com.agimatec.commons.config.ConfigManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.agimatec.commons.config;
import com.agimatec.commons.config.sax.ConfigContentHandler;
import com.agimatec.commons.config.sax.ConfigWriter;
import com.agimatec.commons.util.ClassUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
* Provides central access to configuration files.
* The singleton can be used (getDefault()).
* A ConfigManger uses a resource name (file) in the classpath that contains
* the absolute config root path.
* If the resource cannot be found, the config manager tries
* to access a system property with the same name.
* If such a system property exists,
* its value is used as the config root path.
* The default configrootressourcename is "configroot.ini".
* ConfigManager.getDefault() sucht eine Resource configroot.ini im Klassenpfad.
* Es koennen andere ConfigManager instanziert werden, die ggf. eine andere Resource verwenden,
* wenn man mehrere config-roots haben moechte.
* Die configroot.ini Datei enthaelt den Pfad, in dem die Datei configroot.xml zu finden ist.
* Wird die Resource nicht gefunden, so ist config-root das aktuelle Verzeichnis.
* Im Config-root wird als Einstieg in die Konfigurationen die configDatei configroot.xml
* gesucht (die muss immer so heissen).
* In dieser Datei sind nur <file> Tags erlaubt, die auf andere ConfigFiles verweisen und
* zwar entweder relativ zum configroot (als Default) oder mit absolutem Pfad (relative="false").
* Alle anderen Configfiles koennen beliebige Datenstrukturen darstellen:
* - alle primitiv-Typen als Wrapperklasse oder als Node-Klasse
* - list, map, ArrayList, HashMap
* - filenodes auf andere Dateien, die ggf. keine config-dateien mehr sind
* (so kann auf bel. Resourcen verwiesen werden ohne den JavaSource Pfadabh. zu machen)
Author: Roman Stumm
public class ConfigManager implements Serializable {
private static final Logger myLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigManager.class);
public static final String C_ProtocolClassPath = "cp://";
protected static ConfigManager singleton = new ConfigManager("configmanager.ini");
private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGROOT_PATH = "file:";
protected final String myConfigRootRessouceName;
protected Config myConfigroot = null;
protected String myConfigrootPath = null;
protected Map myConfigMap = new Hashtable();
* Creates a new ConfigManager.
* @param aConfigRootRessouceName the resource name (file) in the classpath that contains
* the absolute config root path. If the resource cannot be found, the config manager tries
* to access a system property with the same name. If such a system property exists,
* its value is used as the config root path.
* The default configrootressourcename is "configroot.ini".
public ConfigManager(final String aConfigRootRessouceName) {
myConfigRootRessouceName = aConfigRootRessouceName;
public static ConfigManager createForClasspath() {
ConfigManager cm = new ConfigManager(null);
return cm;
* @return the singleton default instance of this class
public static ConfigManager getDefault() {
return singleton;
* open and parse the file name given in path.
* the file is excepted to be an xml file that
* conforms to the config.dtd
public Config readConfig(String aPath, final boolean isRelativeFlag) {
if (myLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
myLogger.debug("going to read config file (relative path): " + aPath);
if (isRelativeFlag) aPath = makeAbsolutePath(aPath);
if (myLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
myLogger.debug("reading config file (path made absolute): " + aPath);
try {
final ConfigContentHandler theConfigHandler = new ConfigContentHandler(this);
final XMLReader theParser = this.createParser();
parseResource(theParser, aPath);
return theConfigHandler.getConfig();
} catch (Exception ex) {
myLogger.error("cannot load xml configuration from " + aPath, ex);
return null;
public Config parseConfig(String aConfigXMLString) {
try {
final ConfigContentHandler theConfigHandler = new ConfigContentHandler(this);
final XMLReader theParser = this.createParser();
parseString(theParser, aConfigXMLString);
return theConfigHandler.getConfig();
} catch (Exception ex) {
myLogger.error(null, ex);
return null;
* parse xml in the given string
* @param aParser - the parse to use
* @param aConfigXMLString - the xml to parse
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
protected void parseString(XMLReader aParser, String aConfigXMLString)
throws IOException, SAXException {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(aConfigXMLString);
try {
aParser.parse(new InputSource(reader));
} finally {
* parse either from a file or the classpath
protected void parseResource(final XMLReader aParser, final String aPath)
throws IOException, SAXException {
if (aPath.startsWith(C_ProtocolClassPath)) {
final String theResPath = aPath.substring(C_ProtocolClassPath.length());
final InputStream is =
try {
aParser.parse(new InputSource(is));
} finally {
if (is != null) is.close();
} else {
public static URL toURL(String path) throws MalformedURLException {
if (path.startsWith(C_ProtocolClassPath)) {
final String theResPath = resolvePath(path.substring(C_ProtocolClassPath.length()));
return ClassUtils.getClassLoader().getResource(theResPath);
} else if (path.indexOf(':') < 0) {
return new URL("file:" + path);
} else {
return new URL(path);
public static List toURLs(String path) throws IOException {
if (path.startsWith(C_ProtocolClassPath)) {
final String theResPath = resolvePath(path.substring(C_ProtocolClassPath.length()));
Enumeration en = ClassUtils.getClassLoader().getResources(theResPath);
List urls = new ArrayList();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
URL next = en.nextElement();
return urls;
} else {
List urls = new ArrayList(1);
return urls;
public static String resolvePath(String theResPath) {
* in some classloaders, e.g. tomcat webapp .. cannot be part of a resource path,
* so try to remove it
if (theResPath.contains("..")) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(theResPath, "/", true);
LinkedList parts = new LinkedList();
boolean forward = false;
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
String part = tokens.nextToken();
if (forward) {
forward = false;
if ("/".equals(part)) continue;
if ("..".equals(part)) {
if (parts.size() > 1 && "/".equals(parts.getLast())) {
forward = true;
} else {
} else {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (String part : parts) {
theResPath = buf.toString();
return theResPath;
} else {
return theResPath;
* initialize lazy and return the receiver's script instance
* ready to be used.
protected XMLReader createParser() {
return new com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.SAXParser();
* open and parse the file name given in path.
* the file is excepted to be an xml file that
* conforms to the config.dtd
public Config readConfig(final String aPath) {
return readConfig(aPath, true);
public void writeConfig(final Config aConfig, final PrintWriter aPrintWriter)
throws IOException {
try {
new ConfigWriter().writeConfig(aConfig, aPrintWriter);
} catch (SAXException saxEx) {
myLogger.error(null, saxEx);
public String writeConfig(final Config aConfig) throws IOException {
try {
final StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
writeConfig(aConfig, pw);
return sw.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
myLogger.error(null, ex);
throw new RuntimeException(ex.toString());
* return the config with the given name from the cache.
* if there is no such config read it and cache it.
public Config getConfig(final String aConfigname, final String aPath) {
return getConfig(aConfigname, aPath, true);
* return the config with the given name from the cache.
* if there is no such config read it and cache it.
* @param isRelativeFlag - is true when the path is relative to configroot, so that
* the absolute path will be created. - is false, when the path should not be modified.
public Config getConfig(final String aConfigName, final String aPath, final boolean isRelativeFlag) {
Config theConfigRoot = getCachedConfig(aConfigName);
if (theConfigRoot == null) {
theConfigRoot = readConfig(aPath, isRelativeFlag);
cacheConfig(theConfigRoot, aConfigName);
return theConfigRoot;
* @return the config or null, if there is no cached one
public Config getCachedConfig(final String aConfigName) {
return (Config) myConfigMap.get(aConfigName);
* get or read the config named configname.
* if the config is not cached yet, read it with the help
* of configroot.xml and cache afterwards.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the config is unknown
public Config getConfig(final String configname) {
return getConfig(configname, false);
* the same as {@link this#getConfig(java.lang.String)} but the
* config is read from file and not cached.
* @param configname
* @return
public Config getConfigUncached(final String configname) {
FileNode theFileNode = (FileNode) getConfigRoot().getNode(configname);
if (theFileNode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(configname + " is an unknown config");
return readConfig(theFileNode.getURLPath(), false);
public Config getConfig(String configname, boolean allowNullReturn) {
Config config = getCachedConfig(configname);
if (config != null) return config;
final FileNode confNode = (FileNode) getConfigRoot().get(configname);
if (confNode == null) {
if (!allowNullReturn)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(configname + " is an unknown config");
return null;
config = readConfig(confNode.getURLPath(), false);
if (config == null && allowNullReturn) return null;
cacheConfig(config, configname);
return config;
public Config getConfigRoot() {
if (myConfigroot == null) {
synchronized (ConfigManager.class) {
if (myConfigroot == null) {
myConfigroot = getConfig("configroot", "configroot.xml");
return myConfigroot;
* put the config into the cache
public void cacheConfig(final Config aConfig, final String aConfigName) {
if (aConfig != null) {
myConfigMap.put(aConfigName, aConfig);
* remove the config from the cache
public void uncacheConfig(final Config aConfig) {
* remove all cached configs from the cache
public void clearCache() {
private String makeAbsolutePath(final String aRelativePath) {
final String theConfigRootPath = this.getConfigRootPath();
final StringBuilder strbuff =
new StringBuilder(theConfigRootPath.length() + aRelativePath.length());
return strbuff.toString();
public String getConfigRootPath() {
if (myConfigrootPath == null) {
synchronized (ConfigManager.class) {
if (myConfigrootPath == null) {
myConfigrootPath = this.readConfigrootPath();
return myConfigrootPath;
* directly set the config root path.
public void setConfigRootPath(final String aConfigRootPath) {
myConfigrootPath = aConfigRootPath;
protected String readConfigrootPath() {
return readConfigrootPath(myConfigRootRessouceName);
protected final String readConfigrootPath(final String aResourceName) {
String path = readRessource(ConfigManager.class.getClassLoader(), aResourceName);
return (path == null) ? DEFAULT_CONFIGROOT_PATH : path;
* @return the contents of the resource with the given resourcename
* loaded with the given classloader or null, if not found.
public static String readRessource(final ClassLoader aClassLoader, final String aResourceName) {
final URL theURL = aClassLoader.getResource(aResourceName);
if (theURL == null) {
if (myLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
myLogger.debug("ConfigManager: " + aResourceName + " not found.");
// try System.property instead
final String configRootProp = System.getProperty(aResourceName);
if (configRootProp != null) {
if (myLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
myLogger.debug("Using System.property with value: " + configRootProp);
return configRootProp;
return null;
try {
final InputStream is = theURL.openStream();
final InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
try {
final char[] cbuf = new char[250];
int len = isr.read(cbuf);
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(len);
while (len > 0) {
buf.append(cbuf, 0, len);
len = isr.read(cbuf);
char c = buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1);
// cut of line feed, space, cr, tab from the end
if (myLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
myLogger.debug("resourcename: " + aResourceName +
"\n uncutted resourcepath: " + buf.toString());
while (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ') {
buf.deleteCharAt(buf.length() - 1);
c = buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1);
return buf.toString();
} finally {
if (is != null) is.close();
} catch (IOException ioEx) {
myLogger.error(null, ioEx);
return null;
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