de.sciss.synth.GEOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* GE.scala
* (ScalaCollider)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
import de.sciss.synth.ugen.{BinaryOpUGen, ChannelProxy, ChannelRangeProxy, Clip, Constant, Flatten, Fold, Impulse, LinExp, LinLin, MulAdd, Poll, UnaryOpUGen, Wrap}
object GEOps {
private def getRate(g: GE, name: String): Rate =
g.rate.getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"`$name` input rate must be defined"))
final class GEOps(val `this`: GE) extends AnyVal { me =>
import GEOps.getRate
import me.{`this` => g}
/** Creates a proxy that represents a specific output channel of the element.
* @param index channel-index, zero-based. Indices which are greater than or equal
* to the number of outputs are wrapped around.
* @return a monophonic element that represents the given channel of the receiver
def `\\`(index: Int) : GE = ChannelProxy(g, index)
def `\\`(range: Range) : GE = {
val until = if (range.isInclusive) range.end + range.step else range.end
ChannelRangeProxy(g, from = range.start, until = until, step = range.step)
def madd(mul: GE, add: GE): GE = MulAdd(g, mul, add)
def flatten : GE = Flatten(g)
def poll: Poll = poll()
/** Polls the output values of this graph element, and prints the result to the console.
* This is a convenient method for wrapping this graph element in a `Poll` UGen.
* @param trig a signal to trigger the printing. If this is a constant, it is
* interpreted as a frequency value and an `Impulse` generator of that frequency
* is used instead.
* @param label a string to print along with the values, in order to identify
* different polls. Using the special label `"$auto"` (default) will generated
* automatic useful labels using information from the polled graph element
* @param trigID if greater then 0, a `"/tr"` OSC message is sent back to the client
* (similar to `SendTrig`)
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Poll]]
def poll(trig: GE = 10, label: String = "$auto", trigID: GE = -1): Poll = {
val trig1 = trig match {
case Constant(freq) => Impulse((g.rate getOrElse audio) max control, freq, 0) // XXX good? or throw an error? should have a maxRate?
case other => other
val label1 = if (label != "$auto") label else {
val str = g.toString
val i = str.indexOf('(')
if (i >= 0) str.substring(0, i)
else {
val j = str.indexOf('@')
if (j >= 0) str.substring(0, j)
else str
Poll(trig1.rate, trig = trig1, in = g, label = label1, trigID = trigID)
import UnaryOpUGen._
@inline private def unOp(op: UnaryOpUGen.Op): GE = op.make(g)
// unary ops
def unary_- : GE = unOp(Neg )
def unary_! : GE = unOp(Not )
def abs : GE = unOp(Abs )
// def toFloat: GE = ...
// def toInteger: GE = ...
def ceil : GE = unOp(Ceil )
def floor : GE = unOp(Floor )
def frac : GE = unOp(Frac )
def signum : GE = unOp(Signum )
def squared : GE = unOp(Squared )
def cubed : GE = unOp(Cubed )
def sqrt : GE = unOp(Sqrt )
def exp : GE = unOp(Exp )
def reciprocal: GE = unOp(Reciprocal)
def midicps : GE = unOp(Midicps )
def cpsmidi : GE = unOp(Cpsmidi )
def midiratio : GE = unOp(Midiratio )
def ratiomidi : GE = unOp(Ratiomidi )
def dbamp : GE = unOp(Dbamp )
def ampdb : GE = unOp(Ampdb )
def octcps : GE = unOp(Octcps )
def cpsoct : GE = unOp(Cpsoct )
def log : GE = unOp(Log )
def log2 : GE = unOp(Log2 )
def log10 : GE = unOp(Log10 )
def sin : GE = unOp(Sin )
def cos : GE = unOp(Cos )
def tan : GE = unOp(Tan )
def asin : GE = unOp(Asin )
def acos : GE = unOp(Acos )
def atan : GE = unOp(Atan )
def sinh : GE = unOp(Sinh )
def cosh : GE = unOp(Cosh )
def tanh : GE = unOp(Tanh )
// def rand : GE = UnOp.make( 'rand, this )
// def rand2 : GE = UnOp.make( 'rand2, this )
// def linrand : GE = UnOp.make( 'linrand, this )
// def bilinrand : GE = UnOp.make( 'bilinrand, this )
// def sum3rand : GE = UnOp.make( 'sum3rand, this )
def distort : GE = unOp(Distort )
def softclip : GE = unOp(Softclip )
// def coin : GE = UnOp.make( 'coin, this )
// def even : GE = UnOp.make( 'even, this )
// def odd : GE = UnOp.make( 'odd, this )
// def rectWindow : GE = UnOp.make( 'rectWindow, this )
// def hanWindow : GE = UnOp.make( 'hanWindow, this )
// def welWindow : GE = UnOp.make( 'sum3rand, this )
// def triWindow : GE = UnOp.make( 'triWindow, this )
def ramp : GE = unOp(Ramp )
def scurve : GE = unOp(Scurve )
// def isPositive : GE = UnOp.make( 'isPositive, this )
// def isNegative : GE = UnOp.make( 'isNegative, this )
// def isStrictlyPositive : GE= UnOp.make( 'isStrictlyPositive, this )
// def rho : GE = UnOp.make( 'rho, this )
// def theta : GE = UnOp.make( 'theta, this )
import BinaryOpUGen._
// binary ops
@inline private def binOp(op: BinaryOpUGen.Op, b: GE): GE = op.make(g, b)
def + (b: GE): GE = binOp(Plus , b)
def - (b: GE): GE = binOp(Minus , b)
def * (b: GE): GE = binOp(Times , b)
// def div(b: GE): GE = ...
def / (b: GE): GE = binOp(Div , b)
def % (b: GE): GE = binOp(Mod , b)
def sig_== (b: GE): GE = binOp(Eq , b)
def sig_!= (b: GE): GE = binOp(Neq , b)
def < (b: GE): GE = binOp(Lt , b)
def > (b: GE): GE = binOp(Gt , b)
def <= (b: GE): GE = binOp(Leq , b)
def >= (b: GE): GE = binOp(Geq , b)
def min (b: GE): GE = binOp(Min , b)
def max (b: GE): GE = binOp(Max , b)
def & (b: GE): GE = binOp(BitAnd , b)
def | (b: GE): GE = binOp(BitOr , b)
def ^ (b: GE): GE = binOp(BitXor , b)
def lcm (b: GE): GE = binOp(Lcm , b)
def gcd (b: GE): GE = binOp(Gcd , b)
def roundTo (b: GE): GE = binOp(RoundTo , b)
def roundUpTo (b: GE): GE = binOp(RoundUpTo, b)
def trunc (b: GE): GE = binOp(Trunc , b)
def atan2 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Atan2 , b)
def hypot (b: GE): GE = binOp(Hypot , b)
def hypotx (b: GE): GE = binOp(Hypotx , b)
/** '''Warning:''' Unlike a normal power operation, the signum of the
* left operand is always preserved. I.e. `` will
* not output `0.25` but `-0.25`. This is to avoid problems with
* floating point noise and negative input numbers, so
* `` does not result in a `NaN`, for example.
def pow (b: GE): GE = binOp(Pow , b)
def << (b: GE): GE = binOp(LeftShift , b)
def >> (b: GE): GE = binOp(RightShift, b)
// def unsgnRghtShift(b: GE): GE = ...
// def fill(b: GE): GE = ...
def ring1 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Ring1 , b)
def ring2 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Ring2 , b)
def ring3 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Ring3 , b)
def ring4 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Ring4 , b)
def difsqr (b: GE): GE = binOp(Difsqr , b)
def sumsqr (b: GE): GE = binOp(Sumsqr , b)
def sqrsum (b: GE): GE = binOp(Sqrsum , b)
def sqrdif (b: GE): GE = binOp(Sqrdif , b)
def absdif (b: GE): GE = binOp(Absdif , b)
def thresh (b: GE): GE = binOp(Thresh , b)
def amclip (b: GE): GE = binOp(Amclip , b)
def scaleneg(b: GE): GE = binOp(Scaleneg, b)
def clip2 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Clip2 , b)
def excess (b: GE): GE = binOp(Excess , b)
def fold2 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Fold2 , b)
def wrap2 (b: GE): GE = binOp(Wrap2 , b)
def firstarg(b: GE): GE = binOp(Firstarg, b)
// def rrand(b: GE): GE = ...
// def exprrand(b: GE): GE = ...
def clip(low: GE, high: GE): GE = {
val r = getRate(g, "clip")
if (r == demand) g.max(low).min(high) else Clip(r, g, low, high)
def fold(low: GE, high: GE): GE = {
val r = getRate(g, "fold")
if (r == demand) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("`fold` not supported for demand rate UGens")
Fold(r, g, low, high)
def wrap(low: GE, high: GE): GE = {
val r = getRate(g, "wrap")
if (r == demand) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("`wrap` not supported for demand rate UGens")
Wrap(r, g, low, high)
def linlin(inLow: GE, inHigh: GE, outLow: GE, outHigh: GE): GE = {
val r = getRate(g, "linlin")
if (r == demand) {
(g - inLow) / (inHigh - inLow) * (outHigh - outLow) + outLow
} else {
LinLin(/* rate, */ g, inLow, inHigh, outLow, outHigh)
def linexp(inLow: GE, inHigh: GE, outLow: GE, outHigh: GE): GE = {
val r = getRate(g, "linexp")
if (r == demand) {
(outHigh / outLow).pow((g - inLow) / (inHigh - inLow)) * outLow
} else {
LinExp(g.rate, g, inLow, inHigh, outLow, outHigh) // should be highest rate of all inputs? XXX
def explin(inLow: GE, inHigh: GE, outLow: GE, outHigh: GE): GE =
(g / inLow).log / (inHigh / inLow).log * (outHigh - outLow) + outLow
def expexp(inLow: GE, inHigh: GE, outLow: GE, outHigh: GE): GE =
(outHigh / outLow).pow((g / inLow).log / (inHigh / inLow).log) * outLow
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