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// revision: 11
package de.sciss.synth
package ugen
import UGenSource._
/** A UGen that reports the server's current control rate. This is equivalent to
* the reciprocal of `ControlDur`
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the control rate
* play { }
* }}}
* {{{
* // play a sine tone at control rate
* play { * 0.1 }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
object ControlRate {
def ir: ControlRate = new ControlRate()
/** A UGen that reports the server's current control rate. This is equivalent to
* the reciprocal of `ControlDur`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
final case class ControlRate() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample rate. This is
* equivalent to the reciprocal of `SampleDur`
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the sample rate
* play { }
* }}}
* {{{
* // use a fraction as oscillator frequency
* play {
* val div =, 2, 1, 0).roundTo(1)
* val change =
* val freq = / div
* freq.poll(change, label = "freq")
* * 0.1
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RadiansPerSample$ RadiansPerSample]]
object SampleRate {
def ir: SampleRate = new SampleRate()
/** A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample rate. This is
* equivalent to the reciprocal of `SampleDur`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RadiansPerSample$ RadiansPerSample]]
final case class SampleRate() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample period in seconds. This
* is equivalent to the reciprocal of `SampleRate`
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the sample period
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
object SampleDur {
def ir: SampleDur = new SampleDur()
/** A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample period in seconds. This
* is equivalent to the reciprocal of `SampleRate`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
final case class SampleDur() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** A UGen that reports the server's current control period in seconds. This is
* equivalent to the reciprocal of `ControlRate`
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the control period
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
object ControlDur {
def ir: ControlDur = new ControlDur()
/** A UGen that reports the server's current control period in seconds. This is
* equivalent to the reciprocal of `ControlRate`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
final case class ControlDur() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** A UGen that reports the fractional sample offset of the current Synth from its
* requested scheduled start.
* When a synth is created from a time stamped osc-bundle, it starts calculation
* at the next possible block (normally 64 samples). Using an `OffsetOut` UGen, one
* can delay the audio so that it matches sample accurately.
* For some synthesis methods, one even needs subsample accuracy.
* `SubsampleOffset` provides the information where, within the current sample, the
* synth was scheduled. It can be used to offset envelopes or resample the audio
* output.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print offset
* SynthDef.recv("SubsampleOffset") {
*, "offset")
* }
* // create 2 pulse trains 1 sample apart, move one relatively to the other.
* // when cursor is at the left, the impulses are adjacent, on the right, they are
* // exactly 1 sample apart.
* val dt = s.sampleRate.reciprocal // 1 sample delay
* val x1, x2 = Synth(s)
* // needed to use System.currentTimeMillis with osc.Bundle.secs
* val SECONDS_FROM_1900_TO_1970 = 2208988800L
* // We create two identical synths with a delay of half a sample,
* // they should thus report offsets 0.5 apart (plus some floating point noise).
* // execute the following three lines together!
* val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis * 0.001 + SECONDS_FROM_1900_TO_1970
* s ! osc.Bundle.secs(t0 + 0.2 , x1.newMsg("SubsampleOffset"))
* s ! osc.Bundle.secs(t0 + 0.2 + dt/2 , x2.newMsg("SubsampleOffset"))
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.OffsetOut$ OffsetOut]]
object SubsampleOffset {
def ir: SubsampleOffset = new SubsampleOffset()
/** A UGen that reports the fractional sample offset of the current Synth from its
* requested scheduled start.
* When a synth is created from a time stamped osc-bundle, it starts calculation
* at the next possible block (normally 64 samples). Using an `OffsetOut` UGen, one
* can delay the audio so that it matches sample accurately.
* For some synthesis methods, one even needs subsample accuracy.
* `SubsampleOffset` provides the information where, within the current sample, the
* synth was scheduled. It can be used to offset envelopes or resample the audio
* output.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlRate$ ControlRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.OffsetOut$ OffsetOut]]
final case class SubsampleOffset() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** A UGen that delivers the conversion factor from frequency in Hertz to radians
* (normalized frequency). The relation is `RadiansPerSample * sr = 2pi` , thus
* multiplying the UGen with a frequency between zero and nyquist (sr/2) yields the
* normalized frequency between zero and pi.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
object RadiansPerSample {
def ir: RadiansPerSample = new RadiansPerSample()
/** A UGen that delivers the conversion factor from frequency in Hertz to radians
* (normalized frequency). The relation is `RadiansPerSample * sr = 2pi` , thus
* multiplying the UGen with a frequency between zero and nyquist (sr/2) yields the
* normalized frequency between zero and pi.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
final case class RadiansPerSample() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Number of input buses.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NumInputBuses {
def ir: NumInputBuses = new NumInputBuses()
/** Number of input buses.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NumInputBuses() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Number of output buses.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NumOutputBuses {
def ir: NumOutputBuses = new NumOutputBuses()
/** Number of output buses.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NumOutputBuses() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Number of audio buses.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NumAudioBuses {
def ir: NumAudioBuses = new NumAudioBuses()
/** Number of audio buses.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NumAudioBuses() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Number of control buses.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NumControlBuses {
def ir: NumControlBuses = new NumControlBuses()
/** Number of control buses.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NumControlBuses() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Maximum number of audio buffers.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NumBuffers {
def ir: NumBuffers = new NumBuffers()
/** Maximum number of audio buffers.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NumBuffers() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Identifier of the node which contains the UGen.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Free$ Free]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Poll$ Poll]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
object NodeID {
def ir: NodeID = new NodeID()
/** Identifier of the node which contains the UGen.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Free$ Free]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Poll$ Poll]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumRunningSynths$ NumRunningSynths]]
final case class NodeID() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Number of currently running synths.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // print the UGen value
* play { }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
object NumRunningSynths {
def ir: NumRunningSynths = new NumRunningSynths()
/** Number of currently running synths.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumAudioBuses$ NumAudioBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumControlBuses$ NumControlBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumBuffers$ NumBuffers]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumInputBuses$ NumInputBuses]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.NumOutputBuses$ NumOutputBuses]]
final case class NumRunningSynths() extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = makeUGen(Vector.empty)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args)
/** Returns the buffer's current sample rate.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // rate of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf(1024)
* // matches server sample rate
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
object BufSampleRate {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufSampleRate = new BufSampleRate(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufSampleRate = new BufSampleRate(control, buf)
/** Returns the buffer's current sample rate.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
final case class BufSampleRate(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** Returns a ratio by which the playback of the buffer at the provided index is to
* be scaled relative to the current sample rate of the server.
* {{{
* buffer sample rate / server sample rate
* }}}
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // rate scale of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf(1024)
* // reports 1.0 because buffer rate matches server rate
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSampleRate$ BufSampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
object BufRateScale {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufRateScale = new BufRateScale(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufRateScale = new BufRateScale(control, buf)
/** Returns a ratio by which the playback of the buffer at the provided index is to
* be scaled relative to the current sample rate of the server.
* {{{
* buffer sample rate / server sample rate
* }}}
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSampleRate$ BufSampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleRate$ SampleRate]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
final case class BufRateScale(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** Returns the current number of allocated samples in the Buffer at the provided
* index. A sample is not the same as a frame (compare with
* [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]] ); a frame includes the samples in
* each channel of the buffer. Only for a mono buffer are samples the same as
* frames.
* {{{
* samples = frames * numChannels
* }}}
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // samples of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf(1024, 2)
* // 2 * 1024 = 2048
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufChannels$ BufChannels]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDur$ BufDur]]
object BufSamples {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufSamples = new BufSamples(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufSamples = new BufSamples(control, buf)
/** Returns the current number of allocated samples in the Buffer at the provided
* index. A sample is not the same as a frame (compare with
* [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]] ); a frame includes the samples in
* each channel of the buffer. Only for a mono buffer are samples the same as
* frames.
* {{{
* samples = frames * numChannels
* }}}
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufChannels$ BufChannels]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDur$ BufDur]]
final case class BufSamples(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** Returns the number of allocated frames of the buffer at the provided index.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // frames of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf(1024, 2)
* // reports 1024
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSamples$ BufSamples]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufChannels$ BufChannels]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDur$ BufDur]]
object BufFrames {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufFrames = new BufFrames(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufFrames = new BufFrames(control, buf)
/** Returns the number of allocated frames of the buffer at the provided index.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSamples$ BufSamples]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufChannels$ BufChannels]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDur$ BufDur]]
final case class BufFrames(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** Returns the current number of channels of the buffer at the provided index.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // channels of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf(1024, 2)
* // reports 2
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSamples$ BufSamples]]
object BufChannels {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufChannels = new BufChannels(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufChannels = new BufChannels(control, buf)
/** Returns the current number of channels of the buffer at the provided index.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufSamples$ BufSamples]]
final case class BufChannels(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** Returns the current duration of the buffer at the provided index.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // duration of local buffer
* play {
* val buf = LocalBuf( * 1.5, 2)
* // reports 1.5
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
object BufDur {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def ir(buf: GE): BufDur = new BufDur(scalar, buf)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
def kr(buf: GE): BufDur = new BufDur(control, buf)
/** Returns the current duration of the buffer at the provided index.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SampleDur$ SampleDur]]
final case class BufDur(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args)
/** A UGen to play back samples from a buffer in memory.
* `PlayBuf` provides a kind of high-level interface to sample-playback, whereas
* `BufRd` represents a kind of lower-level access. While `BufRd` has a
* random-access-pointer in the form of a phase input, `PlayBuf` advances the phase
* automatically based on a given playback speed. `PlayBuf` uses cubic
* interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRd$ BufRd]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.DoneAction DoneAction]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Done$ Done]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
object PlayBuf {
/** @param numChannels the number of channels that the buffer will be. Since
* this is a constant, a change in number of channels of
* the underlying bus must be reflected by creating
* different SynthDefs. If a buffer identifier is used of a
* buffer that has a different numChannels then specified
* in the PlayBuf, it will fail silently.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param speed 1 advances the play head by the server's sample rate
* each second. So 2 means doubling speed (and pitch), and
* 0.5 means half speed (and half pitch). Negative numbers
* can be used for backwards playback. If the underlying
* buffer represents a sound at a different sample rate,
* the rate should be multiplied by
* `` to obtain the correct speed.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param offset sample frame to start playback. This is read when a
* trigger occurs. It may be fractional.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the play head reaches the buffer end, 0
* to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param doneAction what to do when the play head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
def kr(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, trig: GE = 1, offset: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing): PlayBuf =
new PlayBuf(control, numChannels, buf, speed, trig, offset, loop, doneAction)
/** @param numChannels the number of channels that the buffer will be. Since
* this is a constant, a change in number of channels of
* the underlying bus must be reflected by creating
* different SynthDefs. If a buffer identifier is used of a
* buffer that has a different numChannels then specified
* in the PlayBuf, it will fail silently.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param speed 1 advances the play head by the server's sample rate
* each second. So 2 means doubling speed (and pitch), and
* 0.5 means half speed (and half pitch). Negative numbers
* can be used for backwards playback. If the underlying
* buffer represents a sound at a different sample rate,
* the rate should be multiplied by
* `` to obtain the correct speed.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param offset sample frame to start playback. This is read when a
* trigger occurs. It may be fractional.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the play head reaches the buffer end, 0
* to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param doneAction what to do when the play head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
def ar(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, trig: GE = 1, offset: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing): PlayBuf =
new PlayBuf(audio, numChannels, buf, speed, trig, offset, loop, doneAction)
/** A UGen to play back samples from a buffer in memory.
* `PlayBuf` provides a kind of high-level interface to sample-playback, whereas
* `BufRd` represents a kind of lower-level access. While `BufRd` has a
* random-access-pointer in the form of a phase input, `PlayBuf` advances the phase
* automatically based on a given playback speed. `PlayBuf` uses cubic
* interpolation.
* @param numChannels the number of channels that the buffer will be. Since
* this is a constant, a change in number of channels of
* the underlying bus must be reflected by creating
* different SynthDefs. If a buffer identifier is used of a
* buffer that has a different numChannels then specified
* in the PlayBuf, it will fail silently.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param speed 1 advances the play head by the server's sample rate
* each second. So 2 means doubling speed (and pitch), and
* 0.5 means half speed (and half pitch). Negative numbers
* can be used for backwards playback. If the underlying
* buffer represents a sound at a different sample rate,
* the rate should be multiplied by
* `` to obtain the correct speed.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param offset sample frame to start playback. This is read when a
* trigger occurs. It may be fractional.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the play head reaches the buffer end, 0
* to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param doneAction what to do when the play head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRd$ BufRd]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.DoneAction DoneAction]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Done$ Done]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
final case class PlayBuf(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, trig: GE = 1, offset: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, speed.expand, trig.expand, offset.expand, loop.expand, doneAction.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Records input into a Buffer. If recLevel is 1.0 and preLevel is 0.0 then the
* new input overwrites the old data. If they are both 1.0 then the new data is
* added to the existing data. (Any other settings are also valid.)
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // record and replay
* // a four second mono buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate.toInt * 4)
* // record for four seconds
* play {
* val sig =, 1000, 4), 2000, 800) * 0.125
*,, doneAction = freeSelf, loop = 0)
* }
* // play it back
* play {
*,, doneAction = freeSelf, loop = 0)
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufWr$ BufWr]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskOut$ DiskOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.DoneAction DoneAction]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Done$ Done]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
object RecordBuf {
/** @param in the signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param offset sample frame to begin writing from. This is read when a
* trigger occurs.
* @param recLevel value to multiply by input before mixing with existing
* data.
* @param preLevel value by which the previous buffer contents is
* multiplied when recording. If this value is zero, the
* buffer contents is completely overwritten. If this value
* is one, the new signal is added to the previous content.
* @param run if zero the recording pauses, otherwise it resumes. The
* value of run is only read at control-rate! When the
* recording is paused, the "write-head" remains in its
* current position and does not advance.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the write head reaches the buffer end,
* 0 to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param doneAction what to do when the write head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
def kr(in: GE, buf: GE, offset: GE = 0, recLevel: GE = 1.0f, preLevel: GE = 0.0f, run: GE = 1, loop: GE = 1, trig: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing): RecordBuf =
new RecordBuf(control, in, buf, offset, recLevel, preLevel, run, loop, trig, doneAction)
/** @param in the signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param offset sample frame to begin writing from. This is read when a
* trigger occurs.
* @param recLevel value to multiply by input before mixing with existing
* data.
* @param preLevel value by which the previous buffer contents is
* multiplied when recording. If this value is zero, the
* buffer contents is completely overwritten. If this value
* is one, the new signal is added to the previous content.
* @param run if zero the recording pauses, otherwise it resumes. The
* value of run is only read at control-rate! When the
* recording is paused, the "write-head" remains in its
* current position and does not advance.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the write head reaches the buffer end,
* 0 to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param doneAction what to do when the write head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
def ar(in: GE, buf: GE, offset: GE = 0, recLevel: GE = 1.0f, preLevel: GE = 0.0f, run: GE = 1, loop: GE = 1, trig: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing): RecordBuf =
new RecordBuf(audio, in, buf, offset, recLevel, preLevel, run, loop, trig, doneAction)
/** Records input into a Buffer. If recLevel is 1.0 and preLevel is 0.0 then the
* new input overwrites the old data. If they are both 1.0 then the new data is
* added to the existing data. (Any other settings are also valid.)
* @param in the signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param offset sample frame to begin writing from. This is read when a
* trigger occurs.
* @param recLevel value to multiply by input before mixing with existing
* data.
* @param preLevel value by which the previous buffer contents is
* multiplied when recording. If this value is zero, the
* buffer contents is completely overwritten. If this value
* is one, the new signal is added to the previous content.
* @param run if zero the recording pauses, otherwise it resumes. The
* value of run is only read at control-rate! When the
* recording is paused, the "write-head" remains in its
* current position and does not advance.
* @param loop 1 to loop after the write head reaches the buffer end,
* 0 to not loop. This can be modulated.
* @param trig a trigger which causes a jump to the given `offset` . A
* trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive
* to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).
* @param doneAction what to do when the write head reaches the buffer end.
* This is only effective when `loop` is zero.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufWr$ BufWr]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskOut$ DiskOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.DoneAction DoneAction]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Done$ Done]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
final case class RecordBuf(rate: Rate, in: GE, buf: GE, offset: GE = 0, recLevel: GE = 1.0f, preLevel: GE = 0.0f, run: GE = 1, loop: GE = 1, trig: GE = 1, doneAction: GE = doNothing)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, offset.expand, recLevel.expand, preLevel.expand, run.expand, loop.expand, trig.expand, doneAction.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen which reads the content of a buffer, using an index pointer.
* Warning: if the supplied `bufID` refers to a buffer whose number of channels
* differs from `numChannels` , the UGen will fail silently.
* An alternative to `BufRd` is `PlayBuf` . While `PlayBuf` plays through the
* buffer by itself, `BufRd` only moves its read point by the index input and
* therefore has no pitch input. `PlayBuf` uses cubic interpolation, while `BufRd`
* has variable interpolation. `PlayBuf` can determine the end of the buffer and
* issue a done-action.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Write and read
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, numFrames = 32768, numChannels = 1)
* // write into the buffer with a BufWr
* val y = play {
* val in =, 400)) * 0.1
* val rate = "rate" kr 1
*,,, * rate, 0,
* 0.0 // quiet
* }
* // read it with a BufRd
* val x = play {
* val rate = "rate" kr 1
*,,, * rate, 0,
* }
* y.set("rate" -> 0.5) // notice the clicks when the play head overtakes the write head!
* x.set("rate" -> 0.5)
* y.set("rate" -> 1.0)
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufWr$ BufWr]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Phasor$ Phasor]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
object BufRd {
/** @param numChannels number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this
* is an integer constant, a change in the number of
* channels must be reflected by creating different
* SynthDefs.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer. Can be
* fractional.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
* @param interp 1 for no interpolation, 2 for linear, and 4 for cubic
* interpolation. ''(init-time only)''
def ir(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, interp: GE = 2): BufRd =
new BufRd(scalar, numChannels, buf, index, loop, interp)
/** @param numChannels number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this
* is an integer constant, a change in the number of
* channels must be reflected by creating different
* SynthDefs.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer. Can be
* fractional.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
* @param interp 1 for no interpolation, 2 for linear, and 4 for cubic
* interpolation. ''(init-time only)''
def kr(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, interp: GE = 2): BufRd =
new BufRd(control, numChannels, buf, index, loop, interp)
/** @param numChannels number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this
* is an integer constant, a change in the number of
* channels must be reflected by creating different
* SynthDefs.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer. Can be
* fractional.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
* @param interp 1 for no interpolation, 2 for linear, and 4 for cubic
* interpolation. ''(init-time only)''
def ar(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, interp: GE = 2): BufRd =
new BufRd(audio, numChannels, buf, index, loop, interp)
/** A UGen which reads the content of a buffer, using an index pointer.
* Warning: if the supplied `bufID` refers to a buffer whose number of channels
* differs from `numChannels` , the UGen will fail silently.
* An alternative to `BufRd` is `PlayBuf` . While `PlayBuf` plays through the
* buffer by itself, `BufRd` only moves its read point by the index input and
* therefore has no pitch input. `PlayBuf` uses cubic interpolation, while `BufRd`
* has variable interpolation. `PlayBuf` can determine the end of the buffer and
* issue a done-action.
* @param numChannels number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this
* is an integer constant, a change in the number of
* channels must be reflected by creating different
* SynthDefs.
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer. Can be
* fractional.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
* @param interp 1 for no interpolation, 2 for linear, and 4 for cubic
* interpolation. ''(init-time only)''
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufWr$ BufWr]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Phasor$ Phasor]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
final case class BufRd(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1, interp: GE = 2)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, index.expand, loop.expand, interp.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args1, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that writes a signal to a buffer, using an index pointer.
* Warning: if the supplied `bufID` refers to a buffer whose number of channels
* differs from those of the input signal, the UGen will fail silently.
* An alternative to `BufWr` is `RecordBuf` . While `RecordBuf` advances the index
* into the buffer by itself, `BufWr` only moves its write point by the index
* input, making it possible to adjust the writing speed or to access the buffer in
* a non-linear way. `RecordBuf` can determine the end of the buffer and issue a
* done-action.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // record and playback
* // a two second mono buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, numFrames = s.sampleRate.toInt * 2)
* val y = play {
* val sig =, 400)) * 0.1
* val rate = "rate" kr 1
* = sig, buf =, index =
* = * rate, lo = 0, hi =
* 0.0 // quiet
* }
* // read it with a BufRd
* val x = play {
* val rate = "rate" kr 1
*, buf =, index =
* = * rate, lo = 0, hi =
* }
* x.set("rate" -> 5)
* y.set("rate" -> 3)
* x.set("rate" -> 2)
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRd$ BufRd]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Phasor$ Phasor]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
object BufWr {
/** @param in input signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
def ir(in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1): BufWr =
new BufWr(scalar, in, buf, index, loop)
/** @param in input signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
def kr(in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1): BufWr =
new BufWr(control, in, buf, index, loop)
/** @param in input signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
def ar(in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1): BufWr = new BufWr(audio, in, buf, index, loop)
/** A UGen that writes a signal to a buffer, using an index pointer.
* Warning: if the supplied `bufID` refers to a buffer whose number of channels
* differs from those of the input signal, the UGen will fail silently.
* An alternative to `BufWr` is `RecordBuf` . While `RecordBuf` advances the index
* into the buffer by itself, `BufWr` only moves its write point by the index
* input, making it possible to adjust the writing speed or to access the buffer in
* a non-linear way. `RecordBuf` can determine the end of the buffer and issue a
* done-action.
* @param in input signal to record
* @param buf the identifier of the buffer to use
* @param index audio rate frame-index into the buffer.
* @param loop 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable looping. this can be
* modulated.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRd$ BufRd]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Phasor$ Phasor]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufFrames$ BufFrames]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufRateScale$ BufRateScale]]
final case class BufWr(rate: Rate, in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = 0.0f, loop: GE = 1)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, index.expand, loop.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** An autocorrelation based pitch following UGen. It is more accurate than
* `ZeroCrossing` , but more also more CPU costly. For most purposes the default
* settings can be used and only `in` needs to be supplied.
* The UGen has two outputs: The first output is the frequency estimate in Hertz,
* the second output is a toggle `hasFreq` , which tells whether a pitch was found
* (1) or not (0). If the `clarify` argument is used, `hasFreq` has more fine
* grained information.
* The pitch follower executes periodically at the rate specified by `execFreq` in
* cps. First it detects whether the input peak to peak amplitude is above the
* `ampThresh` . If it is not then no pitch estimation is performed, the `hasFreq`
* output is set to zero and the `freq` output is held at its previous value.
* Otherwise, the autocorrelation is calculated, and the first peak after the peak
* around the lag of zero that is above `peakThresh` times the amplitude of the
* peak at lag zero is reported.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // pitch-follower resynthesizing with saw tooth
* play {
* // be careful and use headphones!
* val in = Mix(, 2))
* val amp =, 0.05, 0.05)
* val p =, ampThresh = 0.02, median = 7)
* val saw = Mix( * Seq(0.5, 1, 2), 0,,0.1,0.1)) * amp)
* Mix.fold(saw, 6) { res =>
*, 0.040, Rand(0, 0.040), Rand(0, 0.040), 2)
* }
* }
* }}}
object Pitch {
/** @param in The signal to be analyzed.
* @param initFreq The initial value of the `freq` output, until the first
* valid pitch is found. ''(init-time only)''
* @param minFreq The minimum frequency in Hertz to be considered for
* reporting. ''(init-time only)''
* @param maxFreq The maximum frequency in Hertz to be considered for
* reporting. ''(init-time only)''
* @param execFreq The frequency at which the pitch is estimated. This
* will be automatically clipped to be between `minFreq`
* and `maxFreq` . ''(init-time only)''
* @param binsPerOct A value which guides the search for the peak frequency
* in the first coarse step. Its setting does *not* affect
* the final pitch resolution; setting it larger will cause
* the coarse search to take longer, and setting it smaller
* will cause the fine search to take longer. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param median This specifies the length of a median filter applied to
* the frequency output estimation. With the default value
* of `1` the filter is defeated. Median filtering can help
* eliminating single spikes and jitter. This will however
* add latency to the output. ''(init-time only)''
* @param ampThresh The minimum amplitude threshold above which the pitch
* follower operates. An input signal below this threshold
* is not analyzed. ''(init-time only)''
* @param peakThresh This is a threshold used to find the first peak in the
* autocorrelation signal which gives the reported
* frequency. It is a factor of the energy of the signal
* (autocorrelation coefficient at zero). Set this value
* higher (e.g. to `1` ) to eliminate false frequencies
* corresponding to overtones. ''(init-time only)''
* @param downSample An integer factor by which the input signal is down
* sampled to reduce CPU overhead. This will also reduce
* the pitch resolution. The default value of `1` means
* that the input signal is not down sampled. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param clarity If the `clarity` argument is greater than zero (it is
* zero by default) then the `hasFreq` output is given
* additional detail. Rather than simply being 1 when a
* pitch is detected, it is a "clarity" measure in the
* range between zero and one. (Technically, it's the
* height of the autocorrelation peak normalised by the
* height of the zero-lag peak.) It therefore gives a kind
* of measure of "purity" of the pitched signal.
* ''(init-time only)''
def kr(in: GE, initFreq: GE = 440.0f, minFreq: GE = 60.0f, maxFreq: GE = 4000.0f, execFreq: GE = 100.0f, binsPerOct: GE = 16, median: GE = 1, ampThresh: GE = 0.01f, peakThresh: GE = 0.5f, downSample: GE = 1, clarity: GE = 0): Pitch =
new Pitch(control, in, initFreq, minFreq, maxFreq, execFreq, binsPerOct, median, ampThresh, peakThresh, downSample, clarity)
/** An autocorrelation based pitch following UGen. It is more accurate than
* `ZeroCrossing` , but more also more CPU costly. For most purposes the default
* settings can be used and only `in` needs to be supplied.
* The UGen has two outputs: The first output is the frequency estimate in Hertz,
* the second output is a toggle `hasFreq` , which tells whether a pitch was found
* (1) or not (0). If the `clarify` argument is used, `hasFreq` has more fine
* grained information.
* The pitch follower executes periodically at the rate specified by `execFreq` in
* cps. First it detects whether the input peak to peak amplitude is above the
* `ampThresh` . If it is not then no pitch estimation is performed, the `hasFreq`
* output is set to zero and the `freq` output is held at its previous value.
* Otherwise, the autocorrelation is calculated, and the first peak after the peak
* around the lag of zero that is above `peakThresh` times the amplitude of the
* peak at lag zero is reported.
* @param in The signal to be analyzed.
* @param initFreq The initial value of the `freq` output, until the first
* valid pitch is found. ''(init-time only)''
* @param minFreq The minimum frequency in Hertz to be considered for
* reporting. ''(init-time only)''
* @param maxFreq The maximum frequency in Hertz to be considered for
* reporting. ''(init-time only)''
* @param execFreq The frequency at which the pitch is estimated. This
* will be automatically clipped to be between `minFreq`
* and `maxFreq` . ''(init-time only)''
* @param binsPerOct A value which guides the search for the peak frequency
* in the first coarse step. Its setting does *not* affect
* the final pitch resolution; setting it larger will cause
* the coarse search to take longer, and setting it smaller
* will cause the fine search to take longer. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param median This specifies the length of a median filter applied to
* the frequency output estimation. With the default value
* of `1` the filter is defeated. Median filtering can help
* eliminating single spikes and jitter. This will however
* add latency to the output. ''(init-time only)''
* @param ampThresh The minimum amplitude threshold above which the pitch
* follower operates. An input signal below this threshold
* is not analyzed. ''(init-time only)''
* @param peakThresh This is a threshold used to find the first peak in the
* autocorrelation signal which gives the reported
* frequency. It is a factor of the energy of the signal
* (autocorrelation coefficient at zero). Set this value
* higher (e.g. to `1` ) to eliminate false frequencies
* corresponding to overtones. ''(init-time only)''
* @param downSample An integer factor by which the input signal is down
* sampled to reduce CPU overhead. This will also reduce
* the pitch resolution. The default value of `1` means
* that the input signal is not down sampled. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param clarity If the `clarity` argument is greater than zero (it is
* zero by default) then the `hasFreq` output is given
* additional detail. Rather than simply being 1 when a
* pitch is detected, it is a "clarity" measure in the
* range between zero and one. (Technically, it's the
* height of the autocorrelation peak normalised by the
* height of the zero-lag peak.) It therefore gives a kind
* of measure of "purity" of the pitched signal.
* ''(init-time only)''
final case class Pitch(rate: Rate, in: GE, initFreq: GE = 440.0f, minFreq: GE = 60.0f, maxFreq: GE = 4000.0f, execFreq: GE = 100.0f, binsPerOct: GE = 16, median: GE = 1, ampThresh: GE = 0.01f, peakThresh: GE = 0.5f, downSample: GE = 1, clarity: GE = 0)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, initFreq.expand, minFreq.expand, maxFreq.expand, execFreq.expand, binsPerOct.expand, median.expand, ampThresh.expand, peakThresh.expand, downSample.expand, clarity.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(2)(rate), _args)
def freq: GE = ChannelProxy(this, 0)
def hasFreq: GE = ChannelProxy(this, 1)
/** Simple delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Random white-noise decay
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo, 1)
* // Dust randomly triggers Decay to create an exponential
* // decay envelope for the WhiteNoise input source.
* // We apply a slight filter to the delayed signal
* // so it is easier to distinguish
* play {
* val z = * 0.5, 0.3) *
*, z, 0.2), 8000) + z // input is mixed with delay
* }
* // do this after the synth has ended
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayL$ BufDelayL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayC$ BufDelayC]]
object BufDelayN {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayN = new BufDelayN(control, buf, in, delayTime)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayN = new BufDelayN(audio, buf, in, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayL$ BufDelayL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayC$ BufDelayC]]
final case class BufDelayN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Simple delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayN$ BufDelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayC$ BufDelayC]]
object BufDelayL {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayL = new BufDelayL(control, buf, in, delayTime)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayL = new BufDelayL(audio, buf, in, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayN$ BufDelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayC$ BufDelayC]]
final case class BufDelayL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Simple delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayN$ BufDelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayL$ BufDelayL]]
object BufDelayC {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayC = new BufDelayC(control, buf, in, delayTime)
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): BufDelayC = new BufDelayC(audio, buf, in, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayN$ BufDelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufDelayL$ BufDelayL]]
final case class BufDelayC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Comb delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation
* // These examples compare the variants, so that you can hear the difference in interpolation
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.01 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Comb used as a resonator. The resonant fundamental is equal to
* // reciprocal of the delay time.
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // with negative feedback
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* // do this after the synths have ended
* }}}
* {{{
* // Used as an echo
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* play {, * 0.5, 0.2) *, 0.2, 3) }
* // do this after the synth has ended
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombL$ BufCombL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombC$ BufCombC]]
object BufCombN {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufCombN =
new BufCombN(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombL$ BufCombL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombC$ BufCombC]]
final case class BufCombN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Comb delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation
* // These examples compare the variants, so that you can hear the difference in interpolation
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.01 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Comb used as a resonator. The resonant fundamental is equal to
* // reciprocal of the delay time.
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // with negative feedback
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* // do this after the synths have ended
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombN$ BufCombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombC$ BufCombC]]
object BufCombL {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower. '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency,
* the effective buffer size is the allocated size rounded
* down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768
* samples. Also note that the buffer must be monophonic.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufCombL =
new BufCombL(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower. '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency,
* the effective buffer size is the allocated size rounded
* down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768
* samples. Also note that the buffer must be monophonic.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombN$ BufCombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombC$ BufCombC]]
final case class BufCombL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Comb delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation
* // These examples compare the variants, so that you can hear the difference in interpolation
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.01 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Comb used as a resonator. The resonant fundamental is equal to
* // reciprocal of the delay time.
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // with negative feedback
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), -0.2) }
* // do this after the synths have ended
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombN$ BufCombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombL$ BufCombL]]
object BufCombC {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower. '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency,
* the effective buffer size is the allocated size rounded
* down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768
* samples. Also note that the buffer must be monophonic.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufCombC =
new BufCombC(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower. '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency,
* the effective buffer size is the allocated size rounded
* down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768
* samples. Also note that the buffer must be monophonic.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombN$ BufCombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufCombL$ BufCombL]]
final case class BufCombC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** All pass delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation types
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Since the allpass delay has no audible effect as a resonator on
* // steady state sound ...
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // ...these examples add the input to the effected sound and compare variants so that you can hear
* // the effect of the phase comb:
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* // after synths have been stopped
* }}}
* {{{
* // Used as echo
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // doesn't really sound different than Comb,
* // but it outputs the input signal immediately (inverted) and the echoes
* // are lower in amplitude.
* play {, * 0.5, 0.2) *, 0.2, 3) }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassL$ BufAllpassL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassC$ BufAllpassC]]
object BufAllpassN {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufAllpassN =
new BufAllpassN(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal
* memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassL$ BufAllpassL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassC$ BufAllpassC]]
final case class BufAllpassN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** All pass delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation types
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Since the allpass delay has no audible effect as a resonator on
* // steady state sound ...
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // ...these examples add the input to the effected sound and compare variants so that you can hear
* // the effect of the phase comb:
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* // after synths have been stopped
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassN$ BufAllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassC$ BufAllpassC]]
object BufAllpassL {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufAllpassL =
new BufAllpassL(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassN$ BufAllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassC$ BufAllpassC]]
final case class BufAllpassL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** All pass delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Compare interpolation types
* // allocate buffer
* val b = Buffer.alloc(s, (0.2 * s.sampleRate).toInt.nextPowerOfTwo)
* // Since the allpass delay has no audible effect as a resonator on
* // steady state sound ...
* play {,,, 0.01, 20), 0.2) }
* // ...these examples add the input to the effected sound and compare variants so that you can hear
* // the effect of the phase comb:
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* play {
* val z =
* z +, z,, 0.01, 20), 0.2)
* }
* // after synths have been stopped
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassN$ BufAllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassL$ BufAllpassL]]
object BufAllpassC {
/** @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): BufAllpassC =
new BufAllpassC(audio, buf, in, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its
* internal memory.
* '''Warning''': For reasons of efficiency, the effective buffer size is the
* allocated size rounded down to the next power of two. For example, if 44100
* samples are allocated, the maximum delay would be 32768 samples. Also note that
* the buffer must be monophonic.
* @param buf Buffer id.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassN$ BufAllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.BufAllpassL$ BufAllpassL]]
final case class BufAllpassC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Simple delay line with no interpolation. The initial buffer contents is zero.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // Delayed random pulses
* play {
* // Dust randomly triggers Decay to create an exponential
* // decay envelope for the WhiteNoise input source
* val z = * 0.5, 0.3) *
*, 0.2, 0.2) + z // input is mixed with delay via the add input
* }
* }}}
* {{{
* // Recursive application
* play {
* val z = * 0.5, 0.01, 0.1) *, 101)) * 0.5
* (z /: (0 until 5)) { (zi, i) =>
*, Rand(100, 3000), 0.03), 1, 1.0 / (2 << i)) + zi * 0.5
* }
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayL$ DelayL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayC$ DelayC]]
object DelayN {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayN =
new DelayN(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayN =
new DelayN(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with no interpolation. The initial buffer contents is zero.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayL$ DelayL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayC$ DelayC]]
final case class DelayN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** Simple delay line with linear interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayN$ DelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayC$ DelayC]]
object DelayL {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayL =
new DelayL(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayL =
new DelayL(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with linear interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayN$ DelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayC$ DelayC]]
final case class DelayL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** Simple delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayN$ DelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayL$ DelayL]]
object DelayC {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayC =
new DelayC(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f): DelayC =
new DelayC(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime)
/** Simple delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayN$ DelayN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelayL$ DelayL]]
final case class DelayC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** Comb delay line with no interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombL$ CombL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombC$ CombC]]
object CombN {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombN =
new CombN(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombN =
new CombN(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with no interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombL$ CombL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombC$ CombC]]
final case class CombN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** Comb delay line with linear interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombN$ CombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombC$ CombC]]
object CombL {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombL =
new CombL(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombL =
new CombL(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with linear interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombN$ CombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombC$ CombC]]
final case class CombL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** Comb delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombN$ CombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombL$ CombL]]
object CombC {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombC =
new CombC(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): CombC =
new CombC(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** Comb delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombN$ CombN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.CombL$ CombL]]
final case class CombC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** All pass delay line with no interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassL$ AllpassL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassC$ AllpassC]]
object AllpassN {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassN =
new AllpassN(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassN =
new AllpassN(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with no interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassL$ AllpassL]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassC$ AllpassC]]
final case class AllpassN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** All pass delay line with linear interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassN$ AllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassC$ AllpassC]]
object AllpassL {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassL =
new AllpassL(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassL =
new AllpassL(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with linear interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassN$ AllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassC$ AllpassC]]
final case class AllpassL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** All pass delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassN$ AllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassL$ AllpassL]]
object AllpassC {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def kr(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassC =
new AllpassC(control, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
def ar(in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f): AllpassC =
new AllpassC(audio, in, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime)
/** All pass delay line with cubic interpolation.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param maxDelayTime The maximum delay time in seconds. used to initialize
* the delay buffer size. ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this
* time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be
* negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an
* octave lower.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassN$ AllpassN]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.AllpassL$ AllpassL]]
final case class AllpassC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRate(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** A time domain granular pitch shifter. Grains have a triangular amplitude
* envelope and an overlap of 4:1.
object PitchShift {
/** @param in The input signal.
* @param winSize The size of the grain window in seconds. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param pitchRatio The ratio of the pitch shift. Must be from 0 to 4.
* @param pitchDispersion The maximum random deviation of the pitch from the
* pitchRatio.
* @param timeDispersion A random offset of from zero to timeDispersion seconds
* is added to the delay of each grain. Use of some
* dispersion can alleviate a hard comb filter effect due
* to uniform grain placement. It can also be an effect in
* itself. timeDispersion can be no larger than windowSize.
def ar(in: GE, winSize: GE = 0.2f, pitchRatio: GE = 1.0f, pitchDispersion: GE = 0.0f, timeDispersion: GE = 0.0f): PitchShift =
new PitchShift(in, winSize, pitchRatio, pitchDispersion, timeDispersion)
/** A time domain granular pitch shifter. Grains have a triangular amplitude
* envelope and an overlap of 4:1.
* @param in The input signal.
* @param winSize The size of the grain window in seconds. ''(init-time
* only)''
* @param pitchRatio The ratio of the pitch shift. Must be from 0 to 4.
* @param pitchDispersion The maximum random deviation of the pitch from the
* pitchRatio.
* @param timeDispersion A random offset of from zero to timeDispersion seconds
* is added to the delay of each grain. Use of some
* dispersion can alleviate a hard comb filter effect due
* to uniform grain placement. It can also be an effect in
* itself. timeDispersion can be no larger than windowSize.
final case class PitchShift(in: GE, winSize: GE = 0.2f, pitchRatio: GE = 1.0f, pitchDispersion: GE = 0.0f, timeDispersion: GE = 0.0f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with AudioRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, winSize.expand, pitchRatio.expand, pitchDispersion.expand, timeDispersion.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, audio, _args)
/** Triggers generate grains from a buffer. Each grain has a Hanning envelope
* {{{
* (sin2(x) for x from 0 to pi)
* }}}
* and is panned between two channels of multiple outputs.
* '''Warning''': Due to a bug (SC 3.6.6), this UGen does not work with `LocalBuf`
* but requires a regular buffer.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.GrainBuf$ GrainBuf]]
object TGrains {
/** @param numChannels Number of output channels.
* @param trig At each trigger, the following arguments are sampled
* and used as the arguments of a new grain. A trigger
* occurs when a signal changes from non-positive to
* positive value. If the trigger is audio rate then the
* grains will start with sample accuracy.
* @param buf The buffer index. It must be a one channel (mono)
* buffer.
* @param speed 1.0 is normal, 2.0 is one octave up, 0.5 is one octave
* down -1.0 is backwards normal rate etc.
* @param centerPos The position in the buffer in seconds at which the
* grain envelope will reach maximum amplitude.
* @param dur Duration of the grain in seconds.
* @param pan A value from -1 to 1. Determines where to pan the
* output in the same manner as
* [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PanAz$ PanAz]].
* @param amp Amplitude of the grain.
* @param interp 1, 2, or 4. Determines whether the grain uses (1) no
* interpolation, (2) linear interpolation, or (4) cubic
* interpolation.
def ar(numChannels: Int, trig: GE, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, centerPos: GE = 0.0f, dur: GE = 0.1f, pan: GE = 0.0f, amp: GE = 0.1f, interp: GE = 4): TGrains =
new TGrains(numChannels, trig, buf, speed, centerPos, dur, pan, amp, interp)
/** Triggers generate grains from a buffer. Each grain has a Hanning envelope
* {{{
* (sin2(x) for x from 0 to pi)
* }}}
* and is panned between two channels of multiple outputs.
* '''Warning''': Due to a bug (SC 3.6.6), this UGen does not work with `LocalBuf`
* but requires a regular buffer.
* @param numChannels Number of output channels.
* @param trig At each trigger, the following arguments are sampled
* and used as the arguments of a new grain. A trigger
* occurs when a signal changes from non-positive to
* positive value. If the trigger is audio rate then the
* grains will start with sample accuracy.
* @param buf The buffer index. It must be a one channel (mono)
* buffer.
* @param speed 1.0 is normal, 2.0 is one octave up, 0.5 is one octave
* down -1.0 is backwards normal rate etc.
* @param centerPos The position in the buffer in seconds at which the
* grain envelope will reach maximum amplitude.
* @param dur Duration of the grain in seconds.
* @param pan A value from -1 to 1. Determines where to pan the
* output in the same manner as
* [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PanAz$ PanAz]].
* @param amp Amplitude of the grain.
* @param interp 1, 2, or 4. Determines whether the grain uses (1) no
* interpolation, (2) linear interpolation, or (4) cubic
* interpolation.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.GrainBuf$ GrainBuf]]
final case class TGrains(numChannels: Int, trig: GE, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, centerPos: GE = 0.0f, dur: GE = 0.1f, pan: GE = 0.0f, amp: GE = 0.1f, interp: GE = 4)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(trig.expand, buf.expand, speed.expand, centerPos.expand, dur.expand, pan.expand, amp.expand, interp.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, audio, Vector.fill(numChannels)(audio), _args, isIndividual = true)
object ScopeOut {
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE): ScopeOut = new ScopeOut(control, buf, in)
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE): ScopeOut = new ScopeOut(audio, buf, in)
final case class ScopeOut(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = UGen.ZeroOut(name, rate, _args, isIndividual = true)
object ScopeOut2 {
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE, maxFrames: GE = 4096, frames: GE): ScopeOut2 =
new ScopeOut2(control, buf, in, maxFrames, frames)
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE, maxFrames: GE = 4096, frames: GE): ScopeOut2 =
new ScopeOut2(audio, buf, in, maxFrames, frames)
final case class ScopeOut2(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, maxFrames: GE = 4096, frames: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, maxFrames.expand, frames.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = UGen.ZeroOut(name, rate, _args, isIndividual = true)
/** A Karplus-Strong UGen.
object Pluck {
/** @param in An excitation signal.
* @param trig Upon a negative to positive transition, the excitation
* signal will be fed into the delay line.
* @param maxDelayTime Maximum delay time in seconds (initializes the internal
* delay buffer). ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. Negative
* times emphasize odd partials.
* @param coeff the coefficient of the internal OnePole filter. Values
* should be between -1 and +1 (larger values will be
* unstable... so be careful!).
def ar(in: GE, trig: GE = 1, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f, coeff: GE = 0.5f): Pluck =
new Pluck(in, trig, maxDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime, coeff)
/** A Karplus-Strong UGen.
* @param in An excitation signal.
* @param trig Upon a negative to positive transition, the excitation
* signal will be fed into the delay line.
* @param maxDelayTime Maximum delay time in seconds (initializes the internal
* delay buffer). ''(init-time only)''
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. Negative
* times emphasize odd partials.
* @param coeff the coefficient of the internal OnePole filter. Values
* should be between -1 and +1 (larger values will be
* unstable... so be careful!).
final case class Pluck(in: GE, trig: GE = 1, maxDelayTime: GE = 0.2f, delayTime: GE = 0.2f, decayTime: GE = 1.0f, coeff: GE = 0.5f)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with AudioRated {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(in.expand, trig.expand, maxDelayTime.expand, delayTime.expand, decayTime.expand, coeff.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, audio, _args)
/** Write to a buffer for a `DelTapRd` UGen
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelTapRd$ DelTapRd]]
object DelTapWr {
/** @param buf The buffer to write signal into. Max delay time is
* based on buffer size. `DelTapWr` outputs its current
* sample value for use in the `phase` argument of
* `DelTapRd` .
* @param in The input signal.
def kr(buf: GE, in: GE): DelTapWr = new DelTapWr(control, buf, in)
/** @param buf The buffer to write signal into. Max delay time is
* based on buffer size. `DelTapWr` outputs its current
* sample value for use in the `phase` argument of
* `DelTapRd` .
* @param in The input signal.
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE): DelTapWr = new DelTapWr(audio, buf, in)
/** Write to a buffer for a `DelTapRd` UGen
* @param buf The buffer to write signal into. Max delay time is
* based on buffer size. `DelTapWr` outputs its current
* sample value for use in the `phase` argument of
* `DelTapRd` .
* @param in The input signal.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelTapRd$ DelTapRd]]
final case class DelTapWr(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, in.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** Tap a delay line from a `DelTapWr` UGen.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelTapWr$ DelTapWr]]
object DelTapRd {
/** @param buf Buffer where DelTapWr has written signal. Max delay
* time is based on buffer size.
* @param phase the current phase of the DelTapWr UGen. This is the
* output of DelTapWr.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param interp The kind of interpolation to be used. 1 is none, 2 is
* linear, 4 is cubic..
def kr(buf: GE, phase: GE, delayTime: GE, interp: GE = 1): DelTapRd =
new DelTapRd(control, buf, phase, delayTime, interp)
/** @param buf Buffer where DelTapWr has written signal. Max delay
* time is based on buffer size.
* @param phase the current phase of the DelTapWr UGen. This is the
* output of DelTapWr.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param interp The kind of interpolation to be used. 1 is none, 2 is
* linear, 4 is cubic..
def ar(buf: GE, phase: GE, delayTime: GE, interp: GE = 1): DelTapRd =
new DelTapRd(audio, buf, phase, delayTime, interp)
/** Tap a delay line from a `DelTapWr` UGen.
* @param buf Buffer where DelTapWr has written signal. Max delay
* time is based on buffer size.
* @param phase the current phase of the DelTapWr UGen. This is the
* output of DelTapWr.
* @param delayTime Delay time in seconds.
* @param interp The kind of interpolation to be used. 1 is none, 2 is
* linear, 4 is cubic..
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DelTapWr$ DelTapWr]]
final case class DelTapRd(rate: Rate, buf: GE, phase: GE, delayTime: GE, interp: GE = 1)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, phase.expand, delayTime.expand, interp.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args, isIndividual = true)
/** A scalar (init-time) UGen that overwrites contents of a buffer with given
* values.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalBuf$ LocalBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ClearBuf$ ClearBuf]]
object SetBuf {
/** @param buf the buffer to write the values into
* @param values values to write into the buffer
* @param offset frame offset into the buffer
def ir(buf: GE, values: GE, offset: GE = 0): SetBuf = new SetBuf(buf, values, offset)
/** A scalar (init-time) UGen that overwrites contents of a buffer with given
* values.
* @param buf the buffer to write the values into
* @param values values to write into the buffer
* @param offset frame offset into the buffer
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalBuf$ LocalBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ClearBuf$ ClearBuf]]
final case class SetBuf(buf: GE, values: GE, offset: GE = 0)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike =
unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, offset.expand).++({
val _exp = values.expand.outputs
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** A scalar (init-time) UGen that fills the contents of a buffer with zeroes.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalBuf$ LocalBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SetBuf$ SetBuf]]
object ClearBuf {
/** @param buf the buffer to clear
def ir(buf: GE): ClearBuf = new ClearBuf(buf)
/** A scalar (init-time) UGen that fills the contents of a buffer with zeroes.
* @param buf the buffer to clear
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalBuf$ LocalBuf]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SetBuf$ SetBuf]]
final case class ClearBuf(buf: GE)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with ScalarRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.SingleOut(name, scalar, _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)