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rescala.extra.incremental.IncrementalBundle.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package rescala.extra.incremental

import rescala.compat.SignalCompatBundle
import rescala.core._
import rescala.interface.RescalaInterface
import rescala.operator.{EventBundle, SignalBundle, cutOutOfUserComputation}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable}

trait IncrementalBundle extends Core {
  self: EventBundle with SignalBundle with SignalCompatBundle with RescalaInterface =>

  /** @tparam T Type of values inside Deltas
    * @tparam S Structure of Reactive Sequence source
  trait ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] extends Derived with DisconnectableImpl {

    override protected[rescala] def commit(base: Delta[T]): Delta[T] = Delta.noChange

    /** the value of deltas send through the set */
    override type Value = Delta[T]

    /** Returns current ReactiveDeltaSeq as an Event
      * @param ticket a creation ticket as a new event will be created which has the ReactiveDeltaSeq as dependency
      * @return
    def asEvent(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): Event[Delta[T]] = {
      Events.static(this) { staticTicket =>
        // each time a change occurs it is represented by a Delta
        // the staticTicket gets this Delta and the Event representing the ReactiveDeltaSeq will fire the Delta
        val delta = staticTicket.collectStatic(this)

        // It can be that when the event is fired no changes have occurred
        // That is why Some(delta) is used

    /** Based on the concept of reversible Folds
      * Used to fold the deltas basing on fold for Addition-Delta and unfold for Removal-Delta
      * @param initial is the initial value the foldUndo folds to
      * @param fold    the function used when an Addition occurs
      * @param unfold  the function used when a Removal occurs
      * @param ticket  as we will create
      * @tparam A the value returned by applying fold or unfold on the value T of Deltas
      * @return
    def foldUndo[A](initial: A)(fold: (A, Delta[T]) => A)(unfold: (A, Delta[T]) => A)(implicit
        ticket: CreationTicket
    ): Signal[A] = {
      // first we create an event that fires each time a Delta occurs
      val event = asEvent

      // Than we fold the event by applying the fold- or unfold-function respectively
      // In case Nothing Changed we return the old value of fold
      // This will automatically create a Signal whose value is updated each time the event fires
      Events.foldOne(event, initial)((x: A, y: Delta[T]) => {
        y match {
          case Addition(_) => fold(x, y)
          case Removal(_)  => unfold(x, y)
          case NoChange()  => x

    //  /**
    //    * Based on the concept of reversible Folds
    //    * Used to fold the deltas basing on fold for Addition-Delta and unfold for Removal-Delta
    //    *
    //    * @param initial is the initial value the foldUndo folds to
    //    * @param fold the function used when an Addition occurs
    //    * @param unfold the function used when a Removal occurs
    //    * @param ticket as we will create
    //    * @tparam A the value returned by applying fold or unfold on the value T of Deltas
    //    * @return
    //    */
    //  @cutOutOfUserComputation
    //  def flatMap[A: ReSerializable] (f: T => ReactiveDeltaSeq[A]) (implicit ticket: CreationTicket): ReactiveDeltaSeq[A] = {
    //    // first we create an event that fires each time a Delta occurs
    //    val event = asEvent
    //    // Than we fold the event by applying the fold- or unfold-function respectively
    //    // In case Nothing Changed we return the old value of fold
    //    // This will automatically create a Signal whose value is updated each time the event fires
    //    Events.foldOne(event, initial)(
    //      (x: A, y: Delta[T]) => {
    //        y match {
    //          case Addition(_) => fold(x, y)
    //          case Removal(_) => unfold(x, y)
    //          case NoChange() => x
    //        }
    //      }
    //    )
    //  }

    /** Filters the sequence , basing on filterExpression and returns the new filtered sequence
      * @param filterOperation the operation used for filtering
      * @param ticket          for creating the new source
      * @return the filtered ReactiveDeltaSeq
    def filter(filterOperation: T => Boolean)(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] = {

      // as a new reactive sequence will be returned after filtering we use the creation ticket to create the new source
      // The new created Source will be a FilterDeltaSeq which is basically a ReactiveDeltaSeq, which reevaluates differently when changes are propagated
      // FilterDeltaSeq depends on this (ReactiveDeltaSeq). It is initialized as an empty sequence.
      // Each time a change on ReactiveDeltaSeq occurs, if it passes the filterOperation, it is automatically added to FilterDeltaSeq
      ticket.create[Delta[T], FilterDeltaSeq[T]](Set(this), Delta.noChange, needsReevaluation = false) {
        state => new FilterDeltaSeq[T](this, filterOperation)(state, ticket.rename) with DisconnectableImpl

    /** Maps the elements of ReactiveDeltaSeq and returns a new ReactiveDeltaSeq with the mapped deltas with the old ReactiveDeltaSeq as dependency
      * @param mapOperation the operation used for mapping the values of ReactiveDeltaSeq to MapDeltaSeq
      * @param ticket       Ticket for creating the new ReactiveDeltaSeq
      * @tparam A new Value type for deltas in the mapped ReactiveDeltaSeq
      * @return the mapped ReactiveDeltaSeq
    def map[A](mapOperation: T => A)(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): ReactiveDeltaSeq[A] = {

      // as a new reactive sequence will be returned after mapping we use the creation ticket to create the new source
      // The new created Source will be a MapDeltaSeq which is basically a ReactiveDeltaSeq, which reevaluates differently when changes are propagated
      // MapDeltaSeq depends on this (ReactiveDeltaSeq). It is initialized as an empty sequence.
      // Each time a change on ReactiveDeltaSeq occurs, it is mapped and automatically added to MapDeltaSeq
      ticket.create[Delta[A], MapDeltaSeq[T, A]](Set(this), Delta.noChange, needsReevaluation = false) {
        state => new MapDeltaSeq[T, A](this, mapOperation)(state, ticket.rename) with DisconnectableImpl

    /** Concatenates the ReactiveDeltaSeq with another (that) ReactiveDeltaSeq by returning a new ReactiveDeltaSeq (ConcatenateDeltaSeq)
      * @param that   the ReactiveDeltaSeq which will be concatenated with this
      * @param ticket used for the creation of the concatenated ReactiveDeltaSeq
      * @return ConcatenateDeltaSeq
    def ++(that: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T])(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] = {

      // as a new reactive sequence will be returned after concatenating we use the creation ticket to create the new source
      // The new created Source will be a ConcatenateDeltaSeq which is basically a ReactiveDeltaSeq, which reevaluates differently when changes are propagated
      // ConcatenateDeltaSeq depends on this (ReactiveDeltaSeq) and the one being concatenated (that). It is initialized as an empty sequence.
      // Each time a change on this or that occurs, it is automatically added to ConcatenateDeltaSeq
      ticket.create[Delta[T], ConcatenateDeltaSeq[T]](
        Set(this, that),
        needsReevaluation = false
      ) {
        state => new ConcatenateDeltaSeq[T](this, that)(state, ticket.rename)

    /** Returns the sizeOfSeq of the ReactiveDeltaSeq
      * @param ticket for creating the Signal holding the value of sizeOfSeq
      * @param resInt needed by REScala API for Signal/Event holding Ints //TODO check
      * @return
    def size(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): Signal[Int] =
      foldUndo(0)((counted: Int, _) => counted + 1)((counted: Int, _) => counted - 1)

    /** Counts number of elements fulfilling the condition provided
      * @param fulfillsCondition the condition values of deltas have to fulfill to be taken in consideration
      * @param ticket            for creating the Signal holding the value of counted elements
      * @param resInt            needed by REScala API for Signal/Event holding Ints
      * @return
    def count(fulfillsCondition: T => Boolean)(implicit
        ticket: CreationTicket
    ): Signal[Int] =
      foldUndo(0) { (counted, x) => if (fulfillsCondition(x.value)) counted + 1 else counted } { (counted, x) =>
        if (fulfillsCondition(x.value)) counted - 1 else counted

    /** To check if an element is in the sequence
      * @param element element to search for
      * @param ticket  for creating the Signal holding the boolean value
      * @param resInt  needed by REScala API for Signal/Event holding Ints
      * @return
    def contains(element: T)(implicit
        ticket: CreationTicket,
        ord: Ordering[T]
    ): Signal[Boolean] = { exists { (seqElement: T) => ord.equiv(element, seqElement) } }

    /** To check if elements fulfilling the condition exists
      * @param fulfillsCondition the condition values of deltas have to fulfill to be taken in consideration
      * @param ticket            for creating the Signal holding the boolean value
      * @param resInt            needed by REScala API for Signal/Event holding Ints
      * @return
    def exists(fulfillsCondition: T => Boolean)(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): Signal[Boolean] = {
      // count all elements fulfilling the condition of existence
      val instancesNumber = count(fulfillsCondition)
      // if more than one found
      Signals.static(instancesNumber)(st => st.dependStatic(instancesNumber) > 0)(ticket)

    /** @param ticket used for creation of new sources
      * @param ord    the ordering needed to compare values of deltas for finding the minimum
      * @param res    ...
      * @return Signal holding the optional minimum (as it could be None if the seqeunce is empty)
    def min(implicit ticket: CreationTicket, ord: Ordering[T]): Signal[Option[T]] = {
      val minimum = foldUndo(mutable.IndexedSeq.empty[(T, T)])(
        // fold operation
        (trackingSequence: mutable.IndexedSeq[(T, T)], delta: Delta[T]) => {
          if (trackingSequence.isEmpty) {
            (delta.value, delta.value) +: trackingSequence
          } else {
            var min = trackingSequence.head._2 // current minimum
            if (, min) < 0) // update if added element is smaller
              min = delta.value
            (delta.value, min) +: trackingSequence // prepend to the tracking-sequence
        // unfold operation
        (trackingSequence: mutable.IndexedSeq[(T, T)], delta: Delta[T]) => {
          // index of element, being removed
          val deletionIndex = trackingSequence.indexWhere(element =>, delta.value) == 0)
          if (deletionIndex < 0)
            throw new Exception("min: Element not found in the sequence")

          if (deletionIndex > 0) { // must be more than two elements to make sense to change minimum
            var min = trackingSequence(deletionIndex)._2
            if (deletionIndex == trackingSequence.size - 1) // last element
              min = trackingSequence(deletionIndex - 1)._1  // new min will be same as the element on the left
              min =
                  deletionIndex + 1
                )._2 // new min will be same as the min stored in the tuple on the right
            breakable {
              for (i <- (deletionIndex - 1) to 0 by -1) {
                val element = trackingSequence(i)
                if (, min) < 0) // if no more update needed, stop
                trackingSequence.update(i, (element._1, min)) // otherwise update the minimum
          trackingSequence.take(deletionIndex) ++ trackingSequence.drop(deletionIndex + 1)

    /** @param ticket used for creation of new sources
      * @param ord    the ordering needed to compare values of deltas for finding the minimum
      * @param res    ...
      * @return Signal holding the optional minimum (as it could be None if the seqeunce is empty)
    def max(implicit ticket: CreationTicket, ord: Ordering[T]): Signal[Option[T]] = {
      val seqMaximum = foldUndo(mutable.IndexedSeq.empty[(T, T)])(
        (seq: mutable.IndexedSeq[(T, T)], delta: Delta[T]) => {
          if (seq.isEmpty) {
            (delta.value, delta.value) +: seq
          } else {
            var max = seq.head._2
            if (, max))
              max = delta.value
            (delta.value, max) +: seq
      )((trackingSequence: mutable.IndexedSeq[(T, T)], delta: Delta[T]) => {
        val deletionIndex = trackingSequence.indexWhere(element => ord.equiv(element._1, delta.value))
        if (deletionIndex < 0)
          throw new Exception("max: Element not found in the sequence")

        if (deletionIndex > 0) { // must be more than two elements to make sense to change maxValue
          var max = trackingSequence(deletionIndex)._2
          if (deletionIndex == trackingSequence.size - 1) // last element
            max = trackingSequence(deletionIndex - 1)._1
            max = trackingSequence(deletionIndex + 1)._2

          // after setting the new min, update the minimum of the elements on the left till minimum has different value
          breakable {
            for (i <- (0 until deletionIndex).reverse) {
              val element = trackingSequence(i)
              if (ord.gteq(element._1, max))
              trackingSequence.update(i, (element._1, max))
        trackingSequence.take(deletionIndex) ++ trackingSequence.drop(deletionIndex + 1)

      Signals.static(seqMaximum)(_.dependStatic(seqMaximum) => tuple._2))


  /** @param left
    * @param right
    * @param initialState
    * @param name
    * @tparam T Type of values in Deltas
    * @tparam S Structure of Source
  class ConcatenateDeltaSeq[T](left: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T], right: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T])(
      initialState: IncSeq.SeqState[T],
      name: ReName
  ) extends Base[Delta[T]](initialState, name)
      with ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] with DisconnectableImpl {

    /** @param input
      * @return
    override protected[rescala] def guardedReevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = {
      val leftDelta = input.collectStatic(left)
      leftDelta match {
        case NoChange() =>
          val rightDelta = input.collectStatic(right)

        case _ =>


  /** Class used for filtering ReactiveDeltaSeq
    * @param in           the ReactiveDeltaSeq to filter
    * @param expression   filterExpression with return type boolean used for filtering elements inside the sequence
    * @param initialState ...
    * @param name         Name of the new filtered sequence
    * @tparam T Value inside Delta
    * @tparam S Structure of Delta
  class FilterDeltaSeq[T](in: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T], expression: T => Boolean)(
      initialState: IncSeq.SeqState[T],
      name: ReName
  ) extends Base[Delta[T]](initialState, name) with Derived
      with ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] {

    /** @param input Basing ReIn Ticket filters the ReactiveDeltaSeq using the filterExpression define above. That it uses withValue to write the new Sequence
      * @return Returns the new Sequence
    override protected[rescala] def guardedReevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = {
      val filteredDeltas = input.collectStatic(in).filter(expression)

  /** Class used for filtering ReactiveDeltaSeq
    * @param in           the ReactiveDeltaSeq to filter
    * @param op           mapOperation to map sequence
    * @param initialState ...
    * @param name         Name of the new filtered sequence
    * @tparam T Value inside Delta
    * @tparam S Structure of Delta
  class MapDeltaSeq[T, A](in: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T], op: T => A)(
      initialState: IncSeq.SeqState[A],
      name: ReName
  ) extends Base[Delta[A]](initialState, name)
      with ReactiveDeltaSeq[A] {

    /** @param input Basing ReIn Ticket maps the ReactiveDeltaSeq using the fold defined above. That it uses withValue to write the new Sequence
      * @return Returns the new Sequence
    override protected[rescala] def guardedReevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = {
      val mappedDeltas = input.collectStatic(in).map(op)

//  * Class used for filtering ReactiveDeltaSeq
//  *
//  * @param in           the ReactiveDeltaSeq to filter
//  * @param op           mapOperation to map sequence
//  * @param initialState ...
//  * @param name         Name of the new filtered sequence
//  * @tparam T Value inside Delta
//  * @tparam S Structure of Delta
//  */
//class FlatMapDeltaSeq[T, A]
//(in: ReactiveDeltaSeq[T], f: T => ReactiveDeltaSeq[A,S])
//(initialState: IncSeq.SeqState[A], name: ReName)
//  extends Base[Delta[A]](initialState, name)
//    with ReactiveDeltaSeq[A] {
//  /**
//    *
//    * @param input Basing ReIn Ticket maps the ReactiveDeltaSeq using the fold defined above. That it uses withValue to write the new Sequence
//    * @return Returns the new Sequence
//    */
//  override protected[rescala] def reevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = {
//    val delta = input.collectStatic(in).map(op)
//    input.withValue(mappedDeltas)
//    input
//  }

  /** Source events with imperative occurrences
    * @param initialState of by the event
    * @tparam T Type returned when the event fires
    * @tparam S Struct type used for the propagation of the event
  class IncSeq[T] private[rescala] (initialState: IncSeq.SeqState[T], name: ReName)
      extends Base[Delta[T]](initialState, name)
      with ReactiveDeltaSeq[T] {

    private val elements: mutable.Map[T, Int] = mutable.HashMap()

    override protected[rescala] def guardedReevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = ??? // TODO what comes here...

    def add(value: T)(implicit fac: Scheduler): Unit =
      fac.forceNewTransaction(this) {

    def remove(value: T)(implicit fac: Scheduler): Unit =
      fac.forceNewTransaction(this) {

    def addInTx(delta: Delta[T])(implicit ticket: AdmissionTicket): Unit = {
      (delta: @unchecked) match {
        case Addition(value) => {
          val counter = elements.getOrElse(value, 0)
          if (counter == 0)
            elements.put(value, 1)
            elements.put(value, counter + 1)
        case Removal(value) => {
          val counter = elements.getOrElse(value, 0)
          if (counter > 1)
            elements.put(value, counter - 1)
          else if (counter == 1)
            throw new Exception(s"Cannot remove element as it cannot be found")
      ticket.recordChange(new InitialChange {
        override val source: IncSeq.this.type = IncSeq.this
        override def writeValue(b: Delta[T], v: Delta[T] => Unit): Boolean = {

    def printMap(): Unit = {
      elements.foreach(t => print(s"${t._1}, "))


  object IncSeq {

    type SeqState[T] = State[Delta[T]]

    def apply[T](implicit ticket: CreationTicket): IncSeq[T] = empty[T]

    def empty[T](implicit ticket: CreationTicket): IncSeq[T] = fromDelta(Delta.noChange[T])

    private[this] def fromDelta[T](init: Delta[T])(implicit ticket: CreationTicket): IncSeq[T] =
      ticket.createSource[Delta[T], IncSeq[T]](init)(new IncSeq[T](

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