rescala.extra.reactor.ReactorBundle.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package rescala.extra.reactor
import rescala.core.ReName
import rescala.interface.RescalaInterface
class ReactorBundle[Api <: RescalaInterface](val api: Api) {
import api._
class Reactor[T](
initState: State[ReactorState[T]]
) extends Derived with ReadableMacro[T] {
override type Value = ReactorState[T]
override protected[rescala] def state: State[ReactorState[T]] = initState
override protected[rescala] def name: ReName = "Custom Reactor"
override def read(v: ReactorState[T]): T = v.currentValue
override protected[rescala] def commit(base: Value): Value = base
/** called if any of the dependencies changed in the current update turn,
* after all (known) dependencies are updated
override protected[rescala] def reevaluate(input: ReIn): Rout = {
var progressedNextAction = false
def processActions[A](currentState: ReactorState[T]): ReactorState[T] = {
def setAction(value: T, remainingActions: List[ReactorAction[T]]): ReactorState[T] = {
processActions(currentState.copy(currentValue = value, currentStage = Stage(remainingActions)))
def nextAction[E](event: Event[E], handler: E => Stage[T]): ReactorState[T] = {
if (progressedNextAction) {
return currentState
val eventValue = input.depend(event)
eventValue match {
case None => currentState
case Some(value) =>
progressedNextAction = true
val stages = handler(value)
processActions(currentState.copy(currentStage = stages))
def loopAction(loopStage: Stage[T], initialStage: Stage[T]): ReactorState[T] = {
val resultState = processActions(currentState.copy(currentStage = loopStage))
if (resultState.currentStage.actions.isEmpty) {
return processActions(resultState.copy(currentStage = initialStage))
resultState.copy(currentStage = Stage(List(ReactorAction.LoopAction(resultState.currentStage, initialStage))))
def untilAction[E](event: Event[E], body: Stage[T], interrupt: E => Stage[T]): ReactorState[T] = {
val eventValue = input.depend(event)
eventValue match {
case None =>
val resultState = processActions(currentState.copy(currentStage = body))
resultState.copy(currentStage =
Stage(List(ReactorAction.UntilAction(event, resultState.currentStage, interrupt)))
case Some(value) =>
val stages = interrupt(value)
processActions(currentState.copy(currentStage = stages))
def modifyAction(modifier: T => T, currentValue: T, tail: List[ReactorAction[T]]): ReactorState[T] = {
val modifiedValue = modifier(currentValue)
setAction(modifiedValue, tail)
def readAction(builder: T => Stage[T], currentValue: T): ReactorState[T] = {
val nextStage = builder(currentValue)
processActions(currentState.copy(currentStage = nextStage))
currentState.currentStage.actions match {
case Nil => currentState
case ReactorAction.SetAction(v) :: tail =>
setAction(v, tail)
case ReactorAction.ModifyAction(modifier) :: tail =>
modifyAction(modifier, currentState.currentValue, tail)
case ReactorAction.NextAction(event, handler) :: _ =>
nextAction(event, handler)
case ReactorAction.ReadAction(builder) :: _ =>
readAction(builder, currentState.currentValue)
case ReactorAction.LoopAction(loopStage, initialStage) :: _ =>
loopAction(loopStage, initialStage)
case ReactorAction.UntilAction(event, body, interrupt) :: _ =>
untilAction(event, body, interrupt)
val resState = processActions(input.before)
override def resource: ReadAs[T] = this
def now(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): T = scheduler.singleReadValueOnce(this)
object Reactor {
/** Creates a new Reactor, which steps through the reactor stages ones.
* @param initialValue The initial value of the Reactor.
* @param initialStage The Stage defining the Reactors behaviour.
* @tparam T The type of the Reactor value.
* @return The created Reactor.
def once[T](
initialValue: T
)(initialStage: Stage[T]): Reactor[T] = {
createReactor(initialValue, initialStage)
/** Creates a new Reactor, which starts from the beginning, once it's finished.
* @param initialValue The initial value of the Reactor.
* @param initialStage The Stage defining the Reactors behaviour.
* @tparam T The type of the Reactor value.
* @return The created Reactor.
def loop[T](
initialValue: T
)(initialStage: Stage[T]): Reactor[T] = {
val loopingStage = initialStage.copy(List(ReactorAction.LoopAction(initialStage, initialStage)))
createReactor(initialValue, loopingStage)
private def createReactor[T](initialValue: T, initialStage: Stage[T])(implicit ct: CreationTicket): Reactor[T] = {
new ReactorState[T](initialValue, initialStage),
needsReevaluation = true
) { (createdState: State[ReactorState[T]]) =>
new Reactor[T](createdState)
sealed trait ReactorAction[T]
object ReactorAction {
case class SetAction[T](res: T) extends ReactorAction[T]
case class ModifyAction[T](modifier: T => T) extends ReactorAction[T]
case class NextAction[T, E](event: Event[E], handler: E => Stage[T])
extends ReactorAction[T]
case class ReadAction[T](stageBuilder: T => Stage[T]) extends ReactorAction[T]
case class LoopAction[T](currentStage: Stage[T], initialStage: Stage[T]) extends ReactorAction[T]
case class UntilAction[T, E](event: Event[E], body: Stage[T], interrupt: E => Stage[T])
extends ReactorAction[T]
case class ReactorState[T](currentValue: T, currentStage: Stage[T])
case class Stage[T](actions: List[ReactorAction[T]] = Nil) {
private def addAction(newValue: ReactorAction[T]): Stage[T] = {
copy(actions = actions :+ newValue)
/** Sets the value of the Reactor.
* @param newValue The new value of the Reactor.
* @return A StageBuilder describing the Reactor behaviour.
def set(newValue: T): Stage[T] = {
/** Modifies the value of the Reactor.
* @param modifier A function that has the old Reactor value as input and returns a new Reactor value.
* @return A StageBuilder describing the Reactor behaviour.
def modify(modifier: T => T): Stage[T] = {
/** Waits until the event is triggered.
* When the event is triggered the given body is executed in the
* same transaction.
* @param event the event to wait for.
* @param body the code to execute when the event is triggered.
* @tparam E the event's type.
def next[E](event: Event[E])(body: E => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
addAction(ReactorAction.NextAction(event, body))
/** Waits until the event is triggered.
* When the event is triggered the given body is executed in the
* same transaction.
* @param event the event to wait for.
* @param body the code to execute when the event is triggered.
def next(event: Event[Unit])(body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
addAction(ReactorAction.NextAction(event, (_: Unit) => body))
/** Reads the current reactor value.
* Executes the body with the current reactor value
* and expects another [[Stage]] as result.
* A usage example could be returning different [[Stage]]s
* depending on the event value.
* @param body The function building the resulting [[Stage]]
def read(body: T => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
/** Executes the body in a loop.
* @param body The [[Stage]] to be executes repeatedly
def loop(body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
addAction(ReactorAction.LoopAction(body, body))
/** Executes it's body until an event is fired.
* Until executes the body until the given event is fired.
* When the event is fired, until executes the interruptHandler.
* @param event The event indicating the interrupt.
* @param body The [[Stage]] to be executes by default.
* @param interruptHandler A function taking the interrupt event's value
* and returning a [[Stage]].
* It is executed when the interrupt is fired.
* @tparam E The type of the event value.
def until[E](event: Event[E], body: => Stage[T], interruptHandler: E => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
addAction(ReactorAction.UntilAction(event, body, interruptHandler))
/** Executes it's body until an event is fired.
* Until executes the body until the given event is fired.
* When the event is fired, until executes the interruptHandler.
* @param event The event indicating the interrupt.
* @param body The [[Stage]] to be executes by default.
* @param interruptHandler A function taking the interrupt event's value
* and returning a [[Stage]].
* It is executed when the interrupt is fired.
def until(event: Event[Unit], body: => Stage[T], interruptHandler: Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
val handler = { (_: Unit) => interruptHandler }
addAction(ReactorAction.UntilAction(event, body, handler))
/** Executes it's body until an event is fired.
* Until executes the body until the given event is fired.
* @param event The event indicating the interrupt.
* @param body The [[Stage]] to be executes by default.
* @tparam E The type of the event value.
def until(event: Event[Any], body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
val interrupHandler = { (_: Any) => Stage[T]() }
addAction(ReactorAction.UntilAction(event, body, interrupHandler))
object S {
def set[T](newValue: T): Stage[T] = {
def modify[T](modifier: T => T): Stage[T] = {
def next[T, E](event: Event[E])(body: E => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
def next[T](event: Event[Unit])(body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
def read[T](body: T => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
def loop[T](body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
def until[T, E](event: Event[E], body: => Stage[T], interruptHandler: E => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
Stage().until(event, body, interruptHandler)
def until[T](event: Event[Unit], body: => Stage[T], interruptHandler: Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
Stage().until(event, body, interruptHandler)
def until[T](event: Event[Any], body: => Stage[T]): Stage[T] = {
Stage().until(event, body)
def end[T]: Stage[T] = {
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