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package dev.andrewbailey.diff.impl
import dev.andrewbailey.diff.impl.MyersDiffOperation.*
import kotlin.math.ceil
* This class implements a variation of Eugene Myers' Diffing Algorithm that uses linear space. This
* algorithm has a worst-case runtime of O(M + N + D^2), where N and M are the lengths of [original]
* and [updated], and D is the length of the edit script (i.e. the number of `Insert`s and `Delete`s
* that appear in the result of [generateDiff]). This algorithm has an expected runtime of
* O((M + N) D) and always uses O(D) space.
* The basic variation of this algorithm (which uses quadratic space) is a greedy algorithm. In this
* introductory variation, the algorithm places the inputs on a grid. At (0, 0), no inputs from
* either [original] or [updated] have been accepted. Moving to the right (in the positive X
* direction) indicates that the next item in [original] should be removed. Moving downward (in the
* positive Y direction) indicates that the next item in [updated] should be inserted. Moving
* diagonally (in both the positive X and Y direction) indicates that [original] and [updated] share
* a value, so there is no difference.
* The greedy algorithm makes multiple passes to find the shortest path from (0, 0) to (N, M). When
* the algorithm runs through the inputs, it can move diagonally for free. Long chains of diagonals
* where both inputs have a matching subsequence are called a [Snake]. In each iteration, the
* possible paths expand either by one unit in a single direction or, if there is a snake,
* diagonally until the end of the snake.
* The linear-space implementation of this algorithm is a divide and conquer algorithm that follows
* the same basic principles as the greedy algorithm. The input is traversed forwards and backwards
* simultaneously in a subset of the grid. When the paths in both directions intersect, a shortest
* path has been found and a diff can be outputted.
* You can read the technical paper by Eugene Myers here:
internal class MyersDiffAlgorithm(
private val original: List,
private val updated: List
) {
fun generateDiff(): Sequence> {
return walkSnakes()
.map { (x1, y1, x2, y2) ->
when {
x1 == x2 -> Insert(value = updated[y1])
y1 == y2 -> Delete
else -> Skip
private fun walkSnakes(): List {
val path = findPath()
val regions = mutableListOf()
path.forEach { (p1, p2) ->
var (x1, y1) = walkDiagonal(p1, p2, regions)
val (x2, y2) = p2
val dY = y2 - y1
val dX = x2 - x1
when {
dY > dX -> {
regions += Region(x1, y1, x1, y1 + 1)
dY < dX -> {
regions += Region(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y1)
walkDiagonal(Point(x1, y1), p2, regions)
return regions
private fun walkDiagonal(
start: Point,
end: Point,
regionsOutput: MutableList
): Point {
var (x1, y1) = start
val (x2, y2) = end
while (x1 < x2 && y1 < y2 && original[x1] == updated[y1]) {
regionsOutput += Region(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1)
return Point(x1, y1)
private fun findPath(): List {
val snakes = mutableListOf()
val stack = mutableListOf()
left = 0,
top = 0,
right = original.size,
bottom = updated.size
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val region = stack.pop()
val snake = midpoint(region)
if (snake != null) {
snakes += snake
val (start, finish) = snake
right = start.x,
bottom = start.y
left = finish.x,
top = finish.y
snakes.sortWith(object : Comparator {
override fun compare(a: Snake, b: Snake): Int {
return if (a.start.x == b.start.x) {
a.start.y - b.start.y
} else {
a.start.x - b.start.x
return snakes
private fun midpoint(
region: Region
): Snake? {
if (region.size == 0) {
return null
val max = ceil(region.size / 2.0f).toInt()
val vForwards = CircularIntArray(2 * max + 1)
vForwards[1] = region.left
val vBackwards = CircularIntArray(2 * max + 1)
vBackwards[1] = region.bottom
for (depth in 0..max) {
forwards(region, vForwards, vBackwards, depth)?.let { return it }
backwards(region, vForwards, vBackwards, depth)?.let { return it }
return null
private fun forwards(
region: Region,
vForwards: CircularIntArray,
vBackwards: CircularIntArray,
depth: Int
): Snake? {
// This loop is effectively `for (k in (-depth..depth step 2).reversed())`, but avoids
// allocating a Range object.
var k = depth
while (k >= -depth) {
val c = k -
var endX: Int
val startX: Int
if (k == -depth || (k != -depth && vForwards[k - 1] < vForwards[k + 1])) {
startX = vForwards[k + 1]
endX = startX
} else {
startX = vForwards[k - 1]
endX = startX + 1
var endY = + (endX - region.left) - k
val startY = if (depth == 0 || endX != startX) endY else endY - 1
while (endX < region.right && endY < region.bottom &&
original[endX] == updated[endY]) {
vForwards[k] = endX
if ( && c in -(depth - 1) until depth && endY >= vBackwards[c]) {
return Snake(
start = Point(startX, startY),
end = Point(endX, endY)
k -= 2
return null
private fun backwards(
region: Region,
vForwards: CircularIntArray,
vBackwards: CircularIntArray,
depth: Int
): Snake? {
// This loop is effectively `for (c in (-depth..depth step 2).reversed())`, but avoids
// allocating a Range object.
var c = depth
while (c >= -depth) {
val k = c +
val endY: Int
var startY: Int
if (c == -depth || (c != depth && vBackwards[c - 1] > vBackwards[c + 1])) {
endY = vBackwards[c + 1]
startY = endY
} else {
endY = vBackwards[c - 1]
startY = endY - 1
var startX = region.left + (startY - + k
val endX = if (depth == 0 || startY != endY) startX else startX + 1
while (startX > region.left && startY > &&
original[startX - 1] == updated[startY - 1]) {
vBackwards[c] = startY
if ( && k in -depth..depth && startX <= vForwards[k]) {
return Snake(
start = Point(startX, startY),
end = Point(endX, endY)
c -= 2
return null