de.sciss.proc.impl.AuralNodeImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* AuralNodeImpl.scala
* (SoundProcesses)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.proc.impl
import de.sciss.lucre.Disposable
import de.sciss.lucre.synth.{Bus, BusNodeSetter, DynamicUser, Group, Node, RT, Resource, Server, Synth, Txn}
import de.sciss.proc.{AuralNode, TimeRef}
import de.sciss.synth.{AddAction, ControlSet, NestedUGenGraphBuilder, addBefore, addToHead, addToTail, audio, control}
import scala.collection.immutable.{Seq => ISeq}
import scala.concurrent.stm.Ref
object AuralNodeImpl {
def apply[T <: Txn[T]](timeRef: TimeRef, wallClock: Long, ubRes: NestedUGenGraphBuilder.Result,
server: Server, nameHint: Option[String])
(implicit tx: RT): AuralNode.Builder[T] = {
val res = prepare(ubRes, server, nameHint = nameHint)
// XXX TODO -- probably we can throw `users` and `resources` together as disposables
val aNode = new Impl[T](timeRef, wallClock, tree = res.tree, setMap = res.controls, users0 = res.buses)
// ---- transformation of NestedUGenGraphBuilder.Result into a lucre-based tree ----
private final case class Result(tree: Tree, controls: List[ControlSet], buses: List[BusNodeSetter])
private sealed trait Tree {
def synth: Synth
def main: Node
def play(target: Node, args: ISeq[ControlSet], addAction: AddAction, dependencies: List[Resource])
(implicit tx: RT): Unit
private final case class Leaf(synth: Synth) extends Tree {
def main: Node = synth
def play(target: Node, args: ISeq[ControlSet], addAction: AddAction, dependencies: List[Resource])
(implicit tx: RT): Unit = = target, args = args, addAction = addAction, dependencies = dependencies)
private final case class Branch(group: Group, synth: Synth, children: List[Tree]) extends Tree {
def main: Node = group
def play(target: Node, args: ISeq[ControlSet], addAction: AddAction, dependencies: List[Resource])
(implicit tx: RT): Unit = { = target, addAction = addAction, args = Nil, dependencies = dependencies)
synth .play(target = group , addAction = addToHead, args = Nil, dependencies = Nil )
children.foreach { ch =>
ch .play(target = group , addAction = addToTail, args = Nil, dependencies = Nil )
group.set(args: _*)
private def prepare(res0: NestedUGenGraphBuilder.Result, s: Server, nameHint: Option[String])
(implicit tx: RT): Result = {
var ctl = List.empty[ControlSet]
var buses = List.empty[BusNodeSetter]
def loop(tree: NestedUGenGraphBuilder.Result): Tree = {
val syn = Synth.expanded(s, tree.graph, nameHint = nameHint)
val hasChildren = tree.children.nonEmpty
val child: Tree = if (hasChildren) {
val group = Group(s)
val children = { cc =>
val ccn = loop(cc)
if ( >= 0) ctl ::= NestedUGenGraphBuilder.pauseNodeCtlName( ->
Branch(group = group, synth = syn, children = children)
} else {
tree.links.foreach { link =>
val ctlName = NestedUGenGraphBuilder.linkCtlName(
val setter = link.rate match {
case `audio` =>
val bus = (s, numChannels = link.numChannels)
BusNodeSetter.readerWriter(ctlName, bus, child.main)
case `control` =>
val bus = Bus.control(s, numChannels = link.numChannels)
BusNodeSetter.readerWriter(ctlName, bus, child.main)
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported link rate $other")
buses ::= setter
val top = loop(res0)
Result(tree = top, controls = ctl, buses = buses)
// ---- impl ----
* The possible differentiation of groups for an aural process. The minimum configuration is one main
* group. If synths need to play before the main process, a pre group will be established, if they need
* to play after the main process, a post group will be established. If multiple synths participate in
* the main process, a core group may be established. A back group will hold 'forgotten' synths, once
* they have been marked to fade out and be removed by themselves.
private final case class AllGroups(main: Group, pre: Option[Group] = None,
core: Option[Group] = None,
post: Option[Group] = None, back: Option[Group] = None)
// we only add to `setMap` before `play`, thus does not need to be transactional. i.e.
// if `addControl` is called later during run, the control is not store but passed directly
// to the server.
private final class Impl[T <: Txn[T]](val timeRef: TimeRef, wallClock: Long, tree: Tree,
private[this] var setMap: List[ControlSet], users0: List[DynamicUser])
extends AuralNode.Builder[T] {
import de.sciss.lucre.Txn.peer
import tree.{main => graphMain}
private[this] val users = Ref(users0)
private[this] val resources = Ref(List.empty[Resource])
private[this] val disposables = Ref(List.empty[Disposable[T]])
private[this] val groupsRef = Ref[Option[AllGroups]](graphMain match {
case g: Group => Some(AllGroups(g))
case _ => None
override def toString = s"AuralProc($graphMain)"
def server: Server = graphMain.server
def groupOption(implicit tx: RT): Option[Group] = groupsRef().map(_.main)
def node(implicit tx: RT): Node = groupOption.getOrElse(graphMain)
def synth: Synth = tree.synth
def play()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
// `play` calls `requireOffline`, so we are safe against accidental repeated calls
val target = server.defaultGroup = target, addAction = addToHead, args = setMap.reverse, dependencies = resources().reverse)
def shiftTo(newWallClock: Long): TimeRef = {
val delta = newWallClock - wallClock
def group()(implicit tx: T): Group =
groupOption.getOrElse {
val res =, addBefore) // i.e. occupy the same place as before
def group_=(newGroup: Group)(implicit tx: T): Unit =
groupsRef.transform { groupsOpt =>
val res = groupsOpt.fold {
val all = AllGroups(main = newGroup)
} { all =>
moveAllTo(all, newGroup) // what can you do...?
all.copy(main = newGroup)
private[this] def preGroupOption(implicit tx: T): Option[Group] =
def preGroup()(implicit tx: T): Group =
preGroupOption.getOrElse {
/* val main = */ group() // creates group if necessary
val all = groupsRef().get
val target = anchorNode()
val addAction = addBefore
val res = = target, addAction = addAction)
groupsRef.set(Some(all.copy(pre = Some(res))))
private def anchorNode()(implicit tx: T): Node =
groupsRef().flatMap(_.core) getOrElse graphMain
private def moveAllTo(all: AllGroups, newGroup: Group)(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
val core = anchorNode()
all.pre .foreach(_.moveBefore(core)) (core))
all.back.foreach { g =>
if (g.isOnline) g.moveToHead(newGroup)
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
users .swap(Nil).reverse.foreach(_.dispose())
resources .swap(Nil).reverse.foreach(_.dispose())
def addControl(pair: ControlSet)(implicit tx: T): Unit = {
if (graphMain.isOnline) node.set(pair)
else setMap ::= pair
def addUser(user: DynamicUser)(implicit tx: RT): Unit = {
users.transform(user :: _)
if (graphMain.isOnline) user.add()
def removeUser(user: DynamicUser )(implicit tx: RT): Unit =
users.transform(_.filterNot(_ == user))
def addResource(resource: Resource)(implicit tx: RT): Unit =
resources.transform(resource :: _)
def removeResource(resource: Resource)(implicit tx: RT): Unit =
resources.transform(_.filterNot(_ == resource))
def addDisposable(d: Disposable[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit =
disposables.transform(d :: _)
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