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package dev.atsushieno.ktmidi

import kotlin.js.ExperimentalJsExport
import kotlin.js.JsExport

class Midi1Music {

    internal class SmfDeltaTimeComputer: DeltaTimeComputer() {
        override fun messageToDeltaTime(message: Midi1Event) = message.deltaTime

        override fun isTempoMessage(message: Midi1Event) =
            message.message.statusCode.toUnsigned() == Midi1Status.META && message.message.msb.toInt() == MidiMetaType.TEMPO

        override fun getTempoValue(message: Midi1Event): Int {
            val e = message.message as Midi1CompoundMessage
            return getSmfTempo(e.extraData!!, e.extraDataOffset)

    companion object {
        const val DEFAULT_TEMPO = 500000

         * Calculates ticks per seconds for SMPTE for an SMF delta time division specification raw value.
         * `frameRate` should be one of 24,25,29, and 30. We dare to use UByte as the argument type to indicate that the argument is NOT the raw negative number in deltaTimeSpec.
        fun getSmpteTicksPerSeconds(smfDeltaTimeSpec: Int) =
            getSmpteTicksPerSeconds((-smfDeltaTimeSpec shr 8).toUByte(), smfDeltaTimeSpec and 0xFF)

        private fun getSmpteTicksPerSeconds(nominalFrameRate: UByte, ticksPerFrame: Int) = getActualSmpteFrameRate(nominalFrameRate).toInt() * ticksPerFrame

        // The valid values for SMPTE frameRate are 24, 25, 29, and 30, but 29 means 30 frames per second.
        private fun getActualSmpteFrameRate(nominalFrameRate: UByte) =
            if (nominalFrameRate == 29.toUByte()) 30u else nominalFrameRate

        // Note that the default tempo expects that a quarter note in 0.5 sec. (in 120bpm)
        fun getSmpteDurationInSeconds(smfDeltaTimeSpec: Int, ticks: Int, tempo: Int = DEFAULT_TEMPO, tempoRatio: Double = 1.0): Double =
            tempo.toDouble() / 250_000 * ticks / getSmpteTicksPerSeconds(smfDeltaTimeSpec) / tempoRatio

        // Note that the default tempo expects that a quarter note in 0.5 sec. (in 120bpm)
        fun getSmpteTicksForSeconds(smfDeltaTimeSpec: Int, duration: Double, tempo: Int = DEFAULT_TEMPO, tempoRatio: Double = 1.0): Int =
            (duration * tempoRatio / tempo * 250_000 * getSmpteTicksPerSeconds(smfDeltaTimeSpec)).toInt()

        fun getSmfTempo(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): Int {
            if (data.size < offset + 2)
                throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("data array must be longer than argument offset $offset + 2")
            return (data[offset].toUnsigned() shl 16) + (data[offset + 1].toUnsigned() shl 8) + data[offset + 2]

        fun getSmfBpm(data: ByteArray, offset: Int): Double {
            return 60000000.0 / getSmfTempo(data, offset)

        private val calc = SmfDeltaTimeComputer()

        fun filterEvents(messages: Iterable, filter: (Midi1Event) -> Boolean) =
            calc.filterEvents(messages, filter).map { p -> Midi1Event(p.duration.value, p.value.message) }

        fun getTotalPlayTimeMilliseconds(messages: Iterable, deltaTimeSpec: Int) = calc.getTotalPlayTimeMilliseconds(messages, deltaTimeSpec)

        fun getPlayTimeMillisecondsAtTick(messages: Iterable, ticks: Int, deltaTimeSpec: Int) = calc.getPlayTimeMillisecondsAtTick(messages, ticks, deltaTimeSpec)

    val tracks: MutableList = mutableListOf()

    var deltaTimeSpec: Int = 0

    var format: Byte = 0

    fun addTrack(track: Midi1Track) {

    fun filterEvents(filter: (Midi1Event) -> Boolean): Iterable {
        if (format != 0.toByte())
            return mergeTracks().filterEvents(filter)
        return filterEvents(tracks[0].events, filter).asIterable()

    fun getTotalTicks(): Int {
        if (format != 0.toByte())
            return mergeTracks().getTotalTicks()
        return tracks[0].events.sumOf { m: Midi1Event -> m.deltaTime }

    fun getTotalPlayTimeMilliseconds(): Int {
        if (format != 0.toByte())
            return mergeTracks().getTotalPlayTimeMilliseconds()
        return getTotalPlayTimeMilliseconds(tracks[0].events, deltaTimeSpec)

    fun getTimePositionInMillisecondsForTick(ticks: Int): Int {
        if (format != 0.toByte())
            return mergeTracks().getTimePositionInMillisecondsForTick(ticks)
        return getPlayTimeMillisecondsAtTick(tracks[0].events, ticks, deltaTimeSpec)

    init {
        this.format = 1

class Midi1Track(val events: MutableList = mutableListOf()) {
    @Deprecated("Use events property instead", ReplaceWith("events"))
    val messages: MutableList
        get() = events

class Midi1Event(val deltaTime: Int, val message: Midi1Message) {
    companion object {
        fun encode7BitLength(length: Int): Sequence =
            sequence {
                var v = length
                while (v >= 0x80) {
                    yield((v % 0x80 + 0x80).toByte())
                    v /= 0x80
                yield (v.toByte())

    @Deprecated("Use message property instead (you might need casting to Midi1CompoundMessage)")
    val event: Midi1Message by lazy { message }

    override fun toString(): String = "[$deltaTime:$message]"

interface Midi1Message {
    companion object {
        @Deprecated("Use convert(bytes, index, size, sysExChunkProcessor. It's better if you supply Midi1SysExChunkProcessor() (it is null by default for backward compatibility).", ReplaceWith("convert(bytes, index, size, null)"))
        fun convert(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int, size: Int): Sequence = convert(bytes, index, size, null)

        fun convert(bytes: ByteArray, index: Int, size: Int,
                    sysExChunkProcessor: Midi1SysExChunkProcessor? = Midi1SysExChunkProcessor()
        ): Sequence = convert(bytes.drop(index).take(size), sysExChunkProcessor)

        fun convert(bytes: List,
                    sysExChunkProcessor: Midi1SysExChunkProcessor? = Midi1SysExChunkProcessor()
        ): Sequence = sequence {
            if (sysExChunkProcessor == null)
                    .map { convertInternal(it) }
                    .forEach { yieldAll(it) }

        private fun convertInternal(bytes: List): Sequence = sequence {
            var i = 0
            val size = bytes.size
            val end = bytes.size
            while (i < end) {
                if (bytes[i].toUnsigned() == 0xF0) {
                    yield(Midi1CompoundMessage(0xF0, 0, 0, bytes.drop(i).take(size).toByteArray()))
                    i += size
                } else {
                    if (end < i + fixedDataSize(bytes[i]))
                        throw Midi1Exception("Received data was incomplete to build MIDI status message for '${bytes[i]}' status.")
                    val z = fixedDataSize(bytes[i])
                            (if (z > 0) bytes[i + 1].toUnsigned() else 0),
                            (if (z > 1) bytes[i + 2].toUnsigned() else 0),
                    i += z + 1

        fun fixedDataSize(statusByte: Byte): Byte =
            when ((statusByte.toUnsigned() and 0xF0)) {
                0xF0 -> {
                    when (statusByte.toUnsigned()) {
                        0xF1, 0xF3 -> 1
                        0xF2 -> 2
                        else -> 0
                } // including 0xF7, 0xFF
                0xC0, 0xD0 -> 1
                else -> 2

    val value: Int

    /// Contains status code, and channel for Midi1SimpleMessage.
    val statusByte: Byte
        get() = (value and 0xFF).toByte()

    /// Contains channel status (80-E0), Fn for System messages, or meta event in SMF.
    val statusCode: Byte
        get() =
            when (statusByte.toUnsigned()) {
                Midi1Status.SYSEX_END -> this.statusByte
                else -> (value and 0xF0).toByte()
    @Deprecated("Use statusCode property instead", ReplaceWith("statusCode"))
    val eventType: Byte
        get() = statusCode

    val msb: Byte
        get() = ((value and 0xFF00) shr 8).toByte()

    val lsb: Byte
        get() = ((value and 0xFF0000) shr 16).toByte()

    val metaType: Byte
        get() = msb

    val channel: Byte
        get() = (value and 0x0F).toByte()

data class Midi1SimpleMessage(override val value: Int) : Midi1Message {
    constructor(type: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int)
            : this((type.toUInt() + (arg1.toUInt() shl 8) + (arg2.toUInt() shl 16)).toInt())

class Midi1CompoundMessage : Midi1Message {
    constructor (
        type: Int,
        arg1: Int,
        arg2: Int,
        extraData: ByteArray? = null,
        extraOffset: Int = 0,
        extraLength: Int = extraData?.size ?: 0
        this.value = (type.toUInt() + (arg1.toUInt() shl 8) + (arg2.toUInt() shl 16)).toInt()
        this.extraData = extraData
        this.extraDataOffset = extraOffset
        this.extraDataLength = extraLength
    // A simple (non-F0h, non-FFh) message could be represented in a 32-bit int
    final override val value: Int

    // They are used by SysEx and meta events (if used for SMF)
    // `extraData` *might* contain EndSysEx (F7) byte.
    val extraData: ByteArray?
    val extraDataOffset: Int
    val extraDataLength: Int

    override fun toString(): String {
        return value.toString(16)

fun Midi1Music.mergeTracks() : Midi1Music =

internal class Midi1TrackMerger(private var source: Midi1Music) {
    internal fun getMergedMessages(): Midi1Music {
        var l = mutableListOf()

        for (track in source.tracks) {
            var delta = 0
            for (mev in {
                delta += mev.deltaTime
                l.add(Midi1Event(delta, mev.message))

        if (l.size == 0) {
            val ret = Midi1Music().apply {
                format = 0
            ret.deltaTimeSpec = source.deltaTimeSpec // empty (why did you need to sort your song file?)
            return ret

        // Simple sorter does not work as expected.
        // For example, it does not always preserve event orders on the same channels when the delta time
        // of event B after event A is 0. It could be sorted either as A->B or B->A, which is no-go for
        // MIDI messages. For example, "ProgramChange at Xmsec. -> NoteOn at Xmsec." must not be sorted as
        // "NoteOn at Xmsec. -> ProgramChange at Xmsec.".
        // To resolve this issue, we have to sort "chunk"  of events, not all single events themselves, so
        // that order of events in the same chunk is preserved.
        // i.e. [AB] at 48 and [CDE] at 0 should be sorted as [CDE] [AB].

        val indexList = mutableListOf()
        var prev = -1
        var i = 0
        while (i < l.size) {
            if (l[i].deltaTime != prev) {
                prev = l[i].deltaTime
        val idxOrdered = indexList.sortedBy { n -> l[n].deltaTime }

        // now build a new event list based on the sorted blocks.
        val l2 = mutableListOf()
        var idx: Int
        i = 0
        while (i < idxOrdered.size) {
            idx = idxOrdered[i]
            prev = l[idx].deltaTime
            while (idx < l.size && l[idx].deltaTime == prev) {
        l = l2

        // now messages should be sorted correctly.

        var waitToNext = l[0].deltaTime
        i = 0
        while (i < l.size - 1) {
            val tmp = l[i + 1].deltaTime - l[i].deltaTime
            l[i] = Midi1Event(waitToNext, l[i].message)
            waitToNext = tmp
        l[l.size - 1] = Midi1Event(waitToNext, l[l.size - 1].message)

        val music = Midi1Music()
        music.deltaTimeSpec = source.deltaTimeSpec
        music.format = 0
        return music

fun Midi1Track.splitTracksByChannel(deltaTimeSpec: Byte) : Midi1Music =
    Midi1TrackSplitter(events, deltaTimeSpec).split()

open class Midi1TrackSplitter(private val source: MutableList, private val deltaTimeSpec: Byte) {
    companion object {
        fun split(source: MutableList, deltaTimeSpec: Byte): Midi1Music {
            return Midi1TrackSplitter(source, deltaTimeSpec).split()

    private val tracks = HashMap()

    internal class SplitTrack(val trackID: Int) {

        private var totalDeltaTime: Int
        val track: Midi1Track = Midi1Track()

        fun addMessage(deltaInsertAt: Int, e: Midi1Event) {
            val e2 = Midi1Event(deltaInsertAt - totalDeltaTime, e.message)
            totalDeltaTime = deltaInsertAt

        init {
            totalDeltaTime = 0

    private fun getTrack(track: Int): SplitTrack {
        var t = tracks[track]
        if (t == null) {
            t = SplitTrack(track)
            tracks[track] = t
        return t

    // Override it to customize track dispatcher. It would be
    // useful to split note messages out from non-note ones,
    // to ease data reading.
    open fun getTrackId(e: Midi1Event): Int {
        return when (e.message.statusCode.toUnsigned()) {
            Midi1Status.META, Midi1Status.SYSEX, Midi1Status.SYSEX_END -> -1
            else ->

    fun split(): Midi1Music {
        var totalDeltaTime = 0
        for (e in source) {
            totalDeltaTime += e.deltaTime
            val id: Int = getTrackId(e)
            getTrack(id).addMessage(totalDeltaTime, e)

        val m = Midi1Music()
        m.deltaTimeSpec = deltaTimeSpec.toInt()
        for (t in tracks.values)
        return m

    init {
        val mtr = SplitTrack(-1)
        tracks[-1] = mtr

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