jvmMain.dev.atsushieno.alsakt.Enums.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
@file:Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
package dev.atsushieno.alsakt
object AlsaClientType {
const val Kernel = 0
const val User = 1
object AlsaIOMode {
const val None = 0
const val NonBlocking = 1
object AlsaIOType {
const val Output = 1
const val Input = 2
const val Duplex = Output or Input
object AlsaPortCapabilities {
const val
/**< readable from this port */
Read = 1 shl 0
* < writable to this port
const val Write = 1 shl 1
* < for synchronization (not implemented)
const val SyncRead = 1 shl 2
* < for synchronization (not implemented)
const val SyncWrite = 1 shl 3
* < allow read/write duplex
const val Duplex = 1 shl 4
@Deprecated("Use Duplex", ReplaceWith("Duplex"))
const val Duple = 1 shl 4
* < allow read subscription
const val SubsRead = 1 shl 5
* < allow write subscription
const val SubsWrite = 1 shl 6
* < routing not allowed
const val NoExport = 1 shl 7
* < inactive port
const val Inactive = 1 shl 8
* < UMP Endpoint
const val UmpEndpoint = 1 shl 9
object AlsaPortDirection {
const val Unknown = 0
const val Input = 1
const val Output = 2
const val Bidirection = 3
object AlsaPortType {
const val
/** Messages sent from/to this port have device-specific semantics. */
Specific = 1
* This port understands MIDI messages.
const val MidiGeneric = 1 shl 1
* This port is compatible with the General MIDI specification.
const val MidiGM = 1 shl 2
* This port is compatible with the Roland GS standard.
const val MidiGS = 1 shl 3
* This port is compatible with the Yamaha XG specification.
const val MidiXG = 1 shl 4
* This port is compatible with the Roland MT-32.
const val MidiMT32 = 1 shl 5
* This port is compatible with the General MIDI 2 specification.
const val MidiGM2 = 1 shl 6
* This port is a UMP port.
const val Ump = 1 shl 7
* This port understands SND_SEQ_EVENT_SAMPLE_xxx messages
* (these are not MIDI messages).
const val Synth = 1 shl 10
* Instruments can be downloaded to this port
* (with SND_SEQ_EVENT_INSTR_xxx messages sent directly).
const val DirectSample = 1 shl 11
* Instruments can be downloaded to this port
* (with SND_SEQ_EVENT_INSTR_xxx messages sent directly or through a queue).
const val Sample = 1 shl 12
* This port is implemented in hardware.
const val Hardware = 1 shl 16
* This port is implemented in software.
const val Software = 1 shl 17
* Messages sent to this port will generate sounds.
const val Synthesizer = 1 shl 18
* This port may connect to other devices
* (whose characteristics are not known).
const val Port = 1 shl 19
* This port belongs to an application, such as a sequencer or editor.
const val Application = 1 shl 20
object AlsaSequencerType // seq.h (62, 14)
const val Hardware = 0
const val SharedMemory = 1
const val Network = 2
object AlsaSubscriptionQueryType {
const val Read = 0
const val Write = 1
object AlsaQueueTimerType {
const val Alsa = 0
const val MidiClock = 1
const val MidiTick = 2
object AlsaRemoveFlags {
const val Input = 1 shl 0
const val Output = 1 shl 1
const val Destination = 1 shl 2
const val DestinationChannel = 1 shl 3
const val TimeBefore = 1 shl 4
const val TimeAfter = 1 shl 5
const val TimeTick = 1 shl 6
const val EventType = 1 shl 7
const val IgnoreOff = 1 shl 8
const val TagMatch = 1 shl 9
object AlsaSequencerEventType {
const val System = 0
const val Result = 1
const val Note = 5
const val NoteOn = 6
const val NoteOff = 7
const val KeyPress = 7
const val Controller = 10
const val ProgramChange = 11
const val ChannelPressure = 12
const val PitchBend = 13
const val Control14 = 14
const val Nprn = 15
const val Rpn = 16
const val SongPos = 20
const val SongSel = 21
const val QFrame = 22
const val TimeSign = 23
const val KeySign = 24
const val Start = 30
const val Continue = 31
const val Stop = 32
const val SetPositionTick = 33
const val SetPositionTime = 34
const val Tempo = 35
const val Clock = 36
const val Tick = 37
const val QueueSkew = 38
const val SyncPosition = 39
const val TuneRequest = 40
const val Reset = 41
const val Sensing = 42
const val Echo = 50
const val Oss = 52
const val ClientStart = 60
const val ClientExit = 61
const val ClientChange = 62
const val PortStart = 63
const val PortExit = 64
const val PortChange = 65
const val PortSubscribed = 66
const val PortUnsubscribed = 67
const val User0 = 90
const val User1 = 91
const val User2 = 92
const val User3 = 93
const val User4 = 94
const val User5 = 95
const val User6 = 96
const val User7 = 97
const val User8 = 98
const val User9 = 99
const val Sysex = 130
const val Bounce = 131
const val UserVar0 = 135
const val UserVar1 = 136
const val UserVar2 = 137
const val UserVar3 = 139
const val UserVar4 = 139
const val None = 255