de.sciss.mellite.gui.impl.interpreter.CodeViewImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* CodeViewImpl.scala
* (Mellite)
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.mellite
package gui
package impl
package interpreter
import java.awt.Color
import java.beans.{PropertyChangeEvent, PropertyChangeListener}
import javax.swing.Icon
import javax.swing.event.{UndoableEditEvent, UndoableEditListener}
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit
import de.sciss.desktop.edit.CompoundEdit
import de.sciss.desktop.{KeyStrokes, UndoManager}
import de.sciss.icons.raphael
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.{Expr, StringObj}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.Sys
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.edit.EditVar
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.impl.ComponentHolder
import de.sciss.lucre.swing.{defer, deferTx, requireEDT}
import de.sciss.model.impl.ModelImpl
import de.sciss.scalainterpreter.{CodePane, Interpreter, InterpreterPane}
import de.sciss.swingplus.Implicits._
import de.sciss.swingplus.SpinningProgressBar
import de.sciss.syntaxpane.SyntaxDocument
import de.sciss.synth.proc.Code
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.swing.Swing._
import scala.swing.event.Key
import scala.swing.{Action, BorderPanel, Button, Component, FlowPanel, Swing}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
object CodeViewImpl {
private val intpMap = mutable.WeakHashMap.empty[Int, Future[Interpreter]]
/* We use one shared interpreter for all code frames of each context. */
private def interpreter(id: Int): Future[Interpreter] = {
intpMap.getOrElse(id, {
val cfg = Interpreter.Config()
cfg.imports = Code.getImports(id)
val res = Interpreter.async(cfg)
intpMap.put(id, res)
def apply[S <: Sys[S]](obj: Code.Obj[S], code0: Code, hasExecute: Boolean)
(handlerOpt: Option[CodeView.Handler[S, code0.In, code0.Out]])
(implicit tx: S#Tx, workspace: Workspace[S], cursor: stm.Cursor[S],
compiler: Code.Compiler,
undoManager: UndoManager): CodeView[S] = {
// val source0 = sourceCode.value
// val objH = tx.newHandle(obj)
val codeEx = obj
val codeVarHOpt = codeEx match {
case Code.Obj.Var(vr) =>
case _ => None
// val code0 = codeEx.value
// val source0 = code0.source
// val sourceH = tx.newHandle(sourceCode)(StringObj.varSerializer[S])
val res = new Impl[S, code0.In, code0.Out](codeVarHOpt, code0, handlerOpt, hasExecute = hasExecute)
private final class Impl[S <: Sys[S], In0, Out0](codeVarHOpt: Option[stm.Source[S#Tx, Code.Obj.Var[S]]],
private var code: Code { type In = In0; type Out = Out0 },
handlerOpt: Option[CodeView.Handler[S, In0, Out0]],
hasExecute: Boolean)
(implicit undoManager: UndoManager, val workspace: Workspace[S],
val cursor: stm.Cursor[S], compiler: Code.Compiler)
extends ComponentHolder[Component] with CodeView[S] with ModelImpl[CodeView.Update] {
// import
private var _dirty = false
def dirty = _dirty
def dirty_=(value: Boolean): Unit = if (_dirty != value) {
_dirty = value
actionApply.enabled = value
private type CodeT = Code { type In = In0; type Out = Out0 }
private def loadText(idx: Int): Unit = {
try {
val inp = io.Source.fromFile(s"codeview$idx.txt", "UTF-8")
val text = inp.getLines().mkString("\n")
codePane.editor.text = text
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => e.printStackTrace()
private val codeCfg = {
val b = CodePane.Config()
b.text = code.source
// XXX TODO - cheesy hack
b.keyMap += (KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.Key1 -> (() => loadText(1)))
b.keyMap += (KeyStrokes.menu1 + Key.Key2 -> (() => loadText(2)))
// import code.{id => codeID}
private var codePane: CodePane = _
private var futCompile = Option.empty[Future[Any]]
private var actionApply: Action = _
def isCompiling: Boolean = {
protected def currentText: String = codePane.editor.text
def dispose()(implicit tx: S#Tx) = ()
def undoAction: Action = Action.wrap(codePane.editor.peer.getActionMap.get("undo"))
def redoAction: Action = Action.wrap(codePane.editor.peer.getActionMap.get("redo"))
private def saveSource(newSource: String)(implicit tx: S#Tx): Option[UndoableEdit] = {
// val expr = ExprImplicits[S]
// import StringObj.{varSerializer, serializer}
// val imp = ExprImplicits[S] { source =>
val newCode = Code.Obj.newConst[S](code.updateSource(newSource))
implicit val codeTpe = Code.Obj
EditVar.Expr[S, Code, Code.Obj]("Change Source Code", source(), newCode)
private def addEditAndClear(edit: UndoableEdit): Unit = {
// this doesn't work properly
// component.setDirty(value = false) // do not erase undo history
// so let's clear the undo history now...
def save(): Future[Unit] = {
val newCode = currentText
if (handlerOpt.isDefined) {
compileSource(newCode, save = true)
} else {
val editOpt = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
Future.successful[Unit] {}
private def saveSourceAndObject(newCode: String, in: In0, out: Out0)(implicit tx: S#Tx): Option[UndoableEdit] = {
val edit1 = saveSource(newCode)
val edit2 = { handler =>, out)
val edits0 = edit2.toList
val edits = edit1.fold(edits0)(_ :: edits0)
CompoundEdit(edits, "Save and Apply Code")
private def compile(): Unit = compileSource(currentText, save = false)
private def compileSource(newCode: String, save: Boolean): Future[Unit] = {
val saveObject = handlerOpt.isDefined && save
if (futCompile.isDefined && !saveObject) return Future.successful[Unit] {}
ggProgress .spinning = true
actionCompile .enabled = false
if (saveObject) actionApply.enabled = false
code = code.updateSource(newCode)
val fut = handlerOpt match {
case Some(handler) if save =>
// val _fut = Library.compile(newCode)
val _fut = Code.future {
val in =
val out = code.execute(in)
(in, out)
_fut.onSuccess { case (in, out) =>
defer {
val editOpt = cursor.step { implicit tx =>
saveSourceAndObject(newCode, in, out)
case _ =>
futCompile = Some(fut)
fut.onComplete { res =>
defer {
futCompile = None
ggProgress .spinning = false
actionCompile .enabled = true
if (saveObject) actionApply.enabled = true
val iconColr = res match {
case Success(_) =>
clearGreen = true
new Color(0x00, 0xC0, 0x00) // "\u2713"
case Failure(Code.CompilationFailed()) => // "error!"
case Failure(Code.CodeIncomplete ()) => // "incomplete!"
case Failure(e) =>
ggCompile.icon = compileIcon(Some(iconColr))
} => ())
private lazy val ggProgress = new SpinningProgressBar
private lazy val actionCompile = Action("Compile")(compile())
private lazy val ggCompile: Button = GUI.toolButton(actionCompile, raphael.Shapes.Hammer,
tooltip = "Verify that current buffer compiles")
private def compileIcon(colr: Option[Color]): Icon =
raphael.Icon(extent = 20, fill = colr.getOrElse(raphael.TexturePaint(24)),
shadow = raphael.WhiteShadow)(raphael.Shapes.Hammer)
private var clearGreen = false
def init()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = deferTx(guiInit())
private def guiInit(): Unit = {
codePane = CodePane(codeCfg)
codePane.component.peer.putClientProperty("styleId", "undecorated")
val iPane = InterpreterPane.wrapAsync(interpreter(, codePane)
actionApply = Action("Apply")(save())
actionApply.enabled = false
lazy val doc = codePane.editor.peer.getDocument.asInstanceOf[SyntaxDocument]
new UndoableEditListener {
def undoableEditHappened(e: UndoableEditEvent): Unit =
if (clearGreen) {
clearGreen = false
ggCompile.icon = compileIcon(None)
doc.addPropertyChangeListener(SyntaxDocument.CAN_UNDO, new PropertyChangeListener {
def propertyChange(e: PropertyChangeEvent): Unit = dirty = doc.canUndo
lazy val ggApply: Button = GUI.toolButton(actionApply, raphael.Shapes.Check , tooltip = "Save text changes")
val bot0: List[Component] = ggProgress :: Nil
val bot1 = handlerOpt.fold(bot0) { handler =>
if (!hasExecute) bot0
else {
val actionExecute = Action(null) {
cursor.step { implicit tx =>
val ggExecute = GUI.toolButton(actionExecute, raphael.Shapes.Bolt, tooltip = "Run body")
ggExecute :: bot0
val bot2 = HGlue :: ggApply :: ggCompile :: bot1
val panelBottom = new FlowPanel(FlowPanel.Alignment.Trailing)(bot2: _*)
val iPaneC = iPane.component
val top = iPaneC.peer.getComponent(iPaneC.peer.getComponentCount - 1) match {
case jc: javax.swing.JComponent =>
case _ => new BorderPanel {
add(iPaneC , BorderPanel.Position.Center)
add(panelBottom, BorderPanel.Position.South )
component = top
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