libretto.cats.Bifunctor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package libretto.cats
import libretto.lambda.Category
/** Witnesses that `F` is a bifunctor (covariant in both variables) on the category `->`. */
trait Bifunctor[->[_, _], F[_, _]] { self =>
val category: Category[->]
def lift[A, B, C, D](f: A -> B, g: C -> D): F[A, C] -> F[B, D]
def fst[B]: Functor[->, F[_, B]] =
new Functor[->, F[_, B]] {
override val category =
override def lift[A1, A2](f: A1 -> A2): F[A1, B] -> F[A2, B] =
Bifunctor.this.lift[A1, A2, B, B](f,[B])
def snd[A]: Functor[->, F[A, _]] =
new Functor[->, F[A, _]] {
override val category =
override def lift[B1, B2](g: B1 -> B2): F[A, B1] -> F[A, B2] =
Bifunctor.this.lift[A, A, B1, B2]([A], g)
def inside[G[_]](using G: Functor[->, G]): Bifunctor[->, [x, y] =>> G[F[x, y]]] =
new Bifunctor[->, [x, y] =>> G[F[x, y]]] {
override val category =
override def lift[A, B, C, D](f: A -> B, g: C -> D): G[F[A, C]] -> G[F[B, D]] =
G.lift(Bifunctor.this.lift(f, g))
object Bifunctor {
def apply[->[_, _], F[_, _]](using ev: Bifunctor[->, F]): Bifunctor[->, F] =