de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.abstr.AbstractGraph Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.abstr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import de.invation.code.toval.types.HashList;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.ParameterException;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.Validate;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.Edge;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.Vertex;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.algorithm.coloring.Coloring;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.algorithm.coloring.GraphColoringFactory;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.exception.EdgeNotFoundException;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.exception.GraphException;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.graph.exception.VertexNotFoundException;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.traverse.Traversable;
* Directed Graph!
* Multiple edges are not allowed
* Self-loops are not allowed
* @author Thomas Stocker
* @param Vertex Type
* @param Edge Type
public abstract class AbstractGraph, E extends Edge, U> implements Traversable{
protected final String toStringFormat = "%s: V=%s \n E=%s \n";
protected String name = getDefaultName();
protected List edgeList = new HashList<>();
protected Map vertexMap = new HashMap<>();
protected Set elementSet = new HashSet<>();
protected Map> edgeContainers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//------- Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------
public AbstractGraph() {}
public AbstractGraph(String name) {
public AbstractGraph(Collection vertexes) {
public AbstractGraph(String name, Collection vertexes) {
//------- Graph properties --------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the name of the graph.
* @return The graph's name
public String getName(){
return name;
* Returns the default graph name.
* Instead of using a constant field the default name is given by a method
* to give subclasses overriding possibilities.
* @return The default name for graphs.
protected String getDefaultName(){
return "Graph";
* Sets the name of the graph.
* @param name The desired graph name.
* @throws ParameterException if the given name is null
public final void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Checks if the graph is empty (i.e. contains no vertexes).
* @return true
if the graph is empty;
* false
public boolean isEmpty(){
return edgeContainers.keySet().isEmpty();
* Checks if the graph is trivial (i.e. contains only one vertex).
* @return true
if the graph is trivial;
* false
public boolean isTrivial(){
return edgeContainers.keySet().size()<=1;
// /**
// * Checks if the graph is connected.
// * A graph is called connected if there is a set of undirected edges connecting them.
// * Connected graphs especially contain no separated vertexes.
// * @return true
if the graph is connected;
// * false
// * @see #getSeparatedVertexes()
// */
// public boolean isConnected(){
// return getSeparatedVertexes().isEmpty();
// }
* Returns all source vertexes of the graph.
* Source vertexes have no incoming, but at least one outgoing edge.
* @return A list of all source vertexes.
public List getSources(){
List sources = new ArrayList();
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
if(!getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasIncomingEdges() && getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasOutgoingEdges())
return sources;
* Returns all drain vertexes of the graph.
* Drain vertexes have no outgoing, but at least one incoming edge.
* @return A list of all drain vertexes.
public List getDrains(){
List drains = new ArrayList();
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
if(!getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasOutgoingEdges() && getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasIncomingEdges())
return drains;
* Returns all separated vertexes of the graph.
* Separated vertexes have no edges at all.
* @return A list of all separated vertexes.
public Set getSeparatedVertices(){
Set separatedVertexes = new HashSet();
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
return separatedVertexes;
public boolean hasSeparatedVertices(){
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasDrains(){
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasSources(){
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
return true;
return false;
//------- VERTEX manipulation methods --------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns all vertexes of this graph.
* @return A set containing all vertexes of this graph.
public Collection getVertices(){
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(vertexMap.values());
public Set getVertexNames(){
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(vertexMap.keySet());
public int getVertexCount(){
return vertexMap.keySet().size();
* Adds a vertex to the graph if it is not already contain an equal vertex.
* @param vertex Vertex to add
* @return
* Adds a vertex with the given name to the graph
* if it does not already contain a vertex with the same name.
* @param vertexName The name of the new vertex.
* @return true
if the vertex could be inserted;
* false
* @throws ParameterException if the vertex name is null
public boolean addVertex(String vertexName) {
return addVertex(vertexName, null);
* Adds a vertex with the given name and element to the graph
* if it does not already contain a vertex with the same name.
* @param vertexName The name of the new vertex.
* @param element The element of the new vertex.
* @return true
if the vertex could be inserted;
* false
* @throws ParameterException if the vertex name is null
public boolean addVertex(String vertexName, U element) {
return false;
vertexMap.put(vertexName, createNewVertex(vertexName, element));
edgeContainers.put(vertexName, new EdgeContainer());
return true;
* Adds vertexes with the given names to the graph.
* Vertex names have to be unique. In case the graph already contains vertexes with
* given names, less vertices than the given number of arguments may be added to the graph.
* This method calls {@link #addVertex(String)} for each vertex name.
* @param vertexNames Names for the graph vertices.
* @return true
if at least one vertex was successfully added;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the set of vertex names is null
* or contains null
* @see #addVertex(String)
public final boolean addVertices(Collection vertexNames) {
boolean updated = false;
for(String vertexName: vertexNames){
updated = true;
return updated;
// /**
// * Adds a new vertex containing the given element to the graph if it is not already contain an equal vertex.
// * @param element Element for which a vertex should be added.
// * @return true
if a new vertex could be inserted;
// * false
// */
// public boolean addElement(U element){
// V newVertex = createNewVertex(element);
// return addVertex(newVertex);
// }
// /**
// * Adds all specified elements by repeatedly calling the method {@link AbstractGraph#addElement(U)}.
// * @param elements Collection of elements to add
// * @return true
if all elements could be inserted;
// * false
// * @see AbstractGraph#addElement(U)
// */
// public boolean addAllElements(Collection elements){
// boolean check = true;
// for(U element: elements){
// check &= addElement(element);
// }
// return check;
// }
public boolean containsElement(U element){
return vertexMap.containsKey(name);
* Checks, if the graph contains the given vertex.
* @return true
if the specified vertex is present;
* false
protected boolean containsVertex(V vertex){
return containsVertex(vertex.getName());
* Checks, if the graph contains a vertex with the given name.
* @param name
* @return true
if the specified vertex is present;
* false
public boolean containsVertex(String name){
return vertexMap.containsKey(name);
* Checks, if the graph contains a vertex with the given name and object.
* @param name
* @return true
if the specified vertex is present;
* false
public boolean containsVertex(String name, U object){
return false;
if(getVertex(name).getElement() != object)
return false;
return true;
// /**
// * Checks, if the graph contains all given vertexes.
// * It uses the method {@link AbstractGraph#contains(Vertex)}
// * @param Vertex Vertex to check
// * @return true
if all specified vertexes are present;
// * false
// * @see AbstractGraph#contains(Vertex)
// */
// public boolean containsAllVertices(Collection vertexes){
// for(V v: vertexes){
// if(!contains(v))
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the reference of a contained node, that equals to the given node.
// * @param vertex
// * @return
// */
// public V getEqualVertex(V vertex) throws VertexNotFoundException{
// for(V v: edgeContainers.keySet()){
// if(v.equals(vertex)){
// return v;
// }
// }
// throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertex, this);
// }
// public E getEqualEdge(E edge) {
// for(E graphEdge: edgeSet){
// if(graphEdge.equals(edge)){
// return graphEdge;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
protected abstract V createNewVertex(String name, U element) ;
protected abstract E createNewEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex) ;
public V getVertex(String name){
return vertexMap.get(name);
* Returns the vertex, that holds the given element.
* @param element
* @return The vertex containing the given element;
* null
public V getVertex(Object element){
for(String vertexName: vertexMap.keySet()){
if(getVertex(vertexName).getElement() == element){
return getVertex(vertexName);
return null;
* Checks, if the graph contains a vertex, that holds the given element.
* @param element query element
* @return true
if a vertex was found;
* false
public boolean containsObject(Object element){
return getVertex(element) != null;
* Checks for every element within the given set,
* if the graph contains a vertex, that holds the element.
* It returns true, if this is true for every element.
* @param elements set of query elements
* @return true
if a vertex was found for every element;
* false
public boolean containsAllObjects(Collection extends Object> elements){
for(Object o: elements)
return false;
return true;
* Returns all Vertexes contained in the graph.
* @return All Vertexes within the graph
public Collection vertexes(){
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(vertexMap.values());
* Removes the vertex with the given name from the graph.
* Before removing the Vertex itself, all its edges are removed from the graph.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex to remove
* @return true
if the removal was successful;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException
* @see #removeEdge(Edge)
public boolean removeVertex(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException {
for(E vertexEdge: getEdgesFor(vertexName)){
return true;
//------- VERTEX property methods -------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the in-degree for the vertex with the given name (i.e. the number of incoming edges).
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the in-degree is requested.
* @return The number of incoming edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public int inDegreeOf(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
return getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getIncomingEdges().size();
* Returns the out-degree for the vertex with the given name (i.e. the number of outgoing edges).
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the out-degree is requested.
* @return The number of outgoing edges of vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public int outDegreeOf(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
return getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getOutgoingEdges().size();
* Checks if the vertex with the given name is a source vertex.
* A vertex is considered a source if it does not have incoming edges,
* but at least one outgoing edge.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the property is checked.
* @return true
if the vertex with the given name is a source vertex;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean isSource(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
return !getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasIncomingEdges() && getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasOutgoingEdges();
* Checks if the vertex with the given name is a drain vertex.
* A vertex is considered a drain if it does not have outgoing edges,
* but at least one incoming edge.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the property is checked.
* @return true
if the vertex with the given name is a drain vertex;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean isDrain(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
return !getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasOutgoingEdges() && getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasIncomingEdges();
* Checks if the vertex with the given name is separated.
* A vertex is considered separated if it has no edges at all.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the property is checked.
* @return true
if the vertex with the given name is separated;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean isSeparated(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
return getEdgeContainer(vertexName).isEmpty();
* Checks if the abstract graph is bipartite, i.e. it can be separated in
* two disjoint groups of vertices, which are not adjacent among themselves.
public boolean isBipartite() {
Coloring c = GraphColoringFactory.exactGreedyColoring(this);
return c.getColorGroups().size() == 2;
//------- EDGE manipulation methods ----------------------------------------------------------
public List getEdges(){
return Collections.unmodifiableList(edgeList);
public int getEdgeCount(){
return edgeList.size();
* Returns the corresponding Edge between the given source and target vertexes.
* @param sourceVertexName The name of the source vertex.
* @param targetVertexName The name of the target vertex.
* @return The corresponding edge between the given source and target vertexes.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the given vertexes are not found.
* @throws EdgeNotFoundException If there exists no edge between the given vertexes.
public E getEdge(String sourceVertexName, String targetVertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException, EdgeNotFoundException {
throw new VertexNotFoundException(sourceVertexName, this);
throw new VertexNotFoundException(targetVertexName, this);
for(Iterator iter=getEdgeContainer(sourceVertexName).getOutgoingEdges().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
E e = iter.next();
if (e.getTarget().getName().equals(targetVertexName)) {
return e;
throw new EdgeNotFoundException(sourceVertexName, targetVertexName, this);
* Checks, if the graph contains an edge between vertexes with the given names.
* @param sourceVertexName The name of the source vertex.
* @param targetVertexName The name of the target vertex.
* @return true
if the graph contains the edge;
* false
public boolean containsEdge(String sourceVertexName, String targetVertexName){
getEdge(sourceVertexName, targetVertexName);
return true;
} catch (GraphException e) {
return false;
* Adds a new edge between two vertexes with the given names to the graph.
* @param sourceVertexName The name of the source vertex.
* @param targetVertexName The name of the target vertex.
* @return The newly created edge or
* null
if the graph already contains an edge between the given source and target vertexes.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain vertexes
* that are equal to the given source and target vertexes.
public E addEdge(String sourceVertexName, String targetVertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(sourceVertexName, this);
throw new VertexNotFoundException(targetVertexName, this);
if(containsEdge(sourceVertexName, targetVertexName)){
return null;
E newEdge = createNewEdge(getVertex(sourceVertexName), getVertex(targetVertexName));
return newEdge;
// /**
// * Adds a new edge between the two given objects to this graph.
// * The method creates new Vertexes containing the objects and searches for equal graph vertexes
// * (no pure reference equality, see {@link Vertex#equals(Object)}).
// * It then tries create a new edge between them.
// * @param sourceElement The source object of this edge.
// * @param targetElement The target object of this edge.
// * @return The newly created edge or
// * null
if the graph already contains an edge between the given source and target objects.
// * @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain vertexes
// * that contain the given objects.
// */
// public E addEdge(U sourceElement, U targetElement) throws VertexNotFoundException{
// //Ensure parameter validity
// if(sourceElement.equals(targetElement))
// return null;
// V sourceVertex = createNewVertex(sourceElement);
// V targetVertex = createNewVertex(targetElement);
// return addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
// }
* Returns the edge container fort the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex vertex for which the edge container is requested.
* @return The edge container for the vertex with the given name.
protected EdgeContainer getEdgeContainer(String vertexName) {
return edgeContainers.get(vertexName);
public void printEdgeContainers(){
for(V vertex: getVertices()){
System.out.println(vertex.getName() + ": \n" + getEdgeContainer(vertex.getName()));
* Returns all edges (incoming + outgoing) of the given vertex.
* @param vertexName The vertex for which edges are requested.
* @return A set of all edged leading from or to the given vertex.
protected Set getEdgesFor(String vertexName) {
Set inAndOut = new HashSet();
return inAndOut;
* Checks if the vertex with the given name has outgoing edges.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex to check.
* @return true
if the vertex wit hthe given name has outgoing edges;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean hasOutgoingEdges(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasOutgoingEdges();
* Returns all outgoing edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the outgoing edges are requested.
* @return A list of all outgoing edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public List getOutgoingEdgesFor(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return Collections.unmodifiableList(getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getOutgoingEdges());
* Checks if the vertex with the given name has incoming edges.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex to check.
* @return true
if the vertex with the given name has incoming edges;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean hasIncomingEdges(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return getEdgeContainer(vertexName).hasIncomingEdges();
* Returns all incoming edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the incoming edges are requested.
* @return A list of all incoming edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public List getIncomingEdgesFor(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return Collections.unmodifiableList(getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getIncomingEdges());
* Removes an edge from the graph.
* Before removing the edge from the graph,
* it is removed from the corresponding source and target vertexes.
* @param edge Edge to remove
* @return true
if the removal was successful;
* false
if the graph does not contain the given edge.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain one of the edge vertexes.
protected boolean removeEdge(E edge) throws VertexNotFoundException{
//Disconnect edge from source and target vertex
//Remove edge
return edgeList.remove(edge);
* Removes an edge between two vertices.
* @param sourceVertexName The name of the source vertex.
* @param targetVertexName The name of the target vertex.
* @return true
if the removal was successful;
* false
if the graph does not contain an edge between the given vertexes.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain one of the edge vertexes.
* @throws EdgeNotFoundException If the graph does not contain an edge from the source to the target vertex.
public boolean removeEdge(String sourceVertexName, String targetVertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException, EdgeNotFoundException {
return removeEdge(getEdge(sourceVertexName, targetVertexName));
* Removes all given edges.
* @param edges The set of edges to remove.
* @return true
if the set of maintained edges was modified;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If there exists an edge vertex that is not contained in the graph.
protected boolean removeEdges(Collection edges) throws VertexNotFoundException{
boolean modified = false;
for (E e : edges) {
modified |= removeEdge(e);
return modified;
* Removes all outgoing edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the outgoing edges should be removed.
* @return true
if the set of maintained edges was modified;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public boolean removeOutgoingEdgesFor(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return removeEdges(getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getOutgoingEdges());
* Removes all incoming edges of the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex for which the incoming edges should be removed.
* @return true
if the set of maintained edges was modified;
* false
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain the given vertex.
public boolean removeIncomingEdgesFor(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
return removeEdges(getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getIncomingEdges());
//------- Reachability methods -----------------------------------------------------------
* Returns all parents of the vertex wit hthe given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex whose parents are requested.
* @return A list containing all parents of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public Set getParents(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
Set parents = new HashSet();
for(E e: getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getIncomingEdges()){
return parents;
* Returns all children of the vertex with the given name.
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex whose children are requested.
* @return A list containing all children of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
public Set getChildren(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
Set children = new HashSet();
for(E e: getEdgeContainer(vertexName).getOutgoingEdges()){
return children;
// @Override
// public Set getParents(U node) throws VertexNotFoundException,ParameterException {
// Set parents = new HashSet();
// for(E e: getEdgeContainer(getVertex(node)).getIncomingEdges()){
// parents.add(e.getSource().getElement());
// }
// return parents;
// }
// @Override
// public Set getChildren(U node) throws VertexNotFoundException,ParameterException {
// Set children = new HashSet();
// for(E e: getEdgeContainer(getVertex(node)).getOutgoingEdges()){
// children.add(e.getTarget().getElement());
// }
// return children;
// }
* Returns the neighbors of the vertex with the given name (children + parents).
* @param vertexName The name of the vertex whose neighbors are requested.
* @return A list containing all neighbors of the vertex with the given name.
* @throws VertexNotFoundException If the graph does not contain a vertex with the given name.
* @see #getChildren(Vertex)
* @see #getParents(Vertex)
public ArrayList getNeighbors(String vertexName) throws GraphException{
ArrayList neighbors = new ArrayList();
return neighbors;
public Collection getNodes() {
return getVertices();
//------- Output methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
public Collection getParents(V node) throws VertexNotFoundException {
return getParents(node.getName());
public Collection getChildren(V node) throws VertexNotFoundException {
return getChildren(node.getName());
public String toString(){
return String.format(toStringFormat, name,
//------- Other methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public Set getElementSet(){
return getElementSet(getVertices());
public Set getElementSet(Collection vertexes){
Set result = new HashSet(vertexes.size());
for(V vertex: vertexes)
return result;
public List getElementList(){
return getElementList(getVertices());
public List getElementList(Collection vertexes){
List result = new HashList();
for(V vertex: vertexes)
return result;
public int nodeCount() {
return edgeContainers.keySet().size();
protected void validateVertex(String vertexName) throws VertexNotFoundException{
throw new VertexNotFoundException(vertexName, this);
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