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// revision: 3
package de.sciss.synth
package ugen
import UGenSource._
/** A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus, delaying the signal such that the input
* will begin to appear on the bus precisely when the encompassing Synth was
* scheduled according to its OSC bundle. I.e. if the synth is scheduled to be
* started part way through a control cycle, `OffsetOut` will maintain the correct
* offset by buffering the output and delaying it until the exact time that the
* synth was scheduled for.
* This UGen adds ("mixes") the input-signal to the existing contents of the bus.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* '''Note''': You cannot currently achieve sample accurate scheduling in
* SuperCollider. This UGen is therefore more or less useless.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // compare left-right
* val sd = SynthDef.recv("offset-out") {
* val x =
* val y =
* y.poll(0, "offset")
* Out .ar(0, x)
*, x) // right channel will be delayed against left
* }
* val x = Synth(s)
* s ! osc.Bundle.millis(System.currentTimeMillis + 1000, x.newMsg(, s))
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ReplaceOut$ ReplaceOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SubsampleOffset$ SubsampleOffset]]
object OffsetOut {
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
def ar(bus: GE, in: GE): OffsetOut = new OffsetOut(bus, in)
/** A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus, delaying the signal such that the input
* will begin to appear on the bus precisely when the encompassing Synth was
* scheduled according to its OSC bundle. I.e. if the synth is scheduled to be
* started part way through a control cycle, `OffsetOut` will maintain the correct
* offset by buffering the output and delaying it until the exact time that the
* synth was scheduled for.
* This UGen adds ("mixes") the input-signal to the existing contents of the bus.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* '''Note''': You cannot currently achieve sample accurate scheduling in
* SuperCollider. This UGen is therefore more or less useless.
* @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ReplaceOut$ ReplaceOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.SubsampleOffset$ SubsampleOffset]]
final case class OffsetOut(bus: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with AudioRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = {
val _args1 = if (audio.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.ZeroOut(name, audio, _args1, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that reads buses that are local to the enclosing synth. These buses
* should be written using a `LocalOut` ugen. They behave like regular buses, but
* are more convenient for the implementation of a self contained effect that uses
* a feedback processing loop.
* In a synth, there can be only each one control-rate and audio-rate `LocalIn` /
* `LocalOut` pair. The signal written to a `LocalOut` will not be read by the
* `LocalIn` until the next control block cycle, introducing a delay of
* `ControlDur` .
* '''Warning''': The argument has been changed `numChannels: Int` in version
* 1.15.3 to `init: GE` in version 1.16.0. The previous version was incompatible
* with SuperCollider 3.6.x. A previous usage such as `` to create two
* channels must now be expressed as `, 0))` !
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // ping-pong delay with feedback
* play {
* val src =, 0.1) *
* val in =, 0)) + Seq[GE](src, 0) // read feedback, add source to left chan
* val dly =, 0.2, 0.2) // delay sound
* val att = dly * 0.8 // apply decay factor
* // reverse channels to give ping pong effect
* \ 1, dly \ 0))
* dly
* }
* }}}
* {{{
* // tank
* play {
* val tones = Mix.fill(12) {
*, 0.1, 0.5) * 0.1 *
* Rand(-1,1))
* }
* val gen = tones +, 0.04, 0.3) *, 0)
* val verb = Mix.fold(gen, 4) { z =>
*, 0.03, Seq.fill(2)(Rand(0.005,0.02)), 1)
* }
* val in =, 0)) * 0.98
* val flt =, 0.5)
* val pan = \ 0, flt \ 1, 0.23)
* val v1 =, 0.05, Seq.fill(2)(Rand(0.01,0.05)), 2)
* val v2 =, 0.3, Seq(0.19,0.26))
* val v3 = , 0.05, Seq.fill(2)(Rand(0.03,0.15)), 2)
* val out =
* val sig = gen + out
* sig
* }
* }}}
* {{{
* // resonator
* play {
* val imp =
* val in =
* val feed = imp + in * 0.995
* // must subtract block-size for correct tuning
* // (try removing the ControlDur to here the pitch change)
* val time = 440.reciprocal -
* val dly =, time, time)
* // alternate between feedback and reference pitch
* val comp = Seq(dly, * 0.2): GE
* comp *, Seq(0.0, 0.5))
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalOut$ LocalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.InFeedback$ InFeedback]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
object LocalIn {
def kr: LocalIn = kr()
/** @param init the initial state of the UGen. The number of channels
* of this signal should match with the number of channels
* written via `LocalOut` .
def kr(init: GE = 0): LocalIn = new LocalIn(control, init)
def ar: LocalIn = ar()
/** @param init the initial state of the UGen. The number of channels
* of this signal should match with the number of channels
* written via `LocalOut` .
def ar(init: GE = 0): LocalIn = new LocalIn(audio, init)
/** A UGen that reads buses that are local to the enclosing synth. These buses
* should be written using a `LocalOut` ugen. They behave like regular buses, but
* are more convenient for the implementation of a self contained effect that uses
* a feedback processing loop.
* In a synth, there can be only each one control-rate and audio-rate `LocalIn` /
* `LocalOut` pair. The signal written to a `LocalOut` will not be read by the
* `LocalIn` until the next control block cycle, introducing a delay of
* `ControlDur` .
* '''Warning''': The argument has been changed `numChannels: Int` in version
* 1.15.3 to `init: GE` in version 1.16.0. The previous version was incompatible
* with SuperCollider 3.6.x. A previous usage such as `` to create two
* channels must now be expressed as `, 0))` !
* @param init the initial state of the UGen. The number of channels
* of this signal should match with the number of channels
* written via `LocalOut` .
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalOut$ LocalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.InFeedback$ InFeedback]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
final case class LocalIn(rate: Rate, init: GE = 0) extends UGenSource.MultiOut {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, init.expand.outputs)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(_args.size)(rate), _args)
/** A UGen that cross-fades the contents of a bus with an input signal. A linear
* cross-fade can go from 0.0 (previous bus contents preserved, no input signal
* added) via 0.5 (previous signal attenuated by -6 dB, input signal attenuated by
* -6 dB and added) to 1.0 (contents completely replaced by input signal).
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // cross-fade two synths
* val sin = play {
*, * 0.1)
* }
* val noise = play(target = sin, addAction = addAfter) {
*,, xfade = "xfade".kr(0))
* }
* noise.set("xfade" -> 0.5) // both signals heard
* noise.set("xfade" -> 1.0) // just noise
* noise.set("xfade" -> 0.0) // just sine
* }}}
* @note The argument order is different from its sclang counterpart.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
object XOut {
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @param xfade cross-fade value. The new bus contents will be
* `old_bus_content * (1 - xfade) + in * xfade`
def kr(bus: GE, in: GE, xfade: GE): XOut = new XOut(control, bus, in, xfade)
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @param xfade cross-fade value. The new bus contents will be
* `old_bus_content * (1 - xfade) + in * xfade`
def ar(bus: GE, in: GE, xfade: GE): XOut = new XOut(audio, bus, in, xfade)
/** A UGen that cross-fades the contents of a bus with an input signal. A linear
* cross-fade can go from 0.0 (previous bus contents preserved, no input signal
* added) via 0.5 (previous signal attenuated by -6 dB, input signal attenuated by
* -6 dB and added) to 1.0 (contents completely replaced by input signal).
* @note The argument order is different from its sclang counterpart.
* @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @param xfade cross-fade value. The new bus contents will be
* `old_bus_content * (1 - xfade) + in * xfade`
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
final case class XOut(rate: Rate, bus: GE, in: GE, xfade: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand, xfade.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 2, audio) else _args
UGen.ZeroOut(name, rate, _args1, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that replace the contents of a bus with an input signal. Other than
* `Out` , the signal is not added to the previous contents of the bus but replaces
* it, allowing for a simple way of an "insert" effect.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // insert-effect
* val noise = play {
*,, 0.1)))
* }
* val filter = play(target = noise, addAction = addAfter) {
* val in =, 2)
* val f =, 444, 0.1) * 20
*, f)
* }
* // bypass
* ) // engage
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
object ReplaceOut {
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
def ar(bus: GE, in: GE): ReplaceOut = new ReplaceOut(bus, in)
/** A UGen that replace the contents of a bus with an input signal. Other than
* `Out` , the signal is not added to the previous contents of the bus but replaces
* it, allowing for a simple way of an "insert" effect.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
final case class ReplaceOut(bus: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with AudioRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = {
val _args1 = if (audio.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.ZeroOut(name, audio, _args1, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus. It adds ("mixes") the input-signal to
* the existing contents of the bus.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // cross-synth routing
* // allocate an internal stereo audio-bus
* val bus =, 2)
* // writes to internal bus (initially inaudible)
* val x = play {
*,, 345)))
* }
* // reads internal bus and makes it audible.
* // must be after `x` to be able to read the bus signal
* val y = play(target = x, addAction = addAfter) {
* val in =, 2)
*, 555, 0.1) * 10
* }
* // when done, do not forget to free the bus
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PhysicalOut$ PhysicalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ReplaceOut$ ReplaceOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalOut$ LocalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Bus Bus]]
object Out {
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus. '''Note''' that the bus index can only be
* modulated at control-rate.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
def kr(bus: GE, in: GE): Out = new Out(control, bus, in)
/** @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus. '''Note''' that the bus index can only be
* modulated at control-rate.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
def ar(bus: GE, in: GE): Out = new Out(audio, bus, in)
/** A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus. It adds ("mixes") the input-signal to
* the existing contents of the bus.
* Multi-channel input signals, for example a `PanAz` , are written as such to the
* bus without expansion. That is, the `bus` index argument is used for the first
* channel, the second channel will appear on `bus + 1` , etc.
* If you have an expanding multi-channel input, however, you have to be careful.
* For example, if you have
* `,, 555, 666)) * 0.2, Seq(-1, 0, 1))` , this results
* in one output UGen carrying one channel, and another one carrying two channels.
* (The way this works is consistent with SCLang). In order to get the correct
* behaviour (left outputs of the `PanAz` summed, and right output of the `PanAz`
* summed), wrap this expression in a `Mix(...)` before passing it to the output
* UGen.
* @param bus bus index to write to. For an audio-rate UGen, this is
* an audio-bus, for a control-rate UGen, this is a
* control-bus. '''Note''' that the bus index can only be
* modulated at control-rate.
* @param in signal to write to the bus. If the UGen is audio-rate,
* the input must also be audio-rate.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PhysicalOut$ PhysicalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ReplaceOut$ ReplaceOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.XOut$ XOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalOut$ LocalOut]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Bus Bus]]
final case class Out(rate: Rate, bus: GE, in: GE)
extends UGenSource.ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand).++(in.expand.outputs))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 1, audio) else _args
UGen.ZeroOut(name, rate, _args1, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that writes to buses that are local to the enclosing synth. These buses
* should have been defined by a `LocalIn` ugen. These behave like regular buses,
* but are more convenient for the implementation of a self contained effect that
* uses a feedback processing loop.
* In a synth, there can be only each one control-rate and audio-rate `LocalIn` /
* `LocalOut` pair. The signal written to a `LocalOut` will not be read by the
* `LocalIn` until the next control block cycle, introducing a delay of
* `ControlDur` .
* For more examples, see `LocalIn`.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // ping-pong delay with feedback
* play {
* val src =, 0.1) *
* val in =, 0)) + Seq[GE](src, 0) // read feedback, add source to left chan
* val dly =, 0.2, 0.2) // delay sound
* val att = dly * 0.8 // apply decay factor
* // reverse channels to give ping pong effect
* \ 1, dly \ 0))
* dly
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
object LocalOut {
/** @param in signal to be written to the synth-local bus. The
* signal's number of channels must be the same number of
* channels as were declared in the corresponding `LocalIn`
* .
def kr(in: GE): LocalOut = new LocalOut(control, in)
/** @param in signal to be written to the synth-local bus. The
* signal's number of channels must be the same number of
* channels as were declared in the corresponding `LocalIn`
* .
def ar(in: GE): LocalOut = new LocalOut(audio, in)
/** A UGen that writes to buses that are local to the enclosing synth. These buses
* should have been defined by a `LocalIn` ugen. These behave like regular buses,
* but are more convenient for the implementation of a self contained effect that
* uses a feedback processing loop.
* In a synth, there can be only each one control-rate and audio-rate `LocalIn` /
* `LocalOut` pair. The signal written to a `LocalOut` will not be read by the
* `LocalIn` until the next control block cycle, introducing a delay of
* `ControlDur` .
* For more examples, see `LocalIn`.
* @param in signal to be written to the synth-local bus. The
* signal's number of channels must be the same number of
* channels as were declared in the corresponding `LocalIn`
* .
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
final case class LocalOut(rate: Rate, in: GE) extends UGenSource.ZeroOut {
protected def makeUGens: Unit = unwrap(this, in.expand.outputs)
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): Unit = {
val _args1 = if (rate.==(audio)) matchRateFrom(_args, 0, audio) else _args
UGen.ZeroOut(name, rate, _args1)
/** A UGen that reads a signal from a bus. Whether an audio- or control-bus is used
* depends on the rate of the UGen.
* `` and `` behave differently with respect to signals left on the bus
* in the previous calculation cycle (control block): `` can access audio
* signals that were generated in the current calculation cycle by synths appearing
* earlier in the node tree. It does not read signals produced by nodes in the
* previous calculation cycle (i.e. synths appearing later in the node tree), the
* input would instead be zero. To allow such "feedback", `InFeedback` can be used.
* In contrast, `` does not distinguish between "new" and "old" data: It will
* always read the most recent value found on the bus, whether it was generated
* earlier in this calculation cycle, left over from the last one, or set before by
* the client.
* '''Note''': The server uses the first `NumOutputBuses` channels to write to the
* sound card, followed by another `NumInputBuses` to read from the sound card. For
* convenience, the pseudo-UGens `PhysicalOut` and `PhysicalIn` can be used.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // cross-synth routing
* // allocate an internal stereo audio-bus
* val bus =, 2)
* // writes to internal bus (initially inaudible)
* val x = play {
*,, 345)))
* }
* // reads internal bus and makes it audible.
* // must be after `x` to be able to read the bus signal
* val y = play(target = x, addAction = addAfter) {
* val in =, 2)
*, 555, 0.1) * 10
* }
* // when done, do not forget to free the bus
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PhysicalIn$ PhysicalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.InFeedback$ InFeedback]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Bus Bus]]
object In {
/** @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
def ir(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1): In = new In(scalar, bus, numChannels)
/** @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
def kr(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1): In = new In(control, bus, numChannels)
/** @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
def ar(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1): In = new In(audio, bus, numChannels)
/** A UGen that reads a signal from a bus. Whether an audio- or control-bus is used
* depends on the rate of the UGen.
* `` and `` behave differently with respect to signals left on the bus
* in the previous calculation cycle (control block): `` can access audio
* signals that were generated in the current calculation cycle by synths appearing
* earlier in the node tree. It does not read signals produced by nodes in the
* previous calculation cycle (i.e. synths appearing later in the node tree), the
* input would instead be zero. To allow such "feedback", `InFeedback` can be used.
* In contrast, `` does not distinguish between "new" and "old" data: It will
* always read the most recent value found on the bus, whether it was generated
* earlier in this calculation cycle, left over from the last one, or set before by
* the client.
* '''Note''': The server uses the first `NumOutputBuses` channels to write to the
* sound card, followed by another `NumInputBuses` to read from the sound card. For
* convenience, the pseudo-UGens `PhysicalOut` and `PhysicalIn` can be used.
* @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.PhysicalIn$ PhysicalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.InFeedback$ InFeedback]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.Bus Bus]]
final case class In(rate: Rate, bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen that reads a signal from a control bus and applies a lag filter to it.
* This is essentially the same as `, time)` .
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // portamento
* play {
* val c = Bus.control(s)
* c.set(30) // initial midi-pitch
* play {
* val freq =, time = 1).midicps
* * * 0.1
* }
* c.set(70)
* c.set(100)
* }
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Lag$ Lag]]
object LagIn {
/** @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
* @param time 60 dB lag time in seconds.
def kr(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1, time: GE = 0.1f): LagIn =
new LagIn(control, bus, numChannels, time)
/** A UGen that reads a signal from a control bus and applies a lag filter to it.
* This is essentially the same as `, time)` .
* @param bus index of the bus to read from. When `numChannels` is
* greater than one, the other channels or read from the
* adjacent indices.
* @param numChannels number of channels to read
* @param time 60 dB lag time in seconds.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Out$ Out]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.Lag$ Lag]]
final case class LagIn(rate: Rate, bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1, time: GE = 0.1f)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand, time.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, rate, Vector.fill(numChannels)(rate), _args, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen which reads a signal from an audio bus with a current or one cycle old
* timestamp.
* Audio buses adhere to the concept of a cycle timestamp, which increases for
* each audio block calculated. When the various output ugens ( `Out` , `OffsetOut`
* , `XOut` ) write data to a bus, they mix it with any data from the current
* cycle, but overwrite any data from the previous cycle. ( `ReplaceOut` overwrites
* all data regardless.) Thus depending on node order and what synths are writing
* to the bus, the data on a given bus may be from the current cycle or be one
* cycle old at the time of reading.
* `` checks the timestamp of any data it reads in and zeros any data from
* the previous cycle (for use within that node; the data remains on the bus). This
* is fine for audio data, as it avoids feedback, but for control data it is useful
* to be able to read data from any place in the node order. For this reason
* `` also reads data that is older than the current cycle.
* In some cases one might also want to read audio from a node later in the
* current node order. This can be achieved with `InFeedback` . It reads from the
* previous cycle, and hence introduces a '''delay''' of one block size, which by
* default is 64 sample frames (equal to about 1.45 ms at 44.1 kHz sample rate).
* '''Note''' that no delay occurs when the bus contains a signal which has been
* written already in the current cycle. The delay is only introduced when no
* present signal exists.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // feedback frequency modulation
* play {
* val in = // read output
* * 1300 + 300) * 0.4
* }
* }}}
* {{{
* // resonator
* val bus = // internal feedback bus
* val x = play {
* val imp =
* val in =
* val feed = imp + in * 0.995
* // must subtract block-size for correct tuning
* // (try removing the ControlDur to here the pitch change)
* val time = 440.reciprocal -
* val dly =, time, time)
*, dly)
* // alternate between feedback and reference pitch
* val comp = Seq(dly, * 0.2): GE
* comp *, Seq(0.0, 0.5))
* }
*; // do not forget to free the bus eventually
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
object InFeedback {
/** @param bus the index of the audio bus to read in from.
* @param numChannels the number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read
* in. Since this is a constant, a change in number of
* channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by
* creating different SynthDefs.
def ar(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1): InFeedback = new InFeedback(bus, numChannels)
/** A UGen which reads a signal from an audio bus with a current or one cycle old
* timestamp.
* Audio buses adhere to the concept of a cycle timestamp, which increases for
* each audio block calculated. When the various output ugens ( `Out` , `OffsetOut`
* , `XOut` ) write data to a bus, they mix it with any data from the current
* cycle, but overwrite any data from the previous cycle. ( `ReplaceOut` overwrites
* all data regardless.) Thus depending on node order and what synths are writing
* to the bus, the data on a given bus may be from the current cycle or be one
* cycle old at the time of reading.
* `` checks the timestamp of any data it reads in and zeros any data from
* the previous cycle (for use within that node; the data remains on the bus). This
* is fine for audio data, as it avoids feedback, but for control data it is useful
* to be able to read data from any place in the node order. For this reason
* `` also reads data that is older than the current cycle.
* In some cases one might also want to read audio from a node later in the
* current node order. This can be achieved with `InFeedback` . It reads from the
* previous cycle, and hence introduces a '''delay''' of one block size, which by
* default is 64 sample frames (equal to about 1.45 ms at 44.1 kHz sample rate).
* '''Note''' that no delay occurs when the bus contains a signal which has been
* written already in the current cycle. The delay is only introduced when no
* present signal exists.
* @param bus the index of the audio bus to read in from.
* @param numChannels the number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read
* in. Since this is a constant, a change in number of
* channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by
* creating different SynthDefs.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.LocalIn$ LocalIn]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.ControlDur$ ControlDur]]
final case class InFeedback(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, audio, Vector.fill(numChannels)(audio), _args, isIndividual = true)
/** A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.
* Any time the bus is "touched" i.e. has its value set (using `"/c_set"` etc.), a
* single impulse trigger will be generated. Its amplitude is the value that the
* bus was set to. Note that if a signal is continuously written to that bus, for
* instance using `` , only one initial trigger is generated once that ugen
* starts writing, but no successive triggers are generated.
* ===Examples===
* {{{
* // envelope trigger
* val c = Bus.control(s)
* val x = play {
* val tr =
* *, gate = tr, levelScale = tr)
* }
* c.set(1.0)
* c.set(0.2)
* c.set(0.1)
* }}}
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.TrigControl$ TrigControl]]
object InTrig {
/** @param bus the index of the control bus to read in from.
* @param numChannels the number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read
* in. Since this is a constant, a change in number of
* channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by
* creating different SynthDefs.
def kr(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1): InTrig = new InTrig(bus, numChannels)
/** A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.
* Any time the bus is "touched" i.e. has its value set (using `"/c_set"` etc.), a
* single impulse trigger will be generated. Its amplitude is the value that the
* bus was set to. Note that if a signal is continuously written to that bus, for
* instance using `` , only one initial trigger is generated once that ugen
* starts writing, but no successive triggers are generated.
* @param bus the index of the control bus to read in from.
* @param numChannels the number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read
* in. Since this is a constant, a change in number of
* channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by
* creating different SynthDefs.
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.In$ In]]
* @see [[de.sciss.synth.ugen.TrigControl$ TrigControl]]
final case class InTrig(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1)
extends UGenSource.MultiOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual {
protected def makeUGens: UGenInLike = unwrap(this, Vector(bus.expand))
protected def makeUGen(_args: Vec[UGenIn]): UGenInLike =
UGen.MultiOut(name, control, Vector.fill(numChannels)(control), _args, isIndividual = true)