libretto.lambda.CoproductPartitioning.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package libretto.lambda
import libretto.lambda.util.{Applicative, BiInjective, TypeEqK}
class CoproductPartitioning[->[_, _], **[_, _], ++[_, _]](
lName: String,
rName: String,
cat: SemigroupalCategory[->, **],
cocat: CocartesianSemigroupalCategory[->, ++],
distribution: Distribution[->, **, ++],
inj: BiInjective[++], // although unused, is needed for the typecast in `sameAs` to be sound
) {
import cocat.{either, injectL, injectR}
def Inl[A, B]: Extractor[->, **, A ++ B, A] =
Extractor(new CoproductPartitioning[A, B], Side.Left())
def Inr[A, B]: Extractor[->, **, A ++ B, B] =
Extractor(new CoproductPartitioning[A, B], Side.Right())
private final class CoproductPartitioning[A, B] extends Partitioning[->, **, A ++ B] {
override type Partition[P] = Side[A ++ B, P]
override def compileAt[F[_], G[_], R](
pos: Focus[**, F],
handle: [X] => (x: Partition[X]) => G[F[X] -> R],
): G[F[A ++ B] -> R] = {
val ha: G[F[A] -> R] = handle(Side.Left())
val hb: G[F[B] -> R] = handle(Side.Right())
(ha zip hb).map { case (ha, hb) =>
distribution.distF(using pos),
either(ha, hb)
override def reinject[P](p: Partition[P]): P -> (A ++ B) =
p match
case Side.Left() => injectL
case Side.Right() => injectR
override def sameAs(that: Partitioning[->, **, A ++ B]): Option[TypeEqK[this.Partition, that.Partition]] =
that match
case that1: (CoproductPartitioning[a, b] & that.type) =>
.asInstanceOf[TypeEqK[this.Partition, that.Partition]]
case _ =>
override def samePartition[P, Q](p: Partition[P], q: Partition[Q]): Option[P =:= Q] =
(p, q) match
case (Side.Left(), Side.Left()) => Some(summon[A =:= A])
case (Side.Right(), Side.Right()) => Some(summon[B =:= B])
case _ => None
override def showPartition[P](p: Partition[P]): String =
p match
case Side.Left() => lName
case Side.Right() => rName
override def isTotal[P](p: Partition[P]): Option[(A ++ B) -> P] =
private enum Side[T, S]:
case Left[A, B]() extends Side[A ++ B, A]
case Right[A, B]() extends Side[A ++ B, B]