de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.interpreter.CodeFrameImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* CodeFrameImpl.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
package impl
package interpreter
import javax.swing.event.{AncestorEvent, AncestorListener}
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
import de.sciss.desktop.impl.UndoManagerImpl
import de.sciss.desktop.{OptionPane, UndoManager}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.{IDPeek, Obj}
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.edit.EditVar
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.{CellView, View}
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.Sys
import de.sciss.synth.SynthGraph
import de.sciss.synth.proc.impl.ActionImpl
import de.sciss.synth.proc.{Action, Code, Proc, SynthGraphObj}
import scala.swing.{Component, Orientation, SplitPane}
object CodeFrameImpl {
// ---- adapter for editing a Proc's source ----
def proc[S <: Sys[S]](obj: Proc[S])
(implicit tx: S#Tx, workspace: Workspace[S], cursor: stm.Cursor[S],
compiler: Code.Compiler): CodeFrame[S] = {
val codeObj = mkSource(obj = obj, codeID =, key = Proc.attrSource,
init = {
val txt = ProcActions.extractSource(obj.graph.value)
val comment = if (txt.isEmpty)
"graph function source code"
"source code automatically extracted"
s"// $comment\n\n$txt"
val codeEx0 = codeObj
val objH = tx.newHandle(obj)
val code0 = codeEx0.value match {
case cs: Code.SynthGraph => cs
case other => sys.error(s"Proc source code does not produce SynthGraph: ${other.contextName}")
val handler = new CodeView.Handler[S, Unit, SynthGraph] {
def in() = ()
def save(in: Unit, out: SynthGraph)(implicit tx: S#Tx): UndoableEdit = {
val obj = objH()
implicit val sgTpe = SynthGraphObj
EditVar.Expr[S, SynthGraph, SynthGraphObj]("Change SynthGraph", obj.graph, SynthGraphObj.newConst[S](out))
def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx) = ()
def execute()(implicit tx: S#Tx) = ()
implicit val undo = new UndoManagerImpl
val rightView = OutputsView[S](obj) // SCANS
make(obj, codeObj, code0, Some(handler), hasExecute = false, rightViewOpt = Some(rightView))
// ---- adapter for editing a Action's source ----
def action[S <: Sys[S]](obj: Action[S])
(implicit tx: S#Tx, workspace: Workspace[S], cursor: stm.Cursor[S],
compiler: Code.Compiler): CodeFrame[S] = {
val codeObj = mkSource(obj = obj, codeID =, key = Action.attrSource,
init = "// action source code\n\n")
val codeEx0 = codeObj
val code0 = codeEx0.value match {
case cs: Code.Action => cs
case other => sys.error(s"Action source code does not produce plain function: ${other.contextName}")
val handlerOpt = obj match {
case Action.Var(vr) =>
val varH = tx.newHandle(vr)
val objH = tx.newHandle(obj)
val handler = new CodeView.Handler[S, String, Array[Byte]] {
def in(): String = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val id = tx.newID()
val cnt = IDPeek(id)
def save(in: String, out: Array[Byte])(implicit tx: S#Tx): UndoableEdit = {
val obj = varH()
val value = ActionImpl.newConst[S](name = in, jar = out)
EditVar[S, Action[S], Action.Var[S]](name = "Change Action Body", expr = obj, value = value)
def execute()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = {
val obj = objH()
val universe = Action.Universe(obj, workspace)
// ActionImpl.execute[S](name = in, jar = out)
def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx) = ()
case _ => None
implicit val undo = new UndoManagerImpl
make(obj, codeObj, code0, handlerOpt, hasExecute = true, rightViewOpt = None)
// ---- general constructor ----
def apply[S <: Sys[S]](obj: Code.Obj[S], hasExecute: Boolean)
(implicit tx: S#Tx, workspace: Workspace[S], cursor: stm.Cursor[S],
compiler: Code.Compiler): CodeFrame[S] = {
val _codeEx = obj
val _code = _codeEx.value
implicit val undo = new UndoManagerImpl
make[S, _code.In, _code.Out](obj, obj, _code, None, hasExecute = hasExecute, rightViewOpt = None)
private def make[S <: Sys[S], In0, Out0](pObj: Obj[S], obj: Code.Obj[S], code0: Code { type In = In0; type Out = Out0 },
handler: Option[CodeView.Handler[S, In0, Out0]], hasExecute: Boolean,
rightViewOpt: Option[View[S]])
(implicit tx: S#Tx, ws: Workspace[S], csr: stm.Cursor[S],
undoMgr: UndoManager, compiler: Code.Compiler): CodeFrame[S] = {
// val _name = /* title getOrElse */
val codeView = CodeView(obj, code0, hasExecute = hasExecute)(handler)
val view = rightViewOpt.fold[View[S]](codeView) { bottomView =>
new View.Editable[S] with ViewHasWorkspace[S] {
val undoManager = undoMgr
val cursor = csr
val workspace = ws
lazy val component: Component = {
val res = new SplitPane(Orientation.Vertical, codeView.component, bottomView.component)
res.oneTouchExpandable = true
res.resizeWeight = 1.0
// cf.
res.peer.addAncestorListener(new AncestorListener {
def ancestorAdded (e: AncestorEvent): Unit = res.dividerLocation = 1.0
def ancestorRemoved(e: AncestorEvent): Unit = ()
def ancestorMoved (e: AncestorEvent): Unit = ()
def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = {
codeView .dispose()
val _name =
val res = new FrameImpl(codeView = codeView, view = view, name = _name, contextName = code0.contextName)
// ---- util ----
private def mkSource[S <: Sys[S]](obj: Obj[S], codeID: Int, key: String, init: => String)
(implicit tx: S#Tx): Code.Obj[S] = {
// if there is no source code attached,
// create a new code object and add it to the attribute map.
// let's just do that without undo manager
val codeObj = obj.attr.get(key) match {
case Some(c: Code.Obj[S]) => c
case _ =>
val source = init
val code = Code(codeID, source)
val c = Code.Obj.newVar(Code.Obj.newConst[S](code))
obj.attr.put(key, c)
// ---- frame impl ----
private final class FrameImpl[S <: Sys[S]](val codeView: CodeView[S], val view: View[S],
name: CellView[S#Tx, String], contextName: String)
extends WindowImpl[S]( => s"$n : $contextName Code")) with CodeFrame[S] {
override protected def checkClose(): Boolean = {
if (codeView.isCompiling) {
// ggStatus.text = "busy!"
return false
!codeView.dirty || {
val message = "The code has been edited.\nDo you want to save the changes?"
val opt = OptionPane.confirmation(message = message, optionType = OptionPane.Options.YesNoCancel,
messageType = OptionPane.Message.Warning)
opt.title = s"Close - $title" match {
case OptionPane.Result.No => true
case OptionPane.Result.Yes =>
/* val fut = */
case OptionPane.Result.Cancel | OptionPane.Result.Closed =>
// override def style = Window.Auxiliary
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