Shapes.SplitArrows, tooltip)
addGlobalKey(res, KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.D)
def atomic[S <: Sys[S], A](title: String, message: String, window: Option[desktop.Window] = None,
timeout: Int = 1000)(fun: S#Tx => A)
(implicit cursor: stm.Cursor[S]): Future[A] = {
val res = SoundProcesses.atomic[S, A](fun)
var opt: OptionPane[Unit] = null
val t = new javax.swing.Timer(timeout, new ActionListener {
def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent): Unit = {
if (!res.isCompleted) {
opt = OptionPane.message(message = s"$message…"), title)
res.onComplete { _ =>
defer {
if (opt != null) {
val w = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(opt.peer)
if (w != null) w.dispose()
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