cocoa.appkit.NSEvent.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cocoa.appkit
import scalanative.native._
import{BOOL, NSCoding, NSCopying, NSInteger, NSObject, NSObjectClass, NSPoint, NSString, NSUInteger}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
class NSEvent extends NSObject with NSCopying with NSCoding {
// @inline def touchesMatchingPhase(phase: NSTouchPhase, view: NSView): NSSet[NSTouch] = extern
// @inline def trackSwipeEventWithOptions(options: NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions, minDampenThreshold: CGFloat, maxDampenThreshold: CGFloat, trackingHandler: Ptr[Byte]): Unit = extern
// @inline def `type`(): NSEventType = extern
// @inline def modifierFlags(): NSEventModifierFlags = extern
// @inline def timestamp(): NSTimeInterval = extern
@inline def window(): NSWindow = extern
@inline def windowNumber(): NSInteger = extern
// @inline def context(): NSGraphicsContext = extern
@inline def clickCount(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def buttonNumber(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def eventNumber(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def pressure(): Float = extern
@inline def locationInWindow(): NSPoint = extern
// @inline def deltaX(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def deltaY(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def deltaZ(): CGFloat = extern
@inline def hasPreciseScrollingDeltas(): BOOL = extern
// @inline def scrollingDeltaX(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def scrollingDeltaY(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def momentumPhase(): NSEventPhase = extern
@inline def isDirectionInvertedFromDevice(): BOOL = extern
@inline def characters(): NSString = extern
@inline def charactersIgnoringModifiers(): NSString = extern
@inline def isARepeat(): BOOL = extern
@inline def keyCode(): CUnsignedShort = extern
@inline def trackingNumber(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def userData(): Ptr[Byte] = extern
// @inline def trackingArea(): NSTrackingArea = extern
// @inline def subtype(): NSEventSubtype = extern
@inline def data1(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def data2(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def eventRef(): Ptr[Byte] = extern
// @inline def CGEvent(): CGEventRef = extern
// @inline def magnification(): CGFloat = extern
@inline def deviceID(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def rotation(): Float = extern
@inline def absoluteX(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def absoluteY(): NSInteger = extern
@inline def absoluteZ(): NSInteger = extern
// @inline def buttonMask(): NSEventButtonMask = extern
@inline def tilt(): NSPoint = extern
@inline def tangentialPressure(): Float = extern
@inline def vendorDefined(): id = extern
@inline def vendorID(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def tabletID(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def pointingDeviceID(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def systemTabletID(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def vendorPointingDeviceType(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def pointingDeviceSerialNumber(): NSUInteger = extern
@inline def uniqueID(): CUnsignedLongLong = extern
@inline def capabilityMask(): NSUInteger = extern
// @inline def pointingDeviceType(): NSPointingDeviceType = extern
@inline def isEnteringProximity(): BOOL = extern
// @inline def phase(): NSEventPhase = extern
@inline def stage(): NSInteger = extern
// @inline def stageTransition(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def associatedEventsMask(): NSEventMask = extern
// @inline def pressureBehavior(): NSPressureBehavior = extern
abstract class NSEventClass extends NSObjectClass {
@inline def eventWithEventRef(eventRef: Ptr[Byte]): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def eventWithCGEvent(cgEvent: CGEventRef): NSEvent = extern
@inline def setMouseCoalescingEnabled(flag: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isMouseCoalescingEnabled(): BOOL = extern
@inline def isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled(): BOOL = extern
// @inline def startPeriodicEventsAfterDelay(delay: NSTimeInterval, period: NSTimeInterval): Unit = extern
@inline def stopPeriodicEvents(): Unit = extern
// @inline def mouseEventWithType(`type`: NSEventType, location: NSPoint, flags: NSEventModifierFlags, time: NSTimeInterval, wNum: NSInteger, context: NSGraphicsContext, eNum: NSInteger, cNum: NSInteger, pressure: Float): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def keyEventWithType(`type`: NSEventType, location: NSPoint, flags: NSEventModifierFlags, time: NSTimeInterval, wNum: NSInteger, context: NSGraphicsContext, keys: NSString, ukeys: NSString, flag: BOOL, code: CUnsignedShort): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def enterExitEventWithType(`type`: NSEventType, location: NSPoint, flags: NSEventModifierFlags, time: NSTimeInterval, wNum: NSInteger, context: NSGraphicsContext, eNum: NSInteger, tNum: NSInteger, data: Ptr[Byte]): NSEvent = extern
// @inline def otherEventWithType(`type`: NSEventType, location: NSPoint, flags: NSEventModifierFlags, time: NSTimeInterval, wNum: NSInteger, context: NSGraphicsContext, subtype: CShort, d1: NSInteger, d2: NSInteger): NSEvent = extern
@inline def mouseLocation(): NSPoint = extern
// @inline def modifierFlags(): NSEventModifierFlags = extern
@inline def pressedMouseButtons(): NSUInteger = extern
// @inline def doubleClickInterval(): NSTimeInterval = extern
// @inline def keyRepeatDelay(): NSTimeInterval = extern
// @inline def keyRepeatInterval(): NSTimeInterval = extern
// @inline def addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(mask: NSEventMask, block: Ptr[Byte]): id = extern
// @inline def addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask(mask: NSEventMask, block: NSEvent): id = extern
@inline def removeMonitor(eventMonitor: id): Unit = extern
object NSEvent extends NSEventClass {
override type InstanceType = NSEvent