de.sciss.proc.impl.MkSynthGraphSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* MkSynthGraphSource.scala
* (SoundProcesses)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* [email protected]
package de.sciss.proc.impl
import java.{util => ju}
import de.sciss.synth
import de.sciss.synth.proc.graph
import de.sciss.synth.ugen.{BinaryOpUGen, Constant, UnaryOpUGen}
import de.sciss.synth.{GE, Lazy, MaybeRate, Rate, SynthGraph, UGenSpec, UndefinedRate}
import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq => Vec}
object MkSynthGraphSource {
private final case class ArgAssign(name: Option[String], shape: UGenSpec.SignalShape, value: Any)
private sealed trait GraphLine {
var uses = Set .empty[String]
var valName = Option.empty[String]
def elemName: String
def hasArgNamed(n: String): Boolean
private final class StdGraphLine(val elemName: String, val constructor: String, val args: Vec[ArgAssign])
extends GraphLine {
def hasArgNamed(n: String): Boolean = {
val nOpt = Some(n)
args.exists( == nOpt)
private final class AttrGraphLine(val peer: graph.Attribute) extends GraphLine {
def elemName: String = "Attr" // --- only used for val names; "Attribute"
def hasArgNamed(n: String): Boolean = false
private[this] def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match {
case '\b' => "\\b"
case '\t' => "\\t"
case '\n' => "\\n"
case '\f' => "\\f"
case '\r' => "\\r"
case '"' => "\\\""
case '\'' => "\\\'"
case '\\' => "\\\\"
case _ => if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + Integer.toOctalString(ch.toInt) else String.valueOf(ch)
/** Escapes characters such as newlines and quotation marks in a string. */
def escape(s: String): String = s.flatMap(escapedChar)
/** Escapes characters such as newlines in a string, and adds quotation marks around it.
* That is, formats the string as a string literal in a source code.
def quote (s: String): String = "\"" + escape(s) + "\""
/** Creates source code for a given synth graph. */
def apply(g: SynthGraph): String = {
val ugenMap = UGenSpec.standardUGens
var lines = Vector.empty[GraphLine]
val lazyMap = new ju.IdentityHashMap[Lazy, GraphLine]
def mkLine(elem: Product): GraphLine = elem match {
case attr @ graph.Attribute(_, _, _, -1) => new AttrGraphLine(attr)
case other => mkStdLine(other)
def mkStdLine(elem: Product): GraphLine = {
val elemName = elem.productPrefix
val argVals = elem.productIterator.toIndexedSeq
val isStdPkg = elem.getClass.getName.startsWith("de.sciss.synth.ugen")
def mkUnknownLine(): GraphLine = {
val ins =, UGenSpec.SignalShape.Generic, _))
new StdGraphLine(elemName = elemName, constructor = "apply", args = ins)
val line = if (!isStdPkg) mkUnknownLine() else ugenMap.get(elemName) match {
case Some(spec) if !spec.attr.contains(UGenSpec.Attribute.IsFragment) =>
val (rate: MaybeRate, rateMethod: UGenSpec.RateMethod, argVals1: Vec[Any]) = spec.rates match {
case UGenSpec.Rates.Implied(r, m) => (r, m, argVals)
case UGenSpec.Rates.Set(_) =>
argVals.head match {
case r: Rate => (r, UGenSpec.RateMethod.Default, argVals.tail)
// case x => throw new MatchError(s"For spec $spec, the first arg $x is not of type Rate")
case _ =>
// this currently happens for helper elements such as `LinLin`
(UndefinedRate, UGenSpec.RateMethod.Default, argVals)
val rateMethodName = rateMethod match {
case UGenSpec.RateMethod.Alias (name) => name
case UGenSpec.RateMethod.Custom(name) => name
case UGenSpec.RateMethod.Default => rate.toOption.fold("apply")(_.methodName)
val ins = (spec.args zip argVals1).map { case (arg, argVal) =>
val shape = arg.tpe match {
case UGenSpec.ArgumentType.GE(sh, _) => sh
case _ => UGenSpec.SignalShape.Generic
ArgAssign(Some(, shape, argVal)
new StdGraphLine(elemName = elemName, constructor = rateMethodName, args = ins)
case _ => mkUnknownLine()
g.sources.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (elem, elemIdx) =>
val line = mkLine(elem)
lines :+= line
lazyMap.put(elem, line)
val elemName = elem.productPrefix
val args = line match {
case std: StdGraphLine => std.args
case _ => Vector.empty
args.foreach {
case ArgAssign(argNameOpt, _, argVal: Lazy) =>
val ref = lazyMap.get(argVal)
if (ref == null) {
val argValS = argVal.productPrefix
val argS = argNameOpt.fold(argValS)(n => s"$n = $argValS")
Console.err.println(s"Missing argument reference for $argS in $elemName in line $elemIdx")
} else {
val argName = argNameOpt.getOrElse("unnamed")
ref.uses += argName
case ArgAssign(argNameOpt, _, argVal: Product) if argVal.productPrefix == "GESeq" => // XXX TODO -- quite hackish
val elems =[Vec[GE]]
elems.foreach {
case elem: Lazy =>
val ref = lazyMap.get(elem)
if (ref == null) {
val argValS = elem.productPrefix
val argS = argNameOpt.fold(argValS)(n => s"$n = $argValS")
Console.err.println(s"Missing argument reference for $argS in $elemName seq in line $elemIdx")
} else {
ref.uses += "unnamed"
case _ =>
case _ =>
def uncapitalize(in: String): String = if (in.isEmpty) in else
in.updated(0, Character.toLowerCase(in.charAt(0)))
// assign preliminary val-names
lines.foreach { line =>
val uses = line.uses
if (uses.nonEmpty) (uses - "unnamed").toList match {
case single :: Nil if single != "unnamed" => line.valName = Some(single)
case _ =>
val nameUp0 = line match {
case std: StdGraphLine if std.elemName == "BinaryOpUGen" || std.elemName == "UnaryOpUGen" =>
val x = std.args.head.value.getClass.getName // selector's class name
x.substring(0, x.length - 1)
case other => other.elemName
val di = nameUp0.lastIndexOf('$')
val nameUp = nameUp0.substring(di + 1)
val nameLo = uncapitalize(nameUp)
line.valName = Some(nameLo)
// make sure val-names are unique
lines.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (line, li) =>
line.valName.foreach { name0 =>
val same = lines.filter(_.valName == line.valName)
// cf.
val si9353 = lines.iterator.zipWithIndex.exists { case (line1, lj) =>
lj < li && line.valName.exists(line1.hasArgNamed)
if (same.size > 1 || si9353) {
same.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (line1, i) =>
line1.valName = Some(s"${name0}_$i")
// calc indentation
val maxValNameSz0 = lines.foldLeft(0)((res, line) => line.valName.fold(res)(n => math.max(n.length, res)))
val maxValNameSz = maxValNameSz0 | 1 // odd
def mkFloatString(f: Float): String =
if (f.isPosInfinity) "inf" else if (f.isNegInfinity) "-inf" else if (f.isNaN) "Float.NaN" else s"${f}f"
def mkFloatAsDoubleString(f: Float): String =
if (f.isPosInfinity) "inf" else if (f.isNegInfinity) "-inf" else if (f.isNaN) "Double.NaN" else f.toString
def mkDoubleString(d: Double): String =
if (d.isPosInfinity) "inf" else if (d.isNegInfinity) "-inf" else if (d.isNaN) "Double.NaN" else d.toString
def mkLineSource(line: GraphLine): String = {
val invoke = line match {
case std: StdGraphLine => mkStdLineSource(std)
case attr: AttrGraphLine => mkAttrLineSource(attr)
line.valName.fold(invoke) { valName =>
val pad = " " * (maxValNameSz - valName.length)
s"val $valName$pad = $invoke"
def mkAttrLineSource(line: AttrGraphLine): String = {
import line.peer._
val dfStr = default.fold("") { values =>
val inner = if (values.size == 1) mkFloatAsDoubleString(values.head)
else"Vector(", ", ", ")")
def mkStdLineSource(line: StdGraphLine): String = {
val numArgs = line.args.size
val args = { case (arg, ai) =>
def mkString(x: Any): String = x match {
case Constant(c) =>
import UGenSpec.SignalShape._
arg.shape match {
case Int | Trigger | Gate | Switch if c == c.toInt => c.toInt.toString
case DoneAction => synth.DoneAction(c.toInt).toString
case _ => mkFloatAsDoubleString(c)
case l: Lazy =>
val line1 = Option(lazyMap.get(l)).getOrElse(mkLine(l))
case sq: Product if sq.productPrefix == "GESeq" =>
val peer =[Vec[GE]]"Seq[GE](", ", ", ")")
case s: String =>
val escaped = quote(s)
case f: Float => mkFloatString (f)
case d: Double => mkDoubleString(d)
case i: Int => i.toString
case n: Long => s"${n}L"
case b: Boolean => b.toString
case opt: Option[_] =>
case v: Vec[_] =>
val argsS =
argsS.mkString("Vector(", ", ", ")")
case r: Rate => r.toString
// for stuff we currently don't support, but should work: ControlProxy
case p: Product =>"${p.productPrefix}(", ", ", ") /* could not parse! */")
// give up
case other =>
s"$other /* could not parse! */"
val valString = mkString(arg.value)
if (numArgs == 1) valString else { argName =>
if (ai == 0 && argName == "in") valString else s"$argName = $valString"
val invoke = if (line.elemName == "BinaryOpUGen") {
(line.args.head.value: @unchecked) match {
case op: BinaryOpUGen.Op =>
val opS = op.methodName // uncapitalize(
val Seq(_, a, b) = args: @unchecked
// there is trouble with constants because not all operations
// are defined on plain numbers (e.g. `.hypot`) and not all
// operations on numbers yield numbers (e.g. `<=`)
if (line.args(1).value.isInstanceOf[Constant]) s"($a: GE) $opS $b" else s"$a $opS $b"
} else if (line.elemName == "UnaryOpUGen") {
(line.args.head.value: @unchecked) match {
case op: UnaryOpUGen.Op =>
val opS = op.methodName
val Seq(_, a) = args: @unchecked
// there is trouble with constants because not all operations
// are defined on plain numbers (e.g. `.sCurve`)
if (line.args(1).value.isInstanceOf[Constant]) s"($a: GE).$opS" else s"$a.$opS"
} else {
val cons = if (line.constructor == "apply") "" else s".${line.constructor}"
val elemName = line.elemName.replace('$', '.')
val select = s"$elemName$cons"
if (args.isEmpty && cons.nonEmpty) select else {
// cheesy hack to somehow break the line at an arbitrary point so it doesn't get too long
val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(64)
var len = select.length + 1
var con = ""
args.foreach { arg =>
len += con.length
val aLen = arg.length
if (len + aLen > 80) {
sb.append("\n ")
len = 0 // we don't know how much the first line is indented, so other value makes no sense
len += aLen
con = ", "
// turn to source
val linesS =
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