de.sciss.synth.Env.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Env.scala
* (ScalaCollider)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
import scala.math._
import collection.immutable.{ IndexedSeq => IIdxSeq }
//import Predef.{any2stringadd => _}
case object stepShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 0
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) =
if( pos < 1f ) y1 else y2
case object linShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 1
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) =
pos * (y2 - y1) + y1
case object expShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 2
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) = {
val y1Lim = max( 0.0001f, y1 )
(y1Lim * pow( y2 / y1Lim, pos )).toFloat
case object sinShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 3
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) =
(y1 + (y2 - y1) * (-cos( Pi * pos ) * 0.5 + 0.5)).toFloat
case object welchShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 4
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) = if( y1 < y2 ) {
(y1 + (y2 - y1) * sin( Pi * 0.5 * pos )).toFloat
} else {
(y2 - (y2 - y1) * sin( Pi * 0.5 * (1 - pos) )).toFloat
object curveShape { final val id = 5 }
final case class curveShape( override val curvature: Float ) extends Env.ConstShape {
val id = 5
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) = if( abs( curvature ) < 0.0001f ) {
pos * (y2 - y1) + y1
} else {
val denom = 1.0 - exp( curvature )
val numer = 1.0 - exp( pos * curvature )
(y1 + (y2 - y1) * (numer / denom)).toFloat
case object sqrShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 6
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) = {
val y1Pow2 = sqrt( y1 )
val y2Pow2 = sqrt( y2 )
val yPow2 = pos * (y2Pow2 - y1Pow2) + y1Pow2
(yPow2 * yPow2).toFloat
case object cubShape extends Env.ConstShape {
final val id = 7
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) = {
val y1Pow3 = math.pow( y1, 0.3333333 )
val y2Pow3 = math.pow( y2, 0.3333333 )
val yPow3 = pos * (y2Pow3 - y1Pow3) + y1Pow3
(yPow3 * yPow3 * yPow3).toFloat
//case class varShape[ T <: Rate, U <: Rate ]( override val idGE: GE[ T ],
// override val curvatureGE: GE[ U ] = 0 ) extends EnvShape[ T, U ]
final case class varShape( override val idGE: GE, override val curvatureGE: GE = 0 ) extends Env.Shape
//object EnvSeg {
// type Any = EnvSeg[ _ <: Rate, _ <: Rate, _ <: Rate, _ <: Rate ]
//case class EnvSeg[ R <: Rate, S <: Rate, T <: Rate, U <: Rate ]( dur: GE[ R ], targetLevel: GE[ S ], shape: EnvShape[ T, U ] = linShape )
sealed trait EnvFactory[ V <: EnvLike ] {
protected def create( startLevel: GE, segments: Env.Seg* ) : V
// fixed duration envelopes
def triangle : V = triangle()
def triangle( dur: GE = 1, level: GE = 1 )
/* ( implicit r: RateOrder[ R, scalar, R ])*/ : V = {
val durH = dur * 0.5f
create( 0, Env.Seg( durH, level ), Env.Seg( durH, 0 ))
def sine : V = sine()
def sine /*[ R <: Rate, S <: Rate ]*/( dur: GE = 1, level: GE = 1 )
/* ( implicit r: RateOrder[ R, scalar, R ])*/ : V = {
val durH = dur * 0.5f
create( 0, Env.Seg( durH, level, sinShape ), Env.Seg( durH, 0, sinShape ))
def perc : V = perc()
def perc( attack: GE = 0.01, release: GE = 1, level: GE = 1,
shape: Env.Shape /*.Any*/ = curveShape( -4 )) : V =
create( 0, Env.Seg( attack, level, shape ), Env.Seg( release, 0, shape ))
def linen : V = linen()
def linen( attack: GE = 0.01f, sustain: GE = 1, release: GE = 1,
level: GE = 1, shape: Env.Shape /*.Any*/ = linShape ) : V =
create( 0, Env.Seg( attack, level, shape ), Env.Seg( sustain, level, shape ),
Env.Seg( release, 0, shape ))
object Env extends EnvFactory[ Env ] {
sealed abstract class Shape /*[ T <: Rate, U <: Rate ] */{
def idGE: GE // GE[ T ]
def curvatureGE: GE // GE[ U ]
final case class Seg( dur: GE, targetLevel: GE, shape: Shape = linShape )
sealed abstract class ConstShape extends Shape /*[ scalar, scalar ]*/ {
def id: Int
def curvature: Float = 0f
def idGE: GE = id
def curvatureGE: GE = curvature
def levelAt( pos: Float, y1: Float, y2: Float ) : Float
protected def create( startLevel: GE, segments: Seg* /*.Any*/ ) =
new Env( startLevel, segments )
// envelopes with sustain
def cutoff( release: GE = 0.1f, level: GE = 1, shape: Shape /*.Any*/ = linShape ) : Env = {
val releaseLevel: GE = shape match {
case `expShape` => 1e-05f // dbamp( -100 )
case _ => 0
new Env( level, List( Env.Seg( release, releaseLevel, shape )), 0 )
// def dadsr /*[ S <: Rate, P <: Rate, B <: Rate, PB <: Rate, PS <: Rate, PSB <: Rate ]*/
// ( delay: GE = 0.1f, attack: GE = 0.01f, decay: GE = 0.3f,
// sustainLevel: GE[ /* S,*/ UGenIn /*[ S ]*/] = 0.5f, release: GE = 1,
// peakLevel: GE[ /* P,*/ UGenIn /*[ P ]*/] = 1, shape: EnvShape /*.Any*/ = curveShape( -4 ),
// bias: GE[ /* B,*/ UGenIn /*[ B ]*/ ] = 0 )
// /* ( implicit rpb: RateOrder[ P, B, PB ], rps: RateOrder[ P, S, PS ], rpsb: RateOrder[ PS, B, PSB ]) */ =
// new Env( bias, List( Sg( delay, bias, shape ),
// Sg( attack, peakLevel + bias, shape ),
// Sg( decay, peakLevel * sustainLevel + bias, shape ),
// Sg( release, bias, shape )), 3 )
def dadsr /*[ S <: Rate, P <: Rate, B <: Rate, PB <: Rate, PS <: Rate, PSB <: Rate ]*/
( delay: GE = 0.1f, attack: GE = 0.01f, decay: GE = 0.3f,
sustainLevel: GE = 0.5f, release: GE = 1,
peakLevel: GE = 1, shape: Shape /*.Any*/ = curveShape( -4 ),
bias: GE = 0 )
/* ( implicit rpb: RateOrder[ P, B, PB ], rps: RateOrder[ P, S, PS ], rpsb: RateOrder[ PS, B, PSB ]) */ =
new Env( bias, List( Seg( delay, bias, shape ),
Seg( attack, peakLevel + bias, shape ),
Seg( decay, peakLevel * sustainLevel + bias, shape ),
Seg( release, bias, shape )), 3 )
// def adsr /*[ S <: Rate, P <: Rate, B <: Rate, PS <: Rate, PSB <: Rate ]*/
// ( attack: GE = 0.01f, decay: GE = 0.3f, sustainLevel: GE[ /* S,*/ UGenIn /*[ S ]*/] = 0.5f,
// release: GE = 1, peakLevel: GE[ /*P,*/ UGenIn /*[ P ]*/ ] = 1, shape: EnvShape /*.Any*/ = curveShape( -4 ),
// bias: GE[ /* B,*/ UGenIn /*[ B ]*/] = 0 ) /* ( implicit rpb: RateOrder[ P, S, PS ], rpsb: RateOrder[ PS, B, PSB ]) */ =
// new Env( bias, List( Sg( attack, bias, shape ),
// Sg( decay, peakLevel * sustainLevel + bias, shape ),
// Sg( release, bias, shape )), 2 )
def adsr /*[ S <: Rate, P <: Rate, B <: Rate, PS <: Rate, PSB <: Rate ]*/
( attack: GE = 0.01f, decay: GE = 0.3f, sustainLevel: GE = 0.5f,
release: GE = 1, peakLevel: GE = 1, shape: Shape /*.Any*/ = curveShape( -4 ),
bias: GE = 0 ) /* ( implicit rpb: RateOrder[ P, S, PS ], rpsb: RateOrder[ PS, B, PSB ]) */ =
new Env( bias, List( Seg( attack, bias, shape ),
Seg( decay, peakLevel * sustainLevel + bias, shape ),
Seg( release, bias, shape )), 2 )
def asr( attack: GE = 0.01f, level: GE = 1, release: GE = 1,
shape: Shape = curveShape( -4 )) =
new Env( 0, List( Seg( attack, level, shape ), Seg( release, 0, shape )), 1 )
object EnvLike {
implicit def toGE( env: EnvLike ) : GE = env.toGE
sealed trait EnvLike {
def startLevel: GE
def segments: Seq[ Env.Seg ]
def isSustained : Boolean
// note: we do not define toSeq because the format is
// significantly different so there is little sense in doing so
// def toSeq : Seq[ GE ] ...
def toGE : GE
final case class Env( startLevel: GE, segments: Seq[ Env.Seg ],
releaseNode: GE = -99, loopNode: GE = -99 )
extends EnvLike {
def toGE : GE = {
val segmIdx = segments.toIndexedSeq
val sizeGE: GE = segmIdx.size
val res: IIdxSeq[ GE ] = startLevel +: sizeGE +: releaseNode +: loopNode +: segmIdx.flatMap( seg =>
IIdxSeq[ GE ]( seg.targetLevel, seg.dur, seg.shape.idGE, seg.shape.curvatureGE ))
// error( "NOT YET" )
// type X <: Rate
// GE.fromSeq[ Rate ]( res )
// res1// : AnyMulti // geSeqToGE[ UGenIn ]( res )
// GE.fromSeq( res.toSeq )
GE.fromSeq( res )
def isSustained = releaseNode != Constant( -99 )
object IEnv extends EnvFactory[ IEnv ] {
protected def create( startLevel: GE, segments: Env.Seg* ) =
new IEnv( startLevel, segments )
final case class IEnv( startLevel: GE, segments: Seq[ Env.Seg ], offset: GE = 0 )
extends EnvLike {
def toGE : GE = {
val segmIdx = segments.toIndexedSeq
val sizeGE: GE = segmIdx.size
val totalDur = segmIdx.foldLeft[ GE ]( 0 )( (sum, next) => sum + next.dur )
val res: IIdxSeq[ GE ] = offset +: startLevel +: sizeGE +: totalDur +: segmIdx.flatMap( seg =>
IIdxSeq[ GE ]( seg.dur, seg.shape.idGE, seg.shape.curvatureGE, seg.targetLevel ))
//geSeqToGE[ UGenIn ]( res )
// (res: GE) : AnyMulti
// GE.bubbleGE( res ) // GE.fromAnySeq( res )
// Multi.bubbleGen( res )
// GE.fromSeq[ Rate ]( res )
// GE.fromSeq( res )
GE.fromSeq( res )
def isSustained = false
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