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com.agimatec.sql.meta.checking.DatabaseSchemaChecker Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.agimatec.sql.meta.checking;

import com.agimatec.dbmigrate.action.ScriptAction;
import com.agimatec.jdbc.JdbcDatabase;
import com.agimatec.jdbc.JdbcException;
import com.agimatec.sql.meta.*;
import com.agimatec.sql.meta.mysql.MySqlSchemaChecker;
import com.agimatec.sql.meta.postgres.PostgresSchemaChecker;
import com.agimatec.sql.meta.script.DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;

 * Description: Compare a database schema against sql scripts and find differences.
* Example for mysql: *
 *       JdbcConfig config = new JdbcConfig();
 * config.setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
 * config.setConnect("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql_db");
 * config.getProperties().put("user", "root");
 * config.getProperties().put("password", "");
 * JdbcDatabase targetDatabase = JdbcDatabaseFactory.createInstance(config);
 * targetDatabase.begin();
 * DatabaseSchemaChecker checker = DatabaseSchemaChecker.forDbms("mysql");
 * checker.setDatabase(targetDatabase);
 * List urls = new ArrayList();
 * urls.add(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("mysql/mysql-schema.sql"));
 * // add more script URLs that belong to the database schema...
 * checker.checkDatabaseSchema(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]));
 * targetDatabase.close();
* User: roman.stumm
* Date: 24.04.2007
* Time: 14:58:47
*/ public abstract class DatabaseSchemaChecker { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseSchemaChecker.class); protected final List myFoundErrors; protected JdbcDatabase database; protected Map unknownColumns; // key = table name, value = set of column names public static DatabaseSchemaChecker forDbms(String dbms) { if (dbms.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { return new OracleSchemaChecker(); } else if (dbms.equalsIgnoreCase("postgres")) { return new PostgresSchemaChecker(); } else if (dbms.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { return new MySqlSchemaChecker(); } return null; } public DatabaseSchemaChecker() { myFoundErrors = new ArrayList(); } public JdbcDatabase getDatabase() { return database; } public void setDatabase(JdbcDatabase aDatabase) { database = aDatabase; } /** * configuration - declare a column as not mapped in the database, so that * it will not be treated as an error during assertSchemaComplete(). * * @param tableName * @param columnName */ public void addUnmappedColumn(String tableName, String columnName) { Collection c = (Collection) getUnmappedColumns().get(tableName.toUpperCase()); if (c == null) { c = new HashSet(); getUnmappedColumns().put(tableName.toUpperCase(), c); } c.add(columnName); } /** * @return a Map (read-write) */ public Map getUnmappedColumns() { if (unknownColumns == null) { unknownColumns = new HashMap(); } return unknownColumns; } /** * @param tableName * @return a collection (read-only) */ public Collection getUnmappedColumns(String tableName) { Collection c = (Collection) getUnmappedColumns().get(tableName.toUpperCase()); if (c == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } else { return c; } } protected void throwAssertions() { if (!myFoundErrors.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < myFoundErrors.size(); i++) { String s = (String) myFoundErrors.get(i); buf.append(i + 1).append("> ").append(s).append("\n\r"); } throw new JdbcException(buf.toString()); } } /** * API - check for invalid objects in the database * * @throws Exception */ public abstract void assertObjectsValid() throws Exception; /** * API - check the database for compatibility with the given XML-DDL configuration. * Additional add all DDL in the scripts to the schema. * * @param scripts - scripts for schema (Soll-Zustand) * Der Ist-Zustand steht in der Datenbank und wird mit dem Soll-Zustand verglichen. * @throws Exception */ public void checkDatabaseSchema(URL[] scripts) throws Exception { checkDatabaseSchema(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, scripts); } public static class Options { public ScriptAction.FileFormat format = ScriptAction.FileFormat.SQL; } /** * API - check the database for compatibility with the given XML-DDL configuration. * Additional add all DDL in the scripts to the schema. * * @param options - list with options per script (may be empty) - corresponding to index in 'scripts' * @param scripts - scripts for schema (Soll-Zustand) * Der Ist-Zustand steht in der Datenbank und wird mit dem Soll-Zustand verglichen. * @throws Exception */ public void checkDatabaseSchema(final List options, URL[] scripts) throws Exception { CatalogDescription expectedCatalog; DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory factory = getDDLScriptSqlMetaFactory(); int idx = 0; for (URL script : scripts) { Options option = options != null && options.size() > idx ? options.get(idx++) : null; factory.fillCatalog(script, option == null ? null : option.format); } expectedCatalog = factory.getCatalog(); if (expectedCatalog == null) { assertTrue("No expected Catalog: neither schemaconfig nor scripts given!", false); throwAssertions(); } else { CatalogDescription databaseCatalog = readDatabaseCatalog(expectedCatalog.getTableNames()); print("Checking Database Schema " + databaseCatalog.getSchemaName() + ".."); assertCatalogsComplete(expectedCatalog, databaseCatalog); print("Schema : Check OK"); } } protected abstract DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory getDDLScriptSqlMetaFactory(); protected abstract CatalogDescription readDatabaseCatalog(String[] tableNames) throws SQLException, IOException; public void assertCatalogsComplete(CatalogDescription schemaConfig, CatalogDescription databaseConfig) { myFoundErrors.clear(); String[] tables = schemaConfig.getTableNames(); for (String theTable : tables) { TableDescription xmlTableDescription = schemaConfig.getTable(theTable); TableDescription databaseTableDescription = databaseConfig .getTable(xmlTableDescription.getTableName().toUpperCase()); if (databaseTableDescription != null) { log("Checking " + databaseTableDescription.getTableName() + "..."); compareSingleIndexDescription(xmlTableDescription.getPrimaryKey(), databaseTableDescription.getPrimaryKey()); compareColumnDescription(xmlTableDescription, databaseTableDescription); compareIndexDescription(xmlTableDescription, databaseTableDescription); compareForeignKeyDescription(xmlTableDescription, databaseTableDescription); checkUnknownColumns(databaseTableDescription, xmlTableDescription.getColumnNames()); } else { assertTrue("Table: " + xmlTableDescription.getTableName() + "... not found in databaseCatalog!", false); } } // TODO RSt - views checking not yet implemented // todo [RSt] sequences not yet implemented -> requires DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory // todo [RSt] function based indices not yet implemented -> requires DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory // todo [RSt] missing indexes/foreignkeys in schemaConfig not detected -> requires DDLScriptSqlMetaFactory throwAssertions(); } /** * @param databaseTableDescription - table for columns actually in the database * @param configColumns - column names of configurated columns */ private void checkUnknownColumns(TableDescription databaseTableDescription, String[] configColumns) { Collection c = getUnmappedColumns(databaseTableDescription.getTableName()); String[] unmappedColumns = c.toArray(new String[0]); // check that unmapped columns exist in database for (String unmapped : c) { assertTrue("Column: " + databaseTableDescription.getTableName() + "." + unmapped + " [declared as unknown, but] not in database", databaseTableDescription.getColumn(unmapped) != null); } String[] dbColumns = databaseTableDescription.getColumnNames(); for (String theDbColumn : dbColumns) { if (!containsIgnoreCase(unmappedColumns, theDbColumn)) { assertTrue("Table " + databaseTableDescription.getTableName() + " contains unknown column: '" + theDbColumn + "'", containsIgnoreCase(configColumns, theDbColumn)); } } } private boolean containsIgnoreCase(String[] arr, String val) { for (String each : arr) { if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(each)) return true; } return false; } protected void compareSingleIndexDescription(IndexDescription xmlIndexDescription, IndexDescription databaseIndexDescription) { if (xmlIndexDescription == null && databaseIndexDescription == null) return; if (xmlIndexDescription == null) { assertTrue("Table: " + databaseIndexDescription.getTableName() + "... IndexName not expected! " + databaseIndexDescription.getIndexName() + " databaseIndexName: " + databaseIndexDescription.getIndexName(), false); return; } if (databaseIndexDescription == null) { assertTrue("Table: " + xmlIndexDescription.getTableName() + "...DatabaseIndexName not found!! Expected IndexName: " + xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName(), false); return; } if (xmlIndexDescription.isFunctionBased() || databaseIndexDescription.isFunctionBased()) { log("function based not yet supported"); // todo [RSt] nyi return; } if (xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName() == null || xmlIndexDescription .getIndexName() .equalsIgnoreCase(databaseIndexDescription.getIndexName())) { boolean columnsOK = indexColumnsEqual(xmlIndexDescription, databaseIndexDescription); if (!columnsOK) { assertTrue("Table: " + xmlIndexDescription.getTableName() + ", index: " + xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName() + "... Columns differ! expected: " + xmlIndexDescription.getColumns() + " but was " + databaseIndexDescription.getColumns(), false); } } else { assertTrue("Table: " + xmlIndexDescription.getTableName() + "... Wrong Indexname! Expected IndexName: " + xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName() + " databaseIndexName: " + databaseIndexDescription.getIndexName(), false); } } private boolean indexColumnsEqual(IndexDescription xmlIndexDescription, IndexDescription databaseIndexDescription) { boolean columnsOK = xmlIndexDescription.getColumnSize() == databaseIndexDescription.getColumnSize(); if (columnsOK) { for (int i = 0; i < xmlIndexDescription.getColumnSize(); i++) { String xmlColumn = xmlIndexDescription.getColumn(i); String dbColumn = databaseIndexDescription.getColumn(i); if (xmlColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(dbColumn)) { assertTrue("Table: " + xmlIndexDescription.getTableName() + "... Wrong Orderdirection! Column:" + xmlIndexDescription.getColumn(i) + " expected OrderDirection: " + xmlIndexDescription.getOrderDirection(i) + " databaseOrderDirection: " + databaseIndexDescription.getOrderDirection(i), xmlIndexDescription.getOrderDirection(i) == databaseIndexDescription.getOrderDirection(i)); } else { columnsOK = false; } } } return columnsOK; } protected void compareIndexDescription(TableDescription xmlTableDescription, TableDescription databaseTableDescription) { for (int i = 0; i < xmlTableDescription.getIndexSize(); i++) { IndexDescription xmlIndexDescription = xmlTableDescription.getIndex(i); IndexDescription databaseIndexDescription = null; if (xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName() != null) { databaseIndexDescription = databaseTableDescription.getIndex(xmlIndexDescription.getIndexName()); } else { for (IndexDescription each : databaseTableDescription.getIndices()) { if (indexColumnsEqual(xmlIndexDescription, each)) { databaseIndexDescription = each; break; } } if (databaseIndexDescription == null) databaseIndexDescription = databaseTableDescription.getPrimaryKey(); } compareSingleIndexDescription(xmlIndexDescription, databaseIndexDescription); } } private void compareColumnDescription(TableDescription xmlTableDescription, TableDescription databaseTableDescription) { String tableName = xmlTableDescription.getTableName(); for (int i = 0; i < xmlTableDescription.getColumnSize(); i++) { ColumnDescription xmlColumnDescription = xmlTableDescription.getColumn(i); ColumnDescription databaseColumnDescription = databaseTableDescription .getColumn(xmlColumnDescription.getColumnName()); assertTrue("Column: " + xmlTableDescription + "." + xmlColumnDescription + " not in database.", databaseColumnDescription != null); if (databaseColumnDescription != null) { assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ColumnName: " + xmlColumnDescription.getColumnName() + "... Wrong Precision! Expected Precision: " + xmlColumnDescription.getPrecision() + " databasePrecision: " + databaseColumnDescription.getPrecision(), isPrecisionCompatible(xmlColumnDescription, databaseColumnDescription)); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ColumnName: " + xmlColumnDescription.getColumnName() + "... Wrong Scale! Expected Scale: " + xmlColumnDescription.getScale() + " databaseScale: " + databaseColumnDescription.getScale(), isScaleCompatible(xmlColumnDescription, databaseColumnDescription)); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ColumnName: " + xmlColumnDescription.getColumnName() + "... Wrong Type! Expected Type: " + xmlColumnDescription.getTypeName() + " databaseType: " + databaseColumnDescription.getTypeName(), isTypeCompatible(xmlColumnDescription, databaseColumnDescription)); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ColumnName: " + xmlColumnDescription.getColumnName() + "... : expected " + nullable(xmlColumnDescription.isNullable()) + " but was " + nullable(databaseColumnDescription.isNullable()), xmlColumnDescription .isNullable() == databaseColumnDescription.isNullable()); } } } private String nullable(boolean value) { return value ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"; } protected boolean isTypeCompatible(ColumnDescription expected, ColumnDescription actual) { return expected.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(actual.getTypeName()); } protected boolean isScaleCompatible(ColumnDescription expected, ColumnDescription actual) { return expected.getScale() == actual.getScale(); } protected boolean isPrecisionCompatible(ColumnDescription expected, ColumnDescription actual) { return expected.getPrecision() == actual.getPrecision(); } protected void compareForeignKeyDescription(TableDescription xmlTableDescription, TableDescription databaseTableDescription) { // todo onDeleteRule not yet hard checked! String tableName = xmlTableDescription.getTableName(); List unCheckedDatabaseFKs = new ArrayList(); if (databaseTableDescription.getForeignKeys() != null) { unCheckedDatabaseFKs.addAll(databaseTableDescription.getForeignKeys()); } List unnamedFKs = new ArrayList(xmlTableDescription.getForeignKeySize()); for (int i = 0; i < xmlTableDescription.getForeignKeySize(); i++) { ForeignKeyDescription xmlForeignKeyDescription = xmlTableDescription.getForeignKey(i); if (xmlForeignKeyDescription.getConstraintName() == null || xmlForeignKeyDescription.getConstraintName().length() == 0) { unnamedFKs.add(xmlForeignKeyDescription); // check later... continue; } ForeignKeyDescription databaseForeignKeyDescription = databaseTableDescription .getForeignKey(xmlForeignKeyDescription.getConstraintName()); unCheckedDatabaseFKs.remove(databaseForeignKeyDescription); if (databaseForeignKeyDescription != null) { compareForeignKey(tableName, xmlForeignKeyDescription, databaseForeignKeyDescription); } else assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + "... ConstraintName not found! Expected ConstraintName: " + xmlForeignKeyDescription.getConstraintName(), false); } for (ForeignKeyDescription unnamedFK : unnamedFKs) { ForeignKeyDescription dbFk = databaseTableDescription.findForeignKeyLike(unnamedFK); if (dbFk != null) { unCheckedDatabaseFKs.remove(dbFk); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(dbFk.getOnDeleteRule(), unnamedFK.getOnDeleteRule())) { log("Table: " + tableName + "... Different onDelete rules (found " + dbFk.getOnDeleteRule() + ", expected " + unnamedFK.getOnDeleteRule() + ") between foreign key on " + dbFk.getColumns()); } } else { assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + "... Missing unnamed foreign key on " + unnamedFK.getColumns() + " referencing " + unnamedFK.getRefTableName() + "." + unnamedFK.getRefColumns(), false); } } for (ForeignKeyDescription uncheckedFK : unCheckedDatabaseFKs) { assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + " contains unexpected foreign key named '" + uncheckedFK + " on columns " + uncheckedFK.getColumns() + "' referencing table '" + uncheckedFK.getRefTableName() + "'." + uncheckedFK.getRefColumns(), false); } } private void compareForeignKey(String tableName, ForeignKeyDescription xmlFk, ForeignKeyDescription dbFk) { assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + "... Wrong ConstraintName! Expected ConstraintName: " + xmlFk.getConstraintName() + " databaseConstraintName: " + dbFk.getConstraintName(), xmlFk.getConstraintName() .equalsIgnoreCase( dbFk.getConstraintName())); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + xmlFk.getConstraintName() + "... Wrong ReferencedTable! Expected RefTable: " + xmlFk.getRefTableName() + " databaseRefTable: " + dbFk.getRefTableName(), xmlFk.getRefTableName().equalsIgnoreCase( dbFk.getRefTableName())); for (int j = 0; j < xmlFk.getColumnSize(); j++) { String xmlColumn = xmlFk.getColumn(j); String xmlRefColumn = xmlFk.getRefColumn(j); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + xmlFk.getConstraintName() + "... Column not found! Expected Column: " + xmlColumn, dbFk.getColumn(xmlColumn) != -1); if (xmlRefColumn != null) { assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + xmlFk.getConstraintName() + "... ReferencedColumn not found! Expected Column: " + xmlRefColumn, dbFk .getRefColumn(xmlRefColumn) != -1); } } assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + dbFk.getConstraintName() + "... is defined on " + dbFk.getColumnSize() + " columns, but expected " + xmlFk.getColumnSize(), xmlFk.getColumnSize() == dbFk.getColumnSize()); assertTrue("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + dbFk.getConstraintName() + "... is referencing " + dbFk.getRefColumns().size() + " columns, but expected " + xmlFk.getRefColumns().size(), xmlFk.getRefColumns().size() == dbFk.getRefColumns().size()); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(dbFk.getOnDeleteRule(), xmlFk.getOnDeleteRule())) { log("Table: " + tableName + ", ConstraintName: " + dbFk.getConstraintName() + "... Different onDelete rules (found " + dbFk.getOnDeleteRule() + ", expected " + xmlFk.getOnDeleteRule() + ")"); } } protected void assertTrue(String s, boolean b) { if (!b) { myFoundErrors.add(s); } } /** * log INFO and print to console */ protected void print(Object obj) { log(obj); System.out.println(obj); } /** * log INFO or Exception * * @param obj */ protected void log(Object obj) { if (logger != null) { if (obj instanceof Throwable) { logger.error(null, (Throwable) obj); } else {; } } } }

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