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de.sciss.synth.ugen.BasicOpUGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *  BasicOpUGen.scala
 *  (ScalaCollider)
 *  Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
 *  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 *  License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
 *  [email protected]

package de.sciss.synth
package ugen

import collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => IIdxSeq}
import de.sciss.synth.{Constant => c}

//object MulAdd {
//   def ar( in: GE, mul: GE, add: GE ) : MulAdd = apply( audio, in, mul, add )
//   def kr( in: GE, mul: GE, add: GE ) : MulAdd = apply( control, in, mul, add )
//   def ir( in: GE, mul: GE, add: GE ) : MulAdd = apply( scalar, in, mul, add )

final case class MulAdd( /* rate: MaybeRate, */ in: GE, mul: GE, add: GE )
extends UGenSource.SingleOut( "MulAdd" ) {
   protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = unwrap( IIdxSeq( in.expand, mul.expand, add.expand ))

   def rate: MaybeRate = in.rate // XXX correct?

   protected def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) : UGenInLike = {
      val in0  = args(0)
      val mul0 = args(1)
      val add0 = args(2)
      (mul0, add0) match {
         case (c(0),  _)    => add0
         case (c(1),  c(0)) => in0
         case (c(1),  _)    => BinaryOp.Plus.make1( in0, add0 )
         case (c(-1), c(0)) => UnaryOp.Neg.make1( in0 )
         case (_,     c(0)) => BinaryOp.Times.make1( in0,  mul0 )
         case (c(-1), _)    => BinaryOp.Minus.make1( add0, in0 )
         case _             =>
            if( in0.rate == `audio` ||
               (in0.rate == `control` && (mul0.rate == `control` || mul0.rate == `scalar`) &&
                                         (add0.rate == `control` || add0.rate == `scalar`)) ) {
               new UGen.SingleOut( name, in0.rate, args )
            } else {
               BinaryOp.Plus.make1( BinaryOp.Times.make1( in0, mul0 ), add0 )

   override def toString = in.toString + ".madd(" + mul + ", " + add + ")"

 *    Unary operations are generally constructed by calling one of the methods of GE.
 *    @see  GE
 *    @see  BinaryOpUGen
object UnaryOp {
   unop =>

   import RichNumber._

   sealed abstract class Op( val id: Int ) {
      def make( a: GE ) = UnaryOp( /* a.rate, */ this, a )
      protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = a match {
         case c(f)   => c( make1( f ))
         case _      => new UnaryOpUGen( /* a.rate, */ this, a ) // unop.apply( a.rate, this, a )

      protected def make1( a: Float ) : Float

      def name = { val cn = getClass.getName
         val sz   = cn.length
         val i    = cn.indexOf( '$' ) + 1
         cn.charAt( i ).toLower + cn.substring( i + 1, if( cn.charAt( sz - 1 ) == '$' ) sz - 1 else sz )

   case object Neg         extends Op(  0 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = -a
   case object Not         extends Op(  1 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_not( a )
// case object IsNil       extends Op(  2 )
// case object NotNil      extends Op(  3 )
// case object BitNot      extends Op(  4 )
   case object Abs         extends Op(  5 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = math.abs( a )
// case object ToFloat     extends Op(  6 )
// case object ToInt       extends Op(  7 )
   case object Ceil        extends Op(  8 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_ceil( a )
   case object Floor       extends Op(  9 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_floor( a )
   case object Frac        extends Op( 10 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_frac( a )
   case object Signum      extends Op( 11 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = math.signum( a )
   case object Squared     extends Op( 12 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_squared( a )
   case object Cubed       extends Op( 13 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_cubed( a )
   case object Sqrt        extends Op( 14 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_sqrt( a )
   case object Exp         extends Op( 15 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_exp( a )
   case object Reciprocal  extends Op( 16 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_reciprocal( a )
   case object Midicps     extends Op( 17 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_midicps( a )
   case object Cpsmidi     extends Op( 18 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_cpsmidi( a )
   case object Midiratio   extends Op( 19 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_midiratio( a )
   case object Ratiomidi   extends Op( 20 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_ratiomidi( a )
   case object Dbamp       extends Op( 21 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_dbamp( a )
   case object Ampdb       extends Op( 22 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_ampdb( a )
   case object Octcps      extends Op( 23 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_octcps( a )
   case object Cpsoct      extends Op( 24 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_cpsoct( a )
   case object Log         extends Op( 25 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_log( a )
   case object Log2        extends Op( 26 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_log2( a )
   case object Log10       extends Op( 27 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_log10( a )
   case object Sin         extends Op( 28 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_sin( a )
   case object Cos         extends Op( 29 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_cos( a )
   case object Tan         extends Op( 30 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_tan( a )
   case object Asin        extends Op( 31 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_asin( a )
   case object Acos        extends Op( 32 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_acos( a )
   case object Atan        extends Op( 33 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_atan( a )
   case object Sinh        extends Op( 34 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_sinh( a )
   case object Cosh        extends Op( 35 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_cosh( a )
   case object Tanh        extends Op( 36 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_tanh( a )
// class Rand              extends Op( 37 )
// class Rand2             extends Op( 38 )
// class Linrand           extends Op( 39 )
// class Bilinrand         extends Op( 40 )
// class Sum3rand          extends Op( 41 )
   case object Distort     extends Op( 42 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_distort( a )
   case object Softclip    extends Op( 43 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_softclip( a )
// class Coin              extends Op( 44 )
// case object DigitValue  extends Op( 45 )
// case object Silence     extends Op( 46 )
// case object Thru        extends Op( 47 )
// case object RectWindow  extends Op( 48 )
// case object HanWindow   extends Op( 49 )
// case object WelWindow   extends Op( 50 )
// case object TriWindow   extends Op( 51 )
   case object Ramp        extends Op( 52 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_ramp( a )
   case object Scurve      extends Op( 53 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float ) = rf_scurve( a )

//   protected[synth] def make( selector: Op, a: GE ) : GE = {
//      for( Seq( ai ) <- expand( a )) yield selector.make1( ai )
//   }

final case class UnaryOp( /* rate: MaybeRate, */ selector: UnaryOp.Op, a: GE )
extends UGenSource.SingleOut( "UnaryOpUGen" ) {
//   override def toString = a.toString + "." +
//   override def displayName =

   def rate : MaybeRate = a.rate

   protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = unwrap( IIdxSeq( a.expand ))

   protected def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) : UGenInLike = {
      val IIdxSeq( a ) = args
//      new UnaryOpUGen( rate ?| a.rate, selector, a )
      selector.make1( a )

   override def toString = a.toString + "." +

// Note: only deterministic selectors are implemented!!
final class UnaryOpUGen /**/( /* rate: Rate, */ selector: UnaryOp.Op, a: UGenIn /*[ R ]*/)
extends UGen.SingleOut( "UnaryOpUGen", a.rate, IIdxSeq( a )) {
   override def specialIndex =
//   override def name = "UnaryOpUGen"
//   override def toString = a.toString + "." +
   override def displayName =

 *    Binary operations are generally constructed by calling one of the methods of GEOps.
 *    @see  GEOps
 *    @see  UnaryOpUGen
object BinaryOp {
   binop =>

   sealed abstract class Op( val id: Int ) {
      op =>

//      def make( rate: R, a: GE[ UGenIn[ R ]]) = UnaryOp[ R ]( rate, this, a )
      def make( a: GE, b: GE ) : GE = BinaryOp( this, a, b )
      protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = (a, b) match {
         case (c(af), c(bf)) => c( make1( af, bf ))
         case _ => new BinaryOpUGen( op, a, b)

      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) : Float

      def name: String = { val cn = getClass.getName
         val sz   = cn.length
         val i    = cn.indexOf( '$' ) + 1
         cn.charAt( i ).toLower + cn.substring( i + 1, if( cn.charAt( sz - 1 ) == '$' ) sz - 1 else sz )

   import RichNumber._

   case object Plus           extends Op(  0 ) {
      override val name = "+"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a + b
      override protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = (a, b) match {
         case (c(0), _)       => b
         case (_, c(0))       => a
         case _               => super.make1( a, b )
   case object Minus          extends Op(  1 ) {
      override val name = "-"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a - b
      override protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = (a, b) match {
//         case (c(0), _)       => -b
         case (c(0), _)       => UnaryOp.Neg.make1( b )
         case (_, c(0))       => a
         case _               => super.make1( a, b )
   case object Times          extends Op(  2 ) {
      override val name = "*"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a * b
      override protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = (a, b) match {
         case (c(0), _)       => a
         case (_, c(0))       => b
         case (c(1), _)       => b
         case (_, c(1))       => a
         case (c(-1), _)      => UnaryOp.Neg.make1( b ) // -b
         case (_, c(-1))      => UnaryOp.Neg.make1( a ) // -a
         case _               => super.make1( a, b )
// case object IDiv           extends Op(  3 )
   case object Div            extends Op(  4 ) {
      override val name = "/"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a / b
      override protected[synth] def make1( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : UGenIn = (a, b) match {
         case (_, c(1))       => a
         case (_, c(-1))      => UnaryOp.Neg.make1( a ) // -a
         case _               =>
            if( b.rate == scalar ) {
//               a * b.reciprocal
               BinaryOp.Times.make1( a, UnaryOp.Reciprocal.make1( b ))
            } else {
               super.make1( a, b )
   case object Mod            extends Op(  5 ) {
      override val name = "%"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a % b
   case object Eq             extends Op(  6 ) {
      override val name = "==="
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a == b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Neq            extends Op(  7 ) {
      override val name = "!=="
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a != b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Lt             extends Op(  8 ) {
      override val name = "<"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a < b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Gt             extends Op(  9 ) {
      override val name = ">"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a > b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Leq            extends Op( 10 ) {
      override val name = "<="
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a <= b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Geq            extends Op( 11 ) {
      override val name = ">="
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = if( a >= b ) 1f else 0f
   case object Min            extends Op( 12 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = math.min( a, b )
   case object Max            extends Op( 13 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = math.max( a, b )
   case object BitAnd         extends Op( 14 ) {
      override val name = "&"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = (a.toInt & b.toInt).toFloat
   case object BitOr          extends Op( 15 ) {
      override val name = "|"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = (a.toInt | b.toInt).toFloat
   case object BitXor         extends Op( 16 ) {
      override val name = "^"
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = (a.toInt ^ b.toInt).toFloat
// case object Lcm            extends Op( 17 )
// case object Gcd            extends Op( 18 )
   case object Round          extends Op( 19 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_round( a, b )
   case object Roundup        extends Op( 20 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_roundup( a, b )
   case object Trunc          extends Op( 21 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_trunc( a, b )
   case object Atan2          extends Op( 22 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = math.atan2( a, b ).toFloat
   case object Hypot          extends Op( 23 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = math.hypot( a, b ).toFloat
   case object Hypotx         extends Op( 24 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_hypotx( a, b )
   case object Pow            extends Op( 25 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = math.pow( a, b ).toFloat
// case object <<             extends Op( 26 )
// case object >>             extends Op( 27 )
// case object UnsgnRghtShft  extends Op( 28 )
// case object Fill           extends Op( 29 )
   case object Ring1          extends Op( 30 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_ring1( a, b )
   case object Ring2          extends Op( 31 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_ring2( a, b )
   case object Ring3          extends Op( 32 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_ring3( a, b )
   case object Ring4          extends Op( 33 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_ring4( a, b )
   case object Difsqr         extends Op( 34 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_difsqr( a, b )
   case object Sumsqr         extends Op( 35 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_sumsqr( a, b )
   case object Sqrsum         extends Op( 36 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_sqrsum( a, b )
   case object Sqrdif         extends Op( 37 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_sqrdif( a, b )
   case object Absdif         extends Op( 38 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_absdif( a, b )
   case object Thresh         extends Op( 39 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_thresh( a, b )
   case object Amclip         extends Op( 40 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_amclip( a, b )
   case object Scaleneg       extends Op( 41 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_scaleneg( a, b )
   case object Clip2          extends Op( 42 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_clip2( a, b )
   case object Excess         extends Op( 43 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_excess( a, b )
   case object Fold2          extends Op( 44 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_fold2( a, b )
   case object Wrap2          extends Op( 45 ) {
      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = rf_wrap2( a, b )
   case object Firstarg       extends Op( 46 ) {
      override def make( /* rate: T, */ a: GE, b: GE ) : GE = new Firstarg( a, b )

      protected def make1( a: Float, b: Float ) = a

// case object Rrand          extends Op( 47 )
// case object ExpRRand       extends Op( 48 )

//   protected[synth] def make( selector: Op, a: GE, b: GE ) : GE = {
//      for( Seq( ai, bi ) <- expand( a, b )) yield selector.make1( ai, bi )
//   }

  private def determineRate( a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn ) : Rate = {
    if( a.rate > b.rate ) a.rate else b.rate
//    if( a.rate == 'demand ) return 'demand
//    if( b.rate == 'demand ) return 'demand
//    if( a.rate == 'audio ) return 'audio
//    if( b.rate == 'audio ) return 'audio
//    if( a.rate == 'control ) return 'control
//    if( b.rate == 'control ) return 'control
//    'scalar

// XXX this could become private once the op's make method return type is changed to GE
abstract sealed class BinaryOpLike extends UGenSource.SingleOut( "BinaryOpUGen" ) {
   def selector: BinaryOp.Op
   def a: GE
   def b: GE

   final def rate: MaybeRate = MaybeRate.max_?( a.rate, b.rate )

   protected final def makeUGens : UGenInLike = unwrap( IIdxSeq( a.expand, b.expand ))

   protected final def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) : UGenInLike = {
      val a0 = args( 0 )
      val a1 = args( 1 )
      selector.make1( a0, a1 )

   override def toString = if( ( <= 11) || (( >=14) && ( <= 16)) ) {
      "(" + a + " " + + " " + b + ")"
   } else {
      a.toString + "." + + "(" + b + ")"

final case class BinaryOp( /* rate: MaybeRate, */ selector: BinaryOp.Op, a: GE, b: GE )
extends BinaryOpLike

final case class Firstarg( /* rate: MaybeRate, */ a: GE, b: GE )
extends BinaryOpLike with HasSideEffect {
   def selector = BinaryOp.Firstarg

// Note: only deterministic selectors are implemented!!
final class BinaryOpUGen( selector: BinaryOp.Op, a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn )
extends UGen.SingleOut( "BinaryOpUGen", a.rate max b.rate, IIdxSeq( a, b )) {
//   override def displayName =
   override def specialIndex =

// Special case since it should not be erased. Might be that we
// better transform BinaryOpUGen from case class to regular class with extractor?

//class FirstargUGen( rate: Rate, a: UGenIn, b: UGenIn )
//extends SingleOutUGen( "BinaryOpUGen", rate, IIdxSeq( a, b )) with HasSideEffect {
//   override def specialIndex =
////   override def name = "BinaryOpUGen"
////   override def displayName = "firstarg"
////   override def toString = a.toString + "." + displayName + "(" + b + ")"

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