de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr.AbstractPetriNet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.abstr;
import de.invation.code.toval.misc.NamedComponent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.ParameterException;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.ParameterException.ErrorCode;
import de.invation.code.toval.validate.Validate;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.jagal.traverse.Traversable;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.CapacityEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.FlowRelationListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.MarkingChangeEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PNMarkingListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PNMarkingListenerSupport;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PNStructureListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PNStructureListenerSupport;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PlaceChangeEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.PlaceListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.RelationChangeEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.RelationConstraintEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.TokenEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.TokenListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.TransitionChangeEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.TransitionEvent;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.event.TransitionListener;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.exception.PNException;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.NetType;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.petrinet.PNComplexity;
import de.uni.freiburg.iig.telematik.sepia.util.PNUtils;
* Abstract class for defining Petri nets and their properties.
* It contains major properties like the places, transitions and relations of a
* Petri net and provides methods for adding/removing them.
* It keeps track of the nets' state by remembering the marking of the net which
* describes the number and kind of tokens contained in net places. The net
* state changes when transitions fire. Using listeners, the net reacts on
* changes of transitions and places that belong to the net.
* It also keeps track of enabled transitions, transition and place
* sources/drains. A transition is enabled if all its precondition hold.
* Preconditions are defined in the sense of constraints on the number and
* kind
* of tokens contained in places that have outgoing relations to the
* transition.
* In case an enabled transition fires, it removes tokens from incoming places
* and puts tokens into outgoing places.
* This class allows to fire an enabled transition.
* In case there is more than one transition, the FlowControl determines the
* transition to fire.
* @author Thomas Stocker
* @param Type of Petri net places
* @param Type of Petri net transitions
* @param Type of Petri net relations
* @param Type of Petri net markings
* @param Type of Petri net place states
public abstract class AbstractPetriNet< P extends AbstractPlace,
T extends AbstractTransition,
F extends AbstractFlowRelation,
M extends AbstractMarking,
S extends Object>
implements TransitionListener>,
NamedComponent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7324151598039390349L;
* Name of the Petri net.
protected String name = "PetriNet";
* Map that contains Petri net places indexed with their names.
protected Map places = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net places without incoming relations.
protected Map sourcePlaces = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net places without outgoing relations.
protected Map drainPlaces = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net transitions indexed with their names.
protected Map transitions = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net transitions without incoming relations.
protected Map sourceTransitions = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net transitions without outgoing relations.
protected Map drainTransitions = new HashMap<>();
* Map that contains Petri net relations indexed with their names.
protected Map relations = new HashMap<>();
* A list that contains all enabled transitions.
protected List enabledTransitions = new ArrayList<>();
* The last fired transition.
protected T lastFiredTransition = null;
* The initial marking of the Petri net.
* This marking defines the initial state of a Petri net, before the firing
* of any transitions.
protected M initialMarking = null;
* The actual marking of the Petri net.
* This marking changes whenever transitions fire and tokens are added to or
* removed from net places.
protected M marking = null;
protected PNStructureListenerSupport structureListenerSupport = new PNStructureListenerSupport<>();
protected PNMarkingListenerSupport markingListenerSupport = new PNMarkingListenerSupport<>();
//------- Constructors --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a new Petri net, using a DefaultFlow as flow control.
* The next enabled transition is chosen randomly.
public AbstractPetriNet() {
initialMarking = createNewMarking();
marking = createNewMarking();
* Creates a new Petri net using a DefaultFlow as flow control.
* The next enabled transition is chosen randomly.
* @param places Names of Petri net places to add.
* @param transitions Names of Petri net transition to add.
* @throws ParameterException If some parameters are null
* contain null
public AbstractPetriNet(Set places, Set transitions) {
* Initialization method for basic properties and fields.
* Called by default constructor.
protected void initialize() {
//------- Basic properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the name of the Petri net.
* @return The name of the Petri net.
public final String getName() {
return name;
* Sets the name of the Petri net to the given name.
* @param name New name for the Petri net.
* @throws ParameterException If the given name is null
public final void setName(String name) {
PNUtils.validateElementName(name); = name;
* Checks if the Petri net has enabled transitions that are ready to fire.
* @return true
if the net has enabled transitions;
* false
public boolean hasEnabledTransitions() {
return enabledTransitions.size() > 0;
* Returns a list of all enabled transitions.
* @return A list of enabled transitions.
public List getEnabledTransitions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(enabledTransitions);
* Returns the last fired transition.
* @return The last fired transition or null
if no transition
* was fired so far.
public T getLastFiredTransition() {
return lastFiredTransition;
public abstract NetType getNetType();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return places.isEmpty() && transitions.isEmpty() && relations.isEmpty();
public abstract Class> getMarkingGraphClass();
//------- Transitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the Petri net transitions.
* @return A collection of Petri net transitions.
public Collection getTransitions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(transitions.values());
public int getTransitionCount() {
return transitions.size();
public Collection getTransitions(boolean includeSilentTransitions) {
if (includeSilentTransitions) {
return getTransitions();
List result = new ArrayList<>(getTransitions());
return result;
public Collection getSilentTransitions() {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (T transition : transitions.values()) {
if (transition.isSilent()) {
return result;
* Returns the Petri net source transitions.
* @return A collection of Petri net transitions.
public Collection getSourceTransitions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(sourceTransitions.values());
* Returns the Petri net drain transitions.
* @return A collection of Petri net transitions.
public Collection getDrainTransitions() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(drainTransitions.values());
* Returns the transition with the given name.
* @param transitionName The name of the desired transition.
* @return The Petri net transition with the given name
* or null
if the net does not contain a transition with the
* given name.
public T getTransition(String transitionName) {
return transitions.get(transitionName);
* Returns all transitions with the given label.
* @param label The label of all desired transitions.
* @return A set of all transitions with the given label.
public Set getTransitions(String label) {
Set result = new HashSet<>();
for (T transition : transitions.values()) {
if (transition.getLabel().equals(label)) {
return result;
* Adds transitions with the given names to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains
* transitions with given names, less transitions than the given number of
* arguments may be added to the Petri net.
* This method calls {@link #addTransition(String)} for each transition
* name.
* @param transitionNames Names for the Petri net transitions.
* @return true
if at least one transition was successfully
* added;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the set of transition names is
* null
or some transition names are null
* @see #addTransition(String)
public final boolean addTransitions(Collection transitionNames) {
return addTransitions(transitionNames, true);
* Adds transitions with the given names to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains
* transitions with given names, less transitions than the given number of
* arguments may be added to the Petri net.
* This method calls {@link #addTransition(String)} for each transition
* name.
* @param transitionNames Names for the Petri net transitions.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if at least one transition was successfully
* added;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the set of transition names is
* null
or some transition names are null
* @see #addTransition(String)
public final boolean addTransitions(Collection transitionNames, boolean notifyListeners) {
boolean updated = false;
for (String transitionName : transitionNames) {
if (addTransition(transitionName, notifyListeners)) {
updated = true;
return updated;
* Adds a transition with the given name to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addTransition(String transitionName) {
return addTransition(transitionName, true);
* Adds a transition with the given name to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addTransition(String transitionName, boolean notifyListeners) {
return addTransition(transitionName, transitionName, notifyListeners);
* Adds a transition with the given name and label to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param transitionLabel the label for the Petri net transition.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addTransition(String transitionName, String transitionLabel) {
return addTransition(transitionName, transitionLabel, true);
* Adds a transition with the given name and label to the Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param transitionLabel the label for the Petri net transition.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addTransition(String transitionName, String transitionLabel, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsTransition(transitionName)) {
return false;
return addTransition(createNewTransition(transitionName, transitionLabel, false), notifyListeners);
* Adds a transition with the given name and silent-state to the Petri
* net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addSilentTransition(String transitionName) {
return addSilentTransition(transitionName, true);
* Adds a transition with the given name and silent-state to the Petri
* net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addSilentTransition(String transitionName, boolean notifyListeners) {
return addSilentTransition(transitionName, transitionName, notifyListeners);
* Adds a transition with the given name, label and silent-state to the
* Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param transitionLabel the label for the Petri net transition.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addSilentTransition(String transitionName, String transitionLabel) {
return addSilentTransition(transitionName, transitionLabel, true);
* Adds a transition with the given name, label and silent-state to the
* Petri net.
* Transitions names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a
* transition with the given name, no transition is added to the net.
* @param transitionName The name for the Petri net transition.
* @param transitionLabel the label for the Petri net transition.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the transition name is null
public boolean addSilentTransition(String transitionName, String transitionLabel, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsTransition(transitionName)) {
return false;
return addTransition(createNewTransition(transitionName, transitionLabel, true), notifyListeners);
* Protected method for adding a transition of type T
to the
* transition map.
* This method is called from {@link #addTransition(String)} which checks if
* there already exists a transition with equal name before making the call.
* @param transition The Petri net transition to add.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if transition has been added successvully.
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition is null
protected boolean addTransition(T transition, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsTransition(transition)) {
return false;
transitions.put(transition.getName(), transition);
if (notifyListeners) {
return true;
* Checks if the Petri net contains the given transition.
* @param transition The transition to check.
* @return true
if the net contains the transition;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition is null
protected boolean containsTransition(T transition) {
return containsTransition(transition.getName());
* Checks if the Petri net contains a transition with the given name.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition to check.
* @return true
if the net contains a transition with the given
* name;
* false
public boolean containsTransition(String transitionName) {
return transitions.keySet().contains(transitionName);
* Removes the transition with the given name from the Petri net.
* On removing a transition, all corresponding relations are removed as
* well.
* @param transitionName The name of the place to remove
* @return true
if the transition was successfully removed from
* the net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition name is
* null
public boolean removeTransition(String transitionName) {
return removeTransition(transitionName, true);
* Removes the transition with the given name from the Petri net.
* On removing a transition, all corresponding relations are removed as
* well.
* @param transitionName The name of the place to remove
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the transition was successfully removed from
* the net;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition name is
* null
public boolean removeTransition(String transitionName, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsTransition(transitionName)) {
return false;
return removeTransition(transitions.get(transitionName), notifyListeners);
protected boolean removeTransition(T transition, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsTransition(transition)) {
return false;
int affectedRelations =;
for (F relation : transition.getIncomingRelations()) {
removeFlowRelation(relation, notifyListeners);
for (F relation : transition.getOutgoingRelations()) {
removeFlowRelation(relation, notifyListeners);
if (notifyListeners) {
structureListenerSupport.notifyTransitionRemoved(transition, affectedRelations);
return true;
* Creates a new transition of type T
with the given name.
* This method is abstract because only subclasses know the type
* T
of their transitions.
* @param name The name for the new transition.
* @param label The label for the new transition.
* @param isSilent Set true
if new transition should be silent.
* @return A new transition of type T
with the given name.
protected abstract T createNewTransition(String name, String label, boolean isSilent);
//------- Places ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns all Petri net places.
* @return A collection of all Petri net places.
public Collection getPlaces() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(places.values());
public int getPlaceCount() {
return places.size();
* Returns all Petri net source places.
* @return A collection of Petri net places.
public Collection
getSourcePlaces() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(sourcePlaces.values());
* Returns all Petri net drain places.
* @return A collection of Petri net places.
public Collection
getDrainPlaces() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(drainPlaces.values());
* Returns the net place with the given name.
* @param placeName The name of the desired place.
* @return The Petri net place with the given name
* or null
if the net does not contain a place with the given
* name.
public P getPlace(String placeName) {
return places.get(placeName);
* Adds places with the given names to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains places
* with given names, less places than the given number of arguments may be
* added to the Petri net.
* This method calls {@link #addPlace(String)} for each place name.
* @param placeNames Names for the Petri net places to add.
* @return true
if at least one place was successfully
* added;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the set of place names is null
* or some place names are null
* @see #addPlace(String)
public final boolean addPlaces(Set placeNames) {
return addPlaces(placeNames, true);
* Adds places with the given names to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains places
* with given names, less places than the given number of arguments may be
* added to the Petri net.
* This method calls {@link #addPlace(String)} for each place name.
* @param placeNames Names for the Petri net places to add.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if at least one place was successfully
* added;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the set of place names is null
* or some place names are null
* @see #addPlace(String)
public final boolean addPlaces(Set placeNames, boolean notifyListeners) {
boolean updated = false;
for (String placeName : placeNames) {
if (addPlace(placeName, notifyListeners)) {
updated = true;
return updated;
* Adds a place with the given name to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a place
* with the given name, no place is added to the net.
* @param placeName The name for the Petri net place.
* @return true
if the place was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
public boolean addPlace(String placeName) {
return addPlace(placeName, true);
* Adds a place with the given name to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a place
* with the given name, no place is added to the net.
* @param placeName The name for the Petri net place.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the place was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
public boolean addPlace(String placeName, boolean notifyListeners) {
return addPlace(placeName, placeName, notifyListeners);
* Adds a place with the given name to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a place
* with the given name, no place is added to the net. Place labels do not
* have to be unique.
* @param placeName The name for the Petri net place.
* @param placeLabel The label for the Petri net place.
* @return true
if the place was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
public boolean addPlace(String placeName, String placeLabel) {
return addPlace(placeName, placeLabel, true);
* Adds a place with the given name to the Petri net.
* Place names have to be unique. In case the net already contains a place
* with the given name, no place is added to the net. Place labels do not
* have to be unique.
* @param placeName The name for the Petri net place.
* @param placeLabel The label for the Petri net place.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the place was successfully added to the
* net;
* false
public boolean addPlace(String placeName, String placeLabel, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsPlace(placeName)) {
return false;
return addPlace(createNewPlace(placeName, placeLabel), notifyListeners);
* Protected method for adding a place of type P
to the place
* map.
* This method is called from {@link #addPlace(String)} which checks if
* there already exists a place with equal name before making the call.
* @param place The Petri net place to add.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if place has been added successfully.
* @throws ParameterException If the given place is null
protected boolean addPlace(P place, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsPlace(place)) {
return false;
places.put(place.getName(), place);
if (notifyListeners) {
return true;
* Checks if the Petri net contains the given place.
* @param place The place to check.
* @return true
if the net contains the transition;
* false
protected boolean containsPlace(P place) {
return containsPlace(place.getName());
* Checks if the Petri net contains a place with the given name.
* @param placeName The name of the place to check.
* @return true
if the net contains a place with the given
* name;
* false
public boolean containsPlace(String placeName) {
return places.keySet().contains(placeName);
* Creates a new place of type P
with the given name.
* This method is abstract because only subclasses know the type
* P
of their places.
* @param name The name for the new place.
* @param label The label for the new place.
* @return A new place of type P
with the given name.
protected abstract P createNewPlace(String name, String label);
* Removes the place with the given name from the Petri net.
* On removing a place, all corresponding relations are removed as well.
* @param placeName The name of the place to remove
* @return true
if the place was successfully removed from the
* net;
* false
public boolean removePlace(String placeName) {
return removePlace(placeName, true);
* Removes the place with the given name from the Petri net.
* On removing a place, all corresponding relations are removed as well.
* @param placeName The name of the place to remove
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the place was successfully removed from the
* net;
* false
public boolean removePlace(String placeName, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsPlace(placeName)) {
return false;
return removePlace(places.get(placeName), notifyListeners);
protected boolean removePlace(P place, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsPlace(place)) {
return false;
int affectedRelations =;
for (F relation : place.getIncomingRelations()) {
removeFlowRelation(relation, notifyListeners);
for (F relation : place.getOutgoingRelations()) {
removeFlowRelation(relation, notifyListeners);
if (notifyListeners) {
structureListenerSupport.notifyPlaceRemoved(place, affectedRelations);
return true;
//------- Flow Relations ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public F getFlowRelation(String name) {
return relations.get(name);
* Returns the flow relations of the Petri net.
* @return A collection of flow relations.
public Collection getFlowRelations() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(relations.values());
public int getFlowRelationCount() {
return relations.size();
* Adds a flow relation starting at a place and ending at a transition.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param constraint The constraint for the flow relation.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationPT(String placeName, String transitionName, S constraint) {
return addFlowRelationPT(placeName, transitionName, constraint, true);
* Adds a flow relation starting at a place and ending at a transition.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param constraint The constraint for the flow relation.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationPT(String placeName, String transitionName, S constraint, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsRelationPT(placeName, transitionName)) {
return null;
F newFlowRelation = createNewFlowRelation(places.get(placeName), transitions.get(transitionName), constraint);
if (addFlowRelation(newFlowRelation, notifyListeners)) {
return newFlowRelation;
return null;
* Adds a flow relation starting at a place and ending at a transition.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationPT(String placeName, String transitionName) {
return addFlowRelationPT(placeName, transitionName, true);
* Adds a flow relation starting at a place and ending at a transition.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationPT(String placeName, String transitionName, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsRelationPT(placeName, transitionName)) {
return null;
F newFlowRelation = createNewFlowRelation(places.get(placeName), transitions.get(transitionName));
if (addFlowRelation(newFlowRelation, notifyListeners)) {
return newFlowRelation;
return null;
* Adds a flow relation starting at a transition and ending at a place.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param constraint Constraint of the flow relation.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationTP(String transitionName, String placeName, S constraint) {
return addFlowRelationTP(transitionName, placeName, constraint, true);
* Adds a flow relation starting at a transition and ending at a place.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param constraint Constraint of the flow relation.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationTP(String transitionName, String placeName, S constraint, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsRelationTP(transitionName, placeName)) {
return null;
F newFlowRelation = createNewFlowRelation(transitions.get(transitionName), places.get(placeName), constraint);
if (addFlowRelation(newFlowRelation, notifyListeners)) {
return newFlowRelation;
return null;
* Adds a flow relation starting at a transition and ending at a place.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationTP(String transitionName, String placeName) {
return addFlowRelationTP(transitionName, placeName, true);
* Adds a flow relation starting at a transition and ending at a place.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition where the relation ends.
* @param placeName The name of the place where toe relation starts.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if the flow relation was successfully
* added;
* false
public F addFlowRelationTP(String transitionName, String placeName, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsRelationTP(transitionName, placeName)) {
return null;
F newFlowRelation = createNewFlowRelation(transitions.get(transitionName), places.get(placeName));
if (addFlowRelation(newFlowRelation, notifyListeners)) {
return newFlowRelation;
return null;
* Protected method for adding a relation of type F
to the
* relation map.
* This method is called from {@link #addFlowRelationPT(String, String)} and
* {@link #addFlowRelationTP(String, String)} which both check if there
* already exists a relation with equal name before making the call.
* They also ensure that the place/transition of the relation are
* places/transitions of the net.
* @param relation The Petri net relation to add.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified.
* @return true
if flow relation has been added successfully.
* @see #checkSD(AbstractPlace)
* @see #checkSD(AbstractTransition)
protected boolean addFlowRelation(F relation, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (containsFlowRelation(relation)) {
return false;
if (relation.getDirectionPT()) {
} else {
relations.put(relation.getName(), relation);
if (notifyListeners) {
return true;
public boolean containsFlowRelation(String relationName) {
return relations.keySet().contains(relationName);
protected boolean containsFlowRelation(F relation) {
for (F existingRelation : getFlowRelations()) {
if (existingRelation.equals(relation)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsRelationPT(String placeName, String transitionName) {
for (F outgoingRelation : getPlace(placeName).getOutgoingRelations()) {
if (outgoingRelation.getTransition().getName().equals(transitionName)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsRelationTP(String transitionName, String placeName) {
for (F outgoingRelation : getTransition(transitionName).getOutgoingRelations()) {
if (outgoingRelation.getPlace().getName().equals(placeName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks the source and drain property of the given place
* and adds/removes it from the list of source/drain places.
* @param place The Petri net place to check.
private void checkSD(P place) {
if (place.isSource()) {
sourcePlaces.put(place.getName(), place);
} else {
if (place.isDrain()) {
drainPlaces.put(place.getName(), place);
} else {
* Checks the source and drain property of the given transition
* and adds/removes it from the list of source/drain transitions.
* @param transition The Petri net transition to check.
private void checkSD(T transition) {
if (transition.isSource()) {
sourceTransitions.put(transition.getName(), transition);
} else {
if (transition.isDrain()) {
drainTransitions.put(transition.getName(), transition);
} else {
* Checks if the Petri net contains the given relation.
* @param relation The relation to check.
* @return true
if the net contains the relation;
* false
protected boolean containsRelation(F relation) {
return relations.values().contains(relation);
* Creates a new relation of type F
from the given place to the
* given transition. This method is abstract because only subclasses know
* the type F
of their relations.
* @param place The place where the relation starts.
* @param transition The transition where the relation ends.
* @param constraint Constraint of the new flow relation.
* @return A new relation of type F
protected abstract F createNewFlowRelation(P place, T transition, S constraint);
* Creates a new relation of type F
from the given transition
* to the given place. This method is abstract because only subclasses know
* the type F
of their relations.
* @param transition The transition where the relation starts
* @param place The place where the relation ends.
* @param constraint Constraint of the new flow relation.
* @return A new relation of type F
protected abstract F createNewFlowRelation(T transition, P place, S constraint);
* Creates a new relation of type F
from the given place to the
* given transition. This method is abstract because only subclasses know
* the type F
of their relations.
* @param place The place where the relation starts.
* @param transition The transition where the relation ends.
* @return A new relation of type F
protected abstract F createNewFlowRelation(P place, T transition);
* Creates a new relation of type F
from the given transition
* to the given place. This method is abstract because only subclasses know
* the type F
of their relations.
* @param transition The transition where the relation starts
* @param place The place where the relation ends.
* @return A new relation of type F
protected abstract F createNewFlowRelation(T transition, P place);
* Removes the given relation from the net.
* This method is used by {@link #removePlace(String)} and should not be
* accessed in a public way.
* The caller is responsible for parameter validity.
* @param relation The relation to remove.
* @param notifyListeners Set true
if listeners should be
* notified
* @return true
if flow relation has been removed successfully,
* false
protected boolean removeFlowRelation(F relation, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsRelation(relation)) {
return false;
if (notifyListeners) {
return true;
public boolean removeFlowRelation(String relationName) {
return removeFlowRelation(relationName, true);
public boolean removeFlowRelation(String relationName, boolean notifyListeners) {
if (!containsFlowRelation(relationName)) {
return false;
return removeFlowRelation(relations.get(relationName), notifyListeners);
//------- Markings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Warning: This non-final method gets called by constructors.
* @return Returns the created marking
public abstract M createNewMarking();
* Sets the initial marking of the Petri net.
* The initial marking defines the initial state of a Petri net in the sense
* of tokens contained in places. When a Petri net is reset
* ({@link #reset()}), it should reach its initial marking.
* The initial marking does not have to contain all net places. For places
* not contained in the given initial marking, the net assumes 0 tokens in
* the initial net state.
* This method uses {@link #setInitialMarking(AbstractMarking)} to actually
* transform the net state to the initial state.
* @param marking The marking used as initial marking (state) of the net.
public void setInitialMarking(M marking) {
// if(initialMarking != null)
// initialMarking.clear();
initialMarking = createNewMarking();
for (String placeName : marking.places()) {
initialMarking.set(placeName, marking.get(placeName));
markingListenerSupport.notifyInitialMarkingChanged(new MarkingChangeEvent<>(initialMarking));
setMarking((M) initialMarking.clone());
* Returns the initial marking of the Petri net.
* The initial marking defines the initial state of a Petri net in the sense
* of tokens contained in places.
* @return The initial marking of the net.
public M getInitialMarking() {
return (M) initialMarking.clone();
* Sets the marking of the Petri net.
* The net marking defines states for Petri net classes.
* In case the given marking does not define a state for a net place,
* its state is set to empty, i.e. all tokens are removed.
* @param marking The desired net marking.
public void setMarking(M marking) {
// if(this.marking != null)
// this.marking.clear();
this.marking = createNewMarking();
for (String placeName : places.keySet()) {
if (marking.contains(placeName)) {
this.marking.set(placeName, marking.get(placeName));
} else {
lastFiredTransition = null;
markingListenerSupport.notifyMarkingChanged(new MarkingChangeEvent<>(marking));
* Returns the actual marking (state) of the Petri net which is defined by
* the number of tokens contained in net places.
* @return The actual marking (state) of the net.
public M getMarking() {
return (M) marking.clone();
* Updates the marking (state) of the Petri net for the given place.
* When the number of tokens in places change, the marking of the net which
* describes its actual state in the sense of tokens in net places has to be
* updated.
* @param place Place whose token number has changed.
protected void updateMarking(P place) {
if (!places.containsKey(place.getName())) {
if (!place.hasEmptyState()) {
marking.set(place.getName(), place.getState());
} else {
markingListenerSupport.notifyMarkingChanged(new MarkingChangeEvent<>(marking));
//------- Functionality ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fires the net transition with the given name.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition to fire.
* @return true
if the transition could be fired;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition name is
* null
* or the net does not contain a transition with the given name.
* @throws PNException If the net transition with the given name is not
* enabled.
public T fire(String transitionName) throws PNException {
T transition = getTransition(transitionName);;
lastFiredTransition = transition;
return transition;
* Returns the marking which is the result of firing the transition with the
* given name.
* The transition is not actually fired, but its firing impact with respect
* to the actual net state
* simulated and returned in form of a resulting marking.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition to fire.
* @return true
if the transition could be fired;
* false
* @throws ParameterException If the given transition name is
* null
* or the net does not contain a transition with the given name.
* @throws PNException If the net transition with the given name is not
* enabled.
public abstract M fireCheck(String transitionName) throws PNException;
* Returns a copy of the actual net state (marking).
* @return A copy of the nets' actual marking.
public M cloneMarking() {
return (M) getMarking().clone();
* Resets the net to the initial state.
* This includes setting the actual marking to the actual marking and
* setting the last fired transition to null
public void reset() {
setMarking((M) initialMarking.clone());
//------- Validation methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
public void capacityChanged(CapacityEvent extends AbstractPlace> o) {
* This method can be used to validate transition names.
* It checks if it is null
and if the Petri net contains a
* transition with this name.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition in question.
protected void validateTransition(String transitionName) {
if (!containsTransition(transitionName)) {
throw new ParameterException(ErrorCode.INCOMPATIBILITY, "Net does not contain a transition with name \"" + transitionName + "\"");
* This method can be used to validate place names.
* It checks if it is null
and if the Petri net contains a
* place with this name.
* @param placeName The name of the place in question.
protected void validatePlace(String placeName) {
if (!containsPlace(placeName)) {
throw new ParameterException(ErrorCode.INCOMPATIBILITY, "Net does not contain a place with name \"" + placeName + "\"");
* This method can be used to validate the name of a transition to fire.
* It checks if the given name is null
, if the Petri net
* contains a transition with this name
* and if this transition is enabled.
* @param transitionName The name of the transition in question.
* @throws PNException If the net transition with the given name is not
* enabled.
protected void validateFireTransition(String transitionName) throws PNException {
T transition = getTransition(transitionName);
if (!enabledTransitions.contains(transition)) {
throw new PNException("Cannot fire disabled transition " + transitionName);
* This method can be used to evaluate the compatibility markings to be
* assigned to the Petri net.
* It checks if the Petri net contains all places for which the marking
* holds states.
* @param marking The marking in question.
protected void validateMarking(M marking) {
if (!places.keySet().containsAll(marking.places())) {
throw new ParameterException(ErrorCode.INCOMPATIBILITY, "Places in initial marking must be places of the net.");
//------- Interface Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public Set> getParents(AbstractPNNode node) {
return node.getParents();
public Set> getChildren(AbstractPNNode node) {
return node.getChildren();
public int nodeCount() {
return transitions.size() + places.size();
public Set> getNodes() {
Set> result = new HashSet<>();
return result;
//------ Listener methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean addStructureListener(PNStructureListener listener) {
return structureListenerSupport.addListener(listener);
public boolean removeStructureListener(PNStructureListener
listener) {
return structureListenerSupport.removeListener(listener);
public boolean addMarkingListener(PNMarkingListener listener) {
return markingListenerSupport.addListener(listener);
public boolean removeMarkingListener(PNMarkingListener listener) {
return markingListenerSupport.removeListener(listener);
* When a transition changes its state to enabled,
* the net adds it to the set of enabled transitions.
* @param e
public void transitionEnabled(TransitionEvent extends AbstractTransition> e) {
enabledTransitions.add((T) e.getSource());
* When a transition changes its state to disabled,
* the net removes it from the set of enabled transitions.
* @param e
public void transitionDisabled(TransitionEvent extends AbstractTransition> e) {
* When tokens are added to net places,
* the Petri net updates its state accordingly by adding tokens to its
* marking.
* @param o
* @see #updateMarking(AbstractPlace)
public void tokensAdded(TokenEvent extends AbstractPlace> o) {
updateMarking((P) o.getSource());
* When tokens are removed from net places,
* the Petri net updates its state accordingly by removing tokens from its
* marking.
* @param o
* @see #updateMarking(AbstractPlace)
public void tokensRemoved(TokenEvent extends AbstractPlace> o) {
updateMarking((P) o.getSource());
public void markingChanged(MarkingChangeEvent markingEvent) {
public void initialMarkingChanged(MarkingChangeEvent markingEvent) {
public void relationConstraintChanged(RelationConstraintEvent extends AbstractFlowRelation> e) {
public void structureChanged() {
public void placeAdded(PlaceChangeEvent
event) {
public void placeRemoved(PlaceChangeEvent
event) {
public void transitionAdded(TransitionChangeEvent event) {
public void transitionRemoved(TransitionChangeEvent event) {
public void relationAdded(RelationChangeEvent event) {
public void relationRemoved(RelationChangeEvent event) {
//------- clone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean nameChangeRequest(AbstractPlace place, String newName) {
if (!places.containsValue(place)) {
// This Petri net does not contain the place whose name is changed.
// -> Don't care and return true
return true;
if (containsPlace(newName) && getPlace(newName) != place) {
// The Petri net already contains another place with the same name
// -> Don't allow the name to be changed!
return false;
if (containsTransition(newName)) {
// The Petri net contains a transition with the same name
// -> Don't allow the name to be changed!
return false;
// The Petri net contains the given place and no other node with the desired name.
// -> Allow the name change and store the place under the new name
P memberPlace = places.remove(place.getName());
places.put(newName, memberPlace);
return true;
public boolean nameChangeRequest(AbstractTransition transition, String newName) {
if (!transitions.containsValue(transition)) {
// This Petri net does not contain the transition whose name is changed.
// -> Don't care and return true
return true;
if (containsTransition(newName) && getTransition(newName) != transition) {
// The Petri net already contains another transition with the same name
// -> Don't allow the name to be changed!
return false;
if (containsPlace(newName)) {
// The Petri net contains a place with the same name
// -> Don't allow the name to be changed!
return false;
// The Petri net contains the given transition and no other node with the desired name.
// -> Allow the name change and store the transition under the new name
T memberTransition = transitions.remove(transition.getName());
transitions.put(newName, memberTransition);
return true;
public boolean nameChangeRequest(AbstractFlowRelation relation, String newName) {
if (!relations.containsValue(relation)) {
// This Petri net does not contain the flow relation whose name is changed.
// -> Don't care and return true
return true;
if (containsFlowRelation(newName) && getFlowRelation(newName) != relation) {
// The Petri net already contains another flow relation with the same name
// -> Don't allow the name to be changed!
return false;
// The Petri net contains the given flow relation and no other flow relation with the desired name.
// -> Allow the name change and store the relation under the new name
F memberRelation = relations.remove(relation.getName());
relations.put(newName, memberRelation);
return true;
public AbstractPetriNet
clone() {
result = newInstance();
Map clonedTransitions = new HashMap<>();
Map clonedPlaces = new HashMap<>();
for (T ownTransition : getTransitions()) {
clonedTransitions.put(ownTransition, (T) ownTransition.clone());
result.addTransition(clonedTransitions.get(ownTransition), false);
for (P ownPlace : getPlaces()) {
clonedPlaces.put(ownPlace, (P) ownPlace.clone());
result.addPlace(clonedPlaces.get(ownPlace), false);
for (F ownRelation : getFlowRelations()) {
result.addFlowRelation((F) ownRelation.clone(clonedPlaces.get(ownRelation.getPlace()),
ownRelation.getDirectionPT()), false);
result.setInitialMarking((M) getInitialMarking().clone());
return result;
public abstract AbstractPetriNet
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// public AbstractMarkingGraph buildMarkingGraph() throws PNException{
// if (!isBounded())
// throw new ParameterException(ErrorCode.INCOMPATIBILITY, "Cannot determine marking graph for unbounded nets.");
// ArrayBlockingQueue queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(10);
// Set allKnownStates = new HashSet();
// allKnownStates.add(getInitialMarking());
// AbstractMarkingGraph markingGraph = createNewMarkingGraph();
// int stateCount = 0;
// Map stateNames = new HashMap();
// M initialMarking = getInitialMarking();
// queue.offer(initialMarking);
// String stateName = String.format(rgGraphNodeFormat, stateCount++);
// markingGraph.addState(stateName, (M) initialMarking.clone());
// markingGraph.setInitialState(markingGraph.getState(stateName));
// markingGraph.addStartState(stateName);
// stateNames.put(initialMarking.hashCode(), stateName);
// allKnownStates.add((M) initialMarking.clone());
// while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// M nextMarking = queue.poll();
// // System.out.println("Next marking: " + nextMarking);
// setMarking(nextMarking);
// // M marking = (M) nextMarking.clone();
// String nextStateName = stateNames.get(nextMarking.hashCode());
// // System.out.println(nextStateName + " " + nextMarking);
// if (hasEnabledTransitions()) {
// String newStateName = null;
// for (T enabledTransition : getEnabledTransitions()) {
// // System.out.println("enabled: " + enabledTransition.getName());
// M newMarking = fireCheck(enabledTransition.getName());
// int newMarkingHash = newMarking.hashCode();
// // System.out.println("new marking: " + newMarking);
// // Check if this marking is already known
// M equalMarking = null;
// for (M storedMarking : allKnownStates) {
// if (storedMarking.equals(newMarking)) {
// equalMarking = storedMarking;
// break;
// }
// }
// // System.out.println("new marking: " + newMarking);
// if (equalMarking == null) {
// // This is a new marking
// // System.out.println("New marking");
// queue.offer(newMarking);
// allKnownStates.add((M) newMarking.clone());
// newStateName = String.format(rgGraphNodeFormat, stateCount++);
// markingGraph.addState(newStateName, (M) newMarking.clone());
// stateNames.put(newMarkingHash, newStateName);
// } else {
// // This marking is already known
// // System.out.println("Known marking");
// newStateName = stateNames.get(newMarkingHash);
// }
// if (!markingGraph.containsEvent(enabledTransition.getName())) {
// markingGraph.addEvent(enabledTransition.getName(), enabledTransition.getLabel());
// }
// // System.out.println("add relation: " + nextStateName + " to " + newStateName + " via " + enabledTransition.getName());
// try {
// markingGraph.addRelation(nextStateName, newStateName, enabledTransition.getName());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// throw new PNException("TS-Exception while building marking graph.
Reason: " + e.getMessage());
// }
// }
// } else {
// markingGraph.addEndState(nextStateName);
// }
// }
// this.markingGraph = markingGraph;
// reset();
// return markingGraph;
// }
public PNComplexity getComplexity() {
return new PNComplexity(getPlaceCount(), getTransitionCount(), getFlowRelationCount());
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((initialMarking == null) ? 0 : initialMarking.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((places == null) ? 0 : places.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((relations == null) ? 0 : relations.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((transitions == null) ? 0 : transitions.hashCode());
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
AbstractPetriNet other = (AbstractPetriNet) obj;
if (initialMarking == null) {
if (other.initialMarking != null) {
return false;
} else if (!initialMarking.equals(other.initialMarking)) {
return false;
if (name == null) {
if ( != null) {
return false;
} else if (!name.equals( {
return false;
if (places == null) {
if (other.places != null) {
return false;
} else if (!places.equals(other.places)) {
return false;
if (relations == null) {
if (other.relations != null) {
return false;
} else if (!relations.equals(other.relations)) {
return false;
if (transitions == null) {
if (other.transitions != null) {
return false;
} else if (!transitions.equals(other.transitions)) {
return false;
return true;
public enum Boundedness {