libretto.puro.Puro.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package libretto.puro
import libretto.cats.{Functor, Monad}
import libretto.lambda.{EnumModule, Extractor, Focus, MonoidalCategory, Partitioning, ClosedSymmetricMonoidalCategory}
import libretto.lambda.util.{SourcePos, TypeEq}
import libretto.lambda.util.TypeEq.Refl
import libretto.util.Equal
import scala.annotation.targetName
import libretto.lambda.SemigroupalCategory
/** Defines the "pure" part of Libretto concurrency DSL.
* By "pure" we mean absence of any Scala functions inside.
* @see [[libretto.scaletto.Scaletto]] extension of [[Puro]] with support for embedding Scala functions.
trait Puro {
/** Libretto arrow, also called a ''component'' or a ''linear function''.
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓
* ┞───┐ ┞───┐
* ╎ A │ ╎ B │
* ┟───┘ ┟───┘
* ┗━━━━━━━━━━┛
* ```
* In `A -⚬ B`, we say that the ''in-port'' is of type `A` and the ''out-port'' is of type `B`.
* Note that the distinction between the in-port and the out-port is only formal. Information or resources
* may flow in and out through both the in-port and the out-port.
* "Linear" means that each input is ''consumed'' exactly once, in particular, it cannot be ignored or used twice.
type -⚬[A, B]
/** `-[A]` is a "demand" for `A`.
* Inverts the flow of information: whatever travels through `A` in one direction,
* travels through `-[A]` in the opposite direction.
type -[A]
/** Function object (a.k.a. internal hom), internal to the DSL,
* that is, a function that can be on the input or output of a linear function (`-⚬`).
* It must itself be used linearly (i.e. exactly once).
* While `A -⚬ B` is a _morphism_ in a category, `A =⚬ B` is an _object_ in the category.
* Existence of all function objects (internal homs) makes `-⚬` a _closed monoidal category._
* In fact, it follows from the existence of inversions: `A =⚬ B` can be defined as `-[A] |*| B`.
type =⚬[A, B] = -[A] |*| B
/** Concurrent pair. Also called a ''tensor product'' or simply ''times''. */
type |*|[A, B]
/** Alias for [[|*|]]. */
type ⊗[A, B] = A |*| B
/** No resource. It is the identity element for [[|*|]].
* There is no flow of information through a `One`-typed port.
type One
/** Either `A` or `B`. Analogous to [[scala.Either]].
* Whether it is going to be `A` or `B` is decided by the producer.
* The consumer has to be ready to handle either of the two cases.
type |+|[A, B]
/** Alias for [[|+|]]. */
type ⊕[A, B] = A |+| B
/** Impossible resource. Analogous to [[Nothing]]. It is the identity element for [[|+|]]. */
type Void
/** Choice between `A` and `B`.
* The consumer chooses whether to get `A` or `B` (but can get only one of them).
* The producer has to be ready to provide either of them.
type |&|[A, B]
/** Delimiter of fields in n-ary typedefs. */
type ||[A, B]
/** Used to describe named fields: `"label" :: Type`. */
type ::[Label, T]
type OneOf[Cases]
val OneOf: EnumModule.LeftAssociative[-⚬, |*|, OneOf, ||, ::]
protected val SumPartitioning: libretto.lambda.CoproductPartitioning[-⚬, |*|, |+|]
/** Signal that travels in the direction of [[-⚬]], i.e. the positive direction.
* It may signal completion of a (potentially effectful) computation.
* It cannot be ignored. (If this signal was the only handle to an (effectful) computation,
* ignoring it would mean losing track of that computation, which is considered to be a resource leak.)
type Done
/** Signal that travels in the direction opposite to [[-⚬]], i.e. the negative direction.
* It may signal completion of a (potentially effectful) computation.
* It cannot be ignored. (If this signal was the only handle to an (effectful) computation,
* ignoring it would mean losing track of that computation, which is considered to be a resource leak.)
type Need
/** Signal that travels in the direction of [[-⚬]], i.e. the positive direction.
* [Unlike [[Done]], it cannot be the only handle to an effectful computation.
* As such, it can be ignored, e.g. as the losing contestant in [[racePair]].
type Ping
/** Signal that travels in the direction opposite to [[-⚬]], i.e. the negative direction.
* Unlike [[Need]], it cannot be the only handle to an effectful computation.
* As such, it can be ignored, e.g. as the losing contestant in [[selectPair]].
type Pong
/** A black hole that can absorb (i.e. take over the responsibility to await) [[Done]] signals, but from which there
* is no escape.
type RTerminus
/** A black hole that can absorb (i.e. take over the responsibility to await) [[Need]] signals, but from which there
* is no escape.
type LTerminus
/** Used to define recursive types. */
type Rec[F[_]]
/** Represents a callable subroutine (subprogram) accessible from inside the program.
* It can be used (called) any number of times.
* As such, it is a more convenient equivalent of `Unlimited[A =⚬ B]`,
* with an extension method to invoke the subroutine.
type Sub[A, B]
/** Unsigned (i.e. non-negative) integer up to 31 bits.
* Behavior on overflow is undefined.
type UInt31
val UInt31: UInt31s
/** The type of auxiliary placeholder variables used in construction of [[λ]]-expressions. */
type $[A]
opaque type ??[A] = $[-[A]]
def id[A]: A -⚬ A
def andThen[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ B, g: B -⚬ C): A -⚬ C
def par[A, B, C, D](
f: A -⚬ B,
g: C -⚬ D,
): (A |*| C) -⚬ (B |*| D)
def fst[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ B): (A |*| C) -⚬ (B |*| C) =
par(f, id[C])
def snd[A, B, C](f: B -⚬ C): (A |*| B) -⚬ (A |*| C) =
par(id[A], f)
def introFst[B]: B -⚬ (One |*| B)
def introSnd[A]: A -⚬ (A |*| One)
def elimFst[B]: (One |*| B) -⚬ B
def elimSnd[A]: (A |*| One) -⚬ A
def introFst[A, X](f: One -⚬ X): A -⚬ (X |*| A) =
andThen(introFst[A], par(f, id))
def introSnd[A, X](f: One -⚬ X): A -⚬ (A |*| X) =
andThen(introSnd[A], par(id, f))
def elimFst[A, B](f: A -⚬ One): (A |*| B) -⚬ B =
andThen(par(f, id), elimFst)
def elimSnd[A, B](f: B -⚬ One): (A |*| B) -⚬ A =
andThen(par(id, f), elimSnd)
def assocLR[A, B, C]: ((A |*| B) |*| C) -⚬ (A |*| (B |*| C))
def assocRL[A, B, C]: (A |*| (B |*| C)) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |*| C)
def swap[A, B]: (A |*| B) -⚬ (B |*| A)
def injectL[A, B]: A -⚬ (A |+| B)
def injectR[A, B]: B -⚬ (A |+| B)
def either[A, B, C](
caseLeft: A -⚬ C,
caseRight: B -⚬ C,
): (A |+| B) -⚬ C
def absurd[A]: Void -⚬ A
def chooseL[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ A
def chooseR[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ B
def choice[A, B, C](
caseLeft: A -⚬ B,
caseRight: A -⚬ C,
): A -⚬ (B |&| C)
def delayIndefinitely: Done -⚬ RTerminus
def regressInfinitely: LTerminus -⚬ Need
def fork: Done -⚬ (Done |*| Done)
def join: (Done |*| Done) -⚬ Done
def forkMap[A, B](f: Done -⚬ A, g: Done -⚬ B): Done -⚬ (A |*| B) =
andThen(fork, par(f, g))
def joinMap[A, B](f: A -⚬ Done, g: B -⚬ Done): (A |*| B) -⚬ Done =
andThen(par(f, g), join)
def forkNeed: (Need |*| Need) -⚬ Need
def joinNeed: Need -⚬ (Need |*| Need)
def forkMapNeed[A, B](f: A -⚬ Need, g: B -⚬ Need): (A |*| B) -⚬ Need =
andThen(par(f, g), forkNeed)
def joinMapNeed[A, B](f: Need -⚬ A, g: Need -⚬ B): Need -⚬ (A |*| B) =
andThen(joinNeed, par(f, g))
def notifyDoneL: Done -⚬ (Ping |*| Done)
def notifyDoneR: Done -⚬ (Done |*| Ping) =
andThen(notifyDoneL, swap)
def notifyNeedL: (Pong |*| Need) -⚬ Need
def notifyNeedR: (Need |*| Pong) -⚬ Need =
andThen(swap, notifyNeedL)
def forkPing: Ping -⚬ (Ping |*| Ping)
def forkPong: (Pong |*| Pong) -⚬ Pong
def joinPing: (Ping |*| Ping) -⚬ Ping
def joinPong: Pong -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong)
def strengthenPing: Ping -⚬ Done
def strengthenPong: Need -⚬ Pong
def ping: One -⚬ Ping
def pong: Pong -⚬ One
def done: One -⚬ Done = andThen(ping, strengthenPing)
def need: Need -⚬ One = andThen(strengthenPong, pong)
/** Signals when it is decided whether `A |+| B` actually contains the left side or the right side. */
def notifyEither[A, B]: (A |+| B) -⚬ (Ping |*| (A |+| B))
/** Signals (in the negative direction) when it is known which side of the choice (`A |&| B`) has been chosen. */
def notifyChoice[A, B]: (Pong |*| (A |&| B)) -⚬ (A |&| B)
def injectLOnPing[A, B]: (Ping |*| A) -⚬ (A |+| B)
def injectROnPing[A, B]: (Ping |*| B) -⚬ (A |+| B) =
andThen(injectLOnPing, either(injectR, injectL))
def chooseLOnPong[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ (Pong |*| A)
def chooseROnPong[A, B]: (A |&| B) -⚬ (Pong |*| B) =
andThen(choice(chooseR, chooseL), chooseLOnPong)
def dismissPing: Ping -⚬ One =
andThen(andThen(introSnd, injectLOnPing[One, One]), either(id, id))
def dismissPong: One -⚬ Pong =
andThen(choice(id, id), andThen(chooseLOnPong[One, One], elimSnd))
/** Factor out the factor `A` on the left of both summands. */
def factorL[A, B, C]: ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| C)) -⚬ (A |*| (B |+| C)) =
either(par(id, injectL), par(id, injectR))
/** Factor out the factor `C` on the right of both summands. */
def factorR[A, B, C]: ((A |*| C) |+| (B |*| C)) -⚬ ((A |+| B) |*| C) =
either(par(injectL, id), par(injectR, id))
/** Distribute the factor on the left into the summands on the right.
* Inverse of [[factorL]].
def distributeL[A, B, C]: (A |*| (B |+| C)) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| C))
/** Distribute the factor on the right into the summands on the left.
* Inverse of [[factorR]].
def distributeR[A, B, C]: ((A |+| B) |*| C) -⚬ ((A |*| C) |+| (B |*| C)) =
andThen(andThen(swap, distributeL), either(andThen(swap, injectL), andThen(swap, injectR)))
def coFactorL[A, B, C]: (A |*| (B |&| C)) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |&| (A |*| C)) =
choice(par(id, chooseL), par(id, chooseR))
def coFactorR[A, B, C]: ((A |&| B) |*| C) -⚬ ((A |*| C) |&| (B |*| C)) =
choice(par(chooseL, id), par(chooseR, id))
/** Inverse of [[coFactorL]]. */
def coDistributeL[A, B, C]: ((A |*| B) |&| (A |*| C)) -⚬ (A |*| (B |&| C))
/** Inverse of [[coFactorR]]. */
def coDistributeR[A, B, C]: ((A |*| C) |&| (B |*| C)) -⚬ ((A |&| B) |*| C) =
andThen(andThen(choice(andThen(chooseL, swap), andThen(chooseR, swap)), coDistributeL), swap)
/** Reverses the [[Done]] signal (flowing in the positive direction, i.e. along the `-⚬` arrow)
* into a [[Need]] signal (flowing in the negative direciton, i.e. against the `-⚬` arrow).
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓
* ┞────┐ ┃
* ╎Done│┄┄┐ ┃
* ┟────┘ ┆ ┃
* ┃ ┆ ┃
* ┞────┐ ┆ ┃
* ╎Need│←┄┘ ┃
* ┟────┘ ┃
* ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛
* ```
def rInvertSignal: (Done |*| Need) -⚬ One
/** Reverses the [[Need]] signal (flowing in the negative direciton, i.e. against the `-⚬` arrow)
* into a [[Done]] signal (flowing in the positive direction, i.e. along the `-⚬` arrow).
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━┓
* ┃ ┞────┐
* ┃ ┌┄┄╎Need│
* ┃ ┆ ┟────┘
* ┃ ┆ ┃
* ┃ ┆ ┞────┐
* ┃ └┄→╎Done│
* ┃ ┟────┘
* ┗━━━━━━┛
* ```
def lInvertSignal: One -⚬ (Need |*| Done)
def rInvertPingPong: (Ping |*| Pong) -⚬ One
def lInvertPongPing: One -⚬ (Pong |*| Ping)
def joinRTermini: (RTerminus |*| RTerminus) -⚬ RTerminus
def joinLTermini: LTerminus -⚬ (LTerminus |*| LTerminus)
def rInvertTerminus: (RTerminus |*| LTerminus) -⚬ One
def lInvertTerminus: One -⚬ (LTerminus |*| RTerminus)
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓
* ┞────┐ ┃
* ╎ A │┄┄┐ ┃
* ┟────┘ ┆ ┃
* ┃ ┆ ┃
* ┞────┐ ┆ ┃
* ╎-[A]│←┄┘ ┃
* ┟────┘ ┃
* ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛
* ```
def backvert[A]: (A |*| -[A]) -⚬ One
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━┓
* ┃ ┞────┐
* ┃ ┌┄┄╎-[A]│
* ┃ ┆ ┟────┘
* ┃ ┆ ┃
* ┃ ┆ ┞────┐
* ┃ └┄→╎ A │
* ┃ ┟────┘
* ┗━━━━━━┛
* ```
def forevert[A]: One -⚬ (-[A] |*| A)
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓
* ┃ ┞────┐
* ┞────┐ ╎-[A]│
* ╎ ⎡A⎤│ ┟────┘
* ╎-⎢⊗⎥│ ┃
* ╎ ⎣B⎦│ ┞────┐
* ┟────┘ ╎-[B]│
* ┃ ┟────┘
* ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛
* ```
def distributeInversion[A, B]: -[A |*| B] -⚬ (-[A] |*| -[B])
* ```
* ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓
* ┞────┐ ┃
* ╎-[A]│ ┞────┐
* ┟────┘ ╎ ⎡A⎤│
* ┃ ╎-⎢⊗⎥│
* ┞────┐ ╎ ⎣B⎦│
* ╎-[B]│ ┟────┘
* ┟────┘ ┃
* ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┛
* ```
def factorOutInversion[A, B]: (-[A] |*| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |*| B]
def curry[A, B, C](f: (A |*| B) -⚬ C): A -⚬ (B =⚬ C) =
introFst(forevert[B]) > assocLR > snd(swap > f)
def eval[A, B]: ((A =⚬ B) |*| A) -⚬ B =
swap > assocRL > elimFst(backvert)
def uncurry[A, B, C](f: A -⚬ (B =⚬ C)): (A |*| B) -⚬ C =
andThen(par(f, id[B]), eval[B, C])
/** Turn a function into a function object. */
def obj[A, B](f: A -⚬ B): One -⚬ (A =⚬ B) =
curry(andThen(elimFst, f))
/** Map the output of a function object. */
def out[A, B, C](f: B -⚬ C): (A =⚬ B) -⚬ (A =⚬ C) =
def invertOne: One -⚬ -[One] =
forevert[One] > elimSnd
def unInvertOne: -[One] -⚬ One =
introFst > backvert[One]
/** Double-inversion elimination. */
def die[A]: -[-[A]] -⚬ A =
introSnd(forevert[A]) > assocRL > elimFst(swap > backvert[-[A]])
/** Double-inversion introduction. */
def dii[A]: A -⚬ -[-[A]] =
introFst(forevert[-[A]]) > assocLR > elimSnd(swap > backvert[A])
def contrapositive[A, B](f: A -⚬ B): -[B] -⚬ -[A] =
introFst(forevert[A] > snd(f)) > assocLR > elimSnd(backvert[B])
def unContrapositive[A, B](f: -[A] -⚬ -[B]): B -⚬ A =
dii[B] > contrapositive(f) > die[A]
def distributeInversionInto_|+|[A, B]: -[A |+| B] -⚬ (-[A] |&| -[B]) =
contrapositive(injectL[A, B]),
contrapositive(injectR[A, B]),
def factorInversionOutOf_|+|[A, B]: (-[A] |+| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |&| B] =
contrapositive(chooseL[A, B]),
contrapositive(chooseR[A, B]),
def distributeInversionInto_|&|[A, B]: -[A |&| B] -⚬ (-[A] |+| -[B]) =
unContrapositive(distributeInversionInto_|+| > choice(chooseL > die, chooseR > die) > dii)
def factorInversionOutOf_|&|[A, B]: (-[A] |&| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |+| B] =
unContrapositive(die > either(dii > injectL, dii > injectR) > factorInversionOutOf_|+|)
def invertClosure[A, B]: -[A =⚬ B] -⚬ (B =⚬ A) =
distributeInversion > swap > snd(die)
def unInvertClosure[A, B]: (A =⚬ B) -⚬ -[B =⚬ A] =
snd(dii) > swap > factorOutInversion
/** Uses the resource from the first in-port to satisfy the demand from the second in-port.
* Alias for [[backvert]].
def supply[A]: (A |*| -[A]) -⚬ One =
/** Creates a demand on the first out-port, channeling the provided resource to the second out-port.
* Alias for [[forevert]].
def demand[A]: One -⚬ (-[A] |*| A) =
/** Alias for [[die]]. */
def doubleDemandElimination[A]: -[-[A]] -⚬ A =
/** Alias for [[dii]]. */
def doubleDemandIntroduction[A]: A -⚬ -[-[A]] =
/** Alias for [[distributeInversion]] */
def demandSeparately[A, B]: -[A |*| B] -⚬ (-[A] |*| -[B]) =
distributeInversion[A, B]
/** Alias for [[factorOutInversion]]. */
def demandTogether[A, B]: (-[A] |*| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |*| B] =
factorOutInversion[A, B]
/** Converts a demand for choice to a demand of the chosen side.
* Alias for [[distributeInversionInto_|&|]].
def demandChosen[A, B]: -[A |&| B] -⚬ (-[A] |+| -[B]) =
distributeInversionInto_|&|[A, B]
/** Converts an obligation to handle either demand to an obligation to supply a choice.
* Alias for [[factorInversionOutOf_|+|]].
def demandChoice[A, B]: (-[A] |+| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |&| B] =
factorInversionOutOf_|+|[A, B]
/** Converts demand for either to a choice of which side to supply.
* Alias for [[distributeInversionInto_|+|]].
def toChoiceOfDemands[A, B]: -[A |+| B] -⚬ (-[A] |&| -[B]) =
distributeInversionInto_|+|[A, B]
/** Converts choice of demands to demand of either.
* Alias for [[factorInversionOutOf_|&|]].
def demandEither[A, B]: (-[A] |&| -[B]) -⚬ -[A |+| B] =
factorInversionOutOf_|&|[A, B]
def invertedPingAsPong: -[Ping] -⚬ Pong =
introFst(lInvertPongPing) > assocLR > elimSnd(supply[Ping])
def pongAsInvertedPing: Pong -⚬ -[Ping] =
introFst(demand[Ping]) > assocLR > elimSnd(rInvertPingPong)
def invertedPongAsPing: -[Pong] -⚬ Ping =
introSnd(lInvertPongPing) > assocRL > elimFst(swap > supply[Pong])
def pingAsInvertedPong: Ping -⚬ -[Pong] =
introSnd(demand[Pong] > swap) > assocRL > elimFst(rInvertPingPong)
def invertedDoneAsNeed: -[Done] -⚬ Need =
introFst(lInvertSignal) > assocLR > elimSnd(supply[Done])
def needAsInvertedDone: Need -⚬ -[Done] =
introFst(demand[Done]) > assocLR > elimSnd(rInvertSignal)
def invertedNeedAsDone: -[Need] -⚬ Done =
introSnd(lInvertSignal) > assocRL > elimFst(swap > supply[Need])
def doneAsInvertedNeed: Done -⚬ -[Need] =
introSnd(demand[Need] > swap) > assocRL > elimFst(rInvertSignal)
def packDemand[F[_]]: -[F[Rec[F]]] -⚬ -[Rec[F]] =
def unpackDemand[F[_]]: -[Rec[F]] -⚬ -[F[Rec[F]]] =
def fun[A, B]: Sub[A, B] -⚬ (A =⚬ B) =
def rec[A, B](using pos: SourcePos)(f: (A -⚬ B) => (A -⚬ B)): A -⚬ B
def rec[A, B](f: (Sub[A, B] |*| A) -⚬ B): A -⚬ B
/** An invocation of a subroutine. */
def invoke[A, B]: (Sub[A, B] |*| A) -⚬ B
/** A subroutine is available any number of times. */
given comonoidSub[A, B]: Comonoid[Sub[A, B]]
def sub[A, B](using pos: SourcePos)(f: A -⚬ B): One -⚬ Sub[A, B]
def subroutine[A, B](f: A -⚬ B)(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): $[Sub[A, B]] =
/** Hides one level of a recursive type definition. */
def pack[F[_]]: F[Rec[F]] -⚬ Rec[F]
/** Unpacks one level of a recursive type definition. */
def unpack[F[_]]: Rec[F] -⚬ F[Rec[F]]
/** Races the two [[Ping]] signals.
* Produces left if the first signal wins and right if the second signal wins.
* It is biased to the left: if both signals have arrived by the time of inquiry, returns left.
def racePair: (Ping |*| Ping) -⚬ (One |+| One)
/** Races the two [[Pong]] signals (traveling from right to left).
* Chooses left if the first signal wins and right if the second signal wins.
* It is biased to the left: if both signals have arrived by the time of inquiry, chooses left.
def selectPair: (One |&| One) -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong)
// TODO: make it `named(Id)(A -⚬ B)`, using a unique identifier
def sharedCode[A, B](using SourcePos)(f: A -⚬ B): A -⚬ B
given category: ClosedSymmetricMonoidalCategory[-⚬, |*|, One, =⚬]
type LambdaContext
val λ: LambdaOps
trait LambdaOps {
val closure: ClosureOps
/** Used to define a linear function `A -⚬ B` in a point-full style, i.e. as a lambda expression.
* Recall that when defining `A -⚬ B`, we never get a hold of `a: A` as a Scala value. However,
* by using this method we get a hold of `a: $[A]`, a placeholder variable, and construct the result
* expression `$[B]`.
* This method then inspects how the input variable `a: $[A]` is used in the result `$[B]` and
* infers a (point-free) construction of `A -⚬ B`.
* @throws AssemblyError if `f` is malformed
def apply[A, B](using SourcePos)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[B],
): A -⚬ B
def rec[A, B](using SourcePos)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[Sub[A, B]] => $[A] => $[B],
): A -⚬ B =
val g: (Sub[A, B] |*| A) -⚬ B = apply { case *(self) |*| a => f(self)(a) }
/** Auxiliary method to specify the type of input port. */
def from[A]: LambdaFrom[A] =
class LambdaFrom[A] {
def apply[B](using SourcePos)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[B],
): A -⚬ B =
LambdaOps.this.apply[A, B](f)
def rec[B](using SourcePos)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[Sub[A, B]] => $[A] => $[B],
): A -⚬ B =
LambdaOps.this.rec[A, B](f)
trait ClosureOps {
/** Creates a closure (`A =⚬ B`), i.e. a function that captures variables from the outer scope,
* as an expression (`$[A =⚬ B]`) that can be used in outer [[λ]].
def apply[A, B](using SourcePos, LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[B],
): $[A =⚬ B]
def rec[A, B](using SourcePos, LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[Sub[A, B]] => $[A] => $[B],
): $[A =⚬ B]
/** Auxiliary method to specify the type of input port. */
def from[A]: ClosureFrom[A] =
class ClosureFrom[A] {
def apply[B](using SourcePos, LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[B],
): $[A =⚬ B] =
ClosureOps.this.apply[A, B](f)
def rec[B](using SourcePos, LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[Sub[A, B]] => $[A] => $[B],
): $[A =⚬ B] =
ClosureOps.this.rec[A, B](f)
object producing {
def apply[B](using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> ??[B] => ??[One]
): $[B] = {
val g: $[-[-[B]] |*| -[One]] = λ.closure(f)
val (b, negOne) = $.unzip(g)(pos)
doubleDemandElimination(b) alsoElim ($.one supplyTo negOne)
def demand[B](using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext)(
f: LambdaContext ?=> $[B] => $[One]
): $[-[B]] = {
val g: $[-[B] |*| One] = λ.closure(f)
type AssemblyError <: Throwable
val $: $Ops
trait $Ops {
def one(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): $[One]
def map[A, B](a: $[A])(f: A -⚬ B)(pos: SourcePos)(using
): $[B]
def zip[A, B](a: $[A], b: $[B])(pos: SourcePos)(using
): $[A |*| B]
def unzip[A, B](ab: $[A |*| B])(pos: SourcePos)(using
): ($[A], $[B])
def matchAgainst[A, B](a: $[A], extractor: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, A, B])(pos: SourcePos)(using
): $[B]
def nonLinear[A](a: $[A])(
split: Option[A -⚬ (A |*| A)],
ditch: Option[A -⚬ One],
pos: SourcePos,
): $[A]
def eliminateFirst[A](unit: $[One], a: $[A])(
pos: SourcePos,
)(using LambdaContext): $[A] =
map(zip(unit, a)(pos))(elimFst)(pos)
def eliminateSecond[A](a: $[A], unit: $[One])(
pos: SourcePos,
)(using LambdaContext): $[A] =
map(zip(a, unit)(pos))(elimSnd)(pos)
def joinTwo(a: $[Done], b: $[Done])(
pos: SourcePos,
)(using LambdaContext): $[Done] =
map(zip(a, b)(pos))(Puro.this.join)(pos)
def app[A, B](f: $[A =⚬ B], a: $[A])(
pos: SourcePos,
): $[B]
val |*| : ConcurrentPairOps
trait ConcurrentPairOps {
def unapply[A, B](ab: $[A |*| B])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ($[A], $[B]) =
def unapply[A, B](ab: ??[A |*| B])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): (??[A], ??[B]) =
object - {
def unapply[A](a: $[-[A]])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): Some[??[A]] =
object -- {
def unapply[A](a: $[-[-[A]]])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): Some[$[A]] =
def returning[A](a: $[A], as: $[One]*)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A] = {
def go(a: $[A], as: List[$[One]]): $[A] =
as match
case Nil => a
case h :: t => go(a alsoElim h, t)
go(a, as.toList)
def returning[A](a: ??[A], as: ??[One]*)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[A] = {
def go(a: ??[A], as: List[??[One]]): ??[A] =
as match
case Nil => a
case h :: t => go(a alsoElim h, t)
go(a, as.toList)
extension [A, B](f: A -⚬ B) {
def apply(a: $[A])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[B] =
def >[C](g: B -⚬ C): A -⚬ C =
andThen(f, g)
/** "Prepend" this function `A -⚬ B` to a demand `??[B]`, reducing it to a demand `??[A]`. */
def >|(expr: ??[B])(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): ??[A] =
expr contramap f
/** Reduce the demand for `B` to a demand for `A` by the function `A -⚬ B`. */
@deprecated("Renamed to >|")
def >>:(expr: ??[B])(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): ??[A] =
expr contramap f
extension [A](a: $[A]) {
def |*|[B](b: $[B])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A |*| B] =
$.zip(a, b)(pos)
/** Alias for [[|>]] */
@deprecated("Renamed to |>")
def :>>[B](f: A -⚬ B)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[B] =
a |> f
/** Pipeline operator: pass this expression into the given function. */
def |>[B](f: A -⚬ B)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[B] =
infix def alsoElim(unit: $[One])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A] =
$.eliminateFirst(unit, a)(pos)
def also[B](f: One -⚬ B)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A |*| B] =
a |> introSnd(f)
def alsoFst[X](f: One -⚬ X)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[X |*| A] =
a |> introFst(f)
infix def supplyTo(out: $[-[A]])(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext): $[One] =
$.zip(a, out)(pos) |> supply
@deprecated("Renamed to =:")
def :>:(b: ??[A])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[One] =
(a supplyTo b) |> invertOne
def =:(b: ??[A])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[One] =
(a supplyTo b) |> invertOne
def alsoElimInv(x: $[-[One]])(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext): $[A] =
a alsoElim (backvert($.one |*| x))
def asOutput[B](rInvert: (A |*| B) -⚬ One)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[B] = {
val (nb, b) = $.unzip(constant(demand[B]))(pos)
returning(nb, rInvert(a |*| b))
extension [A, B](f: $[A =⚬ B]) {
def apply(a: $[A])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[B] =
$.app(f, a)(pos)
extension [B](expr: $[-[B]]) {
infix def contramap[A](f: A -⚬ B)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[-[A]] =
def unInvertWith[A](lInvert: One -⚬ (A |*| B))(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A] =
$.unzip($.one |> lInvert)(pos) match {
case (a, b) => a alsoElim (b supplyTo expr)
extension [B](expr: ??[B]) {
def |*|[C](that: ??[C])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[B |*| C] =
$.zip(expr, that)(pos) |> demandTogether
def := (value: $[B])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[One] =
value =: expr
infix def alsoElim(that: ??[One])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[B] =
$.eliminateSecond(expr, that |> unInvertOne)(pos)
def asInput[A](lInvert: One -⚬ (B |*| A))(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A] = {
val ba = constant(lInvert)
val (b, a) = $.unzip(ba)(pos)
returning(a, b supplyTo expr)
def asInputInv(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[-[B]] =
extension [A, B](x: $[-[A |&| B]]) {
def choose[C](f: LambdaContext ?=> Either[$[-[A]], $[-[B]]] => $[C])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[C] =
(x |> distributeInversionInto_|&|) either f
extension [A, B](x: ??[A |&| B]) {
def choose[C](f: LambdaContext ?=> Either[??[A], ??[B]] => ??[C])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): ??[C] =
(x |> distributeInversionInto_|&|) either f
extension [A](a: ??[-[A]]) {
def asInput(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[A] =
extension [A, B](f: $[Sub[A, B]]) {
def apply(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext)(a: $[A]): $[B] =
invoke(f |*| a)
extension (d: $[Done]) {
def alsoJoin(others: $[Done]*)(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[Done] =
joinAll(d, others*)(using pos)
def joinAll(a: $[Done], as: $[Done]*)(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext): $[Done] =
as match {
case Seq() => a
case Seq(b) => $.joinTwo(a, b)(pos)
case as => joinAll($.joinTwo(a, as.head)(pos), as.tail*)
protected def switch[A, R](using LambdaContext, SourcePos)(a: $[A])(
cases: (SourcePos, LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[R])*
): $[R]
def switch[A](using ctx: LambdaContext, pos: SourcePos)(a: $[A]): SwitchInit[A] =
SwitchInit(ctx, pos, a)
class SwitchInit[A](ctx: LambdaContext, switchPos: SourcePos, a: $[A]) {
def is[R](using casePos: SourcePos)(f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[R]): Switch[A, R] =
Switch(ctx, switchPos, a, (casePos, f) :: Nil)
class Switch[A, R](
ctx: LambdaContext,
pos: SourcePos,
a: $[A],
cases: List[(SourcePos, LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[R])],
) {
def is(using casePos: SourcePos)(f: LambdaContext ?=> $[A] => $[R]): Switch[A, R] =
Switch(ctx, pos, a, (casePos, f) :: cases)
def end: $[R] =
switch(using ctx, pos)(a)(cases.reverse*)
extension [A, B](ext: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, A, B]) {
def unapply(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext)(a: $[A]): Some[$[B]] =
Some($.matchAgainst(a, ext)(pos))
def apply(using pos: SourcePos, ctx: LambdaContext)(b: $[B]): $[A] =
def apply(): B -⚬ A =
def recPartitioning[F[_]](
p: Partitioning[-⚬, |*|, F[Rec[F]]]
): Partitioning[-⚬, |*|, Rec[F]] { type Partition[P] = p.Partition[P] }
extension [F[_], B](ext: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, F[Rec[F]], B]) {
def afterUnpack: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, Rec[F], B] =
Extractor(recPartitioning(ext.partitioning), ext.partition)
def InL[A, B]: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, A |+| B, A] =
SumPartitioning.Inl[A, B]
def InR[A, B]: Extractor[-⚬, |*|, A |+| B, B] =
SumPartitioning.Inr[A, B]
extension [A, B](x: $[A |+| B]) {
@deprecated("""Use the more general pattern-matching:
.is { case InL(a) => ... }
.is { case InR(b) => ... }
infix def either[C](f: LambdaContext ?=> Either[$[A], $[B]] => $[C])(using
pos: SourcePos,
ctx: LambdaContext,
): $[C] =
Puro.this.switch(using ctx, pos)(x)(
(pos, ctx ?=> { case InL(a) => f(Left(a)) }),
(pos, ctx ?=> { case InR(b) => f(Right(b)) }),
def constant[A](f: One -⚬ A)(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): $[A] =
trait UInt31s {
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if `n` is negative
def apply(n: Int): Done -⚬ UInt31
def add: (UInt31 |*| UInt31) -⚬ UInt31
def multiply: (UInt31 |*| UInt31) -⚬ UInt31
def increment: UInt31 -⚬ UInt31
def decrement: UInt31 -⚬ (Done |+| UInt31)
def neglect: UInt31 -⚬ Done
object ? {
def unapply[A](using pos: SourcePos)(using LambdaContext)(a: $[A])(using A: Affine[A]): Some[$[A]] =
Some($.nonLinear(a)(split = None, ditch = Some(A.discard))(pos))
object + {
def unapply[A](using pos: SourcePos)(using LambdaContext)(a: $[A])(using A: Cosemigroup[A]): Some[$[A]] =
Some($.nonLinear(a)(Some(A.split), ditch = None)(pos))
object * {
def unapply[A](using pos: SourcePos)(using LambdaContext)(a: $[A])(using A: Comonoid[A]): Some[$[A]] =
Some($.nonLinear(a)(Some(A.split), Some(A.discard))(pos))
type Affine[A] = libretto.cats.Affine[-⚬, One, A]
val Affine = libretto.cats.Affine
trait Cosemigroup[A] extends libretto.cats.Cosemigroup[-⚬, |*|, A]:
override def cat: SemigroupalCategory[-⚬, |*|] = category
trait Comonoid[A] extends libretto.cats.Comonoid[-⚬, |*|, One, A] with Cosemigroup[A]:
override def cat: MonoidalCategory[-⚬, |*|, One] = category
given affineOne: Affine[One] =
given affinePair[A, B](using A: Affine[A], B: Affine[B]): Affine[A |*| B] =
Affine.from(andThen(par(A.discard, B.discard), elimFst))
given affineEither[A, B](using A: Affine[A], B: Affine[B]): Affine[A |+| B] =
Affine.from(either(A.discard, B.discard))
given cosemigroupDone: Cosemigroup[Done] with {
override def split: Done -⚬ (Done |*| Done) = fork
given cosemigroupPing: Cosemigroup[Ping] with {
override def split: Ping -⚬ (Ping |*| Ping) = forkPing
given cosemigroupNeed: Cosemigroup[Need] with {
override def split: Need -⚬ (Need |*| Need) = joinNeed
given cosemigroupPong: Cosemigroup[Pong] with {
override def split: Pong -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong) = joinPong
given comonoidOne: Comonoid[One] with {
override def counit: One -⚬ One = id[One]
override def split: One -⚬ (One |*| One) = introSnd[One]
given comonoidPing: Comonoid[Ping] with {
override def split : Ping -⚬ (Ping |*| Ping) = forkPing
override def counit : Ping -⚬ One = dismissPing
given comonoidNeed: Comonoid[Need] with {
override def split : Need -⚬ (Need |*| Need) = joinNeed
override def counit : Need -⚬ One = need
given comonoidPong: Comonoid[Pong] with {
override def split : Pong -⚬ (Pong |*| Pong) = joinPong
override def counit : Pong -⚬ One = pong
extension [F[_], A](fa: $[F[A]])(using F: Functor[-⚬, F]) {
def map[B](using SourcePos, LambdaContext)(f: A -⚬ B): $[F[B]] =
fa |> F.lift(f)