de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.PNMLParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.iso_relax.verifier.Verifier;
import org.iso_relax.verifier.VerifierConfigurationException;
import org.iso_relax.verifier.VerifierFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import de.invation.code.toval.parser.ParserException;
import de.invation.code.toval.parser.XMLParserException;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.Validate;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.AbstractGraphicalPN;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.graphic.netgraphics.AbstractPNGraphics;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.PNParserInterface;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.PNParsingFormat;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.PNMLParserException.ErrorCode;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.cpn.PNMLCPNParser;
import static de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.ifnet.AnalysisContextParser.ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_SCHEMA;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.ifnet.LabelingParser;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.ifnet.PNMLIFNetParser;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.pt.PNMLPTNetParser;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.parser.pnml.timedNet.PNMLTimedNetParser;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.NetType;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractFlowRelation;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractMarking;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractPetriNet;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractPlace;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractTransition;
* This class estimates the PNML type and chooses a fitting parser.
* The process of parsing a PNML file is the following:
* - Check if the document is well-formed XML.
* - Determine net type by reading the net type URI (get type from URINettypeRefs table).
* - Read the net type specific net components. To avoid violating a constraint, the objects must be read in multiple iterations:
* - Read nodes (places and transitions) with their marking and labeling.
* - Read edges (arcs) with their annotations and specific starting and ending nodes.
* @author Adrian Lange
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param
public class PNMLParser ,
T extends AbstractTransition,
F extends AbstractFlowRelation,
M extends AbstractMarking,
S extends Object,
N extends AbstractPetriNet
G extends AbstractPNGraphics
> implements PNParserInterface {
/** Relax NG namespace */
public final static String RNG_NAMESPACE = "http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0";
private static final String PNTD_PATH = "/pntd/";
public static final String PTNET_PNTD = PNTD_PATH + "ptnet.pntd";
public static final String CPNET_PNTD = PNTD_PATH + "cpnet.pntd";
public static final String IFNET_PNTD = PNTD_PATH + "ifnet.pntd";
public static final String RTPNET_PNTD = PNTD_PATH + "rtpnet.pntd";
public static final String ANALYSISCONTEXT_RNG = PNTD_PATH + "analysiscontext.rng";
public static final String CONVENTIONS_RNG = PNTD_PATH + "conventions.rng";
public static final String LABELING_RNG = PNTD_PATH + "labeling.rng";
* Returns the net type name by its URI.
private NetType getPNMLType(String pntdURI) throws PNMLParserException {
return NetType.getNetType(pntdURI);
* Returns the PNML type URI from a given DOM {@link Document}.
private String getPNMLTypeURI(Document pnmlDocument) throws PNMLParserException {
// Get all elements named net, which should result in only one element
NodeList netElement = pnmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("net");
if (netElement == null || netElement.getLength() != 1)
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.MISSING_NET_TAG);
Node netTypeURINode = netElement.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("type");
if (netTypeURINode == null)
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.MISSING_NET_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
// Read and return type attribute
String netTypeURI = netTypeURINode.getNodeValue();
return netTypeURI;
* Parse a PNML file and require it to be valid.
* @param pnmlFile
* Path to the file to be parsed
* @return A {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}, acting as container for a petri net and its graphical information.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParserException
public AbstractGraphicalPN
parse(String pnmlFile) throws IOException, ParserException {
return this.parse(pnmlFile, true, true);
* Parses a PNML {@link File}.
* @param pnmlFile
* File to parse
* @param requireNetType
* Set to true
if the net type should be required. If the net type can't be determined an exception will be thrown. If set to false
, the parser will try to read the file as P/T-net.
* @param verifySchema
* Set to true
if the given file should be validated by the petri net type definition of the given file.
* @return A {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}, acting as container for a petri net and its graphical information.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParserException
public AbstractGraphicalPN
parse(String pnmlFile, boolean requireNetType, boolean verifySchema) throws IOException, ParserException{
File inputFile = new File(pnmlFile);
if (inputFile.isDirectory())
throw new IOException("I/O Error on opening file: File is a directory!");
if (!inputFile.exists())
throw new IOException("I/O Error on opening file: File does not exist!");
if (!inputFile.canRead())
throw new IOException("I/O Error on opening file: Unable to read file!");
return this.parse(inputFile, requireNetType, verifySchema);
* Parse a PNML file and require it to be valid.
* @param pnmlFile
* File to be parsed
* @return A {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}, acting as container for a petri net and its graphical information.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParserException
public AbstractGraphicalPN
parse(File pnmlFile) throws IOException, ParserException {
return this.parse(pnmlFile, true, true);
* Parses a PNML {@link File}.
* @param pnmlFile
* File to parse
* @param requireNetType
* Set to true
if the net type should be required. If the net type can't be determined an exception will be thrown. If set to false
, the parser will try to read the file as P/T-net.
* @param verifySchema
* Set to true
if the given file should be validated by the petri net type definition of the given file.
* @return A {@link AbstractGraphicalPN}, acting as container for a petri net and its graphical information.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParserException
public AbstractGraphicalPN
parse(File pnmlFile, boolean requireNetType, boolean verifySchema) throws IOException, ParserException {
Document pnmlDocument = readRNGFile(pnmlFile);
// Try to find out the net type
String netTypeStringURI = getPNMLTypeURI(pnmlDocument);
NetType netType = getPNMLType(netTypeStringURI);
if (requireNetType && netType == NetType.Unknown)
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.INVALID_NET_TYPE);
if (netType == NetType.Unknown) {
netType = NetType.PTNet;
if (verifySchema) {
verifySchema(pnmlFile, NetType.getVerificationURL(netType));
// ugly unbounded wildcard as work-around for bug JDK-6932571
Object graphicalPN = null;
switch (netType) {
case PTNet:
case Unknown:
PNMLPTNetParser ptnetParser = new PNMLPTNetParser();
graphicalPN = ptnetParser.parse(pnmlDocument);
case CPN:
PNMLCPNParser cpnParser = new PNMLCPNParser();
graphicalPN = cpnParser.parse(pnmlDocument);
case IFNet:
PNMLIFNetParser ifnetParser = new PNMLIFNetParser();
graphicalPN = ifnetParser.parse(pnmlDocument);
case RTPTnet:
PNMLTimedNetParser rtpnParser = new PNMLTimedNetParser();
graphicalPN = rtpnParser.parse(pnmlDocument);
if (graphicalPN != null)
return (AbstractGraphicalPN
) graphicalPN;
throw new ParserException("Couldn't determine a proper PNML parser.");
* Reads a RelaxNG file and converts it to a DOM {@link Document}.
* @param pnmlFile
* PNML file to read
* @return Readable, well-formed and normalized PNML document
* @throws IOException
* @throws XMLParserException
public static Document readRNGFile(File pnmlFile) throws IOException, XMLParserException {
// Check if pnmlFile exists and is readable
if (!pnmlFile.exists())
throw new IOException("The given PNML file doesn't exist.");
if (!pnmlFile.canRead())
throw new IOException("The given PNML file exists but is not readable.");
Document pnmlDocument = null;
try {
// Check if PNML file is well-formed and return the DOM document
DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
pnmlDocument = dBuilder.parse(pnmlFile);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new XMLParserException();
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new XMLParserException(de.invation.code.toval.parser.XMLParserException.ErrorCode.TAGSTRUCTURE);
return pnmlDocument;
* Verifies a PNML file based on a given petri net type definition. An exception will be thrown if the PNML file is not verified.
* @param pnmlFile
* File to verify
* @param pntdUrl
* {@link URL} of the petri net type definition
* @throws IOException
* @throws PNMLParserException
public static void verifySchema(File pnmlFile, URL pntdUrl) throws IOException, PNMLParserException {
// Create verifier factory instance with PNML namespace
VerifierFactory factory = null;
try {
factory = VerifierFactory.newInstance(RNG_NAMESPACE);
} catch (VerifierConfigurationException e) {
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, e.getMessage());
// Open stream to PNTD
InputStream in = null;
if (pntdUrl.equals(NetType.getVerificationURL(NetType.PTNet))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(PTNET_PNTD);
} else if (pntdUrl.equals(NetType.getVerificationURL(NetType.CPN))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(CPNET_PNTD);
} else if (pntdUrl.equals(NetType.getVerificationURL(NetType.IFNet))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(IFNET_PNTD);
} else if (pntdUrl.equals(NetType.getVerificationURL(NetType.RTPTnet))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(RTPNET_PNTD);
} else if (pntdUrl.equals(new URL(ANALYSIS_CONTEXT_SCHEMA))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(ANALYSISCONTEXT_RNG);
} else if (pntdUrl.equals(new URL(LabelingParser.LABELING_SCHEMA))) {
in = PNMLParser.class.getResourceAsStream(LABELING_RNG);
} else {
URLConnection connection = pntdUrl.openConnection();
in = connection.getInputStream();
// Create verifier with PNTD input stream and validate
Verifier verifier = null;
try {
verifier = factory.newVerifier(in);
} catch (VerifierConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException e) {
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, e.getMessage());
try {
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new PNMLParserException(ErrorCode.VALIDATION_FAILED, e.getMessage());
public PNParsingFormat getParsingFormat() {
return PNParsingFormat.PNML;