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// revision: 4
package de.sciss.synth
package ugen
import UGenSource._
/** A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file. Continuously plays a longer
* audio file from disk. This requires a buffer to be preloaded with one buffer
* size of sound. If loop is set to 1, the file will loop.
* '''Note''': The buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the server's block
* size). See `Buffer#cue` for details.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#cue Buffer#cue]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.VDiskIn$ VDiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
object DiskIn {
/** @param numChannels the amount of channels the file and the buffer will
* have. This is an Int and hence must be pre-determined.
* Different SynthDefs must be created for different
* numbers of channels.
* @param buf the id of the buffer with the correct number of
* channels and frames
* @param loop whether the file should loop when its end is reached
def ar(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, loop: GE = 0): DiskIn = new DiskIn(audio, numChannels, buf, loop)
/** A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file. Continuously plays a longer
* audio file from disk. This requires a buffer to be preloaded with one buffer
* size of sound. If loop is set to 1, the file will loop.
* '''Note''': The buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the server's block
* size). See `Buffer#cue` for details.
* @param numChannels the amount of channels the file and the buffer will
* have. This is an Int and hence must be pre-determined.
* Different SynthDefs must be created for different
* numbers of channels.
* @param buf the id of the buffer with the correct number of
* channels and frames
* @param loop whether the file should loop when its end is reached
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#cue Buffer#cue]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.VDiskIn$ VDiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
final case class DiskIn(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, loop: GE = 0)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, loop.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen which writes a signal to a sound file on disk. To achieve this
* efficiently, a buffer is needs to be provides which is used to buffer the
* incoming signal.
* '''Note''': It might be that the buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the
* server's block size). We haven't currently verified this, but to be safe, you
* should make sure this property is met.
* The signal output by the UGen represents the number of frames written.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#write Buffer#write]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
object DiskOut {
/** @param buf the buffer used internally by the UGen. this number of
* frames in the buffer must be a power of two (this is
* currently not checked!). The buffer must have been
* initialized with a `write` command whose `leaveOpen`
* argument is true. Note that the number of channels of
* the buffer and of the input signal must be the same,
* otherwise `DiskOut` will fail silently (and not write
* anything to the file). '''Warning''': Crashes the server
* if the number of channels exceeds 32.
* @param in the signal to be recorded
def ar(buf: GE, in: GE): DiskOut = new DiskOut(audio, buf, in)
/** A UGen which writes a signal to a sound file on disk. To achieve this
* efficiently, a buffer is needs to be provides which is used to buffer the
* incoming signal.
* '''Note''': It might be that the buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the
* server's block size). We haven't currently verified this, but to be safe, you
* should make sure this property is met.
* The signal output by the UGen represents the number of frames written.
* @param buf the buffer used internally by the UGen. this number of
* frames in the buffer must be a power of two (this is
* currently not checked!). The buffer must have been
* initialized with a `write` command whose `leaveOpen`
* argument is true. Note that the number of channels of
* the buffer and of the input signal must be the same,
* otherwise `DiskOut` will fail silently (and not write
* anything to the file). '''Warning''': Crashes the server
* if the number of channels exceeds 32.
* @param in the signal to be recorded
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#write Buffer#write]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.RecordBuf$ RecordBuf]]
final case class DiskOut(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.SingleOut(name, rate, _args1, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file with variable playback speed.
* Continuously plays a longer audio file from disk. This requires a buffer to be
* preloaded with one buffer size of sound. If loop is set to 1, the file will
* loop.
* '''Note''': The buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the server's block
* size). See `Buffer#cue` for details.
* If the speed is too high, the UGen will not execute, posting a warning.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#cue Buffer#cue]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskOut$ DiskOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
object VDiskIn {
/** @param numChannels the amount of channels the file and the buffer will
* have. This is an Int and hence must be pre-determined.
* Different SynthDefs must be created for different
* numbers of channels
* @param buf the id of the buffer with the correct number of
* channels and frames
* @param speed controls the speed of playback. The buffer is always
* streamed at a frequency of ` * speed` , so
* the buffer's own sample rate is irrelevant. Factors
* below 4 are probably fine, but the higher the value, the
* more disk activity there is, and the more likelihood
* there will be a problem. The following must be true:
* `rate < bufFrames / (2 * blockSize)` , e.g with typical
* default values, this will be `32768 / (2 * 64) = 256` .
* @param loop whether the file should loop when its end is reached
* @param sendID If a value other than zero is used, the UGen sends an
* OSC message with this id and the file position each time
* it reloads the buffer:
* `OSCMessage("/diskin", nodeID, sendID, frame)`
def ar(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, loop: GE = 0, sendID: GE = 0): VDiskIn =
new VDiskIn(audio, numChannels, buf, speed, loop, sendID)
/** A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file with variable playback speed.
* Continuously plays a longer audio file from disk. This requires a buffer to be
* preloaded with one buffer size of sound. If loop is set to 1, the file will
* loop.
* '''Note''': The buffer size must be a multiple of (2 * the server's block
* size). See `Buffer#cue` for details.
* If the speed is too high, the UGen will not execute, posting a warning.
* @param numChannels the amount of channels the file and the buffer will
* have. This is an Int and hence must be pre-determined.
* Different SynthDefs must be created for different
* numbers of channels
* @param buf the id of the buffer with the correct number of
* channels and frames
* @param speed controls the speed of playback. The buffer is always
* streamed at a frequency of ` * speed` , so
* the buffer's own sample rate is irrelevant. Factors
* below 4 are probably fine, but the higher the value, the
* more disk activity there is, and the more likelihood
* there will be a problem. The following must be true:
* `rate < bufFrames / (2 * blockSize)` , e.g with typical
* default values, this will be `32768 / (2 * 64) = 256` .
* @param loop whether the file should loop when its end is reached
* @param sendID If a value other than zero is used, the UGen sends an
* OSC message with this id and the file position each time
* it reloads the buffer:
* `OSCMessage("/diskin", nodeID, sendID, frame)`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Buffer#cue Buffer#cue]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskIn$ DiskIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.DiskOut$ DiskOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PlayBuf$ PlayBuf]]
final case class VDiskIn(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = 1.0f, loop: GE = 0, sendID: GE = 0)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(buf.expand, speed.expand, loop.expand, sendID.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args, hasSideEffect = true, isIndividual = true)