de.sciss.synth.proc.FadeSpec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* FadeSpec.scala
* (SoundProcesses)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU General Public License v2+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss
package synth
package proc
import de.sciss.lucre.event.{Pull, Targets}
import de.sciss.lucre.expr.{DoubleObj, Expr => _Expr, LongObj, Type}
import de.sciss.lucre.stm.{Elem, Sys, Copy}
import de.sciss.lucre.{expr, stm}
import de.sciss.serial.{DataInput, DataOutput, ImmutableSerializer}
import de.sciss.synth.Curve.linear
import de.sciss.{model => m}
object FadeSpec {
final val typeID = 14
/* override */ def init(): Unit = {
// super.init()
Obj .init()
private final val COOKIE = 0x4664 // 'Fd'
implicit object serializer extends ImmutableSerializer[FadeSpec] {
def write(v: FadeSpec, out: DataOutput): Unit = {
import v._
out.writeLong (numFrames)
Curve.serializer.write(curve, out)
def read(in: DataInput): FadeSpec = {
val cookie = in.readShort()
if (cookie != COOKIE) sys.error(s"Unexpected cookie $cookie, expected $COOKIE")
val numFrames = in.readLong()
val curve =
val floor = in.readFloat()
FadeSpec(numFrames = numFrames, curve = curve, floor = floor)
object Obj extends expr.impl.ExprTypeImpl[FadeSpec, FadeSpec.Obj] {
def typeID = FadeSpec.typeID
import FadeSpec.{Obj => Repr}
private[this] lazy val _init: Unit = registerExtension(Apply)
override def init(): Unit = {
protected def mkConst[S <: Sys[S]](id: S#ID, value: A)(implicit tx: S#Tx): Const[S] =
new _Const[S](id, value)
protected def mkVar[S <: Sys[S]](targets: Targets[S], vr: S#Var[Ex[S]], connect: Boolean)
(implicit tx: S#Tx): Var[S] = {
val res = new _Var[S](targets, vr)
if (connect) res.connect()
private final class _Const[S <: Sys[S]](val id: S#ID, val constValue: A)
extends ConstImpl[S] with Repr[S]
private final class _Var[S <: Sys[S]](val targets: Targets[S], val ref: S#Var[Ex[S]])
extends VarImpl[S] with Repr[S]
def valueSerializer: ImmutableSerializer[FadeSpec] = FadeSpec.serializer
def apply[S <: Sys[S]](numFrames: LongObj[S], shape: CurveObj[S], floor: DoubleObj[S])
(implicit tx: S#Tx): Obj[S] = {
val targets = Targets[S]
new Apply(targets, numFrames, shape, floor).connect()
def unapply[S <: Sys[S]](expr: Obj[S]): Option[(LongObj[S], CurveObj[S], DoubleObj[S])] =
expr match {
case impl: Apply[S] => Some((impl.numFrames, impl.shape, impl.floor))
case _ => None
private object Apply extends Type.Extension1[Obj] {
final val opID = 0
def readExtension[S <: Sys[S]](opID: Int, in: DataInput, access: S#Acc, targets: Targets[S])
(implicit tx: S#Tx): Obj[S] = {
val numFrames = LongObj .read(in, access)
val shape = CurveObj .read(in, access)
val floor =, access)
new Apply(targets, numFrames, shape, floor)
def name: String = "Apply"
val opHi: Int = opID
val opLo: Int = opID
private final class Apply[S <: Sys[S]](protected val targets: Targets[S],
val numFrames: LongObj[S],
val shape: CurveObj[S],
val floor: DoubleObj[S])
extends lucre.expr.impl.NodeImpl[S, FadeSpec] with Obj[S] {
def tpe: stm.Obj.Type = FadeSpec.Obj
def copy[Out <: Sys[Out]]()(implicit tx: S#Tx, txOut: Out#Tx, context: Copy[S, Out]): Elem[Out] =
new Apply(Targets[Out], context(numFrames), context(shape), context(floor)).connect()
def value(implicit tx: S#Tx): FadeSpec = FadeSpec(numFrames.value, shape.value, floor.value.toFloat)
object changed extends Changed {
def pullUpdate(pull: Pull[S])(implicit tx: S#Tx): Option[m.Change[FadeSpec]] = {
val framesEvt = numFrames.changed
val framesChO = if (pull.contains(framesEvt)) pull(framesEvt) else None
val shapeEvt = shape.changed
val shapeChO = if (pull.contains(shapeEvt )) pull(shapeEvt ) else None
val floorEvt = floor.changed
val floorChO = if (pull.contains(floorEvt )) pull(floorEvt ) else None
if (framesChO.isEmpty && shapeChO.isEmpty && floorChO.isEmpty) return None
val framesCh = framesChO.getOrElse {
val framesV = numFrames.value
m.Change(framesV, framesV)
val shapeCh = shapeChO.getOrElse {
val shapeV = shape.value
m.Change(shapeV, shapeV)
val floorCh = floorChO.getOrElse {
val floorV = floor.value
m.Change(floorV, floorV)
val before = FadeSpec(framesCh.before, shapeCh.before, floorCh.before.toFloat)
val now = FadeSpec(,, .toFloat)
Some(m.Change(before, now))
protected def disposeData()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = disconnect()
protected def writeData(out: DataOutput): Unit = {
out.writeByte(1) // 'node' not 'var'
shape .write(out)
floor .write(out)
def connect()(implicit tx: S#Tx): this.type = {
numFrames.changed ---> changed
shape .changed ---> changed
floor .changed ---> changed
private def disconnect()(implicit tx: S#Tx): Unit = {
numFrames.changed -/-> changed
shape .changed -/-> changed
floor .changed -/-> changed
trait Obj[S <: Sys[S]] extends _Expr[S, FadeSpec]
final case class FadeSpec(numFrames: Long, curve: Curve = linear, floor: Float = 0f)
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