de.sciss.synth.ControlProxyFactory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ControlProxyFactory.scala
* (ScalaCollider)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
import collection.breakOut
import collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => IIdxSeq}
import ugen.{ControlFactory, AudioControlProxy, ControlProxy, TrigControlProxy}
object ControlProxyFactory {
private val controlIrFactory = new ControlFactory( scalar )
private val controlKrFactory = new ControlFactory( control )
// implicit def fromString( name: String ) = new ControlProxyFactory( name )
final class ControlProxyFactory( name: String ) {
import ControlProxyFactory._
def ir : ControlProxy = ir( IIdxSeq( 0f ))
def ir( value: Double, values: Double* ) : ControlProxy = ir( IIdxSeq( (value.toFloat +: _.toFloat )): _* ))
def ir( value: Float, values: Float* ) : ControlProxy = ir( IIdxSeq( (value +: values): _* ))
def kr : ControlProxy = kr( IIdxSeq( 0f ))
def kr( value: Double, values: Double* ) : ControlProxy = kr( IIdxSeq( (value.toFloat +: _.toFloat )): _* ))
def kr( value: Float, values: Float* ) : ControlProxy = kr( IIdxSeq( (value +: values): _* ))
def tr : TrigControlProxy = tr( IIdxSeq( 0f ))
def tr( value: Double, values: Double* ) : TrigControlProxy = tr( IIdxSeq( (value.toFloat +: _.toFloat )): _* ))
def tr( value: Float, values: Float* ) : TrigControlProxy = tr( IIdxSeq( (value +: values): _* ))
def ar : AudioControlProxy = ar( IIdxSeq( 0f ))
def ar( value: Double, values: Double* ) : AudioControlProxy = ar( IIdxSeq( (value.toFloat +: _.toFloat )): _* ))
def ar( value: Float, values: Float* ) : AudioControlProxy = ar( IIdxSeq( (value +: values): _* ))
// def kr[ T <% GE ]( spec: (T, Double), specs: (T, Double)* ) : GE = kr( Vector( (spec._1, spec._2.toFloat) ))
// def kr[ T <% GE ]( spec: (T, Float), specs: (T, Float)* ) : GE = kr( Vector( spec ))
@inline private def ir( values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]) = ControlProxy( scalar, values, Some( name ))( controlIrFactory )
@inline private def kr( values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]) = ControlProxy( control, values, Some( name ))( controlKrFactory )
@inline private def tr( values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]) = TrigControlProxy( values, Some( name ))
@inline private def ar( values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]) = AudioControlProxy( values, Some( name ))
// @inline private def kr( specs: IIdxSeq[ (GE, Float) ]) : GE = {
// LagControlProxy( control, values, Some( name ))
// }
// def kr( values: (GE, IIdxSeq[ Float ])) : ControlProxy = {
// val lags = values._1.outputs
// val inits = values._2
// val numCh = max( lags.size, inits.size )
// new ControlProxy( Some( name ), control, wrapExtend( values._2, numCh ), Some( wrapExtend( lags, numCh )))
// }
// private def wrapExtend[T]( coll: IIdxSeq[T], size: Int ) : IIdxSeq[T] = {
// if( coll.size == size ) coll
// else if( coll.size > size ) coll.take( size )
// else {
// var result = coll
// while( result.size < size ) {
// val diff = size - result.size
// result ++= (if( diff >= coll.size ) coll else coll.take( diff ))
// }
// result
// }
// }
sealed trait ControlFactoryLike[ T ] {
type Proxy = T // don't ask me what this is doing. some vital variance correction...
def build( b: UGenGraph.Builder, proxies: Proxy* ) : Map[ ControlProxyLike[ _ ], (UGen, Int) ]
abstract class AbstractControlFactory[ T <: AbstractControlProxy[ T ]] extends ControlFactoryLike[ T ] with Serializable {
def build( b: UGenGraph.Builder, proxies: T* ) : Map[ ControlProxyLike[ _ ], (UGen, Int) ] = {
var numChannels = 0
val specialIndex = p => {
numChannels += p.values.size
b.addControl( p.values, )
val ugen = makeUGen( numChannels, specialIndex )
var offset = 0 p => {
val res = p -> (ugen, offset)
offset += p.values.size
})( breakOut )
protected def makeUGen( numChannels: Int, specialIndex: Int ) : UGen
sealed trait ControlProxyLike[ Impl ] extends GE {
// def values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]
def rate: Rate
def factory: ControlFactoryLike[ Impl ]
def name: Option[ String ]
// def displayName: String // YYY
abstract class AbstractControlProxy[ Impl ] // ( numChannels: Int )
extends ControlProxyLike[ Impl ] {
// ---- constructor ----
SynthGraph.builder.addControlProxy( this )
//def numOutputs = outputRates.size
def values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]
def name: Option[ String ]
// def values: IIdxSeq[ Float ]
// def this( rate: Rate, numOutputs: Int ) = this( IIdxSeq.fill( numOutputs )( rate ))
// YYY
// final override def numOutputs = outputRates.size
// final def outputs: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn[ R ]] =
// tup => ControlOutProxy[ R ]( this, tup._2, tup._1 ))
// final def expand: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn /* [ R ] */ ] =
// tup => ControlUGenOutProxy /* [ R ] */ ( this, tup._2, tup._1 ))
* Note: this expands to a single ControlUGenOutProxy for numChannels == 1,
* otherwise to a sequence of proxies wrapped in UGenInGroup. Therefore,
* {{{
* "in".kr, 2 )
* }}}
* results in an `In` UGen, and doesn't rewrap into a UGenInGroup
* (e.g. behaves like ` 0, 2 )` and not ` Seq( 0 ), 2 )` which
* would mess up successive multi channel expansion.
* This is kind of a particular way of producing the proper `isWrapped` results.
final def expand: UGenInLike = if( values.size == 1 ) {
ControlUGenOutProxy( this, 0 )
} else {
// UGenInGroup(
// tup => ControlUGenOutProxy( this, tup._2, tup._1 )))
UGenInGroup( IIdxSeq.tabulate( values.size )( i => ControlUGenOutProxy( this, i )))
// final override def toString: String = {
// name.getOrElse( displayName ) + "." + rate.methodName + values.mkString( "(", ", ", ")" )
// }
override def displayName = {
val cn = getClass.getName
cn.substring( cn.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1, cn.length - 5 ) // i.e. class name without "Proxy" extension
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