de.terrestris.shogun2.service.GeoServerInterceptorService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.terrestris.shogun2.service;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.model.interceptor.InterceptorRule;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.enumeration.HttpEnum;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.enumeration.OgcEnum;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.enumeration.OgcEnum.OperationType;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.enumeration.OgcEnum.ServiceType;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.http.HttpUtil;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.interceptor.*;
import de.terrestris.shogun2.util.model.Response;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger;
* @author Daniel Koch
* @author Kai Volland
* @author terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
public class GeoServerInterceptorService {
* The Logger.
private static final Logger LOG = getLogger(
* The autowired properties file containing the (application driven)
* GeoServer namespace - GeoServer BaseURI mapping, e.g.:
* topp=http://localhost:8080/geoserver/topp/ows
private Properties geoServerNameSpaces;
* An array of whitelisted Headers to forward within the Interceptor.
private static final String[] FORWARD_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS = new String[]{
* An array of whitelisted Headers to forward within the Interceptor.
private static final String[] FORWARD_RESPONSE_HEADER_KEYS = new String[]{
private final String WMS_REFLECT_ENDPOINT = "/reflect";
private final String USE_REFLECT_PARAM = "useReflect";
OgcMessageDistributor ogcMessageDistributor;
InterceptorRuleService interceptorRuleService;
* @param request
* @return
* @throws InterceptorException
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws HttpException
* @throws IOException
public Response interceptGeoServerRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
throws InterceptorException, URISyntaxException,
HttpException, IOException {
// wrap the request, we want to manipulate it
MutableHttpServletRequest mutableRequest =
new MutableHttpServletRequest(request);
// get the OGC message information (service, request, endPoint)
OgcMessage message = getOgcMessage(mutableRequest);
// check whether WMS reflector endpoint should be called
final boolean useWmsReflector = shouldReflectEndpointBeCalled(mutableRequest, message);
// get the GeoServer base URI by the provided request
URI geoServerBaseUri = getGeoServerBaseURI(message, useWmsReflector);
// set the GeoServer base URI to the (wrapped) request
// intercept the request (if needed)
mutableRequest = ogcMessageDistributor
.distributeToRequestInterceptor(mutableRequest, message);
// send the request
// TODO: Move to global proxy class
Response response = sendRequest(mutableRequest);
// intercept the response (if needed)
Response interceptedResponse = ogcMessageDistributor
.distributeToResponseInterceptor(mutableRequest, response, message);
// finally filter the white-listed response headers
// TODO: Move to global proxy class
HttpHeaders forwardingHeaders = getResponseHeadersToForward(
return interceptedResponse;
* Detect whether the WMS reflector endpoint of GeoServer should be called instead of the one defined in provided message
* @param mutableRequest request to check
* @param message instance of {@link OgcMessage}
* @return true if useReflect found in parameters, false otherwise
* @throws InterceptorException
* @throws IOException
private boolean shouldReflectEndpointBeCalled(MutableHttpServletRequest mutableRequest, OgcMessage message) throws InterceptorException, IOException {
boolean useReflect = false;
if (message.getService() != ServiceType.WMS) {
return useReflect;
String value = MutableHttpServletRequest.getRequestParameterValue(mutableRequest, USE_REFLECT_PARAM);
useReflect = Boolean.valueOf(value);
if (useReflect) {
LOG.info("Parameter " + USE_REFLECT_PARAM + "found in request. Will use WMS reflector endpoint of GeoServer.");
return useReflect;
* @param mutableRequest
* @return
* @throws InterceptorException
* @throws IOException
private OgcMessage getOgcMessage(MutableHttpServletRequest mutableRequest)
throws InterceptorException, IOException {
LOG.trace("Building the OGC message from the given request.");
OgcMessage ogcMessage = new OgcMessage();
String requestService = MutableHttpServletRequest.getRequestParameterValue(
mutableRequest, OgcEnum.Service.SERVICE.toString());
String requestOperation = MutableHttpServletRequest.getRequestParameterValue(
mutableRequest, OgcEnum.Operation.OPERATION.toString());
String requestEndPoint = MutableHttpServletRequest.getRequestParameterValue(
mutableRequest, OgcEnum.EndPoint.getAllValues());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestService) ||
StringUtils.isEmpty(requestOperation) ||
StringUtils.isEmpty(requestEndPoint)) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(requestEndPoint) &&
mutableRequest, USE_REFLECT_PARAM))
) {
LOG.trace("Will use WMS reflector endpoint of GeoServer");
requestService = ServiceType.WMS.toString();
requestOperation = OperationType.GET_MAP.toString();
} else {
throw new InterceptorException("Couldn't find all required OGC " +
"parameters (SERVICE, REQUEST, ENDPOINT). Please check the " +
"validity of the request.");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestService)) {
LOG.trace("Successfully set the service: " +
} else {
LOG.debug("No service found.");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestOperation)) {
LOG.trace("Successfully set the operation: " +
} else {
LOG.debug("No operation found.");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestEndPoint)) {
LOG.trace("Successfully set the endPoint: " + requestEndPoint);
} else {
LOG.debug("No endPoint found.");
InterceptorRule mostSpecificRequestRule = getMostSpecificRule(requestService,
requestOperation, requestEndPoint, HttpEnum.EventType.REQUEST.toString());
InterceptorRule mostSpecificResponseRule = getMostSpecificRule(requestService,
requestOperation, requestEndPoint, HttpEnum.EventType.RESPONSE.toString());
if (mostSpecificRequestRule != null) {
LOG.trace("Successfully set the requestRule: " +
} else {
LOG.debug("No interceptor rule found for the request.");
if (mostSpecificResponseRule != null) {
LOG.trace("Successfully set the responseRule: " +
} else {
LOG.debug("No interceptor rule found for the response.");
LOG.trace("Successfully build the OGC message: " + ogcMessage);
return ogcMessage;
* @param requestService
* @param requestOperation
* @param requestEndPoint
* @param ruleEvent
* @return
* @throws InterceptorException
private InterceptorRule getMostSpecificRule(String requestService,
String requestOperation, String requestEndPoint,
String ruleEvent) throws InterceptorException {
final ServiceType service = OgcEnum.ServiceType.fromString(
final OperationType operation = OgcEnum.OperationType.fromString(
final String endPoint = requestEndPoint;
LOG.trace("Finding the most specific interceptor rule for: \n" +
" * Event: " + ruleEvent + "\n" +
" * Service: " + service + "\n" +
" * Operation: " + operation + "\n" +
" * EndPoint: " + endPoint
// get all persisted rules for the given service and event
List interceptorRules = this.interceptorRuleService
.findAllRulesForServiceAndEvent(requestService, ruleEvent);
LOG.trace("Got " + interceptorRules.size() + " rule(s) from database.");
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
for (InterceptorRule interceptorRule : interceptorRules) {
LOG.trace("Returned rule is: " + interceptorRule);
LOG.trace("Evaluating the given rules for the most specific one:");
// create the predicate for finding the most specific rule out of
// the given rules (conditions in descending specific order).
// note: we don't need to check for request event (request/response)
// and the service type at all as the rule candidates are filtered by
// the DAO method already. the last check for service specificity found
// here is a fallback only.
HashMap ruleMap = new HashMap<>();
interceptorRules.stream().forEach((rule) -> {
int score = 0;
if (!Objects.equals(rule.getEndPoint(), null) && !Objects.equals(rule.getEndPoint(), endPoint) &&
endPoint != null) {
if (!Objects.equals(rule.getService(), null) && !Objects.equals(rule.getService(), service) &&
service != null) {
if (!Objects.equals(rule.getOperation(), null) && !Objects.equals(rule.getOperation(), operation) &&
operation != null) {
if (endPoint != null && Objects.equals(rule.getEndPoint(), endPoint)) {
if (operation != null && Objects.equals(rule.getOperation(), operation)) {
if (service != null && Objects.equals(rule.getService(), service)) {
ruleMap.put(rule, score);
AtomicReference biggestScore = new AtomicReference<>(0);
AtomicReference mostSpecific = new AtomicReference<>();
ruleMap.entrySet().stream().forEach((entry) -> {
if (entry.getValue() > biggestScore.get()) {
if (interceptorRules.size() == 0) {
LOG.error("Got no interceptor rules for this request/response. " +
"Usually this should not happen as one has to define at " +
"least the basic sets of rules (e.g. ALLOW all WMS " +
"requests) when using the interceptor.");
throw new InterceptorException("No interceptor rule found.");
} else if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Identified the following rule as most the specific " +
"one: " + mostSpecific.get());
return mostSpecific.get();
* @param params
* @return
private static List createQueryParams(Map params) {
List queryParams = new ArrayList();
for (Entry param : params.entrySet()) {
queryParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getKey(),
StringUtils.join(param.getValue(), ",")));
return queryParams;
* @param baseUri
* @param queryParams
* @return
* @throws URISyntaxException
private static URI getFullRequestURI(URI baseUri, List queryParams)
throws URISyntaxException {
URI requestUri = null;
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(baseUri);
requestUri = builder.build();
return requestUri;
* @param geoServerNamespace
* @param useWmsReflector
* @param isWMS
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws InterceptorException
public URI getGeoServerBaseURIFromNameSpace(String geoServerNamespace, boolean useWmsReflector, boolean isWMS)
throws URISyntaxException, InterceptorException {
URI uri = null;
String geoServerUrl = this.geoServerNameSpaces.getProperty(
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(geoServerUrl)) {
throw new InterceptorException("Couldn't detect GeoServer URI " +
"from the given namespace");
if (useWmsReflector && isWMS) {
LOG.trace("Will use WMS reflector endpoint");
if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(geoServerUrl, "ows")) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int start = geoServerUrl.lastIndexOf("ows");
builder.append(geoServerUrl.substring(0, start));
builder.append("wms" + WMS_REFLECT_ENDPOINT);
geoServerUrl = builder.toString();
} else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(geoServerUrl, "wms")) {
LOG.trace("The modified endpoint is: " + geoServerUrl);
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(geoServerUrl);
uri = builder.build();
return uri;
* @param message
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws InterceptorException
private URI getGeoServerBaseURI(OgcMessage message, boolean useWmsReflector) throws URISyntaxException,
InterceptorException {
LOG.debug("Finding the GeoServer base URI by the provided EndPoint: " +
// get the namespace from the qualified endPoint name
String geoServerNamespace = getGeoServerNameSpace(message.getEndPoint());
LOG.trace("Found the following GeoServer namespace set in the "
+ "EndPoint: " + geoServerNamespace);
// set the GeoServer base URL
URI geoServerBaseUri = getGeoServerBaseURIFromNameSpace(geoServerNamespace, useWmsReflector, message.isWms());
LOG.debug("The corresponding GeoServer base URI is: " + geoServerBaseUri);
return geoServerBaseUri;
* @param endPoint
private static String getGeoServerNameSpace(String endPoint) {
// return the endPoint as nameSpace per default
String geoServerNamespace = endPoint;
if (endPoint.contains(":")) {
String[] split = endPoint.split(":");
geoServerNamespace = split[0];
return geoServerNamespace;
* @param request
* @throws InterceptorException
* @throws HttpException
public static Response sendRequest(MutableHttpServletRequest request)
throws InterceptorException, HttpException {
Response httpResponse = new Response();
String requestMethod = request.getMethod();
boolean getRequest = "GET".equalsIgnoreCase(requestMethod);
boolean postRequest = "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(requestMethod);
try {
// get the request URI
URI requestUri = new URI(request.getRequestURI());
Header[] requestHeaders = getRequestHeadersToForward(request);
// get the query parameters provided by the GET/POST request and
// convert to a list of NameValuePairs
List allQueryParams = createQueryParams(request.getParameterMap());
// append the given request parameters to the base URI
URI fullRequestUri = getFullRequestURI(requestUri, allQueryParams);
if (getRequest) {
// if we're called via GET method
// perform the request with the given parameters
httpResponse = HttpUtil.get(fullRequestUri, requestHeaders);
} else if (postRequest) {
// if we're called via POST method
// We have to attach the actual query; a POST to e.g. http://example.com/?foo=bar is totally OK
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if (queryString != null) {
requestUri = appendQueryString(requestUri, queryString);
// get the request body if any
String body = OgcXmlUtil.getRequestBody(request);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(body)) {
// we do have a POST with string data present
// parse the content type of the request
ContentType contentType = ContentType.parse(request.getContentType());
if (contentType.getCharset() == null) {
// use UTF-8 charset if charset could not be parsed from the content type
// of the request
contentType = contentType.withCharset("UTF-8");
// perform the POST request to the URI with queryString and with the given body
httpResponse = HttpUtil.post(requestUri, body, contentType, requestHeaders);
} else {
// perform the POST request with the given name value pairs,
httpResponse = HttpUtil.post(requestUri, allQueryParams, requestHeaders);
} else {
// otherwise throw an exception
throw new InterceptorException("Only GET or POST method is allowed");
} catch (URISyntaxException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
LOG.error("Error while sending request: " + e.getMessage());
return httpResponse;
* @param request
* @return
private static Header[] getRequestHeadersToForward(MutableHttpServletRequest request) {
List requestHeaderList = new ArrayList<>();
// add all headers that should be involved in the request
for (String headerName : FORWARD_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS) {
String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName);
if (headerValue != null) {
requestHeaderList.add(new BasicHeader(headerName, headerValue));
return requestHeaderList.toArray(new Header[0]);
* Returns a new URI with the passed queryString (e.g. foo=bar&baz=123) appended to the passed URI. Adjusted from
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/26177982.
* @param uri
* @param appendQuery
public static URI appendQueryString(URI uri, String appendQuery) {
if (uri == null || appendQuery == null || appendQuery.isEmpty()) {
return uri;
String newQuery = uri.getQuery();
if (newQuery == null) {
newQuery = appendQuery;
} else {
newQuery += "&" + appendQuery;
// Fallback is the old URI
URI newUri = uri;
try {
newUri = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), uri.getPath(), newQuery, uri.getFragment());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
String msg = String.format(
"Failed to append query '%s' to URI '%s', returning URI unchanged.",
appendQuery, uri
return newUri;
* @return
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private static HttpHeaders getResponseHeadersToForward(HttpHeaders headers)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
if (headers == null) {
LOG.debug("No headers found to forward!");
return responseHeaders;
LOG.trace("Requested to filter the Headers to respond with:");
for (Entry> header : headers.entrySet()) {
String headerKey = header.getKey();
String headerVal = StringUtils.join(header.getValue(), ",");
LOG.trace(" * Header: " + headerKey);
if (Arrays.asList(FORWARD_RESPONSE_HEADER_KEYS).contains(headerKey)) {
// the GeoServer response may contain a subtype in the
// "Content-Type" header without double quotes surrounding the
// subtype's value. If this is set we need to surround it
// with double quotes as this is required by the Spring
// ResponseEntity (and the RFC 2616 standard).
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("subtype=(.*)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(headerVal);
if (matcher.find()) {
String replaceCandidate = matcher.group(1);
String replacer;
replacer = StringUtils.prependIfMissing(
replaceCandidate, "\"");
replacer = StringUtils.appendIfMissing(
replacer, "\"");
headerVal = StringUtils.replace(headerVal,
replaceCandidate, replacer);
responseHeaders.set(headerKey, headerVal);
LOG.trace(" > Forwarded");
} else {
LOG.trace(" > Skipped");
return responseHeaders;
* @param ogcMessageDistributor the ogcMessageDistributor to set
public void setOgcMessageDistributor(OgcMessageDistributor ogcMessageDistributor) {
this.ogcMessageDistributor = ogcMessageDistributor;
* @param interceptorRuleService the interceptorRuleService to set
public void setInterceptorRuleService(
InterceptorRuleService interceptorRuleService) {
this.interceptorRuleService = interceptorRuleService;
* @return the geoServerNameSpaces
public Properties getGeoServerNameSpaces() {
return geoServerNameSpaces;
* @param geoServerNameSpaces the geoServerNameSpaces to set
public void setGeoServerNameSpaces(Properties geoServerNameSpaces) {
this.geoServerNameSpaces = geoServerNameSpaces;