de.sciss.mellite.gui.MenuBar.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* MenuBar.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
import de.sciss.desktop.{OptionPane, Desktop, KeyStrokes, Menu}
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.Txn
import de.sciss.osc
import scala.concurrent.stm.TxnExecutor
import scala.swing.Label
import scala.swing.event.{MouseClicked, Key}
object MenuBar {
private def showAbout(): Unit = {
val url = Mellite.homepage
val addr = url // url.substring(math.min(url.length, url.indexOf("//") + 2))
val html =
|Version ${Mellite.version}
|Copyright (c) 2012–2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
|This software is published under the ${Mellite.license}
|Scala v${de.sciss.mellite.BuildInfo.scalaVersion}
|Java v${sys.props.getOrElse("java.version", "?")}
val lb = new Label(html) {
// cf.
// There is no way to directly register a HyperlinkListener, despite hyper links
// being rendered... A simple solution is to accept any mouse click on the label
// to open the corresponding website.
cursor = java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(java.awt.Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)
reactions += {
case MouseClicked(_, _, _, 1, false) => Desktop.browseURI(new URL(url).toURI)
OptionPane.message(message = lb.peer, icon = Logo.icon(128)).show(None, title = "About")
lazy val instance: Menu.Root = {
import Menu._
import KeyStrokes._
val itPrefs = Item.Preferences(Application)(ActionPreferences())
val itQuit = Item.Quit(Application)
val itAbout = Item.About(Application)(showAbout())
val mFile = Group("file", "File")
.add(Group("new", "New")
.add(Item("new-doc", ActionNewWorkspace))
.add(Item("repl", InterpreterFrame.Action))
.add(Item("open", ActionOpenWorkspace))
.add(Item("close", proxy("Close", menu1 + Key.W)))
.add(Item("close-all", ActionCloseAllWorkspaces))
.add(Item("bounce", proxy("Bounce...", menu1 + Key.B)))
// .add(Item("bounce-transform", proxy("Bounce And Transform...", (menu1 + shift + Key.B))))
if (itQuit.visible) mFile.addLine().add(itQuit)
val keyRedo = if (Desktop.isWindows) menu1 + Key.Y else menu1 + shift + Key.Z
val mEdit = Group("edit", "Edit")
.add(Item("undo", proxy("Undo", menu1 + Key.Z)))
.add(Item("redo", proxy("Redo", keyRedo)))
.add(Item("cut", proxy("Cut", menu1 + Key.X)))
.add(Item("copy", proxy("Copy", menu1 + Key.C)))
.add(Item("paste", proxy("Paste", menu1 + Key.V)))
.add(Item("delete", proxy("Delete", plain + Key.BackSpace)))
.add(Item("select-all", proxy("Select All", menu1 + Key.A)))
if (itPrefs.visible /* && Desktop.isLinux */) mEdit.addLine().add(itPrefs)
val mActions = Group("actions", "Actions")
.add(Item("stop-all-sound", proxy("Stop All Sound", menu1 + Key.Period)))
.add(Item("debug-print", proxy("Debug Print", menu2 + Key.P)))
.add(Item("debug-threads")("Debug Thread Dump")(debugThreads()))
.add(Item("dump-osc")("Dump OSC" -> (ctrl + shift + Key.D))(dumpOSC()))
.add(Item("window-shot", proxy("Export Window as PDF...")))
val mView = Group("view", "View")
.add(Item("show-log" )("Show Log Window" -> (menu1 + Key.P))(Mellite.logToFront()))
.add(Item("clear-log")("Clear Log Window" -> (menu1 + shift + Key.P))(Mellite.clearLog ()))
// // --- timeline menu ---
// val mTimeline = Group("timeline", "Timeline")
// // .add(Item("trimToSelection", proxy("Trim to Selection", (menu1 + Key.F5))))
// .add(Item("insertSpan", proxy("Insert Span...", menu1 + shift + Key.E)))
// .add(Item("clearSpan", proxy("Clear Selected Span", menu1 + Key.BackSlash)))
// .add(Item("removeSpan", proxy("Remove Selected Span", menu1 + shift + Key.BackSlash)))
// .add(Item("dupSpanToPos", "Duplicate Span to Cursor"))
// .addLine()
// .add(Item("nudgeAmount", "Nudge Amount..."))
// .add(Item("nudgeLeft", proxy("Nudge Objects Backward", plain + Key.Minus)))
// .add(Item("nudgeRight", proxy("Nudge Objects Forward", plain + Key.Plus)))
// .addLine()
// .add(Item("selectFollowing", proxy("Select Following Objects", menu2 + Key.F)))
// .add(Item("alignObjStartToPos", "Align Objects Start To Cursor"))
// .add(Item("splitObjects", proxy("Split Selected Objects", menu2 + Key.Y)))
// .addLine()
// .add(Item("selStopToStart", "Flip Selection Backward"))
// .add(Item("selStartToStop", "Flip Selection Forward"))
// val mOperation = Group("operation", "Operation")
// .add(Item("cursorFollows", "Cursor Follows Playback Head"))
// if (itPrefs.visible && !Desktop.isLinux) mOperation.addLine().add(itPrefs)
val res = Root()
// .add(mTimeline)
// .add(mOperation)
if (itAbout.visible) {
val mHelp = Group("help", "Help").add(itAbout)
private def debugThreads(): Unit = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val m = Thread.getAllStackTraces.asScala.toVector.sortBy(_._1.getId)
println("Id__ State_________ Name___________________ Pri")
m.foreach { case (t, _) =>
println(f"${t.getId}%3d ${t.getState}%-13s ${t.getName}%-23s ${t.getPriority}%2d")
m.foreach { case (t, stack) =>
println(f"${t.getId}%3d ${t.getState}%-13s ${t.getName}%-23s")
if (t == Thread.currentThread()) println(" (self)")
else stack.foreach { elem =>
println(s" $elem")
private var dumpMode: osc.Dump = osc.Dump.Off
private def dumpOSC(): Unit = {
val sOpt = TxnExecutor.defaultAtomic { itx =>
implicit val tx = Txn.wrap(itx)
sOpt.foreach { s =>
dumpMode = if (dumpMode == osc.Dump.Off) osc.Dump.Text else osc.Dump.Off
s.peer.dumpOSC(dumpMode, filter = {
case m: osc.Message if == "/$meter" => false
case _ => true
println(s"DumpOSC is ${if (dumpMode == osc.Dump.Text) "ON" else "OFF"}")