libretto.scaletto.ScalettoLib.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package libretto.scaletto
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import libretto.lambda.util.SourcePos
import libretto.puro.PuroLib
import libretto.util.Async
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.immutable.{:: as NonEmptyList}
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import scala.reflect.TypeTest
import scala.util.Random
object ScalettoLib {
def apply(
dsl: Scaletto,
puroLib: PuroLib[dsl.type],
: ScalettoLib[dsl.type, puroLib.type] =
new ScalettoLib(dsl, puroLib)
class ScalettoLib[
DSL <: Scaletto,
PuroLib <: libretto.puro.PuroLib[DSL],
val dsl: DSL,
val puroLib: PuroLib & libretto.puro.PuroLib[dsl.type],
) {
import dsl.*
import puroLib.*
object Val {
def isEq[A](a: A): Val[A] -⚬ (Val[a.type] |+| Val[A]) =
mapVal[A, Either[a.type, A]] {
case `a` => Left(a: a.type)
case x => Right(x)
} > liftEither
def switch[A, B](cases: List[(A, Done -⚬ B)]): Val[A] -⚬ PMaybe[B] =
cases match {
case Nil =>
neglect > PMaybe.empty
case (a, f) :: tail =>
Val.isEq(a) > either(
neglect > f > PMaybe.just,
def const[A](a: A): One -⚬ Val[A] =
andThen(done, constVal(a))
given junctionVal[A]: Junction.Positive[Val[A]] =
new Junction.Positive[Val[A]] {
override def awaitPosFst: (Done |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Val[A] =
par(constVal(()), id[Val[A]]) > unliftPair > mapVal(_._2)
given junctionNeg[A]: Junction.Negative[Neg[A]] with {
override def awaitNegFst: Neg[A] -⚬ (Need |*| Neg[A]) =
contramapNeg[(Unit, A), A](_._2) > liftNegPair > par(constNeg(()), id[Neg[A]])
given signalingVal[A]: Signaling.Positive[Val[A]] =
new Signaling.Positive[Val[A]] {
override def notifyPosFst: Val[A] -⚬ (Ping |*| Val[A]) =
given signalingNeg[A]: Signaling.Negative[Neg[A]] with {
override def notifyNegFst: (Pong |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ Neg[A] =
given signalingJunctionPositiveVal[A]: SignalingJunction.Positive[Val[A]] =
given signalingJunctionNegativeNeg[A]: SignalingJunction.Negative[Neg[A]] =
given valNegDuality[A]: Dual[Val[A], Neg[A]] with {
val lInvert: One -⚬ (Neg[A] |*| Val[A]) = promise[A]
val rInvert: (Val[A] |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ One = fulfill[A]
given negValDuality[A]: Dual[Neg[A], Val[A]] =
def mergeDemands[A]: (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ Neg[A] =
id [ Neg[A] |*| Neg[A] ]
./>(introFst(promise[A])) .to[ (Neg[A] |*| Val[A] ) |*| (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A]) ]
./>(assocLR) .to[ Neg[A] |*| ( Val[A] |*| (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A])) ]
./>.snd.fst(dup) .to[ Neg[A] |*| ((Val[A] |*| Val[A]) |*| (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A])) ]
./>.snd(IXI) .to[ Neg[A] |*| ((Val[A] |*| Neg[A]) |*| (Val[A] |*| Neg[A])) ]
./>.snd(parToOne(fulfill, fulfill)) .to[ Neg[A] |*| One ]
./>(elimSnd) .to[ Neg[A] ]
def delayVal[A](by: Done -⚬ Done): Val[A] -⚬ Val[A] =
signalPosFst > par(by, id) > awaitPosFst
def delayVal[A](by: FiniteDuration): Val[A] -⚬ Val[A] =
def delayRandomMs(minMs: Int, maxMs: Int): Done -⚬ Done =
constVal(()) > mapVal(_ => Random.between(minMs, maxMs).millis) > delay
def delayValRandomMs[A](minMs: Int, maxMs: Int): Val[A] -⚬ Val[A] =
delayVal(delayRandomMs(minMs, maxMs))
def latestValue[A]: (Val[A] |*| LList[Val[A]]) -⚬ (Endless[Val[A]] |*| Done) = rec { self =>
λ { case +(a) |*| as =>
producing { case outAs |*| outDone =>
(outAs raceWith as) {
case Left((outAs, as)) =>
(Endless.fromChoice >| outAs) choose {
case Left(end) => // no more reads
end := $.one,
outDone := LList1.cons(a |*| as) |> LList1.closeAll,
case Right(na |*| nas) => // read
na := a,
(nas |*| outDone) := self(a |*| as),
case Right((outAs, as)) =>
(outAs |*| outDone) :=
LList.uncons(as) either {
case Left(?(_)) => // no more writes
a |> Endless.unfold(dup) > snd(neglect)
case Right(a1 |*| as) => // write
self((a1 waitFor neglect(a)) |*| as)
given closeableCosemigroupVal[A]: CloseableCosemigroup[Val[A]] with {
override def close : Val[A] -⚬ Done = dsl.neglect
override def split : Val[A] -⚬ (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) = dup
given [A]: NMonoid[Neg[A]] with {
def unit : Need -⚬ Neg[A] = inflate
def combine : (Neg[A] |*| Neg[A]) -⚬ Neg[A] = mergeDemands
private val eitherToBoolean: Either[Unit, Unit] => Boolean = {
case Left(()) => true
case Right(()) => false
private val booleanToEither: Boolean => Either[Unit, Unit] = {
case true => Left(())
case false => Right(())
def liftBoolean: Val[Boolean] -⚬ Bool = {
id [ Val[Boolean] ]
.>(mapVal(booleanToEither)) .to[ Val[Either[Unit, Unit]] ]
.>(liftEither) .to[ Val[Unit] |+| Val[Unit] ]
neglect > Bool.constTrue,
neglect > Bool.constFalse,
)) .to [ Bool ]
def unliftBoolean: Bool -⚬ Val[Boolean] =
caseTrue = constVal(true),
caseFalse = constVal(false),
def maybeToOption[A]: Maybe[Val[A]] -⚬ Val[Option[A]] =
Maybe.toEither[Val[A]] .to[ One |+| Val[A] ]
./>.left(const(())) .to[ Val[Unit] |+| Val[A] ]
./>(unliftEither) .to[ Val[Either[Unit, A]] ]
./>(mapVal(_.toOption)) .to[ Val[Option[A]] ]
def optionToPMaybe[A]: Val[Option[A]] -⚬ PMaybe[Val[A]] =
id [ Val[Option[ A]] ]
./>(mapVal(_.toRight(()))) .to[ Val[Either[Unit, A]] ]
./>(liftEither) .to[ Val[Unit] |+| Val[A] ]
./>.left(dsl.neglect) .to[ Done |+| Val[A] ]
./>(PMaybe.fromEither) .to[ PMaybe[Val[A]] ]
def pMaybeToOption[A]: PMaybe[Val[A]] -⚬ Val[Option[A]] =
caseNone = constVal(None),
caseSome = mapVal(Some(_)),
def liftBipredicate[A, B](p: (A, B) => Boolean): (Val[A] |*| Val[B]) -⚬ Bool =
id [ Val[A] |*| Val[B] ]
.>(unliftPair) .to[ Val[(A, B)] ]
.>(mapVal(p.tupled)) .to[ Val[Boolean] ]
.>(liftBoolean) .to[ Bool ]
def isLt[A](using ord: Ordering[A]): (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Bool =
def isLteq[A](using ord: Ordering[A]): (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Bool =
def isGt[A](using ord: Ordering[A]): (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Bool =
def isGteq[A](using ord: Ordering[A]): (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Bool =
def isEq[A](using ord: Ordering[A]): (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Bool =
def testByVals[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
pred: (K, K) => Boolean,
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) = {
testBy(aKey, bKey, liftBipredicate(pred))
def ltBy[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
ord: Ordering[K],
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) =
testByVals(aKey, bKey,
def lteqBy[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
ord: Ordering[K],
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) =
testByVals(aKey, bKey, ord.lteq)
def gtBy[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
ord: Ordering[K],
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) =
testByVals(aKey, bKey,
def gteqBy[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
ord: Ordering[K],
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) =
testByVals(aKey, bKey, ord.gteq)
def equivBy[A, B, K](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
ord: Ordering[K],
): (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (A |*| B)) =
testByVals(aKey, bKey, ord.equiv)
def sortBy[A, B, K: Ordering](
aKey: Getter[A, Val[K]],
bKey: Getter[B, Val[K]],
: (A |*| B) -⚬ ((A |*| B) |+| (B |*| A)) =
lteqBy(aKey, bKey)./>.right(swap)
given [A : Ordering]: Comparable[Val[A], Val[A]] with {
import puroLib.given, Compared.*, Either as ⊻
private val scalaCompare: ((A, A)) => ((A, A) ⊻ ((A, A) ⊻ (A, A))) =
{ (a1, a2) =>
Ordering[A].compare(a1, a2) match {
case i if i < 0 => Left((a1, a2))
case 0 => Right(Left((a1, a2)))
case i if i > 0 => Right(Right((a1, a2)))
override def compare: (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ Compared[Val[A], Val[A]] =
id [ Val[A] |*| Val[A] ]
./>(unliftPair) .to[ Val[ (A, A) ] ]
./>(mapVal(scalaCompare)) .to[ Val[(A , A) Either ( (A , A) Either (A , A))] ]
./>(liftEither)./>.right(liftEither) .to[ Val[(A , A)] |+| (Val[(A , A)] |+| Val[(A , A)]) ]
./>(|+|.bimap(liftPair, |+|.bimap(liftPair, liftPair))) .to[ (Val[A] |*| Val[A]) |+| ((Val[A] |*| Val[A]) |+| (Val[A] |*| Val[A])) ]
./>(either(lt, either(equiv, gt))) .to[ Compared[Val[A], Val[A]] ]
def constList[A](as: List[A]): One -⚬ LList[Val[A]] =
def constListOf[A](as: A*): One -⚬ LList[Val[A]] =
def constListOf1[A](a: A, as: A*): Done -⚬ LList[Val[A]] =
constList1(a, as.toList) > LList1.toLList
def liftScalaList1[A]: Val[NonEmptyList[A]] -⚬ LList1[Val[A]] = rec { self =>
mapVal[NonEmptyList[A], Either[A, (A, NonEmptyList[A])]] {
case a0 :: Nil => Left(a0)
case a0 :: a1 :: as => Right((a0, ::(a1, as)))
} > liftEither > either(
liftPair > snd(self) > LList1.cons1,
def toScalaList[A]: LList[Val[A]] -⚬ Val[List[A]] =
λ.rec { self => as =>
.is { case LList.Nil(u) => const(List.empty[A])(u) }
.is { case LList.Cons(a |*| as) => unliftPair(a |*| self(as)) |> mapVal(_ :: _) }
def constList1[A](a: A, as: List[A]): Done -⚬ LList1[Val[A]] =
def constList1[A](as: NonEmptyList[A]): Done -⚬ LList1[Val[A]] = {
val h :: t = as
constList1(h, t)
def constList1Of[A](a: A, as: A*): Done -⚬ LList1[Val[A]] =
constList1(a, as.toList)
def toScalaList1[A]: LList1[Val[A]] -⚬ Val[NonEmptyList[A]] =
rec { self =>
case1 = mapVal(::(_, Nil)),
caseN = snd(self) > unliftPair > mapVal { case (h, t) => NonEmptyList(h, t) },
/** Create a resource that is just a (potentially) mutable value which does not need any cleanup.
* @param init function that initializes the (potentially) mutable value from an immutable one.
def mVal[A, R](init: A => R): Val[A] -⚬ Res[R] =
acquire[A, R, Unit](a => (init(a), ()), release = None) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
/** Variant of [[acquire]] that does not produce extra output in addition to the resource. */
def acquire0[A, R](
acquire: A => R,
release: Option[R => Unit],
): Val[A] -⚬ Res[R] =
dsl.acquire[A, R, Unit](a => (acquire(a), ()), release) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
/** Variant of [[acquireAsync]] that does not produce extra output in addition to the resource. */
def acquireAsync0[A, R](
acquire: A => Async[R],
release: Option[R => Async[Unit]],
): Val[A] -⚬ Res[R] =
dsl.acquireAsync[A, R, Unit](a => acquire(a).map((_, ())), release) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
/** Variant of [[release]] that does not take additional input. */
def release0[R, B](release: R => B): Res[R] -⚬ Val[B] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > dsl.release((r, _) => release(r))
/** Variant of [[releaseAsync]] that does not take additional input. */
def releaseAsync0[R, B](release: R => Async[B]): Res[R] -⚬ Val[B] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > dsl.releaseAsync((r, _) => release(r))
def effectRd[R, B](f: ScalaFun[R, B]): Res[R] -⚬ (Res[R] |*| Val[B]) =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > effect(f.adapt[(R, Unit), B](_._1, identity))
def effectRd[R, B](f: R => B): Res[R] -⚬ (Res[R] |*| Val[B]) =
/** Variant of [[effect]] that does not take additional input and does not produce additional output. */
def effect0[R](f: R => Unit): Res[R] -⚬ Res[R] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > effectWr((r, _) => f(r))
/** Variant of [[effectAsync]] that does not take additional input and does not produce additional output. */
def effectAsync0[R](f: R => Async[Unit]): Res[R] -⚬ Res[R] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > effectWrAsync((r, _) => f(r))
def tryEffectAcquireWr[R, A, S, E](
f: ScalaFun[(R, A), Either[E, S]],
release: Option[ScalaFun[S, Unit]],
): (Res[R] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ (Res[R] |*| (Val[E] |+| Res[S])) =
tryEffectAcquire[R, A, S, Unit, E](
f.adaptPost( => (s, ()))),
) > snd(|+|.rmap(effectWr((_, _) => ())))
/** Variant of [[transformResource]] that does not take additional input and does not produce additional output. */
def transformResource0[R, S](f: R => S, release: Option[S => Unit]): Res[R] -⚬ Res[S] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > transformResource((r, u) => (f(r), u), release) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
/** Variant of [[transformResourceAsync]] that does not take additional input and does not produce additional output. */
def transformResourceAsync0[R, S](f: R => Async[S], release: Option[S => Async[Unit]]): Res[R] -⚬ Res[S] =
id[Res[R]] > introSnd(const(())) > transformResourceAsync((r, u) => f(r).map((_, u)), release) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
def splitResource0[R, S, T](
f: ScalaFun[R, (S, T)],
release1: Option[ScalaFun[S, Unit]],
release2: Option[ScalaFun[T, Unit]],
): Res[R] -⚬ (Res[S] |*| Res[T]) = {
val f1: ScalaFun[(R, Unit), (S, T, Unit)] =
ScalaFun.adapt(f)({ case (r, ()) => r }, { case (s, t) => (s, t, ()) })
.>(splitResource(f1, release1, release2))
.>(snd(effectWr((_, _) => ())))
def splitResource0[R, S, T](
f: R => (S, T),
release1: Option[S => Unit],
release2: Option[T => Unit],
): Res[R] -⚬ (Res[S] |*| Res[T]) =
def splitResourceAsync0[R, S, T](
f: R => Async[(S, T)],
release1: Option[S => Async[Unit]],
release2: Option[T => Async[Unit]],
): Res[R] -⚬ (Res[S] |*| Res[T]) =
extension [R](r: $[Res[R]])(using LambdaContext) {
def releaseWhen(d: $[Done])(using SourcePos): $[Done] =
(r |*| constVal(())(d)) |> effectWr((_, _) => ()) |> release
def releaseOnPing(p: $[Ping])(using SourcePos): $[Done] =
opaque type RefCounted[R] = Res[RefCounted.Repr[R]]
object RefCounted {
private[ScalettoLib] type Repr[R] = (R, ScalaFun[R, Unit], AtomicLong)
def acquire[A, R, B](
acquire: ScalaFun[A, (R, B)],
release: ScalaFun[R, Unit],
): Val[A] -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[B]) =
dsl.acquire[A, (R, ScalaFun[R, Unit], AtomicLong), B](
acquire = acquire.adaptPost { case (r, b) =>
((r, release, new AtomicLong(1L)), b)
release = Some(releaseFn[R]),
def acquire[A, R, B](acquire: A => (R, B), release: R => Unit): Val[A] -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[B]) =
RefCounted.acquire(ScalaFun(acquire), ScalaFun(release))
def acquire0[A, R](acquire: A => R, release: R => Unit): Val[A] -⚬ RefCounted[R] =
RefCounted.acquire[A, R, Unit](a => (acquire(a), ()), release) > effectWr((_, _) => ())
def release[R]: RefCounted[R] -⚬ Done =
def releaseWhenDone[R]: (Done |*| RefCounted[R]) -⚬ Done =
λ { case done |*| res =>
(res |*| constVal(())(done))
|> effectWr((_, _) => ())
|> release
def releaseOnPing[R]: (Ping |*| RefCounted[R]) -⚬ Done =
fst(strengthenPing) > releaseWhenDone
def dupRef[R]: RefCounted[R] -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| RefCounted[R]) =
ScalaFun[Repr[R], (Repr[R], Repr[R])] {
case rc @ (_, _, n) =>
(rc, rc)
def effect[R, A, B](f: (R, A) => B): (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[B]) =
dsl.effect((rn, a) => f(rn._1, a))
def effectAsync[R, A, B](f: (R, A) => Async[B]): (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[A]) -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[B]) =
dsl.effectAsync((rn, a) => f(rn._1, a))
def effectRd[R, B](f: ScalaFun[R, B]): RefCounted[R] -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Val[B]) =
ScalettoLib.this.effectRd(f.adapt[Repr[R], B](_._1, identity))
def effectRdAcquire[R, B](
f: ScalaFun[R, B],
release: Option[ScalaFun[B, Unit]],
): RefCounted[R] -⚬ (RefCounted[R] |*| Res[B]) = {
val f1: ScalaFun[Repr[R], (Repr[R], B)] =
f.adaptWith[Repr[R], Repr[R], (Repr[R], B)](
r => (r, r._1),
(r, b) => (r, b),
release1 = Some(releaseFn[R]),
release2 = release,
private def releaseFn[R]: ScalaFun[(R, ScalaFun[R, Unit], AtomicLong), Unit] =
ScalaFun.eval[R, Unit]
.adaptPre { case (r, release, n) =>
n.decrementAndGet match {
case 0 =>
// no more references exist, release
(release, r)
case i if i > 0 =>
// there are remaining references, do nothing
(ScalaFun(identity), r)
case i =>
assert(false, s"Bug: reached negative number ($i) of references to $r")
def putStr: Val[String] -⚬ Done =
blocking[String, Unit](Console.out.print(_)) > neglect
def putStr(s: String): Done -⚬ Done =
constVal(s) > putStr
def printLine: Val[String] -⚬ Done =
blocking[String, Unit](Console.out.println(_)) > neglect
def printLine(s: String): Done -⚬ Done =
constVal(s) > printLine
def printLine[A](f: A => String): Val[A] -⚬ Done =
mapVal(f) > printLine
def alsoPrintLine: Val[String] -⚬ Val[String] =
dup > fst(printLine) > awaitPosFst
def alsoPrintLine[A](f: A => String): Val[A] -⚬ Val[A] =
dup > fst(mapVal(f) > printLine) > awaitPosFst
def alsoPrintLine[A](s: String)(using S: Signaling.Positive[A], J: Junction.Positive[A]): A -⚬ A =
S.signalPosFst > fst(printLine(s)) > J.awaitPosFst
def readLine: Done -⚬ Val[String] =
constVal(()) > blocking[Unit, String](_ =>
extension [A](a: $[Val[A]])(using LambdaContext) {
def **[B](b: $[Val[B]])(using SourcePos): $[Val[(A, B)]] =
unliftPair(a |*| b)
object ** {
def unapply[A, B](ab: $[Val[(A, B)]])(using SourcePos, LambdaContext): ($[Val[A]], $[Val[B]]) =
val a |*| b = ab |> liftPair
(a, b)
def decrement: Val[Int] -⚬ (Done |+| Val[Int]) =
mapVal[Int, Either[Unit, Int]](n => if (n > 0) Right(n-1) else Left(()))
> liftEither
> (|+|.lmap(neglect))