libretto.exec.Executor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package libretto.exec
import libretto.lambda.util.SourcePos
import libretto.util.Async
trait Executor { self =>
import Executor.CancellationReason
val dsl: { type -⚬[A, B] }
val bridge: Bridge.Of[dsl.type]
import dsl.-⚬
import bridge.Execution
/** Type of parameters used to tweak execution.
* @tparam A returned to the caller when execution starts
type ExecutionParam[A]
type ExecutionParams[A] = libretto.exec.ExecutionParams[ExecutionParam, A]
def execute[A, B, P](
prg: A -⚬ B,
params: ExecutionParams[P],
): (Executing[bridge.type, A, B], P)
final def execute[A, B](prg: A -⚬ B): Executing[bridge.type, A, B] =
execute(prg, ExecutionParams.unit)._1
def cancel(using pos: SourcePos)(execution: Execution): Async[Unit]
/** Watch for abrupt cancellation of the given [[Execution]].
* If the execution completes normally, the returned [[Async]] may never complete.
def watchForCancellation(execution: Execution): Async[CancellationReason]
object Executor {
type Of[DSL <: { type -⚬[A, B] }, BRIDGE <: Bridge.Of[DSL]] =
Executor {
val dsl: DSL
val bridge: BRIDGE
type Ofp[DSL <: { type -⚬[A, B] }, BRIDGE <: Bridge.Of[DSL], P[_]] =
Of[DSL, BRIDGE] { type ExecutionParam[A] = P[A] }
trait Factory {
type Dsl <: { type -⚬[A, B] }
val dsl: Dsl
type Bridge <: libretto.exec.Bridge.Of[dsl.type]
val bridge: Bridge
type ExecutionParam[A]
type ExecutorResource
def name: String
def create(): ExecutorResource
def access(r: ExecutorResource): Executor.Ofp[dsl.type, bridge.type, ExecutionParam]
def shutdown(r: ExecutorResource): Unit
object Factory {
type Of[DSL, BRIDGE] =
Factory {
type Dsl <: DSL & { type -⚬[A, B] }
type Bridge <: BRIDGE & libretto.exec.Bridge.Of[dsl.type]
type Ofp[DSL, BRIDGE, P[_]] =
Of[DSL, BRIDGE] { type ExecutionParam[A] = P[A] }
enum CancellationReason {
case User(position: SourcePos)
case Bug(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable])