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com.alee.laf.tree.TreePainter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.alee.laf.tree;
import com.alee.laf.WebLookAndFeel;
import com.alee.managers.style.Bounds;
import com.alee.painter.DefaultPainter;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.AbstractDecorationPainter;
import com.alee.painter.decoration.IDecoration;
import com.alee.painter.PainterSupport;
import com.alee.painter.SectionPainter;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.CompareUtils;
import com.alee.utils.GeometryUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
* @author Alexandr Zernov
public class TreePainter> extends AbstractDecorationPainter
implements ITreePainter
* Style settings.
protected boolean paintLines;
protected boolean dashedLines;
protected Color linesColor;
* Tree rows background painter.
* It can be used to provide background customization for specific tree rows.
@DefaultPainter ( AlternateTreeRowPainter.class )
protected ITreeRowPainter rowPainter;
* Hover node background painter.
* It can be used to provide background for hover nodes.
@DefaultPainter ( TreeNodePainter.class )
protected ITreeNodePainter hoverPainter;
* Selected nodes background painter.
* It can be used to provide background for selected nodes.
* WebLaF uses this painter instead of cell renderer -based selection decoration.
@DefaultPainter ( TreeNodePainter.class )
protected ITreeNodePainter selectionPainter;
* Tree drop location painter.
* Provides visual representation for drag-and-drop operation on tree nodes.
@DefaultPainter ( TreeDropLocationPainter.class )
protected ITreeDropLocationPainter dropLocationPainter;
* Tree nodes selector painter.
* It can be provided to enable nodes multiselector.
@DefaultPainter ( TreeSelectorPainter.class )
protected ITreeSelectorPainter selectorPainter;
* Listeners.
protected TreeSelectionListener treeSelectionListener;
protected TreeExpansionListener treeExpansionListener;
protected MouseAdapter mouseAdapter;
* Runtime variables.
protected List initialSelection = new ArrayList ();
protected Point selectionStart = null;
protected Point selectionEnd = null;
protected TreePath draggablePath = null;
* Painting variables.
protected int totalChildIndent;
protected int depthOffset;
protected TreeModel treeModel;
protected AbstractLayoutCache treeState;
protected Hashtable paintingCache;
protected CellRendererPane rendererPane;
protected TreeCellRenderer currentCellRenderer;
protected int editingRow = -1;
protected int lastSelectionRow = -1;
public void install ( final E c, final U ui )
super.install ( c, ui );
// Properly installing section painters
this.rowPainter = PainterSupport.installSectionPainter ( this, rowPainter, null, c, ui );
this.hoverPainter = PainterSupport.installSectionPainter ( this, hoverPainter, null, c, ui );
this.selectionPainter = PainterSupport.installSectionPainter ( this, selectionPainter, null, c, ui );
this.dropLocationPainter = PainterSupport.installSectionPainter ( this, dropLocationPainter, null, c, ui );
this.selectorPainter = PainterSupport.installSectionPainter ( this, selectorPainter, null, c, ui );
// Selection listener
// Required for proper update of complex selection
treeSelectionListener = new TreeSelectionListener ()
public void valueChanged ( final TreeSelectionEvent e )
// Optimized selection repaint
repaintSelection ();
// Tree expansion on selection
if ( ui.isExpandSelected () && component.getSelectionCount () > 0 )
component.expandPath ( component.getSelectionPath () );
component.addTreeSelectionListener ( treeSelectionListener );
// Expansion listener
// Required for proper update of complex selection
treeExpansionListener = new TreeExpansionListener ()
public void treeExpanded ( final TreeExpansionEvent event )
repaintSelection ();
public void treeCollapsed ( final TreeExpansionEvent event )
repaintSelection ();
component.addTreeExpansionListener ( treeExpansionListener );
// Mouse events adapter
mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
// Only left mouse button events
if ( SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
// Check that mouse did not hit actual tree cell
if ( !SwingUtils.isCtrl ( e ) && ( !component.getDragEnabled () || component.getTransferHandler () == null ) ||
ui.getRowForPoint ( e.getPoint (), false ) == -1 )
if ( isSelectorAvailable () )
// Avoiding selection start when pressed on tree expand handle
final TreePath path = ui.getClosestPathForLocation ( component, e.getX (), e.getY () );
if ( path == null || !isLocationInExpandControl ( path, e.getX (), e.getY () ) &&
!ui.isLocationInCheckBoxControl ( path, e.getX (), e.getY () ) )
// Avoid starting multiselection if row is selected and drag is possible
final int rowForPath = ui.getRowForPath ( component, path );
if ( isDragAvailable () && rowForPath != -1 &&
ui.getRowBounds ( rowForPath ).contains ( e.getX (), e.getY () ) &&
component.isRowSelected ( rowForPath ) )
// Marking row to be dragged
draggablePath = path;
// Selection
selectionStart = e.getPoint ();
selectionEnd = selectionStart;
// Initial tree selection
initialSelection = getSelectedRows ();
// Updating selection
validateSelection ( e );
// Repainting selection on the tree
repaintSelector ();
else if ( isFullLineSelection () )
// todo Start DnD on selected line here
// Avoiding selection start when pressed on tree expand handle
final TreePath path = ui.getClosestPathForLocation ( component, e.getX (), e.getY () );
if ( path != null && !isLocationInExpandControl ( path, e.getX (), e.getY () ) &&
!ui.isLocationInCheckBoxControl ( path, e.getX (), e.getY () ) )
// Single row selection
if ( component.getSelectionModel ().getSelectionMode () == TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION )
component.setSelectionRow ( ui.getRowForPoint ( e.getPoint (), true ) );
// Marking row to be dragged
final int rowForPath = ui.getRowForPath ( component, path );
if ( isDragAvailable () && ui.getRowBounds ( rowForPath ).contains ( e.getX (), e.getY () ) &&
component.isRowSelected ( rowForPath ) )
draggablePath = path;
// else
// {
// // todo Start DnD on selected row here
// // todo Also collapse node expansion on double-click if it is expanded and clicked on full line
// }
public void mouseDragged ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( draggablePath != null )
final TransferHandler transferHandler = component.getTransferHandler ();
transferHandler.exportAsDrag ( component, e, transferHandler.getSourceActions ( component ) );
draggablePath = null;
if ( isSelectorAvailable () && selectionStart != null )
// Selection
selectionEnd = e.getPoint ();
// Updating selection
validateSelection ( e );
// Repainting selection on the tree
repaintSelector ();
if ( !component.getVisibleRect ().contains ( e.getPoint () ) )
component.scrollRectToVisible ( new Rectangle ( e.getPoint (), new Dimension ( 0, 0 ) ) );
public void mouseReleased ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( draggablePath != null )
draggablePath = null;
if ( isSelectorAvailable () && selectionStart != null )
// Saving selection rect to repaint
// Rectangle fr = GeometryUtils.getContainingRect ( selectionStart, selectionEnd );
// Selection
selectionStart = null;
selectionEnd = null;
// Repainting selection on the tree
repaintSelector ( /*fr*/ );
* Performs selection validation and updates.
* todo Modify selection instead of overwriting each time?
* @param e mouse event
private void validateSelection ( final MouseEvent e )
// Selection rect
final Rectangle selection = GeometryUtils.getContainingRect ( selectionStart, selectionEnd );
// Compute new selection
final List newSelection = new ArrayList ();
if ( SwingUtils.isShift ( e ) )
for ( int row = 0; row < component.getRowCount (); row++ )
if ( ui.getRowBounds ( row ).intersects ( selection ) && !initialSelection.contains ( row ) )
newSelection.add ( row );
for ( final int row : initialSelection )
newSelection.add ( row );
else if ( SwingUtils.isCtrl ( e ) )
final List excludedRows = new ArrayList ();
for ( int row = 0; row < component.getRowCount (); row++ )
if ( ui.getRowBounds ( row ).intersects ( selection ) )
if ( initialSelection.contains ( row ) )
excludedRows.add ( row );
newSelection.add ( row );
for ( final int row : initialSelection )
if ( !excludedRows.contains ( row ) )
newSelection.add ( row );
for ( int row = 0; row < component.getRowCount (); row++ )
if ( ui.getRowBounds ( row ).intersects ( selection ) )
newSelection.add ( row );
// Change selection if it is not the same as before
if ( !CollectionUtils.equals ( getSelectedRows (), newSelection ) )
if ( newSelection.size () > 0 )
component.setSelectionRows ( CollectionUtils.toArray ( newSelection ) );
component.clearSelection ();
* Returns selected rows list.
* @return selected rows list
private List getSelectedRows ()
final List selection = new ArrayList ();
final int[] selectionRows = component.getSelectionRows ();
if ( selectionRows != null )
for ( final int row : selectionRows )
selection.add ( row );
return selection;
* Repaints tree selector.
* Replaced with full repaint due to strange tree lines painting bug.
private void repaintSelector ()
component.repaint ( component.getVisibleRect () );
component.addMouseListener ( mouseAdapter );
component.addMouseMotionListener ( mouseAdapter );
public void uninstall ( final E c, final U ui )
// Removing listeners
component.removeTreeSelectionListener ( treeSelectionListener );
treeSelectionListener = null;
component.removeTreeExpansionListener ( treeExpansionListener );
treeExpansionListener = null;
component.removeMouseListener ( mouseAdapter );
component.removeMouseMotionListener ( mouseAdapter );
mouseAdapter = null;
// Properly uninstalling section painters
this.selectorPainter = PainterSupport.uninstallSectionPainter ( selectorPainter, c, ui );
this.dropLocationPainter = PainterSupport.uninstallSectionPainter ( dropLocationPainter, c, ui );
this.selectionPainter = PainterSupport.uninstallSectionPainter ( selectionPainter, c, ui );
this.hoverPainter = PainterSupport.uninstallSectionPainter ( hoverPainter, c, ui );
this.rowPainter = PainterSupport.uninstallSectionPainter ( rowPainter, c, ui );
super.uninstall ( c, ui );
protected void propertyChange ( final String property, final Object oldValue, final Object newValue )
// Perform basic actions on property changes
super.propertyChange ( property, oldValue, newValue );
// Update visual drop location
if ( CompareUtils.equals ( property, WebLookAndFeel.DROP_LOCATION ) && dropLocationPainter != null )
// Repainting previous drop location
final JTree.DropLocation oldLocation = ( JTree.DropLocation ) oldValue;
if ( oldLocation != null )
component.repaint ( dropLocationPainter.getDropViewBounds ( oldLocation ) );
// Repainting current drop location
final JTree.DropLocation newLocation = ( JTree.DropLocation ) newValue;
if ( newLocation != null )
component.repaint ( dropLocationPainter.getDropViewBounds ( newLocation ) );
protected List> getSectionPainters ()
return asList ( rowPainter, selectionPainter, hoverPainter );
protected void paintContent ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle bounds, final E c, final U ui )
// Checking tree state
treeState = ui.getTreeState ();
if ( treeState == null )
// Preparing to paint tree
treeModel = component.getModel ();
totalChildIndent = ui.getLeftChildIndent () + ui.getRightChildIndent ();
rendererPane = ui.getCellRendererPane ();
lastSelectionRow = component.getLeadSelectionRow ();
final TreePath editingPath = component.getEditingPath ();
editingRow = editingPath != null ? component.getRowForPath ( editingPath ) : -1;
updateDepthOffset ();
// Painting tree background
paintBackground ( g2d );
// Painting hover node background
paintHoverNodeBackground ( g2d );
// Painting selected nodes background
paintSelectedNodesBackground ( g2d );
// Painting tree
paintTree ( g2d );
// Painting drop location
paintDropLocation ( g2d, bounds, c, ui );
// Multiselector
paintMultiselector ( g2d );
treeModel = null;
treeState = null;
paintingCache = null;
rendererPane = null;
* Paints tree background.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintBackground ( final Graphics2D g2d )
// Painting row background if one is available
if ( rowPainter != null )
final Rectangle paintBounds = g2d.getClipBounds ();
final TreePath initialPath = ui.getClosestPathForLocation ( component, 0, paintBounds.y );
final Enumeration paintingEnumerator = treeState.getVisiblePathsFrom ( initialPath );
if ( initialPath != null && paintingEnumerator != null )
final Insets insets = component.getInsets ();
final int endY = paintBounds.y + paintBounds.height;
final Rectangle boundsBuffer = new Rectangle ();
Rectangle bounds;
TreePath path;
int row = treeState.getRowForPath ( initialPath );
while ( paintingEnumerator.hasMoreElements () )
path = ( TreePath ) paintingEnumerator.nextElement ();
if ( path != null )
bounds = getPathBounds ( path, insets, boundsBuffer );
if ( bounds == null )
// This will only happen if the model changes out
// from under us (usually in another thread).
// Swing isn't multi-threaded, but I'll put this
// check in anyway.
// Preparing row painter to paint row background
rowPainter.prepareToPaint ( row );
// Calculating row bounds and painting its background
final Rectangle rowBounds = ui.getFullRowBounds ( row );
final Insets padding = ui.getPadding ();
if ( padding != null )
// Increasing background by the padding sizes at left and right sides
// This is required to properly display full row background, not node background
rowBounds.x -= padding.left;
rowBounds.width += padding.left + padding.right;
rowPainter.paint ( g2d, rowBounds, component, ui );
if ( ( bounds.y + bounds.height ) >= endY )
public void prepareToPaint ( final Hashtable paintingCache, final TreeCellRenderer currentCellRenderer )
this.paintingCache = paintingCache;
this.currentCellRenderer = currentCellRenderer;
* Paints centered icon.
* @param c component
* @param g2d graphics
* @param icon icon
* @param x X coordinate
* @param y Y coordinate
protected void paintCentered ( final Component c, final Graphics2D g2d, final Icon icon, final int x, final int y )
{ //x-icon.getIconWidth ()/2-2
icon.paintIcon ( c, g2d, findCenteredX ( x, icon.getIconWidth () ), y - icon.getIconHeight () / 2 );
* Returns centered x coordinate for the icon.
* @param x X coordinate
* @param iconWidth icon width
* @return centered x coordinate
protected int findCenteredX ( final int x, final int iconWidth )
return ltr ? ( x - 2 - ( int ) Math.ceil ( iconWidth / 2.0 ) ) : ( x - 1 - ( int ) Math.floor ( iconWidth / 2.0 ) );
public boolean isHoverDecorationSupported ()
return hoverPainter != null && component != null && component.isEnabled ();
* Paints hover node highlight.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintHoverNodeBackground ( final Graphics2D g2d )
if ( isHoverDecorationSupported () )
// Checking hover row availability
final int hoverRow = ui.getHoverRow ();
if ( hoverRow != -1 && !component.isRowSelected ( hoverRow ) )
// Checking hover row bounds
final Rectangle r = isFullLineSelection () ? ui.getFullRowBounds ( hoverRow ) : component.getRowBounds ( hoverRow );
if ( r != null )
// Painting hover node background
hoverPainter.paint ( g2d, r, component, ui );
* Paints special WebLaF tree nodes selection.
* It is rendered separately from nodes allowing you to simplify your tree cell renderer component.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintSelectedNodesBackground ( final Graphics2D g2d )
if ( selectionPainter != null && component.getSelectionCount () > 0 && ui.getSelectionStyle () != TreeSelectionStyle.none )
// Painting selections
final List selections = getSelectionRects ();
for ( final Rectangle rect : selections )
selectionPainter.paint ( g2d, rect, component, ui );
* Returns list of tree selections bounds.
* This method takes selection style into account.
* @return list of tree selections bounds
protected List getSelectionRects ()
// Return empty selection rects when custom selection painting is disabled
if ( ui.getSelectionStyle () == TreeSelectionStyle.none )
return Collections.emptyList ();
// Checking that selection exists
final int[] indices = component.getSelectionRows ();
if ( indices == null || indices.length == 0 )
return Collections.emptyList ();
// Sorting selected rows
Arrays.sort ( indices );
// Calculating selection rects
final List selections = new ArrayList ( indices.length );
final Insets insets = component.getInsets ();
Rectangle maxRect = null;
int lastRow = -1;
for ( final int index : indices )
if ( ui.getSelectionStyle () == TreeSelectionStyle.single )
// Required bounds
selections.add ( component.getRowBounds ( index ) );
if ( lastRow != -1 && lastRow + 1 != index )
// Save determined group
selections.add ( maxRect );
// Reset counting
maxRect = null;
lastRow = -1;
if ( lastRow == -1 || lastRow + 1 == index )
// Required bounds
final Rectangle b = component.getRowBounds ( index );
// Increasing bounds to cover whole line
if ( isFullLineSelection () )
b.x = insets.left;
b.width = component.getWidth () - insets.left - insets.right;
// Increase rect
maxRect = lastRow == -1 ? b : GeometryUtils.getContainingRect ( maxRect, b );
// Remember last row
lastRow = index;
if ( maxRect != null )
selections.add ( maxRect );
return selections;
* Repaints all rectangles containing tree selections.
* This method is optimized to repaint only those area which are actually have selection in them.
protected void repaintSelection ()
if ( component.getSelectionCount () > 0 )
for ( final Rectangle rect : getSelectionRects () )
component.repaint ( rect );
* Paints all base tree elements.
* This is almost the same method as in BasicTreeUI but it doesn't paint drop line.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintTree ( final Graphics2D g2d )
final Rectangle paintBounds = g2d.getClipBounds ();
final Insets insets = component.getInsets ();
final TreePath initialPath = ui.getClosestPathForLocation ( component, 0, paintBounds.y );
final Enumeration paintingEnumerator = treeState.getVisiblePathsFrom ( initialPath );
final int endY = paintBounds.y + paintBounds.height;
int row = treeState.getRowForPath ( initialPath );
paintingCache.clear ();
if ( initialPath != null && paintingEnumerator != null )
TreePath parentPath = initialPath;
// Paint the lines, knobs, and rows
// Find each parent and have them paint a line to their last child
parentPath = parentPath.getParentPath ();
while ( parentPath != null )
paintVerticalPartOfLeg ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, parentPath );
paintingCache.put ( parentPath, Boolean.TRUE );
parentPath = parentPath.getParentPath ();
// Information for the node being rendered.
final Rectangle boundsBuffer = new Rectangle ();
final boolean rootVisible = isRootVisible ();
boolean isExpanded;
boolean hasBeenExpanded;
boolean isLeaf;
Rectangle bounds;
TreePath path;
while ( paintingEnumerator.hasMoreElements () )
path = ( TreePath ) paintingEnumerator.nextElement ();
if ( path != null )
isLeaf = treeModel.isLeaf ( path.getLastPathComponent () );
if ( isLeaf )
isExpanded = hasBeenExpanded = false;
isExpanded = treeState.getExpandedState ( path );
hasBeenExpanded = component.hasBeenExpanded ( path );
bounds = getPathBounds ( path, insets, boundsBuffer );
if ( bounds == null )
// This will only happen if the model changes out from under us (usually in another thread).
// Swing isn't multi-threaded, but I'll put this check in anyway.
// See if the vertical line to the parent has been painted
parentPath = path.getParentPath ();
if ( parentPath != null )
if ( paintingCache.get ( parentPath ) == null )
paintVerticalPartOfLeg ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, parentPath );
paintingCache.put ( parentPath, Boolean.TRUE );
paintHorizontalPartOfLeg ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, bounds, path, row, isExpanded, hasBeenExpanded, isLeaf );
else if ( rootVisible && row == 0 )
paintHorizontalPartOfLeg ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, bounds, path, row, isExpanded, hasBeenExpanded, isLeaf );
if ( shouldPaintExpandControl ( path, row, isExpanded, hasBeenExpanded, isLeaf ) )
paintExpandControl ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, bounds, path, row, isExpanded, hasBeenExpanded, isLeaf );
paintRow ( g2d, paintBounds, insets, bounds, path, row, isExpanded, hasBeenExpanded, isLeaf );
if ( ( bounds.y + bounds.height ) >= endY )
// Empty out the renderer pane, allowing renderers to be gc'ed.
rendererPane.removeAll ();
* Returns whether or not {@code mouseX} and {@code mouseY} fall in the area of row that is used to expand/collapse the node and the
* node at {@code row} does not represent a leaf.
* @param path tree path
* @param mouseX mouse X location
* @param mouseY mouse Y location
* @return true if {@code mouseX} and {@code mouseY} fall in the area of row that is used to expand/collapse the node and the node at
* {@code row} does not represent a leaf, false otherwise
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected boolean isLocationInExpandControl ( final TreePath path, final int mouseX, final int mouseY )
if ( path != null && !component.getModel ().isLeaf ( path.getLastPathComponent () ) )
final int boxWidth = ui.getExpandedIcon () != null ? ui.getExpandedIcon ().getIconWidth () : 8;
final Insets i = component.getInsets ();
int boxLeftX = getRowX ( component.getRowForPath ( path ), path.getPathCount () - 1 );
boxLeftX = ltr ? boxLeftX + i.left - ui.getRightChildIndent () + 1 :
component.getWidth () - boxLeftX - i.right + ui.getRightChildIndent () - 1;
boxLeftX = findCenteredX ( boxLeftX, boxWidth );
return mouseX >= boxLeftX && mouseX < ( boxLeftX + boxWidth );
return false;
* Paints the expand (toggle) part of a row.
* The receiver should NOT modify {@code clipBounds}, or {@code insets}.
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param clipBounds clip bounds
* @param insets tree insets
* @param bounds tree path bounds
* @param path tree path
* @param row row index
* @param isExpanded whether row is expanded or not
* @param hasBeenExpanded whether row has been expanded once before or not
* @param isLeaf whether node is leaf or not
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected void paintExpandControl ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle clipBounds, final Insets insets, final Rectangle bounds,
final TreePath path, final int row, final boolean isExpanded, final boolean hasBeenExpanded,
final boolean isLeaf )
final Object value = path.getLastPathComponent ();
// Paint icons if not a leaf and either hasn't been loaded,
// or the model child count is > 0.
if ( !isLeaf && ( !hasBeenExpanded || treeModel.getChildCount ( value ) > 0 ) )
final int middleXOfKnob;
if ( ltr )
middleXOfKnob = bounds.x - ui.getRightChildIndent () + 1;
middleXOfKnob = bounds.x + bounds.width + ui.getRightChildIndent () - 1;
final int middleYOfKnob = bounds.y + ( bounds.height / 2 );
if ( isExpanded )
final Icon expandedIcon = ui.getExpandedIcon ();
if ( expandedIcon != null )
paintCentered ( component, g2d, expandedIcon, middleXOfKnob, middleYOfKnob );
final Icon collapsedIcon = ui.getCollapsedIcon ();
if ( collapsedIcon != null )
paintCentered ( component, g2d, collapsedIcon, middleXOfKnob, middleYOfKnob );
* Paints the renderer part of a row.
* The receiver should NOT modify {@code clipBounds}, or {@code insets}.
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param clipBounds clip bounds
* @param insets tree insets
* @param bounds tree path bounds
* @param path tree path
* @param row row index
* @param isExpanded whether row is expanded or not
* @param hasBeenExpanded whether row has been expanded once before or not
* @param isLeaf whether node is leaf or not
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected void paintRow ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle clipBounds, final Insets insets, final Rectangle bounds,
final TreePath path, final int row, final boolean isExpanded, final boolean hasBeenExpanded,
final boolean isLeaf )
// Don't paint the renderer if editing this row.
if ( editingRow == row )
// Retrieving row cell renderer
final Object value = path.getLastPathComponent ();
final boolean hasFocus = ( component.hasFocus () ? lastSelectionRow : -1 ) == row;
final boolean selected = component.isRowSelected ( row );
final Component rowComponent =
currentCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent ( component, value, selected, isExpanded, isLeaf, row, hasFocus );
// Painting cell renderer
rendererPane.paintComponent ( g2d, rowComponent, component, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, true );
* Returns whether or not the expand (toggle) control should be painted for the specified row.
* @param path tree path
* @param row row index
* @param isExpanded whether row is expanded or not
* @param hasBeenExpanded whether row has been expanded once before or not
* @param isLeaf whether node is leaf or not
* @return true if the expand (toggle) control should be painted for the specified row, false otherwise
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected boolean shouldPaintExpandControl ( final TreePath path, final int row, final boolean isExpanded,
final boolean hasBeenExpanded, final boolean isLeaf )
if ( isLeaf )
return false;
final int depth = path.getPathCount () - 1;
return !( ( depth == 0 || ( depth == 1 && !isRootVisible () ) ) && !getShowsRootHandles () );
* Returns whether or not root is visible.
* @return true if root is visible, false otherwise
protected boolean isRootVisible ()
return component != null && component.isRootVisible ();
* Returns whether or not root handles should be displayed.
* @return true if root handles should be displayed, false otherwise
protected boolean getShowsRootHandles ()
return component != null && component.getShowsRootHandles ();
* Paints the horizontal part of the leg.
* @param g2d graphics
* @param clipBounds clip bounds
* @param insets tree insets
* @param bounds tree path bounds
* @param path tree path
* @param row row index
* @param isExpanded whether row is expanded or not
* @param hasBeenExpanded whether row has been expanded once before or not
* @param isLeaf whether node is leaf or not
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected void paintHorizontalPartOfLeg ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle clipBounds, final Insets insets, final Rectangle bounds,
final TreePath path, final int row, final boolean isExpanded, final boolean hasBeenExpanded,
final boolean isLeaf )
if ( !paintLines )
// Don't paint the legs for the root node if the
final int depth = path.getPathCount () - 1;
if ( ( depth == 0 || ( depth == 1 && !isRootVisible () ) ) && !getShowsRootHandles () )
final int clipLeft = clipBounds.x;
final int clipRight = clipBounds.x + clipBounds.width;
final int clipTop = clipBounds.y;
final int clipBottom = clipBounds.y + clipBounds.height;
final int lineY = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2;
if ( ltr )
final int leftX = bounds.x - ui.getRightChildIndent ();
final int nodeX = bounds.x - getHorizontalLegIndent ();
if ( lineY >= clipTop && lineY < clipBottom && nodeX >= clipLeft && leftX < clipRight && leftX < nodeX )
g2d.setPaint ( linesColor );
paintHorizontalLine ( g2d, lineY, leftX, nodeX - 1 );
final int nodeX = bounds.x + bounds.width + getHorizontalLegIndent ();
final int rightX = bounds.x + bounds.width + ui.getRightChildIndent ();
if ( lineY >= clipTop && lineY < clipBottom && rightX >= clipLeft && nodeX < clipRight && nodeX < rightX )
g2d.setPaint ( linesColor );
paintHorizontalLine ( g2d, lineY, nodeX, rightX - 1 );
* Returns horizontal leg indent.
* @return horizontal leg indent
protected int getHorizontalLegIndent ()
return -2;
* Paints the vertical part of the leg.
* @param g2d graphics
* @param clipBounds clip bounds
* @param insets tree insets
* @param path tree path
protected void paintVerticalPartOfLeg ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle clipBounds, final Insets insets, final TreePath path )
if ( !paintLines )
final int depth = path.getPathCount () - 1;
if ( depth == 0 && !getShowsRootHandles () && !isRootVisible () )
int lineX = getRowX ( -1, depth + 1 );
if ( ltr )
lineX = lineX - ui.getRightChildIndent () + insets.left;
lineX = component.getWidth () - lineX - insets.right + ui.getRightChildIndent () - 1;
final int clipLeft = clipBounds.x;
final int clipRight = clipBounds.x + ( clipBounds.width - 1 );
if ( lineX >= clipLeft && lineX <= clipRight )
final int clipTop = clipBounds.y;
final int clipBottom = clipBounds.y + clipBounds.height;
Rectangle parentBounds = getPathBounds ( path );
final Rectangle lastChildBounds = getPathBounds ( getLastChildPath ( path ) );
if ( lastChildBounds == null )
// This shouldn't happen, but if the model is modified
// in another thread it is possible for this to happen.
// Swing isn't multi-threaded, but I'll add this check in
// anyway.
int top;
if ( parentBounds == null )
top = Math.max ( insets.top + getVerticalLegIndent (), clipTop );
top = Math.max ( parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height +
getVerticalLegIndent (), clipTop );
if ( depth == 0 && !isRootVisible () )
if ( treeModel != null )
final Object root = treeModel.getRoot ();
if ( treeModel.getChildCount ( root ) > 0 )
parentBounds = getPathBounds ( path.pathByAddingChild ( treeModel.getChild ( root, 0 ) ) );
if ( parentBounds != null )
top = Math.max ( insets.top + getVerticalLegIndent (), parentBounds.y + parentBounds.height / 2 );
final int bottom = Math.min ( lastChildBounds.y + ( lastChildBounds.height / 2 ), clipBottom );
if ( top <= bottom )
g2d.setPaint ( linesColor );
paintVerticalLine ( g2d, lineX, top, bottom );
* Returns a path to the last child of {@code parent}.
* @param parent parent tree path
* @return path to the last child of {@code parent}
protected TreePath getLastChildPath ( final TreePath parent )
if ( treeModel != null )
final int childCount = treeModel.getChildCount ( parent.getLastPathComponent () );
if ( childCount > 0 )
return parent.pathByAddingChild ( treeModel.getChild ( parent.getLastPathComponent (), childCount - 1 ) );
return null;
* Paints a vertical line.
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param x X coordinate
* @param y1 start Y coordinate
* @param y2 end Y coordinate
protected void paintVerticalLine ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y1, final int y2 )
if ( dashedLines )
paintDashedVerticalLine ( g2d, x, y1, y2 );
g2d.drawLine ( x, y1, x, y2 );
* Paints dashed vertical line.
* This method assumes that y1 <= y2 always.
* todo Change to proper stroke usage instead as this implementation is slow
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param x X coordinate
* @param y1 start Y coordinate
* @param y2 end Y coordinate
protected void paintDashedVerticalLine ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, int y1, final int y2 )
// Painting only even coordinates helps join line segments so they appear as one line
// This can be defeated by translating the Graphics2D by an odd amount
y1 += y1 % 2;
// Painting dashed line
for ( int y = y1; y <= y2; y += 2 )
g2d.drawLine ( x, y, x, y );
* Paints a horizontal line.
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param y Y coordinate
* @param x1 start X coordinate
* @param x2 end X coordinate
protected void paintHorizontalLine ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int y, final int x1, final int x2 )
if ( dashedLines )
paintDashedHorizontalLine ( g2d, y, x1, x2 );
g2d.drawLine ( x1, y, x2, y );
* Paints dashed horizontal line.
* This method assumes that x1 <= x2 always.
* todo Change to proper stroke usage instead as this implementation is slow
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param y Y coordinate
* @param x1 start X coordinate
* @param x2 end X coordinate
protected void paintDashedHorizontalLine ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int y, int x1, final int x2 )
// Painting only even coordinates helps join line segments so they appear as one line
// This can be defeated by translating the Graphics2D by an odd amount
x1 += x1 % 2;
// Painting dashed line
for ( int x = x1; x <= x2; x += 2 )
g2d.drawLine ( x, y, x, y );
* Returns the location, along the x-axis, to render a particular row at. The return value does not include any Insets specified on the
* JTree. This does not check for the validity of the row or depth, it is assumed to be correct and will not throw an Exception if the
* row or depth doesn't match that of the tree.
* @param row Row to return x location for
* @param depth Depth of the row
* @return amount to indent the given row.
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnusedParameters" )
protected int getRowX ( final int row, final int depth )
return totalChildIndent * ( depth + depthOffset );
* Updates how much each depth should be offset by.
protected void updateDepthOffset ()
if ( isRootVisible () )
if ( getShowsRootHandles () )
depthOffset = 1;
depthOffset = 0;
else if ( !getShowsRootHandles () )
depthOffset = -1;
depthOffset = 0;
* The vertical element of legs between nodes starts at the bottom of the parent node by default.
* This method makes the leg start below that.
* @return vertical leg indent
protected int getVerticalLegIndent ()
return 0;
* Paints drop location if it is available.
* @param g2d graphics context
* @param bounds painting bounds
* @param c painted component
* @param ui painted component UI
protected void paintDropLocation ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle bounds, final E c, final U ui )
if ( isDropLocationAvailable () )
dropLocationPainter.prepareToPaint ( component.getDropLocation () );
dropLocationPainter.paint ( g2d, bounds, c, ui );
* Returns whether or not drop location is available.
* @return true if drop location is available, false otherwise
protected boolean isDropLocationAvailable ()
return dropLocationPainter != null && component.getDropLocation () != null;
* Paints custom WebLaF multiselector.
* @param g2d graphics context
protected void paintMultiselector ( final Graphics2D g2d )
if ( isSelectorAvailable () && selectionStart != null && selectionEnd != null )
final Rectangle sb = GeometryUtils.getContainingRect ( selectionStart, selectionEnd );
final Rectangle fsb = sb.intersection ( Bounds.component.of ( component ) );
fsb.width -= 1;
fsb.height -= 1;
selectorPainter.paint ( g2d, fsb, component, ui );
* Returns whether selector is available for current tree or not.
* @return true if selector is available for current tree, false otherwise
protected boolean isSelectorAvailable ()
return selectorPainter != null && component != null && component.isEnabled () &&
component.getSelectionModel ().getSelectionMode () != TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION;
* Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be painted into.
* Will return null if any component in path is currently valid.
* @param path tree path
* @return Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be painted into
protected Rectangle getPathBounds ( final TreePath path )
if ( component != null && treeState != null )
return getPathBounds ( path, component.getInsets (), new Rectangle () );
return null;
* Returns path bounds used for painting.
* @param path tree path
* @param insets tree insets
* @param bounds bounds buffer
* @return path bounds
protected Rectangle getPathBounds ( final TreePath path, final Insets insets, Rectangle bounds )
bounds = treeState.getBounds ( path, bounds );
if ( bounds != null )
if ( ltr )
bounds.x += insets.left;
bounds.x = component.getWidth () - ( bounds.x + bounds.width ) - insets.right;
bounds.y += insets.top;
return bounds;
* Returns whether tree selection style points that the whole line is a single cell or not.
* @return true if tree selection style points that the whole line is a single cell, false otherwise
protected boolean isFullLineSelection ()
return ui.getSelectionStyle () == TreeSelectionStyle.line;
* Returns whether tree nodes drag available or not.
* @return true if tree nodes drag available, false otherwise
protected boolean isDragAvailable ()
return component != null && component.isEnabled () && component.getDragEnabled () && component.getTransferHandler () != null &&
component.getTransferHandler ().getSourceActions ( component ) > 0;
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