de.sciss.synth.ugen.HelperElements.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* HelperElements.scala
* (ScalaCollider)
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.synth
package ugen
import collection.breakOut
import collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => IIdxSeq}
//import Predef.{any2stringadd => _}
final case class Flatten( elem: GE ) extends GE.Lazy {
def rate = elem.rate
def displayName = "Flatten"
override def toString = elem.toString + ".flatten"
def makeUGens : UGenInLike = UGenInGroup( elem.expand.flatOutputs )
* A simple graph element that takes a function and upon UGen expansion
* applies the multi-channel expanded version of the input argument to that function.
* Note: This may cause problems in future projects involving serialization of
* synth graphs, due to the generic nature of the `fun` argument.
final case class MapExpanded( in: GE )( fun: IIdxSeq[ GE ] => GE ) extends GE.Lazy {
def rate = UndefinedRate
def displayName = "MapExpanded"
protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = {
val _in = in.expand
val res = fun( _in.outputs )
object Mix {
* A mixing idiom that corresponds to @Seq.tabulate@ and to @Array.fill@ in sclang.
def tabulate( n: Int )( fun: (Int) => GE )/* ( implicit rate: R ) */ : Mix.Seq =
Mix.Seq( IIdxSeq.tabulate( n )( i => fun( i )))
* A mixing idiom that corresponds to @Seq.fill@.
def fill( n: Int )( thunk: => GE )/* ( implicit rate: R ) */ : Mix.Seq =
Mix.Seq( IIdxSeq.fill( n )( thunk ))
def seq( elems: IIdxSeq[ GE ])/* ( implicit rate: R ) */ = Seq( elems )
def mono( elem: GE ) = Mono( elem )
final case class Seq( elems: IIdxSeq[ GE ])
extends GE.Lazy {
def numOutputs = if( elems.isEmpty ) 0 else 1 // XXX korrekt?
def rate = MaybeRate.reduce( _.rate ): _* )
def displayName = "Mix.Seq"
override def toString = displayName + elems.mkString( "(", ",", ")" )
def makeUGens : UGenInLike = if( elems.nonEmpty ) elems.reduceLeft( _ + _ ).expand else UGenInGroup.empty
final case class Mono( elem: GE )
extends GE.Lazy {
def numOutputs = 1
def rate = elem.rate
def displayName = "Mix.Mono"
override def toString = displayName + "(" + elem + ")"
def makeUGens : UGenInLike = {
val flat = elem.expand.flatOutputs
if( flat.nonEmpty ) {
flat.reduceLeft( BinaryOp.Plus.make1( _, _ ))
} else UGenInGroup.empty
* Mixes the channels of a signal together. Works exactly like the sclang counterpart.
* Here are some examples:
* {{{
* Mix( 440 :: 660 :: Nil )) --> 440 ) + 660 )
* Mix( 440 )) --> 440 )
* Mix( )) --> left + right
* Mix( 440 :: 660 :: Nil ))) --> [ left( 440 ) + left( 660 ), right( 440 ) + right( 660 )]
* }}}
final case class Mix( elem: GE )
extends UGenSource.SingleOut( "Mix" ) { // GE.Lazy
def rate = elem.rate
protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = unwrap( elem.expand.outputs )
protected def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) : UGenInLike = {
if( args.nonEmpty ) {
args.reduceLeft( BinaryOp.Plus.make1( _, _ ))
} else UGenInGroup.empty
final case class Zip( elems: GE* ) extends GE.Lazy {
//def numOutputs = elems.minBy( _.numOutputs ).numOutputs
def rate = MaybeRate.reduce( _.rate ): _* )
def displayName = "Zip"
override def toString = displayName + elems.mkString( "(", ",", " )" )
def makeUGens : UGenInLike = {
val exp: IIdxSeq[ UGenInLike ] = _.expand )( breakOut )
val sz = _.outputs.size ) // ?
val minSz = sz.min
// val res = UGenInGroup( IIdxSeq.tabulate( minSz )( i => UGenInGroup( _.apply( i ))( breakOut ))))
/* val res = */ UGenInGroup( (0 until minSz).flatMap( i => _.unwrap( i ))))
//println( "Zip.expand = " + res )
// res
object Reduce {
* Same result as `Mix( _ )`
def +( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.Plus )
def *( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.Times )
// def all_===( elem: GE ) = error( "TODO" )
// def all_!==( elem: GE ) = error( "TODO" )
def min( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.Min )
def max( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.Max )
def &( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.BitAnd )
def |( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.BitOr )
def ^( elem: GE ) = apply( elem, BinaryOp.BitXor )
final case class Reduce( elem: GE, op: BinaryOp.Op )
extends UGenSource.SingleOut( "Reduce." + ) {
def rate = elem.rate
protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = unwrap( elem.expand.outputs )
protected def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) : UGenInLike = {
if( args.nonEmpty ) {
args.reduceLeft( op.make1( _, _ ))
} else UGenInGroup.empty
object WrapOut {
private def makeFadeEnv( fadeTime: Float ) : UGenIn = {
val cFadeTime = new Control.UGen( control, 1, UGenGraph.builder.addControl( IIdxSeq( fadeTime ), Some( "fadeTime" ))).outputs( 0 )
val cGate = new Control.UGen( control, 1, UGenGraph.builder.addControl( IIdxSeq( 1 ), Some( "gate" ))).outputs( 0 )
val startVal = BinaryOp.Leq.make1( cFadeTime, 0 )
// Env( startVal, List( Env.Seg( 1, 1, curveShape( -4 )), Env.Seg( 1, 0, sinShape )), 1 )
val env = IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]( startVal, 2, 1, -99, 1, 1, 5, -4, 0, 1, 3, 0 )
// this is slightly more costly than what sclang does
// (using non-linear shape plus an extra unary op),
// but it fadeout is much smoother this way...
// env, gate, timeScale = dt, doneAction = freeSelf ).squared
new UGen.SingleOut( "EnvGen", control, IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]( cGate, 1, 0, cFadeTime, freeSelf ) ++ env )
* XXX TODO: This should not be a UGenSource.ZeroOut but just a LazyExpander !
final case class WrapOut( in: GE, fadeTime: Optional[ Float ] = 0.02f ) extends UGenSource.ZeroOut( "WrapOut" ) with WritesBus {
import WrapOut._
protected def makeUGens { unwrap( in.expand.outputs )}
protected def makeUGen( ins: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) {
if( ins.isEmpty ) return
val rate = _.rate ).max
if( (rate == audio) || (rate == control) ) {
val ins3 = fadeTime.option match {
case Some( fdt ) =>
val env = makeFadeEnv( fdt )
val ins2 = BinaryOp.Times.make1( _, env ))
if( rate == audio ) replaceZeroesWithSilence( ins2 ) else ins2
case None => ins
val cOut = new Control.UGen( control, 1, UGenGraph.builder.addControl( IIdxSeq( 0 ), Some( "out" ))).outputs( 0 )
new UGen.ZeroOut( "Out", rate, cOut +: ins3 ) // with WritesBus {}
object SplayAz {
def ar( numChannels: Int, in: GE, spread: GE = 1f, center: GE = 0f, level: GE = 1f, width: GE = 2f, orient: GE = 0f ) =
apply( audio, numChannels, in, spread, center, level, width, orient )
final case class SplayAz( rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, in: GE, spread: GE, center: GE, level: GE, width: GE, orient: GE )
extends GE.Lazy {
def numOutputs = numChannels
def displayName = "SplayAz"
protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = {
val _in = in.expand
val n = _in.outputs.size
val pf = (0.5f * spread) / n
val pos = Seq.tabulate( n )( _ * pf + center )
val mix = Mix( PanAz( rate, numChannels, _in, pos, level, width, orient ))
* A graph element which maps a linear range to another linear range.
* The equivalent formula is `(in - srcLo) / (srcHi - srcLo) * (dstHi - dstLo) + dstLo`.
* '''Note''': No clipping is performed. If the input signal exceeds the input range, the output will also exceed its range.
* @param in The input signal to convert.
* @param srcLo The lower limit of input range.
* @param srcHi The upper limit of input range.
* @param dstLo The lower limit of output range.
* @param dstHi The upper limit of output range.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LinExp]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Clip]]
final case class LinLin( /* rate: MaybeRate, */ in: GE, srcLo: GE = 0f, srcHi: GE = 1f, dstLo: GE = 0f, dstHi: GE = 1f )
extends GE.Lazy {
def displayName = "LinLin"
def rate: MaybeRate = in.rate // XXX correct?
protected def makeUGens : UGenInLike = {
val scale = (dstHi - dstLo) / (srcHi - srcLo)
val offset = dstLo - (scale * srcLo)
MulAdd( in, scale, offset ).expand
object Silent {
def ar: Silent = ar()
def ar( numChannels: Int = 1 ) = apply( numChannels )
final case class Silent( numChannels: Int ) extends GE.Lazy with AudioRated {
def displayName = "Silent"
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = {
val dc = 0 )
val ge: GE = if( numChannels == 1 ) dc else Seq.fill( numChannels )( dc )
* A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input. This is a convenience
* element for accessing physical input signals, e.g. from a microphone connected to your
* audio interface. It expands to a regular `In` UGen offset by ``.
object PhysicalIn {
* Short cut for reading a mono signal from the first physical input
def ar : PhysicalIn = ar()
* @param indices the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to
* the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). Maybe be a
* multichannel element to specify discrete indices.
* @param numChannels the number of consecutive channels to read. For discrete indices this
* applies to each index!
def ar( indices: GE = 0, numChannels: Int = 1 ) : PhysicalIn = apply( indices, Seq( numChannels ))
* @param indices the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to
* the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). Maybe be a
* multichannel element to specify discrete indices.
* @param numChannels the number of consecutive channels to read for each index. Wraps around
* if the sequence has less elements than indices has channels.
def ar( indices: GE, numChannels: Seq[ Int ]) : PhysicalIn = apply( indices, numChannels )
// def apply( index: GE, moreIndices: GE* ) : PhysicalIn = apply( (index +: moreIndices).map( (_, 1) ): _* )
* A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input. This is a convenience
* element for accessing physical input signals, e.g. from a microphone connected to your
* audio interface. It expands to a regular `In` UGen offset by ``.
* For example, consider an audio interface with channels 1 to 8 being analog line inputs,
* channels 9 and 10 being AES/EBU and channels 11 to 18 being ADAT inputs. To read a combination
* of the analog and ADAT inputs, either of the following statement can be used:
* {{{
* PhysicalIn( Seq( 0, 8 ), Seq( 8, 8 ))
* PhysicalIn( Seq( 0, 8 ), Seq( 8 )) // numChannels wraps!
* }}}
* @param indices the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to
* the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). Maybe be a
* multichannel element to specify discrete indices.
* @param numChannels the number of consecutive channels to read for each index. Wraps around
* if the sequence has less elements than indices has channels.
final case class PhysicalIn( indices: GE, numChannels: Seq[ Int ]) extends GE.Lazy with AudioRated {
def displayName = "PhyiscalIn"
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = {
val offset =
val _indices = indices.expand.outputs
val iNumCh = numChannels.toIndexedSeq
val _numChannels = if( _indices.size <= iNumCh.size ) iNumCh else {
IIdxSeq.tabulate( _indices.size )( ch => iNumCh( ch % iNumCh.size ))
Flatten( (_indices zip _numChannels).map {
case (index, num) => index + offset, num )
* A graph element which writes to a connected sound driver output. This is a convenience
* element for `Out` with the ability to povide a set of discrete indices to which
* corresponding channels of the input signal are mapped, whereas multichannel expansion
* with respect to the index argument of `Out` typically do not achieve what you expect.
* For example, to flip left and right when writing a stereo signal:
* {{{
* // sine appears on the right channel, and noise on the left
* play { PhysicalOut( Seq( 1, 0 ), Seq( *, ) * 0.2 )}
* }}}
object PhysicalOut {
* @param indices the physical index to write to (beginning at zero which corresponds to
* the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). may be a
* multichannel argument to specify discrete channels. In this case, any
* remaining channels in `in` are associated with the last bus index offset.
* @param in the signal to write
def ar( indices: GE = 0, in: GE ) : PhysicalOut = apply( indices, in )
final case class PhysicalOut( indices: GE, in: GE ) extends UGenSource.ZeroOut( "PhyiscalOut" ) with AudioRated {
// def displayName = "PhyiscalOut"
protected def makeUGens {
val _in = in.expand.outputs
val _indices = indices.expand.outputs
_indices.dropRight( 1 ).zip( _in ).foreach { case (index, sig) => index, sig )
(_indices.lastOption, _in.drop( _indices.size - 1 )) match {
case (Some( index ), sig) if( sig.nonEmpty ) => index, sig )
case _ =>
protected def makeUGen( args: IIdxSeq[ UGenIn ]) {} // XXX not used, ugly
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