de.sciss.proc.impl.CodeImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* CodeImpl.scala
* (SoundProcesses)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.proc.impl
import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import de.sciss.serial.{ConstFormat, DataInput, DataOutput}
import de.sciss.proc.Code
import de.sciss.proc.Code.Import
import de.sciss.proc.legacy.ActionRaw
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec, Seq => ISeq}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, blocking}
object CodeImpl {
private final val COOKIE = 0x436F6465 // "Code"
private final val COOKIE_EMPTY = 0x436F6400
// ---- type ----
@volatile private var map = Map.empty[Int, Code.Type]
def addType(tpe: Code.Type): Unit = sync.synchronized {
val typeId =
if (map.contains(typeId))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Code type $typeId was already registered ($tpe overrides ${map(typeId)})")
map += typeId -> tpe
def getType(id: Int): Code.Type = map.getOrElse(id, sys.error(s"Unknown element type $id"))
def apply(id: Int, source: String): Code = getType(id).mkCode(source)
def types: ISeq[Code.Type] = (map -
// ----
def unpackJar(bytes: Array[Byte]): Map[String, Array[Byte]] = {
// cf.
import java.util.jar._
val in = new JarInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
val b = Map.newBuilder[String, Array[Byte]]
while ({
val entry = in.getNextJarEntry
(entry != null) && {
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
val name = entry.getName
val bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val arr = new Array[Byte](1024)
while ({
val sz =, 0, 1024)
(sz > 0) && { bs.write(arr, 0, sz); true }
}) ()
val bytes = bs.toByteArray
b += mkClassName(name) -> bytes
}) ()
/* Converts a jar entry name with slashes to a class name with dots
* and dropping the `class` extension
private def mkClassName(path: String): String = {
path.substring(0, path.length - 6).replace("/", ".")
implicit object format extends ConstFormat[Code] {
def write(v: Code, out: DataOutput): Unit =
if (v == null) {
} else {
def read(in: DataInput): Code = {
val cookie = in.readInt()
if (cookie != COOKIE) {
if (cookie == COOKIE_EMPTY) null
else sys.error(s"Unexpected cookie $cookie (requires $COOKIE)")
} else {
val id = in.readInt()
val source = in.readUTF()
Code.apply(id, source)
// // note: the Scala compiler is _not_ reentrant!!
// private implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor =
// ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor())
def future[A](fun: => A)(implicit compiler: Code.Compiler): Future[A] =
// ---- imports ----
private val sync = new AnyRef
import Import._
private val exCtlActImports = Vec( // what should go inside?
Import("de.sciss.numbers.Implicits" , All),
Import("de.sciss.proc.ExImport" , All),
Import("de.sciss.lucre.expr.graph" , All)
private var importsMap = Map[Int, Vec[Import]]( -> Vec(
Import("de.sciss.synth", List(Ignore("Buffer"), Wildcard)),
Import("de.sciss.synth.Import", All),
Import("de.sciss.synth.ugen", List(Ignore("DiskIn"), Ignore("DiskOut"), Ignore("VDiskIn"), Ignore("PartConv"),
Ignore("BufChannels"), Ignore("BufRateScale"), Ignore("BufSampleRate"), Wildcard)),
Import("de.sciss.synth.proc.graph", All),
Import("de.sciss.synth.proc.graph.Ops", All)
), -> exCtlActImports,
Code.Action .id -> exCtlActImports,
) ++ { tpe => -> exCtlActImports
def registerImports(id: Int, imports: Seq[Import]): Unit = sync.synchronized {
importsMap += id -> importsMap.get(id).fold(imports.toIndexedSeq)(_ ++ imports)
def getImports(id: Int): Vec[Import] = importsMap(id)
// ---- internals ----
// final def execute[I, O, A, Repr <: Code { type In = I; type Out = O }](code: Repr, in: I)
// (implicit w: Wrapper[I, O, A, Repr],
// compiler: Code.Compiler): O = {
// w.wrap(in) {
// compileThunk(code, w, execute = true)
// }
// }
def compileBody[I, O, A, Repr <: Code.T[I, O]](code: Repr, resName: String)
(implicit compiler: Code.Compiler): Future[Unit] =
future {
blocking {
compileThunk[A](code, resName = resName, execute = false)
/** Compiles a source code consisting of a body which is wrapped in its prelude/postlude,
* and returns the raw jar file produced in the compilation.
* @param name Note: it is currently unused
def compileToJar(name: String, code: Code, prelude: String, postlude: String)
(implicit compiler: Code.Compiler): Array[Byte] = {
val impS = importsPrelude(code, indent = 2)
val source =
// println(source)
object Run {
def apply[A](execute: Boolean)(thunk: => A): A = if (execute) thunk else null.asInstanceOf[A]
private val pkgCode = "de.sciss.proc.impl.CodeImpl"
def importsPrelude(code: Code, indent: Int = 0): String =
importsMap( => s"${" " * indent}${i.sourceString}\n").mkString
def typeName[A](cl: Class[A]): String = {
val isUnit = cl == classOf[Unit]
if (isUnit) "Unit" else {
val n0 = cl.getName
val tp = cl.getTypeParameters.length
if (tp == 0) n0 else Seq.fill(tp)("_").mkString(s"$n0[", "_", "]")
// note: synchronous.
def compileThunk[A](code: Code, resName: String, execute: Boolean)
(implicit compiler: Code.Compiler): A = {
val impS = importsPrelude(code, indent = 1)
// val aTpe = tt.tpe.toString // not `clazz.getName` which gives `void` instead of `Unit`!
val isUnit = resName == "Unit"
// val resName = typeName(resCl)
val synth =
s"""$pkgCode.Run[$resName]($execute) {
|""".stripMargin + code.source + "\n}"
val res: Any = compiler.interpret(synth, print = false, execute = execute && !isUnit)
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