rescala.operator.Pulse.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package rescala.operator
import rescala.operator.Pulse.{Exceptional, NoChange, Value}
import rescala.operator.RExceptions.{EmptySignalControlThrowable, ObservedException}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
/** Pulse that stores a current value and can also indicate a potentially change to an updated value.
* A pulse may indicate that no current value has been set yet but updates must always contain a value.
* @tparam P Stored value type of the Pulse
sealed trait Pulse[+P] {
/** Checks if the pulse indicates a change
* @return True if the pulse indicates a change, false if not
final def isChange: Boolean =
this match {
case NoChange => false
case _ => true
/** If the pulse indicates a change: Applies a function to the updated value of the pulse and returns a new pulse
* indicating a change to this updated value.
* If the pulse doesn't indicate a change: Returns an empty pulse indicating no change.
* @param f Function to be applied on the updated pulse value
* @tparam Q Result type of the applied function
* @return Pulse indicating the update performed by the applied function or an empty pulse if there is no updated value
def map[Q](f: P => Q): Pulse[Q] =
this match {
case Value(value) => Value(f(value))
case NoChange => NoChange
case ex @ Exceptional(_) => ex
/** If the pulse indicates a change: Applies a function to the updated value. The function has to return a new pulse
* that is returned by this function.
* If the pulse doesn't indicate a change: Returns an empty pulse indicating no change.
* @param f Function to be applied on the updated pulse value
* @tparam Q Value type of the pulse returned by the applied function
* @return Pulse returned by the applied function or an empty pulse if there is no updated value
def flatMap[Q](f: P => Pulse[Q]): Pulse[Q] =
this match {
case Value(value) => f(value)
case NoChange => NoChange
case ex @ Exceptional(_) => ex
/** If the pulse indicates a change: Applies a filter function to the updated value of the pulse.
* Based on the filter function, the updated value is retained or an empty pulse is returned.
* If the pulse doesn't indicate a change: Returns an empty pulse indicating no change.
* @param p Filter function to be applied to the updated pulse value
* @return A pulse with the updated pulse value if the filter function returns true, an empty pulse otherwise
def filter(p: P => Boolean): Pulse[P] =
this match {
case c @ Value(value) if p(value) => c
case Value(_) => NoChange
case NoChange => NoChange
case ex @ Exceptional(_) => ex
def collect[U](pf: PartialFunction[P, U]): Pulse[U] =
this match {
case Value(value) => pf.andThen(Pulse.Value(_)).applyOrElse[P, Pulse[U]](value, _ => NoChange)
case NoChange => NoChange
case ex @ Exceptional(_) => ex
/** converts the pulse to an option of try */
def toOptionTry: Option[Try[P]] =
this match {
case Value(up) => Some(Success(up))
case NoChange => None
case Pulse.empty => None
case Exceptional(t) => Some(Failure(t))
def toOption: Option[P] =
this match {
case Value(update) => Some(update)
case NoChange => None
case Exceptional(t) => throw t
def get: P =
this match {
case Value(value) => value
case Exceptional(t) => throw t
case NoChange => throw new NoSuchElementException("Tried to access the value of a NoChange Pulse")
def getOrElse[U >: P](default: U): U =
this match {
case Value(value) => value
case _ => default
/** Object containing utility functions for using pulses */
object Pulse {
/** Transforms an optional value into a pulse. If the option doesn't contain a value, an empty pulse indicating no
* change is returned. Otherwise, a pulse with the option's value set as updated value is returned.
* @param opt Option to transform into a pulse
* @tparam P Value type of both option and returned pulse
* @return Pulse with the option's value set as updated value, or an empty pulse if the option doesn't have a value.
def fromOption[P](opt: Option[P]): Pulse[P] = opt.fold[Pulse[P]](NoChange)(Value.apply)
/** Transforms a Try into a Value or Exceptional Pulse */
def fromTry[P](tried: Try[P]): Pulse[P] =
tried match {
case Success(v) => Pulse.Value(v)
case Failure(e) => Pulse.Exceptional(e)
/** Transforms the given pulse and an updated value into a pulse indicating a change from the pulse's value to
* the given updated value.
def diffPulse[P](newValue: P, oldPulse: Pulse[P]): Pulse[P] =
oldPulse match {
case NoChange => Value(newValue)
case Value(oldValue) =>
if (newValue == oldValue) NoChange
else Value(newValue)
case ex @ Exceptional(t) => Value(newValue)
/** wrap a pulse generating function to store eventual exceptions into an exceptional pulse */
def tryCatch[P](f: => Pulse[P], onEmpty: Pulse[P] = Pulse.empty): Pulse[P] =
try f
catch {
case ufe: ObservedException => throw ufe
case npe: NullPointerException => throw npe
case EmptySignalControlThrowable => onEmpty
case NonFatal(t) => Exceptional(t)
/** the pulse representing an empty signal */
val empty: Pulse.Exceptional = Exceptional(EmptySignalControlThrowable)
/** Pulse indicating no change */
case object NoChange extends Pulse[Nothing]
/** Pulse indicating a change
* @param update Updated value stored by the pulse
final case class Value[+P](update: P) extends Pulse[P]
/** Pulse indicating an exception */
final case class Exceptional(throwable: Throwable) extends Pulse[Nothing]
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