de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.AbstractPNMLParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import de.invation.code.toval.parser.ParserException;
import de.invation.code.toval.parser.XMLParserException;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.ParameterException;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.Validate;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.AbstractGraphicalPN;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.AbstractObjectGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.AbstractPNGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.AnnotationGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.ArcGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.NodeGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Dimension;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Fill;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Fill.GradientRotation;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Font;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Font.Align;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Font.Decoration;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Line;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Line.Shape;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Line.Style;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Offset;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.attributes.Position;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.PNMLParserException.ErrorCode;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractFlowRelation;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractMarking;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractPetriNet;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractPlace;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractTransition;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.util.PNUtils;
* Abstract super class of the PNML parsers containing methods to read elements
* and attributes occurring in all net types.
* @version 1.0
* @author Adrian Lange
* @param Type of Petri net places
* @param Type of Petri net transitions
* @param Type of Petri net relations
* @param Type of Petri net markings
* @param Type of Petri net place states
* @param Type of the Petri net
* @param Type of the Petri net graphics
public abstract class AbstractPNMLParser,
T extends AbstractTransition,
F extends AbstractFlowRelation,
M extends AbstractMarking,
S extends Object,
N extends AbstractPetriNet
G extends AbstractPNGraphics
> {
protected N net;
protected G graphics;
public G getGraphics() {
return graphics;
public N getNet() {
return net;
* Parses a DOM document file and returns a graphical petri net, which is a
* container for a petri net and its graphical information.
* @param pnmlDocument DOM document to parse
* @return Petri net with graphical information
* @throws ParserException
public abstract AbstractGraphicalPN
parse(Document pnmlDocument) throws ParserException;
* Parses a PNML document into an existing instance of an
* {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}. Use {@link #parse(Document)} to return an
* {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}.
* @param pnmlDocument PNML document to parse
* @throws ParserException
public void parseDocument(Document pnmlDocument) throws ParserException {
// Check if the net is defined on a single page
NodeList pageNodes = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("page");
if (pageNodes.getLength() > 1) {
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.NOT_ON_ONE_PAGE);
// Read places and transitions
NodeList placeNodes = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("place");
NodeList transitionNodes = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("transition");
// Read arcs
NodeList arcNodes = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("arc");
// Read net ID as name
String netName = readNetName(pnmlDocument);
if (netName != null) {
* Reads all arcs given in a list of DOM nodes and adds them to the
* {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}.
* @param arcNodes Arc {@link NodeList} to read
* @throws ParserException
protected abstract void readArcs(NodeList arcNodes) throws ParserException;
* Reads all places given in a list of DOM nodes and adds them to the
* {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}.
* @param placeNodes Place {@link NodeList} to read
* @throws ParserException
protected abstract void readPlaces(NodeList placeNodes) throws ParserException;
* Reads all transitions given in a list of DOM nodes and adds them to the
* {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}.
* @param transitionNodes Transition {@link NodeList} to read
* @throws ParserException
protected void readTransitions(NodeList transitionNodes) throws ParserException {
// read and add each transition
for (int t = 0; t < transitionNodes.getLength(); t++) {
if (transitionNodes.item(t).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element transition = (Element) transitionNodes.item(t);
// ID must be available in a valid net
String transitionName = PNUtils.sanitizeElementName(transition.getAttribute("id"), "t");
String transitionLabel = null;
// Check if there's a label
NodeList transitionLabels = transition.getElementsByTagName("name");
if (transitionLabels.getLength() == 1) {
transitionLabel = readText(transitionLabels.item(0));
if (transitionLabel != null && transitionLabel.length() == 0) {
transitionLabel = null;
// annotation graphics
AnnotationGraphics transitionLabelAnnotationGraphics = readAnnotationGraphicsElement((Element) transitionLabels.item(0));
if (transitionLabelAnnotationGraphics != null) {
graphics.getTransitionLabelAnnotationGraphics().put(transitionName, transitionLabelAnnotationGraphics);
if (transitionLabel != null) {
net.addTransition(transitionName, transitionLabel);
} else {
if (readSilent(transition)) {
// read graphical information
NodeGraphics transitionGraphics = readNodeGraphicsElement(transition);
if (transitionGraphics != null) {
graphics.getTransitionGraphics().put(transitionName, transitionGraphics);
* Reads the graphical information of an annotation element and returns a
* {@link AnnotationGraphics} object.
* @param annotationGraphicsElement Annotation graphics element to read
* @return An object of {@link AnnotationGraphics}
* @throws ParserException
public AnnotationGraphics readAnnotationGraphicsElement(Element annotationGraphicsElement) throws ParserException {
String elementType = annotationGraphicsElement.getNodeName();
if (!elementType.equals("name") && !elementType.equals("inscription") && !elementType.equals("colorInscription") && !elementType.equals("accessfunctions") && !elementType.equals("subjectgraphics")) {
throw new ParserException("The given element mustn't have an annotation.");
NodeList graphicsList = annotationGraphicsElement.getElementsByTagName("graphics");
for (int inscriptionIndex = 0; inscriptionIndex < graphicsList.getLength(); inscriptionIndex++) {
if (graphicsList.item(inscriptionIndex).getParentNode().equals(annotationGraphicsElement) && graphicsList.item(inscriptionIndex).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
AnnotationGraphics annotationGraphics = new AnnotationGraphics();
Element grphcs = (Element) graphicsList.item(inscriptionIndex);
// fill, font, line, offset, and offset
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("fill").getLength() > 0) {
Node fill = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("fill").item(0);
annotationGraphics.setFill(readFill((Element) fill));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("font").getLength() > 0) {
Node font = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("font").item(0);
annotationGraphics.setFont(readFont((Element) font));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").getLength() > 0) {
Node line = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").item(0);
annotationGraphics.setLine(readLine((Element) line));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("offset").getLength() > 0) {
Node offset = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("offset").item(0);
annotationGraphics.setOffset(readOffset((Element) offset));
// Read annotation visibility
return annotationGraphics;
// No graphics found
return null;
* Reads the visibility information of an annotation element and returns a
* boolean value.
* @param annotationNode Annotation node to read visibility from
* @return true
if annotation should be visible
public boolean readAnnotationVisibility(Node annotationNode) {
if (annotationNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
throw new ParameterException("The given annotation node is note of an element type.");
Element annotationElement = (Element) annotationNode;
NodeList toolspecificList = annotationElement.getElementsByTagName("toolspecific");
for (int toolspecificIndex = 0; toolspecificIndex < toolspecificList.getLength(); toolspecificIndex++) {
if (toolspecificList.item(toolspecificIndex).getParentNode().equals(annotationElement) && toolspecificList.item(toolspecificIndex).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element toolspecificElement = (Element) toolspecificList.item(toolspecificIndex);
if (toolspecificElement.hasAttribute("tool") && toolspecificElement.getAttribute("tool").equals("de.uni-freiburg.telematik.editor") && toolspecificElement.hasAttribute("version") && toolspecificElement.getAttribute("version").equals("1.0")) {
NodeList visibleList = toolspecificElement.getElementsByTagName("visible");
for (int visibleIndex = 0; visibleIndex < visibleList.getLength(); visibleIndex++) {
if (visibleList.item(visibleIndex).getParentNode().equals(toolspecificElement) && visibleList.item(visibleIndex).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element visibleElement = (Element) visibleList.item(visibleIndex);
String visibleString = visibleElement.getTextContent().trim().toLowerCase();
switch (visibleString) {
case "true":
return true;
case "false":
return false;
return AnnotationGraphics.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
* Reads the graphical information of an arc element and returns a
* {@link ArcGraphics} object.
* @param arcGraphicsElement Arc graphics element to read
* @return An object of {@link ArcGraphics}
* @throws ParserException
public ArcGraphics readArcGraphicsElement(Element arcGraphicsElement) throws ParserException {
String elementType = arcGraphicsElement.getNodeName();
if (!elementType.equals("arc")) {
throw new ParserException("The element must be of the type \"arc\".");
NodeList graphicsList = arcGraphicsElement.getElementsByTagName("graphics");
for (int arcIndex = 0; arcIndex < graphicsList.getLength(); arcIndex++) {
if (graphicsList.item(arcIndex).getParentNode().equals(arcGraphicsElement) && graphicsList.item(arcIndex).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
ArcGraphics arcGraphics = new ArcGraphics();
Element grphcs = (Element) graphicsList.item(arcIndex);
// positions and line
NodeList positionGraphics = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("position");
if (positionGraphics.getLength() > 0) {
Vector positions = new Vector<>(positionGraphics.getLength());
for (int positionIndex = 0; positionIndex < positionGraphics.getLength(); positionIndex++) {
positions.add(readPosition((Element) positionGraphics.item(positionIndex)));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").getLength() > 0) {
Node line = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").item(0);
arcGraphics.setLine(readLine((Element) line));
return arcGraphics;
// No graphics found
return null;
* Reads a dimension tag and returns it as {@link Dimension}. If validated,
* a dimension tag must contain a x and a y value. If one of them is missed,
* its value will be set to 0.
* @param dimensionNode Dimension node to read
* @return An object of {@link Dimension}
public Dimension readDimension(Element dimensionNode) {
Dimension dimension = new Dimension();
// read and set x and y values
Attr dimXAttr = dimensionNode.getAttributeNode("x");
if (dimXAttr != null) {
String dimXStr = dimXAttr.getValue();
if (dimXStr != null && dimXStr.length() > 0) {
double dimX = Double.parseDouble(dimXStr);
Attr dimYAttr = dimensionNode.getAttributeNode("y");
if (dimYAttr != null) {
String dimYStr = dimYAttr.getValue();
if (dimYStr != null && dimYStr.length() > 0) {
double dimY = Double.parseDouble(dimYStr);
return dimension;
* Reads a fill tag and returns it as {@link Fill}.
* @param fillNode Fill node to read
* @return An object of {@link Fill}
public Fill readFill(Element fillNode) {
Fill fill = new Fill();
// read and set color, gradientColor, gradientRotation, and image values
Attr fillColorAttr = fillNode.getAttributeNode("color");
if (fillColorAttr != null) {
String fillColorStr = fillColorAttr.getValue();
if (fillColorStr != null && fillColorStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fillGradientColorAttr = fillNode.getAttributeNode("gradient-color");
if (fillGradientColorAttr != null) {
String fillGradientColorStr = fillGradientColorAttr.getValue();
if (fillGradientColorStr != null && fillGradientColorStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fillGradientRotationAttr = fillNode.getAttributeNode("gradient-rotation");
if (fillGradientRotationAttr != null) {
String fillGradientRotationStr = fillGradientRotationAttr.getValue();
if (fillGradientRotationStr != null && fillGradientRotationStr.length() > 0) {
GradientRotation gradientRotation = GradientRotation.getGradientRotation(fillGradientRotationStr);
Attr fillImageAttr = fillNode.getAttributeNode("image");
if (fillImageAttr != null) {
String fillImageStr = fillImageAttr.getValue();
if (fillImageStr != null && fillImageStr.length() > 0) {
try {
URI fillImage = new URI(fillImageStr);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return fill;
* Reads a font tag and returns it as {@link Font}.
* @param fontNode Font node to read
* @return An object of {@link Font}
public Font readFont(Element fontNode) {
Font font = new Font();
// read and set align, decoration, family, rotation, size, style, and weight values
Attr fontAlignAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("align");
if (fontAlignAttr != null) {
String fontAlignStr = fontAlignAttr.getValue();
if (fontAlignStr != null && fontAlignStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fontDecorationAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("decoration");
if (fontDecorationAttr != null) {
String fontDecorationStr = fontDecorationAttr.getValue();
if (fontDecorationStr != null && fontDecorationStr.length() > 0) {
Decoration decoration = Decoration.getDecoration(fontDecorationStr);
Attr fontFamilyAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("family");
if (fontFamilyAttr != null) {
String fontFamilyStr = fontFamilyAttr.getValue();
if (fontFamilyStr != null && fontFamilyStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fontRotationAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("rotation");
if (fontRotationAttr != null) {
String fontRotationStr = fontRotationAttr.getValue();
if (fontRotationStr != null) {
double fontRotation = Double.parseDouble(fontRotationStr);
if (fontRotation != 0) {
Attr fontSizeAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("size");
if (fontSizeAttr != null) {
String fontSizeStr = fontSizeAttr.getValue();
if (fontSizeStr != null && fontSizeStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fontStyleAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("style");
if (fontStyleAttr != null) {
String fontStyleStr = fontStyleAttr.getValue();
if (fontStyleStr != null && fontStyleStr.length() > 0) {
Attr fontWeightAttr = fontNode.getAttributeNode("weight");
if (fontWeightAttr != null) {
String fontWeightStr = fontWeightAttr.getValue();
if (fontWeightStr != null && fontWeightStr.length() > 0) {
return font;
* Reads the graphics tag of the given element.
* @param element Element tag to read the graphics tag from
* @return An object of {@link AbstractObjectGraphics}
* @throws ParserException
public AbstractObjectGraphics readGraphics(Element element) throws ParserException {
// get node element type
String elementType = element.getNodeName();
switch (elementType) {
case "place":
case "transition":
return readNodeGraphicsElement(element);
case "arc":
return readArcGraphicsElement(element);
case "inscription":
case "colorInscription":
case "accessfunctions":
case "subject":
return readAnnotationGraphicsElement(element);
return null;
* Reads an initial marking tag and returns its value as {@link Integer}.
* @param initialMarkingNode Node to read the initial marking from
* @return An integer value representing the initial marking
* @throws XMLParserException
public int readInitialMarking(Node initialMarkingNode) throws XMLParserException {
String markingStr = readText(initialMarkingNode);
if (markingStr != null) {
int marking = Integer.parseInt(markingStr);
return marking;
} else {
return 0;
* Reads a line tag and returns it as {@link Line}.
* @param lineNode Node to read the line tag from
* @return An object of {@link Line}
public Line readLine(Element lineNode) {
Line line = new Line();
// read and set color, shape, style, and width values
Attr lineColorAttr = lineNode.getAttributeNode("color");
if (lineColorAttr != null) {
String lineColorStr = lineColorAttr.getValue();
if (lineColorStr != null && lineColorStr.length() > 0) {
Attr lineShapeAttr = lineNode.getAttributeNode("shape");
if (lineShapeAttr != null) {
String lineShapeStr = lineShapeAttr.getValue();
if (lineShapeStr != null && lineShapeStr.length() > 0) {
Shape shape = Shape.getShape(lineShapeStr);
Attr lineStyleAttr = lineNode.getAttributeNode("style");
if (lineStyleAttr != null) {
String lineStyleStr = lineStyleAttr.getValue();
if (lineStyleStr != null && lineStyleStr.length() > 0) {
Style style = Style.getStyle(lineStyleStr);
Attr lineWidthAttr = lineNode.getAttributeNode("width");
if (lineWidthAttr != null) {
String lineWidthStr = lineWidthAttr.getValue();
if (lineWidthStr != null && lineWidthStr.length() > 0) {
double lineWidth = Double.parseDouble(lineWidthStr);
return line;
* Reads the ID-attribute of the net-tag in a PNML document.
* @param pnmlDocument PNML document to read the net name from
* @return Net name
public String readNetName(Document pnmlDocument) {
// Read net ID as name
NodeList netList = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("net");
for (int i = 0; i < netList.getLength(); i++) {
if (netList.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && netList.item(i).getParentNode().equals(pnmlDocument.getDocumentElement())) {
Element netElement = (Element) netList.item(i);
if (netElement.hasAttribute("id")) {
String id = PNUtils.sanitizeElementName(netElement.getAttribute("id"), "n");
if (id.length() > 0) {
return id;
return null;
* Reads the graphical information of a node element line a place or a
* transition and returns a {@link NodeGraphics} object.
* @param nodeGraphicsElement Node to read graphics from
* @return An object of {@link NodeGraphics}
* @throws ParserException
public NodeGraphics readNodeGraphicsElement(Element nodeGraphicsElement) throws ParserException {
String elementType = nodeGraphicsElement.getNodeName();
if (!elementType.equals("place") && !elementType.equals("transition")) {
throw new ParserException("The node must be of the type \"place\" or \"transition\".");
NodeList graphicsList = nodeGraphicsElement.getElementsByTagName("graphics");
for (int placeTagIndex = 0; placeTagIndex < graphicsList.getLength(); placeTagIndex++) {
if (graphicsList.item(placeTagIndex).getParentNode().equals(nodeGraphicsElement) && graphicsList.item(placeTagIndex).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
NodeGraphics nodeGraphics = new NodeGraphics();
Element grphcs = (Element) graphicsList.item(placeTagIndex);
// dimension, fill, line, position
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("dimension").getLength() > 0) {
Node dimension = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("dimension").item(0);
nodeGraphics.setDimension(readDimension((Element) dimension));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("fill").getLength() > 0) {
Node fill = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("fill").item(0);
nodeGraphics.setFill(readFill((Element) fill));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").getLength() > 0) {
Node line = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("line").item(0);
nodeGraphics.setLine(readLine((Element) line));
if (grphcs.getElementsByTagName("position").getLength() > 0) {
Node position = grphcs.getElementsByTagName("position").item(0);
nodeGraphics.setPosition(readPosition((Element) position));
return nodeGraphics;
// No graphics found
return null;
* Reads an offset tag and returns it as {@link Offset}. If validated, an
* offset tag must contain a x and a y value. If one of them is missed, its
* value will be set to 0.
* @param offsetNode Node to read the offset from
* @return An object of {@link Offset}
public Offset readOffset(Element offsetNode) {
Offset offset = new Offset();
// read and set x and y values
Attr offsXAttr = offsetNode.getAttributeNode("x");
if (offsXAttr != null) {
String offsXStr = offsXAttr.getValue();
if (offsXStr != null && offsXStr.length() > 0) {
double offsetX = Double.parseDouble(offsXStr);
Attr offsYAttr = offsetNode.getAttributeNode("y");
if (offsYAttr != null) {
String offsYStr = offsYAttr.getValue();
if (offsYStr != null && offsYStr.length() > 0) {
double offsetY = Double.parseDouble(offsYStr);
return offset;
* Reads a position tag and returns it as {@link Position}. If validated, a
* position tag must contain a x and a y value. If one of them is missed,
* its value will be set to 0.
* @param positionNode Element to read the position from
* @return An object of {@link Position}
public Position readPosition(Element positionNode) {
Position position = new Position();
// read and set x and y values
Attr posXAttr = positionNode.getAttributeNode("x");
if (posXAttr != null) {
String posXStr = posXAttr.getValue();
if (posXStr != null && posXStr.length() > 0) {
double posX = Double.parseDouble(posXStr);
Attr posYAttr = positionNode.getAttributeNode("y");
if (posYAttr != null) {
String posYStr = posYAttr.getValue();
if (posYStr != null && posYStr.length() > 0) {
double posY = Double.parseDouble(posYStr);
return position;
* Reads a silent tag and returns it as {@link Boolean}. If it's not found,
* the method returns false
* @param transitionElement Reads the silent tag from a transition element
* @return Boolean value representing the value of the silent tag
public boolean readSilent(Element transitionElement) {
NodeList silentList = transitionElement.getElementsByTagName("silent");
for (int i = 0; i < silentList.getLength(); i++) {
if (silentList.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && silentList.item(i).getParentNode().equals(transitionElement)) {
Element silentElement = (Element) silentList.item(i);
String silent = silentElement.getTextContent();
if (silent.equals("true")) {
return true;
return false;
* Reads the content of text tags and returns them as string.
* @param textNode Node to read the text from
* @return Text value
* @throws XMLParserException
public String readText(Node textNode) throws XMLParserException {
if (textNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
throw new XMLParserException(de.invation.code.toval.parser.XMLParserException.ErrorCode.TAGSTRUCTURE);
Element textElement = (Element) textNode;
NodeList textNodes = textElement.getElementsByTagName("text");
if (textNodes.getLength() > 0) {
// Iterate through all text nodes and take only that with the given node as parent
for (int i = 0; i < textNodes.getLength(); i++) {
if (textNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && textNodes.item(i).getParentNode().equals(textNode)) {
Element text = (Element) textNodes.item(i);
return text.getTextContent();
return null;
* Gets a tokenposition node and reads its x and y attributes. Returns a
* {@link Position}.
* @param tokenPositionNode Read position from token position node
* @return An object of {@link Position}
public Position readTokenPosition(Element tokenPositionNode) {
Position tokenPosition = new Position();
// read and set x and y values
Attr posXAttr = tokenPositionNode.getAttributeNode("x");
if (posXAttr != null) {
String posXStr = posXAttr.getValue();
if (posXStr != null && posXStr.length() > 0) {
double posX = Double.parseDouble(posXStr);
Attr posYAttr = tokenPositionNode.getAttributeNode("y");
if (posYAttr != null) {
String posYStr = posYAttr.getValue();
if (posYStr != null && posYStr.length() > 0) {
double posY = Double.parseDouble(posYStr);
return tokenPosition;
* Sets the graphics information
* @param graphics Graphics to set
public void setGraphics(G graphics) {
this.graphics = graphics;
* Sets the net
* @param net Net to set
public void setNet(N net) {
this.net = net;