arealabels.international_country_codes.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Library to work with phonenumbers, especially to fix googles PhoneLib ignoring German Landline specifics.
"9712": "Abu Dhabi",
"93": "Afghanistan",
"20": "Ägypten",
"355": "Albanien",
"213": "Algerien",
"376": "Andorra",
"244": "Angola",
"240": "Äquatorialguinea",
"54": "Argentinien",
"374": "Armenien",
"297": "Aruba",
"994": "Aserbaidschan",
"251": "Äthiopien",
"61": "Australien",
"973": "Bahrain",
"880": "Bangladesch",
"375": "Belarus",
"32": "Belgien",
"501": "Belize",
"229": "Benin",
"975": "Bhutan",
"591": "Bolivien",
"599": "Bonaire",
"387": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
"267": "Botsuana",
"55": "Brasilien",
"673": "Brunei Darussalam",
"359": "Bulgarien",
"226": "Burkina Faso",
"257": "Burundi",
"238": "Cabo Verde",
"56": "Chile",
"86": "China",
"682": "Cookinseln",
"506": "Costa Rica",
"225": "Cote d'Ivoire",
"5999": "Curacao",
"45": "Dänemark",
"49": "Deutschland",
"253": "Dschibuti",
"9714": "Dubai",
"593": "Ecuador",
"503": "El Salvador",
"291": "Eritrea",
"372": "Estland",
"268": "Eswatini",
"500": "Falklandinseln",
"298": "Färöer",
"679": "Fidschi",
"358": "Finnland",
"33": "Frankreich",
"594": "Französisch Guayana",
"689": "Französisch Polynesien",
"241": "Gabun",
"220": "Gambia",
"995": "Georgien",
"233": "Ghana",
"350": "Gibraltar",
"30": "Griechenland",
"299": "Grönland",
"44": "Großbritannien",
"590": "Guadeloupe",
"502": "Guatemala",
"441481": "Guernsey",
"224": "Guinea",
"245": "Guinea Bissau",
"592": "Guyana",
"509": "Haiti",
"504": "Honduras",
"852": "Hongkong",
"91": "Indien",
"62": "Indonesien",
"441642": "Insel Man",
"964": "Irak",
"98": "Iran",
"353": "Irland",
"354": "Island",
"972": "Israel",
"39": "Italien",
"81": "Japan",
"967": "Jemen",
"441534": "Jersey",
"962": "Jordanien",
"855": "Kambodscha",
"237": "Kamerun",
"974": "Katar",
"254": "Kenia",
"996": "Kirgisistan",
"686": "Kiribati",
"57": "Kolumbien",
"269": "Komoren",
"242": "Kongo",
"243": "Demokratische Republik Kongo",
"850": "Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea",
"82": "Republik Korea",
"383": "Kosovo",
"385": "Kroatien",
"53": "Kuba",
"965": "Kuwait",
"856": "Laos",
"266": "Lesotho",
"371": "Lettland",
"961": "Libanon",
"231": "Liberia",
"218": "Libyen",
"423": "Liechtenstein",
"370": "Litauen",
"352": "Luxemburg",
"853": "Macau",
"261": "Madagaskar",
"265": "Malawi",
"60": "Malaysia",
"960": "Malediven",
"223": "Mali",
"356": "Malta",
"212": "Marokko",
"692": "Marshallinseln",
"596": "Martinique",
"222": "Mauretanien",
"230": "Mauritius",
"52": "Mexiko",
"691": "Mikronesien",
"373": "Moldau",
"377": "Monaco",
"976": "Mongolei",
"382": "Montenegro",
"258": "Mosambik",
"95": "Myanmar",
"264": "Namibia",
"674": "Nauru",
"977": "Nepal",
"687": "Neukaledonien",
"64": "Neuseeland",
"505": "Nicaragua",
"31": "Niederlande",
"227": "Niger",
"234": "Nigeria",
"683": "Niue",
"389": "Nordmazedonien",
"90392": "Nordzypern",
"6723": "Norfolkinsel",
"47": "Norwegen",
"968": "Oman",
"43": "Österreich",
"92": "Pakistan",
"680": "Palau",
"507": "Panama",
"675": "Papua Neuguinea",
"595": "Paraguay",
"51": "Peru",
"63": "Philippinen",
"649": "Pitcairninseln",
"48": "Polen",
"351": "Portugal",
"262": "Reunion",
"250": "Ruanda",
"40": "Rumänien",
"7": "Russische Föderation",
"677": "Salomonen",
"260": "Sambia",
"685": "Samoa",
"378": "San Marino",
"239": "Sao Tome und Prencipe",
"966": "Saudi Arabien",
"46": "Schweden",
"41": "Schweiz",
"221": "Senegal",
"381": "Serbien",
"248": "Seychellen",
"232": "Sierra Leone",
"263": "Simbabwe",
"65": "Singapur",
"421": "Slowakei",
"386": "Slowenien",
"252": "Somalia",
"34": "Spanien",
"94": "Sri Lanka",
"508": "St. Pierre und Miquelon",
"27": "Südafrika",
"249": "Sudan",
"211": "Südsudan",
"597": "Suriname",
"963": "Syrien",
"992": "Tadschikistan",
"886": "Taiwan",
"255": "Tansania",
"66": "Thailand",
"670": "Timor Leste",
"228": "Togo",
"690": "Tokelau",
"676": "Tonga",
"235": "Tschad",
"420": "Tschechische Republik",
"216": "Tunesien",
"90": "Türkei",
"993": "Turkmenistan",
"688": "Tuvalu",
"256": "Uganda",
"380": "Ukraine",
"36": "Ungarn",
"598": "Uruguay",
"998": "Usbekistan",
"678": "Vanuatu",
"3906": "Vatikanstadt",
"379": "Vatikanstadt",
"58": "Venezuela",
"971": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",
"1": "Vereinigte Staaten",
"84": "Vietnam",
"681": "Wallis und Futuna",
"236": "Zentralafrikanische Republik",
"357": "Zypern"