de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.document.FolderFrameImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* FolderFrameImpl.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
package impl
package document
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
import de.sciss.desktop
import de.sciss.desktop.edit.CompoundEdit
import de.sciss.desktop.impl.UndoManagerImpl
import de.sciss.desktop.{FileDialog, Desktop, KeyStrokes, Menu, UndoManager, Window}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.StringObj
import de.sciss.lucre.{expr, stm}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.Obj
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.{CellView, deferTx}
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.Sys
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.edit.{EditFolderInsertObj, EditFolderRemoveObj}
import de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.component.CollectionViewImpl
import de.sciss.swingplus.{GroupPanel, Spinner}
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{Folder, ObjKeys}
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.swing.Swing.EmptyIcon
import scala.swing.event.Key
import scala.swing.{Action, Alignment, CheckBox, Dialog, Label, Swing, TextField}
object FolderFrameImpl {
def apply[S <: Sys[S]](name: CellView[S#Tx, String],
folder: Folder[S],
isWorkspaceRoot: Boolean)(implicit tx: S#Tx,
workspace: Workspace[S], cursor: stm.Cursor[S]): FolderFrame[S] = {
implicit val undoMgr = new UndoManagerImpl
val folderView = FolderView(folder)
val interceptQuit = isWorkspaceRoot && workspace.folder.isEmpty
val view = new ViewImpl[S](folderView)
val res = new FrameImpl[S](view, name = name, isWorkspaceRoot = isWorkspaceRoot, interceptQuit = interceptQuit)
def addDuplicateAction[S <: Sys[S]](w: WindowImpl[S], action: Action): Unit =
Application.windowHandler.menuFactory.get("edit") match {
case Some(mEdit: Menu.Group) =>
val itDup = Menu.Item("duplicate", action)
mEdit.add(Some(w.window), itDup) // XXX TODO - should be insert-after "Select All"
case _ =>
private def addImportJSONAction[S <: Sys[S]](w: WindowImpl[S], action: Action): Unit =
Application.windowHandler.menuFactory.get("actions") match {
case Some(mEdit: Menu.Group) =>
val itDup = Menu.Item("import-json", action)
mEdit.add(Some(w.window), itDup)
case _ =>
private final class FrameImpl[S <: Sys[S]](val view: ViewImpl[S], name: CellView[S#Tx, String],
isWorkspaceRoot: Boolean, interceptQuit: Boolean)
extends WindowImpl[S](name) with FolderFrame[S] {
def workspace = view.workspace
def folderView = view.peer
private var quitAcceptor = Option.empty[() => Boolean]
override protected def initGUI(): Unit = {
addDuplicateAction (this, view.actionDuplicate )
addImportJSONAction(this, view.actionImportJSON)
if (interceptQuit) quitAcceptor = Some(Desktop.addQuitAcceptor(checkClose()))
override protected def placement: (Float, Float, Int) = (0.5f, 0.0f, 20)
override protected def checkClose(): Boolean = !interceptQuit ||
ActionCloseAllWorkspaces.check(workspace, Some(window))
override protected def performClose(): Unit =
if (isWorkspaceRoot) {
} else {
override def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = {
deferTx {
final class ViewImpl[S <: Sys[S]](val peer: FolderView[S])
(implicit val workspace: Workspace[S],
val cursor: stm.Cursor[S], val undoManager: UndoManager)
extends CollectionViewImpl[S]
impl =>
protected type InsertConfig = Unit
protected def prepareInsert(f: ObjView.Factory): Option[InsertConfig] = Some(())
protected def editInsert(f: ObjView.Factory, xs: List[Obj[S]], config: InsertConfig)
(implicit tx: S#Tx): Option[UndoableEdit] = {
val (parent, idx) = impl.peer.insertionPoint
val edits: List[UndoableEdit] = { case (x, j) =>
EditFolderInsertObj(f.prefix, parent, idx + j, x)
} (breakOut)
CompoundEdit(edits, "Create Objects")
def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit =
protected lazy val actionDelete: Action = Action(null) {
val sel = peer.selection
val edits: List[UndoableEdit] = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
sel.flatMap { nodeView =>
val parent = nodeView.parent
val childH = nodeView.modelData
val child = childH()
val idx = parent.indexOf(child)
if (idx < 0) {
println("WARNING: Parent folder of object not found")
} else {
implicit val folderSer = Folder.serializer[S]
val edit = EditFolderRemoveObj[S](nodeView.renderData.humanName, parent, idx, child)
val ceOpt = CompoundEdit(edits, "Delete Elements")
protected def initGUI2(): Unit = {
peer.addListener {
case FolderView.SelectionChanged(_, sel) =>
actionDuplicate.enabled = sel.nonEmpty
lazy val actionImportJSON: Action = new Action("Import Mellite v0.3.x JSON...") {
def apply(): Unit = { = title.substring(0, title.length - 3)).show(None).foreach { f =>
// val fi = new FileInputStream(f)
// try {
// val bytes = new Array[Byte](fi.available())
// val json = Json.parse(bytes)
cursor.step { implicit tx => ImportJSON[S](impl.peer.root(), f /* json */) }
// } finally {
// fi.close()
// }
lazy val actionDuplicate: Action = new Action("Duplicate...") {
accelerator = Some(KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.D)
enabled = impl.peer.selection.nonEmpty
private var appendText = "-1"
private var count = 1
private var append = true
private def incLast(x: String, c: Int): String = {
val p = "\\d+".r
val m = p.pattern.matcher(x)
var start = -1
var end = -1
while (m.find()) {
start = m.start()
end = m.end()
if (start < 0) x else {
val (pre, tmp) = x.splitAt(start)
val (old, suf) = tmp.splitAt(end - start)
s"$pre${old.toInt + c}$suf"
def apply(): Unit = {
val sel = impl.peer.selection
val numSel = sel.size
if (numSel == 0) return =>
val txtInfo = s"Duplicate ${if (numSel == 1) s"'${}'" else s"$numSel Objects"}"
val lbInfo = new Label(txtInfo)
lbInfo.border = Swing.EmptyBorder(0, 0, 8, 0)
val ggName = new TextField(6)
ggName.text = appendText
val mCount = new SpinnerNumberModel(count, 1, 0x4000, 1)
val ggCount = new Spinner(mCount)
val lbName = new CheckBox("Append to Name:")
lbName.selected = append
val lbCount = new Label("Number of Copies:" , EmptyIcon, Alignment.Right)
val box = new GroupPanel {
horizontal = Par(
Seq(Par(Trailing)(lbCount, lbName), Par(ggName , ggCount))
vertical = Seq(lbInfo, Par(Baseline)(lbName, ggName ), Par(Baseline)(lbCount, ggCount))
val pane = desktop.OptionPane.confirmation(box, optionType = Dialog.Options.OkCancel,
messageType = Dialog.Message.Question, focus = Some(ggCount))
pane.title = "Duplicate"
val window = Window.find(component)
val res =
import de.sciss.equal.Implicits._
if (res === Dialog.Result.Ok) {
// save state
count = mCount.getNumber.intValue()
appendText = ggName.text
append = lbName.selected
// lazy val regex = "\\d+".r // do _not_ catch leading minus character
val edits: List[UndoableEdit] = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
sel.flatMap { nodeView =>
val p = nodeView.parent
val orig = nodeView.modelData()
val idx = p.indexOf(orig)
val copies = List.tabulate(count) { n =>
val cpy = Obj.copy(orig)
if (append) {
val suffix = incLast(appendText, n)
orig.attr.$[StringObj](ObjKeys.attrName).foreach { oldName =>
// val imp = ExprImplicits[S]
import expr.Ops._
val newName = oldName ++ suffix
cpy.attr.put(ObjKeys.attrName, StringObj.newVar(newName))
// = s"${}$suffix"
EditFolderInsertObj("Copy", p, idx + n + 1, cpy)
val editOpt = CompoundEdit(edits, txtInfo)
def selectedObjects: List[ObjView[S]] =
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