de.sciss.mellite.gui.TrackTools.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* TrackTools.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
import java.awt.Cursor
import javax.swing.Icon
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
import de.sciss.lucre.stm
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.Sys
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.ProcObjView
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.tracktool.{AuditionImpl, CursorImpl, FadeImpl, FunctionImpl, GainImpl, MoveImpl, MuteImpl, PaletteImpl, PatchImpl, ResizeImpl, ToolsImpl}
import de.sciss.model.{Change, Model}
import de.sciss.span.Span
import de.sciss.synth.proc.FadeSpec
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec}
import scala.swing.Component
object TrackTools {
sealed trait Update[S <: stm.Sys[S]]
final case class ToolChanged [S <: stm.Sys[S]](change: Change[TrackTool[S, _]]) extends Update[S]
final case class VisualBoostChanged [S <: stm.Sys[S]](change: Change[Float ]) extends Update[S]
final case class FadeViewModeChanged [S <: stm.Sys[S]](change: Change[FadeViewMode ]) extends Update[S]
final case class RegionViewModeChanged[S <: stm.Sys[S]](change: Change[RegionViewMode ]) extends Update[S]
def apply [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTools[S] = new ToolsImpl(canvas)
def palette[S <: Sys[S]](control: TrackTools[S], tools: Vec[TrackTool[S, _]]): Component =
new PaletteImpl[S](control, tools)
object RegionViewMode {
/** No visual indicator for region borders */
case object None extends RegionViewMode { final val id = 0 }
/** Rounded box for region borders */
case object Box extends RegionViewMode { final val id = 1 }
/** Rounded box with region name for region borders */
case object TitledBox extends RegionViewMode { final val id = 2 }
def apply(id: Int): RegionViewMode = (id: @switch) match {
case None .id => None
case Box .id => Box
case => TitledBox
sealed trait RegionViewMode { def id: Int }
object FadeViewMode {
/** No visual indicator for fades */
case object None extends FadeViewMode { final val id = 0 }
/** Curve overlays to indicate fades */
case object Curve extends FadeViewMode { final val id = 1 }
/** Gain adjustments to sonogram to indicate fades */
case object Sonogram extends FadeViewMode { final val id = 2 }
def apply(id: Int): FadeViewMode = (id: @switch) match {
case None .id => None
case Curve .id => Curve
case => Sonogram
sealed trait FadeViewMode {
def id: Int
trait TrackTools[S <: stm.Sys[S]] extends Model[TrackTools.Update[S]] {
var currentTool : TrackTool[S, _]
var visualBoost : Float
var fadeViewMode : FadeViewMode
var regionViewMode: RegionViewMode
object TrackTool {
trait Rectangular {
def trackIndex: Int
def trackHeight: Int
def span: Span
def isValid: Boolean = trackIndex >= 0
sealed trait Update[+A]
case object DragBegin extends Update[Nothing]
final case class DragAdjust[A](value: A) extends Update[A]
final case class DragRubber(trackIndex: Int, trackHeight: Int, span: Span)
extends Update[Nothing] with Rectangular
case object DragEnd extends Update[Nothing] // (commit: AbstractCompoundEdit)
case object DragCancel extends Update[Nothing]
/** Direct adjustment without drag period. */
case class Adjust[A](value: A) extends Update[A]
val EmptyRubber = DragRubber(-1, -1, Span(0L, 0L))
// ----
type Move = ProcActions.Move
val Move = ProcActions.Move
type Resize = ProcActions.Resize
val Resize = ProcActions.Resize
final case class Gain (factor: Float)
final case class Mute (engaged: Boolean)
final case class Fade (deltaFadeIn: Long, deltaFadeOut: Long, deltaFadeInCurve: Float, deltaFadeOutCurve: Float)
final val NoMove = Move(deltaTime = 0L, deltaTrack = 0, copy = false)
final val NoResize = Resize(deltaStart = 0L, deltaStop = 0L)
final val NoGain = Gain(1f)
final val NoFade = Fade(0L, 0L, 0f, 0f)
final val NoFunction = Function(-1, -1, Span(0L, 0L))
final case class Function(trackIndex: Int, trackHeight: Int, span: Span)
extends Update[Nothing] with Rectangular
final case class Cursor (name: Option[String])
object Patch {
sealed trait Sink[+S]
case class Linked[S <: Sys[S]](proc: ProcObjView.Timeline[S]) extends Sink[S]
case class Unlinked(frame: Long, y: Int) extends Sink[Nothing]
final case class Patch[S <: Sys[S]](source: ProcObjView.Timeline[S], sink: Patch.Sink[S])
final val EmptyFade = FadeSpec(numFrames = 0L)
type Listener = Model.Listener[Update[Any]]
def cursor [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Cursor ] = new CursorImpl (canvas)
def move [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Move ] = new MoveImpl (canvas)
def resize [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Resize ] = new ResizeImpl (canvas)
def gain [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Gain ] = new GainImpl (canvas)
def mute [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Mute ] = new MuteImpl (canvas)
def fade [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Fade ] = new FadeImpl (canvas)
def function[S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S], view: TimelineView[S]): TrackTool[S, Function] =
new FunctionImpl(canvas, view)
def patch [S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S]): TrackTool[S, Patch[S]] = new PatchImpl (canvas)
def audition[S <: Sys[S]](canvas: TimelineProcCanvas[S], view: TimelineView[S]): TrackTool[S, Unit] =
new AuditionImpl(canvas, view)
/** A tool that operates on object inside the timeline view.
* @tparam A the type of element that represents an ongoing
* edit state (typically during mouse drag).
trait TrackTool[S <: stm.Sys[S], A] extends Model[TrackTool.Update[A]] {
/** The mouse cursor used when the tool is active. */
def defaultCursor: Cursor
/** The icon to use in a tool bar. */
def icon: Icon
/** The human readable name of the tool. */
def name: String
/** Called to activate the tool to operate on the given component. */
def install (component: Component): Unit
/** Called to deactivate the tool before switching to a different tool. */
def uninstall(component: Component): Unit
// def handleSelect(e: MouseEvent, hitTrack: Int, pos: Long, regionOpt: Option[TimelineProcView[S]]): Unit
/** Called after the end of a mouse drag gesture. If this constitutes a
* valid edit, the method should return the resulting undoable edit.
* @param drag the last editing state
* @param cursor the cursor that might be needed to construct the undoable edit
* @return either `Some` edit or `None` if the action does not constitute an
* edit or the edit parameters are invalid.
def commit(drag: A)(implicit tx: S#Tx, cursor: stm.Cursor[S]): Option[UndoableEdit]
//object TrackSlideTool {
// case class Slide(deltaOuter: Long, deltaInner: Long)
//class TrackSlideTool(trackList: TrackList, timelineModel: TimelineView)
// extends BasicTrackRegionTool[TrackSlideTool.Slide](trackList, timelineModel) {
// import TrackSlideTool._
// def defaultCursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR)
// val name = "Slide"
// protected def dialog: Option[Slide] = None // not yet supported
// protected def dragToParam(d: Drag): Slide = {
// val amt = d.currentPos - d.firstPos
// if (d.firstEvent.isAltDown)
// Slide(0L, -amt)
// else
// Slide(amt, 0L)
// }
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