Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.ComparisonRuleBuilder;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.SnapshotSerializer;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.StructuralAssertions;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.StructuredData;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.StructuredDataProvider;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.reflection.Classes;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.reflection.StackTraces;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.validation.Arguments;
import de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.validation.State;
import org.apiguardian.api.API;
import org.apiguardian.api.API.Status;
import org.xmlunit.assertj.CompareAssert;
import org.xmlunit.diff.DifferenceEvaluator;
* {@link StructuredData} builder for serializing test results to XML, relying on JAXB and
* XML-Unit.
* You can either use a pre-configured default instance via {@link #xml} or use any of the
* static factory methods to customize the construction.
* @author Simon Taddiken
@API(status = Status.STABLE)
public final class XmlSnapshot implements StructuredDataProvider {
@Deprecated(forRemoval = true)
static final boolean LEGACY_WARNING_PRINTED;
static {
final boolean placeHolderAvailable = Classes.isClassPresent("");
if (!placeHolderAvailable) {
"DEPRECATION WARNING: Starting from snapshot-tests version 1.10.0, you should depend on 'snapshot-tests-xml-legacy' module.");
System.err.println("To remove this warning, follow these migration steps:");
System.err.println("- Remove direct dependency to 'snapshot-tests-jaxb'");
System.err.println("- Add direct dependency to 'snapshot-tests-xml-legacy' instead");
} else {
* Simple default {@link StructuredData} instance which infers the JAXB context from a
* test's actual result object.
* If you need control over how the {@link JAXBContext} and the {@link Marshaller} are
* being set up, use the static factory methods in {@link XmlSnapshot} instead of this
* static constant.
* @see #xml()
public static final StructuredDataProvider xml = xml().build();
// If left null, the JAXBContext will be inferred from the actual test result.
private JAXBContext jaxbContext;
// Creates the Marshaller from the JAXBContext
private MarshallerSupplier marshallerSupplier;
// Defines how snapshots are being asserted on using xml-unit
private Consumer compareAssertConsumer = CompareAssert::areIdentical;
// null unless customized
private Consumer rules = null;
// used only when actual test result is already a string
private boolean prettyPrintStringXml = true;
// Allows to print debug information for custom rule xpaths
private XPathDebug xPathDebug = XPathDebug.disabled();
// namespaces to be used in XPath expressions when using custom rules
private Map namespaceContext = null;
private XmlSnapshot() {
this.marshallerSupplier = ctx -> {
final Marshaller marshaller = ctx.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
return marshaller;
* Tries to infer the JAXBContext from the passed in actual test result.
* @return A builder for building {@link StructuredData}.
* @deprecated Since 1.4.0 - Use {@link #xml()} instead.
@Deprecated(since = "1.4.0", forRemoval = true)
@API(status = Status.DEPRECATED, since = "1.4.0")
public static XmlSnapshot inferJaxbContext() {
return xml();
* Creates a new XML {@link StructuredDataProvider} which will try to infer the
* {@link JAXBContext} from the actual test result.
* @return A builder for building {@link StructuredData}.
* @since 1.4.0
@API(status = Status.STABLE, since = "1.4.0")
public static XmlSnapshot xml() {
return new XmlSnapshot();
* Uses the given JAXBContext as entry point for serializing snapshots.
* @param jaxbContext The JAXBContext to use.
* @return A builder for building {@link StructuredData}.
* @deprecated Since 1.4.0 - Use {@link #withJAXBContext(JAXBContext)} instead.
@Deprecated(since = "1.4.0", forRemoval = true)
@API(status = Status.DEPRECATED, since = "1.4.0")
public static XmlSnapshot with(JAXBContext jaxbContext) {
return xml().withJAXBContext(jaxbContext);
* Uses the given {@link JAXBContext} instead of trying to infer it from the test
* result.
* @param jaxbContext The JAXBContext to use.
* @return This builder instance.
public XmlSnapshot withJAXBContext(JAXBContext jaxbContext) {
this.jaxbContext = Arguments.requireNonNull(jaxbContext, "jaxbContext must not be null");
return this;
* Supplies the {@link Marshaller} which will be used to serialize the snapshot to
* xml.
* @param marshallerSupplier The supplier.
* @return This builder instance.
public XmlSnapshot withMarshaller(MarshallerSupplier marshallerSupplier) {
this.marshallerSupplier = Arguments.requireNonNull(marshallerSupplier, "marshallerSupplier must not be null");
return this;
* Only taken into account if you directly pass a String into the snapshot test which
* is already a XML is does not need to be serialized. In this case, you can advise
* the framework to pretty print the passed in string before persisting it as a
* snapshot.
* For non-xml input (java classes that need to be serialized), pretty printing can be
* controlled via cusomization of the marshaller using
* {@link #withMarshaller(MarshallerSupplier)}.
* Defaults to true.
* @param prettyPrintStringXml Whether to pretty print XML strings.
* @return This build instance.
* @since 1.6.0
@API(status = Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
public XmlSnapshot withPrettyPrintStringXml(boolean prettyPrintStringXml) {
this.prettyPrintStringXml = prettyPrintStringXml;
return this;
* Defines which Xml-Assert assertion method will actually be used. Defaults to
* {@link CompareAssert#areIdentical()}.
* You can also use this to apply further customizations to the CompareAssert. Consult
* the xml-unit documentation for further information.
* Note: if you also use {@link #withComparisonRules(Consumer)}, you can not
* use {@link CompareAssert#withDifferenceEvaluator(DifferenceEvaluator)} here, as
* your {@linkplain DifferenceEvaluator} will always be overridden by the one that is
* configured in {@linkplain #withComparisonRules(Consumer)}.
* @param xmls Consumes the {@link CompareAssert} which compares the actual and
* expected xml.
* @return This builder instance.
@API(status = Status.EXPERIMENTAL)
public XmlSnapshot compareUsing(Consumer xmls) {
this.compareAssertConsumer = Arguments.requireNonNull(xmls, "CompareAssert consumer must not be null");
return this;
* Enables a simple debug output to System.out for the xpaths that are used in
* {@link #withComparisonRules(Consumer)}. This will print out all the nodes that are
* matched by the xpaths that are used in custom comparison rules.
* Note that this method must be called before calling
* {@link #withComparisonRules(Consumer)}.
* @param enableXPathDebugging Whether to enable debug output for xpaths used in
* {@link #withComparisonRules(Consumer)}.
* @return This instance.
* @since 1.6.0
@API(status = Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.6.0")
public XmlSnapshot withEnableXPathDebugging(boolean enableXPathDebugging) {
State.check(this.rules == null,
"xpath debugging must be enabled before specifying custom comparison rules");
this.xPathDebug = enableXPathDebugging
? XPathDebug.enabledAt(StackTraces.findImmediateCaller())
: XPathDebug.disabled();
return this;
* Allows to specify extra comparison rules that are applied to certain paths within
* the xml snapshots.
* Paths on the {@link ComparisonRuleBuilder} must conform to standard XPath syntax.
* You can enable debug output for xpath expressions using
* {@link #withEnableXPathDebugging(boolean)}. Note that debug output must be enabled
* before calling this method.
* If you intend to use custom rules for XMLs containing namespaces, you need to
* configure a namespace context via {@link #withXPathNamespaceContext(Map)}.
* XmlSnapshot.xml()
* .withNamespaceContext(Map.of("ns1", "foo:1", "ns2", "foo:2"))
* .withComparisonRules(rules -> rules
* .pathAt("/ns1:root/ns2:child/text()").ignore())
* The above XPath custom rule would match "some text"
in the given XML:
* <whatever:root xmlns:whatever="foo:1" xmlns:doesntmatter="foo:2">
* <doesntmatter:child>some text</doesntmatter:child>
* </whatever:root>
* As demonstrated here, you only need to make sure that you are providing the correct
* namespace URIs. The prefix names that you use in the XPath do not need to match the
* prefix names within the matched documents.
* Note: This will customize the {@link DifferenceEvaluator} that is used. Thus you
* can not use this method in combination with {@link #compareUsing(Consumer)} if you
* intend to use an own {@link DifferenceEvaluator}.
* @param rules A consumer to which a {@link ComparisonRuleBuilder} will be passed.
* @return This instance.
* @since 1.3.0
@API(status = Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.3.0")
public XmlSnapshot withComparisonRules(Consumer rules) {
Arguments.requireNonNull(rules, "rules consumer must not be null");
this.rules = rules;
return this;
* Allows to set a namespace context by providing a mapping from prefixes to xml
* namespace URIs.
* If you intend to use {@link #withComparisonRules(Consumer) custom comparison rules}
* on XMLs with namespaces it is mandatory to define a namespace context. XPath
* comparison does not automatically fall back to just using local names.
* The prefixes that you can configure here are only relevant to the XPath expression
* itself and do not need to match the prefixes of the compared XMLs. However, the
* URIs must be identical.
* Note: You must set the namespace context before configuring the custom rules.
* @param namespaceContext A mapping of prefixes to xml namespace URIs.
* @return This instance.
* @see #withComparisonRules(Consumer)
* @since 1.9.0
@API(status = Status.EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.9.0")
public XmlSnapshot withXPathNamespaceContext(Map namespaceContext) {
State.check(this.rules == null,
"namespaceContext must be enabled before specifying custom comparison rules");
this.namespaceContext = Arguments.requireNonNull(namespaceContext, "namespaceContext must not be null");
return this;
public StructuredData build() {
final SnapshotSerializer snapshotSerializer = JaxbXmlSnapshotSerializer.withExplicitJaxbContext(
jaxbContext, marshallerSupplier, prettyPrintStringXml);
final StructuralAssertions structuralAssertions = new XmlUnitStructuralAssertions(
return StructuredData.with(snapshotSerializer, structuralAssertions);
public interface MarshallerSupplier {
Marshaller createMarshaller(JAXBContext jaxbContext) throws JAXBException;