dev.denwav.hypo.model.ClassDataProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Hypo, an extensible and pluggable Java bytecode analytical model.
* Copyright (C) 2023 Kyle Wood (DenWav)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License only.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package dev.denwav.hypo.model;
import dev.denwav.hypo.model.data.ClassData;
import dev.denwav.hypo.model.data.types.ClassType;
import dev.denwav.hypo.model.data.types.JvmType;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* The core source of {@link ClassData} objects, retrieved from a given class name, and for enumerating all the
* classes available in the set. This interface does not specify where the class file data is coming from, or even what
* format they are in - only two things are needed to implement this interface:
* - {@link ClassData} objects are returned for a given class name, unless that class is not present.
* - All classes available to this provider can be enumerated as individual {@link ClassData} objects.
* The enumeration of all classes using the {@link #allClasses()} method provides no ordering guarantee.
When a {@link ClassData} object is returned either using one of the {@link #findClass(String) findClass()}
* methods, or through enumerating over {@link #allClasses()}, the same {@link ClassData} instance will be returned
* again if that class name is requested again such that the following returns {@code true}:
* ClassData data = ...;
* data == provider.findClass(data.name())
* All implementations of {@link ClassDataProvider} must be read-only and must be safe to be accessed by multiple
* threads concurrently.
As with the rest of Hypo, all class names should be internal JVM names. Names passed to a provider will always be
* first normalized with {@link HypoModelUtil#normalizedClassName(String)} before use.
As providers generally use file system resources of some kind to retrieve class data, this class is also
* {@link AutoCloseable}, and you must {@link #close() close} it when you are finished.
* @see AbstractClassDataProvider
* @see ClassProviderRoot
public interface ClassDataProvider extends AutoCloseable {
* Set the {@link ClassDataDecorator} which will be called on every {@link ClassData} object produced by this
* provider. User code probably shouldn't call this method.
* @param decorator The {@link ClassDataDecorator} to use.
void setDecorator(final @NotNull ClassDataDecorator decorator);
* Set {@code true} if this provider represents a context provider, {@code false} if not. User code probably
* shouldn't call this method.
* @param contextClassProvider {@code true} if this is a context provider, {@code false} if not.
void setContextClassProvider(final boolean contextClassProvider);
* Get whether this is a context provider.
* @return {@code true} if this is a context provider, {@code false} if not.
boolean isContextClassProvider();
* Set {@code true} if the current context configuration is set to require full classpath to be present. User code
* probably shouldn't call this method.
* @param requireFullClasspath {@code true} if the full classpath is required, {@code false} if not.
void setRequireFullClasspath(final boolean requireFullClasspath);
* Get whether the full classpath is required.
* @return {@code true} if the full classpath is required, {@code false} if not.
boolean isRequireFullClasspath();
* Return the {@link ClassData} object corresponding with the given class name, if it can be found. This method
* will always return the same instance of {@link ClassData} for a given name such that the following returns
* {@code true}:
* ClassData data = ...;
* data == provider.findClass(data.name())
* The class name should be in the internal JVM name format, or something close to it. The name will always be
* passed first to {@link HypoModelUtil#normalizedClassName(String)}.
* @param className The internal JVM name of the class.
* @return The parsed {@link ClassData} object corresponding with the given name, or {@code null} if the class name
* cannot be found.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while attempting to read the class file.
* @see #findClass(JvmType)
@Contract("null -> null")
@Nullable ClassData findClass(final @Nullable String className) throws IOException;
* This is a convenience method for resolving the {@link ClassData} object corresponding to a give {@link JvmType}.
* The {@link JvmType} passed to this method must be a {@link ClassType}, or this method will always return
* {@code null}.
This method is implemented by default as:
* return this.findClass(type.asInternalName());
* and as such has identical semantics to {@link #findClass(String)}. Any implementations which override this
* method must match these semantics to fully satisfy this method's contact.
* @param type The {@link JvmType} of the class to find. Must be an instance of {@link ClassType} or this method
* will always return {@code null}.
* @return The {@link ClassData} object corresponding with the given {@link JvmType}, or {@code null} if the type is
* not a {@link ClassType} or the class name cannot be found.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while attempting to read the class file.
* @see #findClass(String)
@Contract("null -> null")
default @Nullable ClassData findClass(final @Nullable JvmType type) throws IOException {
if (!(type instanceof ClassType)) {
return null;
return this.findClass(type.asInternalName());
* Returns an {@link Iterable} which will iterate over all classes available in this provider. By default, this
* method simply calls {@link #stream()} and returns that stream's iterator. The default implementation of
* {@link #stream()} in {@link AbstractClassDataProvider} is implemented to lazily load {@link ClassData} objects,
* however this is not a requirement of implementing this method.
Classes loaded by this method will also satisfy the identity requirement of this provider. That means classes
* returned by this iterator will be the same instance as classes requested by the {@link #findClass(String)}
* method when requesting the same class name such that the following returns {@code true}:
* ClassData data = provider.allClasses().next();
* data == provider.findClass(data.name())
* This will be true regardless of the order the classes are retrieved, either by the {@link #findClass(String)}
* method or by this method (or any other method).
* @return An {@link Iterable} which will iterate over all classes available in this provider.
default @NotNull Iterable allClasses() {
return () -> {
try {
return this.stream().iterator();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw HypoModelUtil.rethrow(e);
* Returns a {@link Stream} which will iterate over all classes available in this provider. The default
* implementation of this method in {@link AbstractClassDataProvider} is implemented to lazily load
* {@link ClassData} objects, however this is not a requirement of implementing this method.
* Classes loaded by this method will also satisfy the identity requirement of this provider. That means classes
* returned by this iterator will be the same instance as classes requested by the {@link #findClass(String)}
* method when requesting the same class name such that the following returns {@code true}:
* ClassData data = provider.stream().findFirst().get();
* data == provider.findClass(data.name())
* This will be true regardless of the order the classes are retrieved, either by the {@link #findClass(String)}
* method or by this method (or any other method).
* @return A {@link Stream} which will iterate over all classes available in this provider.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs while reading the classes.
@NotNull Stream stream() throws IOException;
* Returns the collection of {@link ClassProviderRoot roots} used by this provider.
* @return The collection of {@link ClassProviderRoot roots} used by this provider.
@NotNull Collection roots();
void close() throws IOException;