cocoa.appkit.NSTableRowView.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2018. Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file).
package cocoa.appkit
import{BOOL, NSInteger, NSObjectClass, NSRect, id}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scalanative.native._
class NSTableRowView extends NSView { //with NSAccessibilityRow {
@inline def drawBackgroundInRect(dirtyRect: NSRect): Unit = extern
@inline def drawSelectionInRect(dirtyRect: NSRect): Unit = extern
@inline def drawSeparatorInRect(dirtyRect: NSRect): Unit = extern
@inline def drawDraggingDestinationFeedbackInRect(dirtyRect: NSRect): Unit = extern
@inline def viewAtColumn(column: NSInteger): id = extern
@inline def selectionHighlightStyle(): NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle = extern
@inline def setSelectionHighlightStyle(selectionHighlightStyle: NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle): Unit = extern
@inline def isEmphasized(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setEmphasized(emphasized: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isGroupRowStyle(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setGroupRowStyle(groupRowStyle: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isSelected(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setSelected(selected: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isPreviousRowSelected(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setPreviousRowSelected(previousRowSelected: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isNextRowSelected(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setNextRowSelected(nextRowSelected: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isFloating(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setFloating(floating: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def isTargetForDropOperation(): BOOL = extern
@inline def setTargetForDropOperation(targetForDropOperation: BOOL): Unit = extern
@inline def draggingDestinationFeedbackStyle(): NSTableViewDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle = extern
@inline def setDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle(draggingDestinationFeedbackStyle: NSTableViewDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle): Unit = extern
// @inline def indentationForDropOperation(): CGFloat = extern
// @inline def setIndentationForDropOperation(indentationForDropOperation: CGFloat): Unit = extern
// @inline def interiorBackgroundStyle(): NSBackgroundStyle = extern
// @inline def backgroundColor(): NSColor = extern
// @inline def setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: NSColor): Unit = extern
@inline def numberOfColumns(): NSInteger = extern
abstract class NSTableRowViewClass extends NSObjectClass {
object NSTableRowView extends NSTableRowViewClass {
override type InstanceType = NSTableRowView