de.team33.patterns.exceptional.dione.WrappedException Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.team33.patterns.exceptional.dione;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* An unchecked exception dedicated to (temporarily) wrap checked exceptions.
public class WrappedException extends RuntimeException {
private static final String MISSING_EXCEPTION = "Missing: an exception to be wrapped in a " + WrappedException.class.getSimpleName();
private WrappedException(final Throwable cause, final String message) {
super(message, cause);
* Initializes a new instance with the given message and cause.
public WrappedException(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
this(toCause(cause), toMessage(message, cause));
private Revision> revision() {
return Revision.of(getCause());
* Initializes a new instance with the given cause and its {@link Throwable#getMessage() message}.
public WrappedException(final Throwable cause) {
this(toCause(cause), toMessage(null, cause));
private static String toMessage(final String message, final Throwable cause) {
final boolean messageIsMissing = (null == message);
final boolean causeIsMissing = (null == cause);
final List result = Arrays.asList(
(messageIsMissing || causeIsMissing) ? "Wrapped:" : null,
causeIsMissing ? "nothing!?" : null,
(causeIsMissing && !messageIsMissing) ? "Message:" : null,
(messageIsMissing && !causeIsMissing) ? toMessage(cause) : null,
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
private static String toMessage(final Throwable cause) {
return Optional.ofNullable(cause.getMessage()).orElseGet(() -> cause.getClass().getCanonicalName());
private static Throwable toCause(final Throwable cause) {
return (null != cause) ? cause : new IllegalStateException(MISSING_EXCEPTION);
* Applies a given {@link Function mapping} to the {@linkplain #getCause() cause of this exception} if the given
* {@link Predicate condition} applies and throws the result, otherwise this exception will be returned.
* @param condition A {@link Predicate} that is used to check the {@linkplain #getCause() cause of this exception}
* for applicability.
* @param mapping A {@link Function} that converts the {@linkplain #getCause() cause of this exception} to a
* specific type of exception to be thrown at that point.
* @param The exception type that is intended as a result of the given mapping and that is thrown by this
* method, if applicable.
* @return this exception.
* @throws X The mapped exception, if present.
public final
WrappedException reThrowCauseIf(final Predicate super Throwable> condition,
final Function super Throwable, X> mapping) throws X {
return revision().throwIf(condition, mapping, this);
* Rethrows the {@linkplain #getCause() cause of this exception} if it matches the given exception type,
* otherwise this exception will be returned.
* @param xClass The {@link Class} that represents the type of exception that is expected.
* @param The type of exception that is expected and, if applicable, thrown by this method.
* @return this exception.
* @throws X the {@linkplain #getCause() cause of this exception}, cast to the given type, if applicable.
public final WrappedException reThrowCauseAs(final Class xClass) throws X {
return revision().reThrow(xClass, this);