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package dev.bpmcrafters.processengine.worker.registrar
import dev.bpmcrafters.processengine.worker.BpmnErrorOccurred
import dev.bpmcrafters.processengine.worker.configuration.ProcessEngineWorkerAutoConfiguration
import dev.bpmcrafters.processengine.worker.configuration.ProcessEngineWorkerProperties.Companion.PREFIX
import dev.bpmcrafters.processengineapi.task.*
import mu.KLogging
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfigureAfter
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnProperty
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy
import java.lang.reflect.Method
* Registrar responsible for collecting process engine workers and creating corresponding external task subscriptions.
* @since 0.0.3
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = PREFIX, name = ["enabled"], havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true)
class ProcessEngineStarterRegistrar(
private val taskSubscriptionApi: TaskSubscriptionApi,
private val taskCompletionApi: ServiceTaskCompletionApi,
private val variableConverter: VariableConverter,
private val parameterResolver: ParameterResolver,
private val resultResolver: ResultResolver
) : BeanPostProcessor {
private val exceptionResolver = ExceptionResolver()
companion object : KLogging()
override fun postProcessAfterInitialization(bean: Any, beanName: String): Any {
val annotatedProcessEngineWorkers = bean.getAnnotatedWorkers()
if (annotatedProcessEngineWorkers.isNotEmpty()) {
logger.debug { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-001: Detected ${annotatedProcessEngineWorkers.size} annotated workers on $beanName." }
logger.trace { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-001: Detected annotated workers on $beanName are: ${ { }}." }
} { method ->
val topic = method.getTopic()
// detects among all result resolver if the specified payload may be converted to payload return type
val payloadReturnType = resultResolver.payloadReturnType(method)
val autoCompleteTask = method.getAutoComplete()
// report misconfiguration because: the user selected to autocomplete, there is no result converter and the method has a non-void result.
// so probably this result is not converted as payload - and either there should be no result
// or there should be a matching converter strategy inside the result resolver
if (autoCompleteTask && !method.hasVoidReturnType() && !payloadReturnType) {
logger.warn { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-002: Found an unambiguous process task worker defined in $beanName#${} having non-void and not payload compatible return type and auto-complete set to true." }
val annotatedVariableParameters = method.parameters.filter { it.isVariable() }
val variableNames = if (annotatedVariableParameters.isNotEmpty()) {
annotatedVariableParameters.extractVariableNames() // explicit variable names
} else {
null // null means no limitation
val subscription = taskSubscriptionApi.subscribeForTask(
subscribe(topic, variableNames, autoCompleteTask, payloadReturnType, method)
{ taskInformation, payload ->
val args: Array = parameterResolver.createInvocationArguments(
method = method,
taskInformation = taskInformation,
payload = payload,
variableConverter = variableConverter,
taskCompletionApi = taskCompletionApi
method.invoke(bean, *args) // spread the array
return bean
* Executes the subscription.
* @param topic subscription topic
* @param payloadDescription description of the variables to be passed.
* @param autoCompleteTask flag indicating if the task should be completed after execution of the worker.
* @param payloadReturnType flag indicating of the return type of the method can be converted int payload.
* @param method process engine worker method.
* @param actionWithResult worker always returning the result.
private fun subscribe(
topic: String,
payloadDescription: Set? = emptySet(),
autoCompleteTask: Boolean,
payloadReturnType: Boolean,
method: Method,
actionWithResult: TaskHandlerWithResult
): SubscribeForTaskCmd = SubscribeForTaskCmd(
restrictions = mapOf(),
taskType = TaskType.EXTERNAL,
taskDescriptionKey = topic,
payloadDescription = payloadDescription,
action = { taskInformation, payload ->
try {
logger.trace { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-015: invoking external task worker for ${taskInformation.taskId}" }
actionWithResult.invoke(taskInformation, payload).also { result ->
if (autoCompleteTask) {
logger.trace { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-016: auto completing task ${taskInformation.taskId}" }
taskId = taskInformation.taskId
) {
if (payloadReturnType) {
resultResolver.resolve(method, result)
} else {
logger.trace { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-017: successfully invoked external task worker for ${taskInformation.taskId}." }
} catch (e: Exception) {
val cause = exceptionResolver.getCause(e)
if (cause is BpmnErrorOccurred) {
logger.trace { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-012: external task worker thrown an BPMN Error ${cause.errorCode}" }
taskId = taskInformation.taskId,
errorCode = cause.errorCode,
errorMessage = cause.message,
payloadSupplier = { cause.payload }
} else {
logger.error(e) { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-011: Exception during execution of external task worker" }
taskId = taskInformation.taskId,
reason = cause.message ?: "Exception during execution of external task worker",
errorDetails = cause.stackTraceToString()
termination = {
logger.debug { "PROCESS-ENGINE-WORKER-010: Terminating task from topic $topic." }
* Task handler as a function.
fun interface TaskHandlerWithResult : (TaskInformation, Map) -> Any?