dev.galasa.boot.felix.FelixFramework Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright contributors to the Galasa project
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package dev.galasa.boot.felix;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Capability;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Reason;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Repository;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.RepositoryAdmin;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Requirement;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Resolver;
import org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.Resource;
import org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.framework.launch.Framework;
import dev.galasa.boot.BootLogger;
import dev.galasa.boot.LauncherException;
* Felix framework run test class
public class FelixFramework {
private BootLogger logger = new BootLogger();
private boolean loadConsole = false;
private String bootJarLoacation = null;
private Framework framework;
private Bundle obrBundle;
private RepositoryAdmin repositoryAdmin;
private final SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
private File felixCache;
* Initialise and start the Felix framework. Install required bundles and the
* OBRs. Install the Galasa framework bundle
* @param bundleRepositories the supplied OBRs
* @param boostrapProperties
* @param localMavenRepo
* @param remoteMavenRepos
* @throws LauncherException if there is a problem initialising the
* framework
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public void buildFramework(List bundleRepositories, Properties boostrapProperties, URL localMavenRepo,
List remoteMavenRepos, String galasaHome) throws LauncherException, ClassNotFoundException {
logger.debug("Building Felix Framework...");
File galasaDirectory = new File(galasaHome);
String cacheDirectory = "felix-cache";
this.felixCache = new File(galasaDirectory, cacheDirectory);
try {
FrameworkFactory frameworkFactory = new FrameworkFactory();
HashMap frameworkProperties = new HashMap<>();
// frameworkProperties.put("felix.log.level", "4");
// frameworkProperties.put("ds.showtrace", "true");
frameworkProperties.put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_STORAGE, felixCache.getAbsolutePath());
"org.apache.felix.bundlerepository; version=2.1, dev.galasa.framework, sun.misc,,, org.xml.sax,");
framework = frameworkFactory.newFramework(frameworkProperties);
logger.debug("Initializing Felix Framework");
logger.debug("Starting Felix Framework");
logger.debug("Felix Framework started");
logger.debug("Installing required OSGi bundles");
// Only required when running the Launcher class outside of the galasa-boot.jar, e.g. from Eclipse
bootJarLoacation = boostrapProperties.getProperty("dev.galasa.boot.jar.location");
// *** Load dependencies for the maven repo url handler
installBundle("org.apache.felix.scr.jar", true);
installBundle("dev.galasa.framework.log4j2.bridge.jar", false);
installBundle("log4j-api.jar", true);
installBundle("log4j-core.jar", true);
installBundle("dev.galasa.framework.maven.repository.spi.jar", true);
installBundle("dev.galasa.framework.maven.repository.jar", true);
loadMavenRepositories(localMavenRepo, remoteMavenRepos);
// Install and start the Felix OBR bundle
obrBundle = installBundle("org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.jar", true);
// Load the OSGi Bundle Repositories
// Install and start the Felix OSGi console if required
loadConsole = Boolean.parseBoolean(boostrapProperties.getProperty("dev.galasa.core.load.console", "false"));
if (loadConsole) {
// Load the galasa-framework bundle
logger.debug("installing Framework bundle");
// Load extra bundles from the bootstrap
String extraBundles = boostrapProperties.getProperty("framework.extra.bundles");
if (extraBundles != null) {
String[] ebs = extraBundles.split(",");
for (String eb : ebs) {
eb = eb.trim();
if (!eb.isEmpty()) {
} catch (IOException | BundleException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to initialise the Felix framework", e);
private void loadMavenRepositories(URL localMavenRepo, List remoteMavenRepos) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework.maven.repository");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.maven.repository.spi.IMavenRepository";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, null);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to GalasaMavenRepository service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get GalasaMavenRepository service");
// Get the GalasaMavenRepositoryr#setRepositories() method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("setRepositories", URL.class, List.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework Maven Repository method", e);
// Invoke the setRepositories method
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, localMavenRepo, remoteMavenRepos);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Run the supplied test
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @throws LauncherException
public void runTest(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner";
if (overridesProperties.containsKey("")) {
classString = "dev.galasa.framework.GherkinTestRunner";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to TestRunner service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get TestRunner service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner#runTest(String testBundleName, String
// testClassName) method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("runTest", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework test runner method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking runTest()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Run the Resource Management Server
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param bundles
* @param health
* @param metrics
* @throws LauncherException
public void runResourceManagement(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties,
List bundles, Integer metrics, Integer health) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
if (!bundles.isEmpty()) {
// *** Load extra bundles
for (String bundle : bundles) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LauncherException("Failed to load extra bundle " + bundle, e);
} else {
// *** Load all bundles that have IResourceManagementProvider service
HashSet bundlesToLoad = new HashSet<>();
for (Repository repository : repositoryAdmin.listRepositories()) {
if (repository.getResources() != null) {
resourceSearch: for (Resource resource : repository.getResources()) {
if (resource.getCapabilities() != null) {
for (Capability capability : resource.getCapabilities()) {
if ("service".equals(capability.getName())) {
Map properties = capability.getPropertiesAsMap();
String services = (String) properties.get("objectClass");
if (services == null) {
services = (String) properties.get("objectClass:List");
if (services != null) {
String[] split = services.split(",");
for (String service : split) {
if ("dev.galasa.framework.spi.IResourceManagementProvider"
.equals(service)) {
continue resourceSearch;
for (String bundle : bundlesToLoad) {
if (!isBundleActive(bundle)) {
// *** Set up ports if present
if (metrics != null) {
overridesProperties.put("", metrics.toString());
if (health != null) {
overridesProperties.put("", health.toString());
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to ResourceManagement service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get ResourceManagement service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner#runTest(String testBundleName, String
// testClassName) method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("run", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework resource management run method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking resource management run()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Run the Metrics Server Server
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param bundles
* @param health
* @param metrics
* @throws LauncherException
public void runMetricsServer(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, List bundles,
Integer metrics, Integer health) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
if (!bundles.isEmpty()) {
// *** Load extra bundles
for (String bundle : bundles) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LauncherException("Failed to load extra bundle " + bundle, e);
} else {
// *** Load all bundles that have IResourceManagementProvider service
HashSet bundlesToLoad = new HashSet<>();
for (Repository repository : repositoryAdmin.listRepositories()) {
if (repository.getResources() != null) {
resourceSearch: for (Resource resource : repository.getResources()) {
if (resource.getCapabilities() != null) {
for (Capability capability : resource.getCapabilities()) {
if ("service".equals(capability.getName())) {
Map properties = capability.getPropertiesAsMap();
String services = (String) properties.get("objectClass");
if (services == null) {
services = (String) properties.get("objectClass:List");
if (services != null) {
String[] split = services.split(",");
for (String service : split) {
if ("dev.galasa.framework.spi.IMetricsProvider".equals(service)) {
continue resourceSearch;
for (String bundle : bundlesToLoad) {
if (!isBundleActive(bundle)) {
// *** Set up ports if present
if (metrics != null) {
overridesProperties.put("framework.metrics.port", metrics.toString());
if (health != null) {
overridesProperties.put("", health.toString());
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.metrics.MetricsServer";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to MetricsServer service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get MetricsServer service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner#runTest(String testBundleName, String
// testClassName) method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("run", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework MetricsServer run method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking MetricsServer run()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Backup the CPS Properties
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param filePath
* @throws LauncherException
public void runBackupCPS(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, String filePath)
throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.BackupCPS class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.BackupCPS";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to BackupCPS service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get BackupCPS service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.BackupCPS#backup() method
Method runBackupCPSMethod;
try {
runBackupCPSMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("backup", Properties.class, Properties.class,
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework BackupCPS backup method", e);
// Invoke the runBackupCPSMethod method
logger.debug("Invoking BackupCPS backup()");
try {
runBackupCPSMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties, filePath);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Restore the CPS Properties
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param filePath
* @param dryRun
* @throws LauncherException
public void runRestoreCPS(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, String filePath,
boolean dryRun) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
String className = "RestoreCPS";
String methodName = "restore";
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.RestoreCPS class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework." + className;
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to " + className + " service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get " + className + " service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.RestoreCPS#restore() method
Method runRestoreCPSMethod;
try {
runRestoreCPSMethod = service.getClass().getMethod(methodName, Properties.class, Properties.class,
String.class, boolean.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework " + className + " " + methodName + " method", e);
// Invoke the runBackupCPSMethod method
logger.debug("Invoking " + className + " " + methodName + "()");
try {
runRestoreCPSMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties, filePath, dryRun);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Setup the Ecosystem
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @throws LauncherException
public void runSetupEcosystem(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.BackupCPS class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.SetupEcosystem";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to SetupEcosystem service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get SetupEcosystem service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.SetupEcosystem#setup() method
Method runSetupMethod;
try {
runSetupMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("setup", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework SetupEcosystem setup method", e);
// Invoke the setup method
logger.debug("Invoking SetupEcosystem setup()");
try {
runSetupMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Validate the Ecosystem
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @throws LauncherException
public void runValidateEcosystem(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.BackupCPS class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.ValidateEcosystem";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to SetupEcosystem service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get SetupEcosystem service");
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.SetupEcosystem#setup() method
Method runSetupMethod;
try {
runSetupMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("setup", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework SetupEcosystem setup method", e);
// Invoke the setup method
logger.debug("Invoking SetupEcosystem setup()");
try {
runSetupMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
public void runWebApiServer(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, List bundles,
Integer metrics, Integer health) throws LauncherException {
// Get the Jetty server running
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// Get the framework bundle
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.api.internal.ApiStartup class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.api.internal.ApiStartup";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to ApiStartup service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get ApiStartup service");
// method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("run", Properties.class, Properties.class, List.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get Framework ApiStartup run method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking ApiStartup run()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties, bundles);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Run the Kubernetes Controller Server
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param bundles
* @param health
* @param metrics
* @throws LauncherException
public void runK8sController(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, List bundles,
Integer metrics, Integer health) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// *** Set up ports if present
if (metrics != null) {
overridesProperties.put("framework.controller.metrics.port", metrics.toString());
if (health != null) {
overridesProperties.put("", health.toString());
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.k8s.controller.K8sController";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to K8sController service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get K8sController service");
// Get the run method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("run", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get K8sController run method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking k8s controller run()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Run the Docker Controller Server
* @param boostrapProperties the bootstrap properties
* @param overridesProperties the override properties
* @param bundles
* @param health
* @param metrics
* @throws LauncherException
public void runDockerController(Properties boostrapProperties, Properties overridesProperties, List bundles,
Integer metrics, Integer health) throws LauncherException {
// Get the framework bundle
Bundle frameWorkBundle = getBundle("dev.galasa.framework");
// *** Set up ports if present
if (metrics != null) {
overridesProperties.put("framework.controller.metrics.port", metrics.toString());
if (health != null) {
overridesProperties.put("", health.toString());
// Get the dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner class service
String classString = "dev.galasa.framework.docker.controller.DockerController";
String filterString = "(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "=" + classString + ")";
ServiceReference>[] serviceReferences;
try {
serviceReferences = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getServiceReferences(classString, filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get framework service reference", e);
if (serviceReferences == null || serviceReferences.length != 1) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get single reference to DockerController service: "
+ ((serviceReferences == null) ? 0 : serviceReferences.length) + " service(s) returned");
Object service = frameWorkBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReferences[0]);
if (service == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get DockerController service");
// Get the run method
Method runTestMethod;
try {
runTestMethod = service.getClass().getMethod("run", Properties.class, Properties.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get DockerController run method", e);
// Invoke the runTest method
logger.debug("Invoking Docker controller run()");
try {
runTestMethod.invoke(service, boostrapProperties, overridesProperties);
} catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LauncherException(e.getCause());
* Stop the Felix framework
* @throws LauncherException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void stopFramework() throws LauncherException, InterruptedException {
logger.debug("Stopping Felix framework");
if (framework == null) {
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to stop the Felix framework", e);
logger.debug("Felix framework stopped");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Load the supplied OBRs
* @param bundleRepositories
* @throws LauncherException
private void loadBundleRepositories(List bundleRepositories) throws LauncherException {
// Get the OBR RepositoryAdmin service and methods
ServiceReference> serviceReference = obrBundle.getBundleContext()
if ((serviceReference != null)) {
repositoryAdmin = (RepositoryAdmin) obrBundle.getBundleContext().getService(serviceReference);
} else {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to get OBR RepositoryAdmin service");
for (String bundleRepository : bundleRepositories) {
logger.trace("Loading OBR OSGi Bundle Repository " + bundleRepository);
Repository repository;
try {
repository = repositoryAdmin.addRepository(bundleRepository);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to load repository " + bundleRepository, e);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
// Print repository content
logger.trace("Loaded repository " + repository.getName() + " from URI " + repository.getURI());
Resource[] resources = repository.getResources();
String sp3 = " ";
for (Resource resource : resources) {
logger.trace(sp3 + resource.getId());
logger.trace(sp3 + sp3 + resource.getURI());
logger.trace(sp3 + sp3 + resource.getSymbolicName());
logger.trace(sp3 + sp3 + resource.getPresentationName());
logger.trace(sp3 + sp3 + "requirements:");
Requirement[] requirements = resource.getRequirements();
for (Requirement requirement : requirements) {
logger.trace(" " + requirement.getFilter() + " optional=" + requirement.isOptional());
* Load a bundle from the OSGi Bundle Repository
* @param bundleSymbolicName
* @throws LauncherException
private void loadBundle(String bundleSymbolicName) throws LauncherException {
logger.trace("Installing bundle " + bundleSymbolicName);
Resolver resolver = repositoryAdmin.resolver();
String filterString = "(symbolicname=" + bundleSymbolicName + ")";
Resource[] resources = null;
try {
resources = repositoryAdmin.discoverResources(filterString);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to discover repoistory resources", e);
try {
if (resources.length == 0) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to locate bundle \"" + bundleSymbolicName + "\" in OBR repository");
addResource(bundleSymbolicName, resolver, resources[0]); // *** get first resource
} catch (LauncherException e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to install bundle \"" + bundleSymbolicName + "\" from OBR repository",
* Add the Resource to the Resolver and resolve
* @param bundleSymbolicName
* @param resolver
* @param resource
* @throws LauncherException
private void addResource(String bundleSymbolicName, Resolver resolver, Resource resource) throws LauncherException {
logger.trace("Resouce: " + resource);
boolean resourceHasReferenceUrl = false;
if (resource.getURI().startsWith("reference:")) {
resourceHasReferenceUrl = true;
if (resolver.resolve()) {
Resource[] requiredResources = resolver.getRequiredResources();
for (Resource requiredResource : requiredResources) {
if (requiredResource.getURI().startsWith("reference:")) {
resourceHasReferenceUrl = true;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace(" RequiredResource: " + requiredResource.getSymbolicName());
Resource[] optionalResources = resolver.getOptionalResources();
for (Resource optionalResource : optionalResources) {
if (optionalResource.getURI().startsWith("reference:")) {
resourceHasReferenceUrl = true;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace(" OptionalResource: " + optionalResource.getSymbolicName());
if (!resourceHasReferenceUrl) {
} else {
// *** The Resolver can't cope with reference: URIs which is valid for Felix.
// *** So we have to manually install and start the bundles if ANY bundle
// *** is a reference
ArrayList bundlesToStart = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Resource[] startRequiredResources = resolver.getRequiredResources();
for (Resource requiredResource : startRequiredResources) {
Resource[] startOptionalResources = resolver.getOptionalResources();
for (Resource optionalResource : startOptionalResources) {
for (Bundle bundle : bundlesToStart) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to install bundles outside of resolver", e);
if (!isBundleActive(bundleSymbolicName)) {
throw new LauncherException("Bundle failed to install and activate");
} else {
logger.error("Unable to resolve " + resource.toString());
Reason[] unsatisfiedRequirements = resolver.getUnsatisfiedRequirements();
for (Reason reason : unsatisfiedRequirements) {
logger.error("Unsatisfied requirement: " + reason.getRequirement());
throw new LauncherException("Unable to resolve bundle " + bundleSymbolicName);
* Return the installed Bundle object for the bundle symbolic name
* @param bundleSymbolicName
* @return The bundle object
* @throws LauncherException
private Bundle getBundle(String bundleSymbolicName) throws LauncherException {
Bundle[] bundles = framework.getBundleContext().getBundles();
for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
if (bundle.getSymbolicName().contentEquals(bundleSymbolicName)) {
return bundle;
throw new LauncherException("Unable to find bundle with Bundle-SymbolicName=" + bundleSymbolicName);
* Install a bundle from class path and optionally start it
* @param bundleJar
* @param start
* @return The installed bundle
* @throws BundleException
* @throws LauncherException
private Bundle installBundle(String bundleJar, boolean start) throws LauncherException, BundleException {
String bundleLocation = null;
// Bundle location different when running from jar or IDE
if (isJar()) {
bundleLocation = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("bundle/" + bundleJar).toExternalForm();
} else {
bundleLocation = "jar:file:/" + bootJarLoacation + "!/bundle/" + bundleJar;
logger.trace("bundleLocation: " + bundleLocation);
Bundle bundle = framework.getBundleContext().installBundle(bundleLocation);
if (start) {
return bundle;
* Determine if this class is running from a jar file
* @return true or false
* @throws LauncherException
private boolean isJar() throws LauncherException {
URL resourceURL = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("");
if (resourceURL == null) {
resourceURL = this.getClass().getResource("");
if (resourceURL == null) {
throw new LauncherException("Unable to determine if running from a jar file");
logger.trace("isJar resource URL protocol: " + resourceURL.getProtocol());
return Objects.equals(resourceURL.getProtocol(), "jar");
* Is the supplied active in the OSGi framework
* @param bundleSymbolicName
* @return true or false
private boolean isBundleActive(String bundleSymbolicName) {
Bundle[] bundles = framework.getBundleContext().getBundles();
for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals(bundleSymbolicName) && bundle.getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE) {
return true;
return false;
* Print the currently installed bundles and their state
private void printBundles() {
if (!logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
// Get the bundles
Bundle[] bundles = framework.getBundleContext().getBundles();
// Format and print the bundle Id, State, Symbolic name and Version.
StringBuilder messageBuffer = new StringBuilder(2048);
messageBuffer.append("Bundle status:");
for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
String gitHash = "";
try {
URL githashUrl = bundle.getEntry("/META-INF/git.hash");
if (githashUrl != null) {
try (InputStream is = githashUrl.openStream()) {
gitHash = "-" + IOUtils.toString(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch(Exception e) {}
String bundleId = String.valueOf(bundle.getBundleId());
messageBuffer.append("\n").append(String.format("%5s", bundleId)).append("|")
.append(String.format("%-11s", getBundleStateLabel(bundle))).append("| |")
.append(bundle.getSymbolicName()).append(" (")
* Convert bundle state to string
* @param bundle
* @return The bundle state
private String getBundleStateLabel(Bundle bundle) {
switch (bundle.getState()) {
case Bundle.UNINSTALLED:
return "Uninstalled";
case Bundle.INSTALLED:
return "Installed";
case Bundle.RESOLVED:
return "Resolved";
case Bundle.STARTING:
return "Starting";
case Bundle.STOPPING:
return "Stopping";
case Bundle.ACTIVE:
return "Active";
return "";
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